
Discover Schools in Hawai'i An International Student’s Guide to Private Schools in Hawai'i Find a school in Hawai'i that meets the needs of your individual child www.hais.us Why Study at One of Hawai'i’s Private Schools? The Hawai'i Association of Independent Schools (HAIS) represents more than 90 private, independent, parochial and international schools in Hawai'i. The range of educational options is as wide and varied as anywhere in the United States. You can find very large schools of 2,500+ students and very small schools of 100 or fewer students; schools for just girls and schools for just boys; Montessori schools, Waldorf schools, and Reggio Emilia schools; schools that are affiliated with various religions and also secular schools; day schools and residential schools; urban schools and rural schools. You name it – we have it! HAIS member institutions include big-name schools that were attended by famous people such as U.S. President Obama and Sun Yat-sen, the founder of modern China; and it also has less well-known schools that are recipients of hundreds of regional and national academic and athletic awards every year. Hawai'i is also one of the most international and multicultural states in America, with large, active communities of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Pacific Islander, Philippine and European students joining students from all of the other 49 U.S. states. Adding to its appeal, Hawai'i is one of the safest and healthiest places in the world to live, study, and work. It has one of the lowest crime rates in the nation, pollution-free air and water, and a year-round tropical climate that allows one to be outside walking, hiking, biking and exercising every day. Studying at one or more of Hawai'i’s many private, independent, parochial, or international schools will excite and expand your mind, refresh your body and enhance your emotional and spiritual well-being. Please take a look at the following pages to discover what a few of HAIS’s many licensed and accredited member institutions have to offer. You can also visit the HAIS website – www.hais.us – to learn more about all of our member schools. Hawai'i Association of Independent Schools 200 N. Vineyard Blvd. Suite 401 Honolulu, HI 96817 [email protected] • www.hais.us 夏威夷私⽴学校为何是您的择校⾸选? HAIS(Hawai'i Association of Independent Schools,夏威夷独⽴学校协会)代表了夏威夷 90 多所私⽴,独⽴,教区和国际学校。其丰富⽽多样化的教育选择可以媲美美国的任何地⽅。 这⾥既有学⽣规模为 2500 ⼈以上的超⼤规模学校,也有学⽣规模为 100 ⼈以下的超⼩ 型学校;既有⼥⼦学校,也有男⼦学校;还包括蒙台梭利学校、华德福学校、瑞吉欧艾⽶ 利亚学校、各种宗教和⾮宗教学校、⾛读学校、寄宿学校、城市学校和乡村学校。不论您 想选择什么类型的学校,我们都能满⾜您的需求。 HAIS 的成员机构包括知名⼈⼠如美国总统奥巴⻢和现代中国的创始⼈孙中⼭等⼈就读过 的赫赫有名的学校,以及⼀些虽不太知名但每年也能斩获数百个地区级和国家级学术和体 育奖项的学校。 夏威夷是美国最具国际性以及⽂化多样性的州之⼀,其拥有庞⼤⽽活跃的华⼈、⽇本⼈、 韩国⼈、太平洋岛⺠、菲律宾和欧洲学⽣社群,这些学⽣与来⾃美国其他 49 个州的学⽣ 共同学习。 虽⼈员纷杂,但夏威夷却是世界上最安全、最健康的⽣活和学习场所之⼀。其犯罪率为全 国最低,且⽆空⽓和⽔污染。这⾥全年为热带⽓候,所以您可以每天去户外散步、远⾜、 骑⾃⾏⻋或锻炼。 