Senator Jim Kyle 10 Legislative Plaza FAX (615) 253-0221 3294 Poplar Ave., Suite 465 Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0028 legislature.state.tn.us/senate/members/s28.htm Memphis, TN 38111 (615) 741-4167 or (901) 324-5231 1-800-449-8336 x 14167 Revised August 2003 STATE OF TENNESSEE Phil Bredesen, Governor State Capitol Nashville, TN 37243 (615) 741-2001 FAX (615) 741-1416 State Representatives for Senate District 28 Telephone Nashville Office District 1 800 449-8366 x Bubba Pleasant (R) 4189 N. Germantown Rd. (901) 372-7633 17084 104 WMB 99 Arlington 38002 37243-0199 Carol Chumney (R) 3728 Charleston Sq. (901) 327-8528 11855 26 LP 89 Memphis 38122 37243-0189 Ulysses Jones (D) 2158 Piedmont Ave. (901) 278-7729 14575 35 LP 98 Memphis 38108 37243-0198 Tre Hargett (R) P.O. Box 34396 (901) 387-5790 18201 106 WMB 97 Bartlett 38134 37243-0197 Larry Miller (D) 561 Jefferson Pl., Apt 3 (901) 527-8564 14453 20 LP 88 Memphis 38105 37243-0188 UNITED STATES CONGRESS Senators William Frist (R) Lamar Alexander 565 Dirksen Office Bldg. 523 Dirksen Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 Washington D.C. 20510 DC (202) 224-3344 DC (202) 224-4944 FAX (202) 228-1264 Federal Bldg. Suite 1068 5100 Poplar Ave. Suite 605 167 N. Main St. Memphis, TN 38137 Memphis, TN 38103 (901) 683-1910 (901) 544-4224 FAX (901) 683-3610 FAX (901) 544-4227 [email protected] [email protected] UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVES 7TH District 8th District 9th District Marsha BlackBurn(R) John Tanner (D) Harold Ford, Jr. (D) 5098 Cannon House Off. Bldg. 1127 Longworth House Off. Bldg. 325 Cannon House Off. Bldg. Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20515-4208 Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-2811 (202) 225-4714 (202) 225-3265 FAX (202) 225-2989 FAX (202) 225-1765 FAX (202) 225-5663 7951 Stage Hills Blvd, Ste 1 8120 Hwy. 51 N. Suite 3 369 Federal Bldg. Memphis, TN 38133 Millington, TN 38053 167 N. Main St. (901) 382-5811 (901) 873-5690 Memphis, TN 38103 FAX (901) 373-8215 FAX (901) 873-5692 (901) 544-4131 FAX (901) 544-4329 www.house.gov/Blackburn [email protected] rep.harold.ford,[email protected] 2003 Government Guide.doc2003 Government Guide.doc - 1 - rev. 08/27/03 Shelby County Officials 160 N. Main St. Memphis, TN 38103 www.co.shelby.tn.us Mayor Office Phone Fax A.C. Wharton Suite 850 545-4500 545-4759 Executive Assistant Bobby Lanier Room 850 545-4511 Division Director Office Phone Fax Chief Administrative John Fowlkes 160 N. Main St., Suite 850 545-4514 576-3490 Officer Mayor’s Action Center James Nelson 160 N. Main St, Ste 850 545-4584 Corrections George Little 1045 Mullins Sta. Rd. 377-4500 377-4503 Health Services Yvonne Matlock 814 Jefferson Ave. 544-7600 576-7832 Community Services Charlotte Kennedy 160 N. Main St., Rm. 801 545-4274 545-3796 Public Works Theodore Fox 160 N. Main St., Rm. 801 545-4266 545-3796 ADA Coordinator Jim Martin 160 N. Main St., Ste. 901 545-4909 545-8942 Road Dept. Steve Hunter 1045 Mullins Sta. Rd. 379-4410 586-5129 Assessor of Property Rita Clark 160 N. Main St., Ste. 440 545-4204 545-4224 Circuit Court Clerk Jimmy Moore 140 Adams St., Ste. 324 545-4710 545-4723 Public Defender 