■ ■ . X ' ■ ^ i Vi». K ■ . '.. ■'>. ■ , ' ■ .\ / A J. ■./’ Artrafc Dtdly.Nei Prtw Run For the lA'cek EMed ISieWeatNcr i I" SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2«, 19ftB Nov. 26, 1955 PAGE TWELVE illanrlirpBtrr lEopntng Herald Foreeast of U. B. Weather BiuUa 11,908 Cloudy, much colder, poooihla ing she wouM.continua to search, * 4 . Member of the Audit’ snow flurriea tonight and Tueoday. for Wimpy. ' Christmas Ch|b GENERAL Bureau of CIrdalatioii I»w tonight 26, -High Tuesday 26. At^utTowii Armstrong-Glarke Wedding \ ■ lUancheMter~-^A City of Village Charm Heard- Along Main-Streie) Await the Verdict T V S E R V IC E X M in OaU Bowen, daufhter of It la tntereeting to contemplate, Checks in Mail - ....' . III. I. I—otsis Mr. and Mra. BHerWood Bowen. 75 what might have happened if the' Days C4 DC A VOL. LXXV, NO. 49 (SIXTEEN PAGES) Demlng 8 t,’ waa recently pledged And on Some of Hanche$ter*» Side SireeU:, To\ local town clerk had not beeg . Checks ttrtgiing $670,000 were Nlghta DAsaPa Plus Parta MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1955 . ‘ (Claaalfled 'AdrertiilaK ea Page ’14) PRICE n V E CENTS to Delta DclU Delta sorority at perusing an opinion, of the attor­ mailM today’ to 8,560 members of TEU JM l41M ;_______ ’ ' ■ — Colby College. Wai^rville. Maine. ney genfral'a office on Public Ai6t ' 8be graduated from Manchester . Cold Revenge - So, he walked to near the sta Christmas clubs' at Manchester's The Ur.ie element is Important ing line and saw the 65 runnel 409, raffles and bazaars, on the |Ogh School last June. break away. Then—"this was th, morning after General Manager four financial Institutions. In seta of revenge. Crafty people Richard Martin had 'figured out And even before '-thlB bonanza Five Girls Manchester Auxiliary Police will watt until the object of their dls- ’’system to use"—he walked 4uick ]> home to get the car and head for^ that Dec. 12 was the right time to starts finding its wily. Into the I u ^ ‘target practice Monday night affections is unwa*’y or especially hold an election—if election is the HEARING AID a t the> indoor target range at vulnerable. They never set on the the East Cemetery entrance, where town's economy, new \lu b s for passion of the moment when the it Is usually jrasslble to get an Idea right word. Christmas '56 will be opehed. The ACCESSORIES Kill Matron Polios^ Headquarters, starting at who may be the winner. If the town clerk had not been 6:80 injury igniting their vindictiveness Savings Bank of Manchestbe. the takes place. That lacks finesse. But, “Zounds, what’s \hU'7” ruaing that opinion, the town Manchester T pist. Co., the 'Flrat On V, S, School A id MiHnben of the Manc;hester There- is as much difference be-- • A car was parked in the drive­ ighjt have gone right ahead and National Bank of Manchester apd North End Phormoey , \ Otunmupity Playen are nminded tw ^n that sudden, bumhllng way, effectively bottling up egrets [Bid the election—If that’s wha( the Savings and Loan Assn., InCvi 4 Depot Square—MI 9-4M5 In E scape Of the costume party tbnight In the method of retahation shd the or exit from the drive. And, stand­ iU call it—and we would be in the will open their clubs Monday. ^ American Degion Home, starting piscid, scheming method all there ing neatly trapped, was our same posttion as Hartford and a Denied by Official loV'of other communities, ^ Today, the Savings Bank mallCd^ . Akron, Ohio, Nov. 28 (A*)— with a potln^ supper at 7 o’clock. is between a meat axe and a stil- friend’i vehicle. out some $.320,000 to 3.700 deposi- letto blade, or crudity and taste. To make a long, frustrating artford arid the reat of . those, Deputies nabbed two of five Prises be’gwarded for the fol­ to^ns have held elecUoni which ttora; the Trust Co., $170,000 to lowing OoetumeSr Most humorous, People who have the self-posses­ story short, our racing fan found 2,500 depositors; the First Nation­ Washington, Nov, 28 (/P)— young’girls near Akron air­ sion to wait usually do other, more the woman driver who owned it, might l{e invalid, at least with re- ‘If He Feels Able’ most orildnal’ and, best depiction. al, $155,000 to 2,500 depositors; Neil McElroy, chairman of port today in the Sitermath Routine and peaceful, things the qsked her to move her car, tore up aprt't to the approval of some ap­ Memben ami their gueste are ex­ propriations, and maybe with re­ and the. Savings and Loan, $2,500 the White House Conference of an escape plot which cost pected to come in axcoitume de­ same way. So maybe the random to the Eiut Cemetery entrance— i i t e V S to 360 depositors. accusation