201 Poplar, Rm 201 545-5800 County Attorney Donnie Wilson 160 N. Main St., Rm. 660 545-4230 545-4687 County Clerk Jayne Creson 150 Washington Ave 545-4244 545-3779 County Engineer Michael Oakes 160 N. Main St., Ste. 350 545-4320 545-3963 Criminal Court Clerk Bill Key 201 Poplar Ave., Rm. 401 545-5040 545-3553 General Sessions Clerk Chris Turner 140 Adams St., Rm. 106 545-4046 545-3451 Juvenile Court Clerk Steve Stamson 616 Adams St. 528-8400 575-8853 Probate Court Clerk Chris Thomas 140 Adams St., Ste. 124 545-4040 545-4746 Sheriff Mark Luttrell 201 Poplar Ave., Ste. 901 545-5500 545-3310 Supt. of Education Dr. Bobby Webb 160 S. Hollywood Ave. 321-2521 325-7920 Trustee Bob Patterson 160 N Main St., Ste 250 521-5800 545-4421 Register Tom Leatherwood 160 N Main St, Ste 519 545-4366 2003 Government Guide.doc2003 Government Guide.doc - 2 - rev. 08/27/03 Shelby County Commission 160 N. Main St., Rm. 619 545-4301 Fax 545-4283 District/ Position Name Business Address Phone 1-1 Marilyn Loeffel 160 N Main St., Ste 619, 38103 545-4301 1-2 Linda Rendtorff 160 N Main St., Ste 619, 38103 545-4301 1-3 John Willingham 6189 Heather Drive, 38119 682-0100 2-1 Walter Bailey, Jr 50 N Front St, Ste 640, 38103 575-8702 2-2 Julian T. Bolton 160 N Main St., Ste 619, 38103 545-4301 2-3 Deidre Malone 333 N Avalon, 38112 725-1013 3-1 Michael A. Hooks 993 S Cooper St., 38104 278-1122 3-2 Cleo C. Kirk 2523 Lamar Ave., 38114 743-5723 3-3 Joe Ford 160 N Main St., Ste 619, 38103 948-7755 4-1 Joyce Avery 160 N Main St., Ste 619, 38103 545-4301 4-2 Tom Moss 160 N Main St., Ste 619, 38103 545-4301 4-3 David Lillard 130 N Court, 38103 524-5176 5-1 Bruce Thompson 160 N Main St., Ste 619, 30103 545-4301 Shelby County School Board 160 S Hollywood Memphis, Tennessee 38112 321-2521 District Name Address Telephone 1 Virginia Harvell 4938 Cuba-Millington Rd, 38053 872-1268 2 Ron Lollar 7559 Olivia Hill, 38135 382-0329 3 Anne Edmiston 3400 Spinners Cv, 38134 384-4592 4 Joseph Clayton 670 Peterson Lake Rd., 38017 853-2593 5 David Pickler 2268 Birchton Ln, 38139 494-5821 6 Wyatt Bunker 7399 Hwy 64, 38133 568-7441 7 Ernest Chism 8137 Maige Cove, 38138 737-2146 Shelby County Election Commission 545-4125 www.shelbyvote.com Name Business Address Phone Fax O.C. Pleasant, Jr. 2600 Nonconnah Blvd., Ste. 136, 38132 398-5114 398-5115 Nancye E. Hines. 8596 The Island, 38125 301-0706 748-1959 Maura Black Sullivan 80 N. Reese, 38111 327-0743 452-8713 Gregory Duckett 350 Humphreys Blvd., 5th Fl, 38120 227-5233 227-6845 Richard Holden 958 Cordova Station Ave, Ste. 101 Cordova 38018 737-8344 737-4092 2003 Government Guide.doc2003 Government Guide.doc - 3 - rev. 08/27/03 Memphis City Officials 125 N. Main Memphis, TN 38103 web site: www.cityofmemphis.org Mayor Office Phone Fax Dr. W. W. Herenton Suite 700 576-6007 576-6023 Memphis City Council 576-6786 576-6796 Name Address Phone District E.C. Jones 2920 Vista View, 38127 358-2918 1 Brent Taylor 726 N. Ericson, Cordova, 38018 754-9085 2 Tajuan Stout Mitchell 3558 Acadia Dr, 38116 398-7408 3 Janet Hooks 993 S. Cooper, 38104 278-1122 4 John C. Vergos 671 West Dr, 38112 323-9094 5 Edmond Ford 917 Summer Shade, 38116 396-1555 6 Barbara Swearengen Holt 1636 Sydney, 38108 458-9406 7 Joe Brown 1384 Jackson, 38107 274-4724 8-1 Rickey W. Peete 915 N. McLean, 38107 278-7464 8-2 Myron Lowery 128 Harbor Isle Cir, 38103 521-4300 8-3 Patricia Vander Schaaf 3600 Beechollow, 38128 386-7846 9-1 Tom Marshall 5859 Ridge Bend Rd, 38120 791-0115 9-2 Jack Sammons 208 St. Albans Fairway, 38111 576-6786 9-3 2003 Government Guide.doc2003 Government Guide.doc - 4 - rev. 08/27/03 Memphis City Services 125 N. Main Memphis, TN 38103 Division Director Phone Fax Chief Administrative Officer Keith L. McGee 576-6558 576-6555 Park Commission Wayne Boyer, 2599 Avery, 38112 454-5200 454-5270 City Engineer Wain Gaskins 576-6700 576-6960 Human Resources Sara Hall 576-6571 576-6418 General Services Rodney E. Elder 576-6329 576-6252 City Attorney Robert Spence 576-6614 576-6524 City Treasurer Marie Kirk Owens 576-6306 576-6304 Public Works Jerry Collins 576-6742 576-7116 HCD Robert Lipscomb, 701 N Main St, Ste 100 576-7300 576-7434 Fire Services Chester Anderson, 65 S. Front St, 38103 527-1400 527-9516 Public Services Donnie Mitchell 576-6564 Community Affairs Swan Gilliom 576-6503 576-6205 Police Division James Bolden, 201 Poplar, 12th Fl, 38103 576-5700 Chief City Court Judges Ernestine Hunt Dorst 545-5441 545-3666 Tari K. Sugarmon 545-5442 Jayne R. Chandler 545-5443 City Court Clerk Thomas E. Long, 201 Poplar LL-80, 38103 545-5410 545-3861 City Prosecutor 201 Poplar, Room LL-10, 3810. 545-5475 545-3470 Mayor’s Citizen Service Center Ken Moody 576-6500 576-6200 Public Relations Gail Jones Carson 576-6000 576-6022 Finance Director Joseph Lee, III 576-6657 Memphis City Schools Board of Education 2597 Avery Ave. Memphis, Tennessee 38112 325-5300 Superintendent Dr. Johnnie B. Watson 325-5444 Dr. Carol R. Johnson 325-5444 (will become Superintendent October 1, 2003 District Name Address Telephone 2003 Government Guide.doc2003 Government Guide.doc - 5 - rev. 08/27/03 Local Information Better Business Bureau 759-1300 Memphis Area Transport Authority (MATA) 722-7100 Route and Schedule Information 274-6282 Time Warner Communications 259-2225 Memphis Convention and Visitor’s Bureau 543-5300 Memphis Commercial Appeal 529-2211 Memphis Light, Gas & Water (MLG&W) 544-6549 Bell South Co. 1 800 753-0223 2003 Government Guide.doc2003 Government Guide.doc - 6 - rev. 08/27/03 TOLL FREE STATE INFORMATION A.I.D.S. (Hotline) 800 525-2437 Adult and Community Education 800 531-1515 Arson Hotline 800 762-3017 Child Support 800 874-0530 Communicable Diseases 800 342-1813 Consumer Affairs 800 342-8385 Disability Information 800 342-1117 Emergency Information 800 262-3300 Fair Housing 800 325-9664 Food Stamp Hotline 800 342-1784 Home Health Agency Hotline 800 541-7367 Marijuana Hotline 800 248-9333 Medicare 800 342-8900 General Park Information 800 421-6683 Radon Hotline 800 232-1139 Road Conditions 800 342-3258 Social Security 800 772-1213 Student Loans 800 447-1523 Taxpayer Service 800 342-1003 Teen Pregnancy 800 521-8336 TennCare 800 669-1851 TRA Consumer Complaint 800 342-8359 Unemployment Insurance Information 800 255-8972 Wildlife Resources Agency Law Enforcement 800 624-7406 2003 Government Guide.doc2003 Government Guide.doc - 7 - rev.
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