flung at the custodian carefully observing the speed limit spect to the ra’ffles. EMER6ENCY on Education, said today he the life of an elderly matron picting a character in a, play or a Apd if the town had gone right / play itself, \ . s of a public building three weeks and stop signs cleverly placed to JURNER doesn’t believe there has been at the Summit County deten­ ago by one of the officials who slow the unwary—and leaped from ahead and held an election With ap­ tion home. Ruth Beichler, 17. Works on the second floor of that propriations questions and the raf­ any advance “stacking" the car. Gains Promotion among the 1,400 conference and Shirley Shingler, 15. were Trust Co. Offers building held more truth than the The first place runner was just fles question pn the same machine, accuser realized. going by Harrison St. and passed mayhe nobody would ever have no­ delegates for or against the taken into custody at a ries- ^irat .What he did not realize was that ticed i the difference- and maybe N, With Gray Firm heatedlj’ . controversial issue taurant near the airport, l^he Yule Present Idea he had piqued a man with the from view so quickly our usually somebody would. meticulous, calculating kind of placid acquaintance coulr not see No bne will ever know now that W ILU AM SX of federal aid to schools. fifth girl, Mrs. Zelda De Cost, the number. James J. McMahon has been McElroy told a news conference, 16. intended to go to Colum­ mind we havb been talking about. the qitestiop haa been broiqfht up, named assistant secretary and aS' OIL SERVICR The Manchester Trust Co. Is In- The remark, ae borne out by evi­ It was aome time before our but It’k interesting to guess. in advance of the opening session bus to pick, Up some clothes, friend ascertained the winner and sistant treasurer of Gray Research tonight (7:30 p.m.) that such ■ troduetng a new idea for a Christ- dence this week, was not forgot­ And now the town clerk has gnd Development Co.,.Newland F they reported. mM gift—a savings gift certlA^ regVUned hla temper. asked the office of the attorney M 1.9-4S48 federal aid . will be an important V' ten. ith, vice president, announced topic but by no means “the only ‘/^Gettysburg, Pa„ Nov. 28 (/P)—-Republican CliKimum Leo­ which, is exclusive to this The accusation was that the cus­ general if the raffles business rCal- toSw- a. Any person may apply 'and todian had gone to the trouble of Hewqboy Delivers ly is an election. If it' isn’t an clec-< important question”^ before the Akron, Ohio, Nov. 28 (/P) nard W. Hall said today after a meeting with President Eisen­ —.chase a savings gift certifleate grafting an apple tree on the back A woman from Los Angeles tion in the sense that It conies Heswas previously chief account­ conference. — Five young girls car­ hower he now believes Eisenhower will seek a second terih for any amount which will be reg­ lawn of the public, bvildtng several visiting in Manchester had her within the requirement that there ant oKthe company., which is a N^tes Advance Accusations ried out a well rehearsed plan "if he feels he is able.” v X' istered in the name of the. recipient years ago so thatxwhen the tree hometown newspaper del vered to be one voting machine for each diyision^f The Gray Manufactur­ He said he had noted advance >the door one day. this week. .All 900 Voters, then mayoe the town ing Co., Hartford, McMahqn has accuaations that the conference to trick a gray haired matron Hall met reiJortera after holding witii the Chief Executive and also record the name of the blossomed, he couldx get his pic­ been associated with the company donor. ' . ture In The Herald. \ . she had/to do was ask her Herald can put appropriations questions 9 ^ R.E.WANDELL had been “stacked in every dlrec- and escape from t!ie Summit the first all-out poUtipal conference Eisenhower has had since newsboy. ' on one set Of machines, One of alnci).1952. Ha was prevlousfy em­ ..-tlon" on the federal aid issue. / This certlAcate. deedrafed in a Surprisingly, it had '-happened ployed by Orkii)J[nc., Hartford Pre- County Detention Home last his Sept. 24 heart attack.' , ’ Christmas motif, is given or sent "Do you carry the Los Angeles them for each 900 voters, and “Personalty.” he said, “I don’t night. 'The tightly bound' ma­ just that way. The cuM^ian's raffles' - question on another set, cislpn Machine Gp., and the Hart­ Building know of its being stacked in any The national chairman said Eisenhower's second term plans to the person named, either by the face did appear In The .
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