我们相信,在夏威夷众多私⼈、独⽴、教区或国际学校的学习之旅⼀定会激发您的思维, 拓展您的视野,放松您的身⼼,并促进您的情感和精神健康。请查看以下⻚⾯,了解 HAIS 众多经授权和认证的会员机构中个别代表学校的信息,或登录 HAIS ⽹站 (www.hais.us),了解全部成员学校的详细信息。 Hawai'i Association of Independent Schools(夏威夷独⽴学校协会) 200 N. Vineyard Blvd. 401 Honolulu, HI 96817 [email protected] • www.hais.us "3 ハワイの私⽴学校が学習に最適な理由は? Hawai'i Association of Independent Schools (以下、"HAIS") (ハワイ私⽴学校協会) は、ハワイにある90以上の私⽴学校、インディペンデントスクール、教区⽴学校、イ ンターナショナルスクールを代表する機関です。これらの学校では⽶国本⼟の学校同 様、豊かで幅広い教育を提供しています。学⽣数2,500⼈以上の⼤規模な学校、100⼈ 以下の⼩規模な学校、また⼥⼦校、男⼦校、モンテッソーリ教育の学校、シュタイナー 教育の学校、レッジョ・エミリア教育の学校、様々な宗教と関わりの深い学校、普通教 育の学校、昼間学校、寄宿学校、都⼼部の学校、郊外の学校などがあります。思いつく ものを挙げてみてください。ハワイにはあらゆる種類の学校があります! HAISを構成する学校には、オバマ⼤統領、近代中国の創始者である孫⽂など⾼名な⼈ 物が在籍していた有名学校をはじめ、さほど有名ではありませんが、毎年学問やスポー ツの分野での数多くの賞の受賞歴を持つ学校などがあります。 またハワイは⽶国でも屈指の国際的、多⽂化的な州であり、⽶国の他の49州からの学 ⽣に加え、中国、⽇本、韓国、太平洋諸島、フィリピン、ヨーロッパ諸国の、規模の⼤ きい、活気溢れるコミュニティ出身の学⽣が学んでいます。 このほか、ハワイは居住、勉学、就労などの⾯では最も安全で健全な場所に1つに数え られています。⽶国国内では犯罪発⽣率が最低で、⼤気汚染、⽔質汚染もなく、年中熱 帯性気候のため、ウォーキング、ハイキング、サイクリング、その他毎⽇のエクササイ ズに最適な場所です。 ハワイにある私⽴学校、インディペンデントスクール、教区⽴学校、インターナショナ ルスクールで学ぶことにより、⼼を豊かにし、身体をリフレッシュし、健全な精神と情 緒を育むことができます。HAISの認可校の提供する教育内容の例は、次ページをご覧 ください。また全学校の詳細を知りたい場合は、HAIS のウェブサイト – www.hais.us をご訪問ください。 Hawai'i Association of Independent Schools(ハワイ私⽴学校協会) 200 N. Vineyard Blvd. 401 Honolulu, HI 96817 [email protected] • www.hais.us "4 왜 하와이의 사립 학교에서 공부해야 할까요? HAIS(Hawai'i Association of Independent Schools, 하와이 독립 학교 연합)는 하와이에 있는 90여 개의 사립, 독립, 교구 및 국제 학교들을 대표합니다. 미국 내 어디에서나 다양 한 교육 기관들을 선택할 수 있습니다. 2,500명 이상이 다니는 대형 학교도 있고 학생 수 가 100명 미만인 소규모 학교도 있습니다. 그밖에 여학교와 남학교, 몬테소리 학교, 월도 르프 학교, 레지오 에밀리아 학교도 있고, 다양한 지역들과 결연을 맺은 학교와 세속 학 교, 통학 학교와 기숙 학교, 도시 학교와 시골 학교도 있습니다. 말씀만 하세요. 어떤 학교 든지 있습니다! HAIS 회원 학교로는 미국 대통령 오바마와 현대 중국의 창시자인 쑨원과 같은 유명인이 다닌 유명 학교뿐 아니라 이름은 덜 알려져 있지만 매년 수백 개의 지역 및 전국 단위의 학업 및 체육 관련 상을 받은 학교들도 있습니다. 또한 하와이는 미국에서 가장 국제적이고 다문화적인 주들 중 하나입니다. 적극적으로 활동하는 많은 수의 중국인, 일본인, 한국인, 태평양 섬 주민, 필리핀인, 유럽인 학생들이 다른 49개 미국 주의 학생들과 함께 공부합니다. 또 한편 하와이는 세상에서 주거와 공부, 근무 환경 측면에서 가장 안전하고 건강한 곳 중 하나입니다. 하와이는 미국 전역에서 범죄율이 가장 낮은 주들 중 하나이며 공기 오염이 없고 수질이 깨끗하며 일년 내내 열대성 기후라서 매일 야외에서 걷고 하이킹하고 자전 거 타고 운동하기 좋은 곳입니다. 하와이에 있는 많은 사립, 독립, 교구 또는 국제 학교들 한 곳 이상에서 공부하게 된다면 마음이 자극을 받고 넓어지며 몸이 상쾌해지고 정서적, 정신적으로 더욱 건강해질 것입 니다. 다음 페이지를 보시면 HAIS의 공식 인증을 받은 많은 회원 학교들이 제공하는 교 육 프로그램들 중 몇 가지에 대해 알아보실 수 있습니다. 또는 HAIS 웹사이트 (www.hais.us)를 방문하시면 회원 학교 전체에 대해 좀더 자세히 알아보실 수 있습니다. 하와이 독립 학교 연합(Hawai'i Association of Independent Schools) 200 N. Vineyard Blvd. 401 Honolulu, HI 96817 [email protected] • www.hais.us "5 HAIS Schools Adventist Malama Elementary School *Honolulu Waldorf School Montessori Hale O Keiki Aka'ula School Ho'omana Hou School Montessori School of Maui American Renaissance! Academy Horizons Academy of Maui, Inc. Navy Hale Keiki School *Asia Pacific International School Huakailani School for Girls New Hope Christian School Assets School *’Iolani School Our Savior Lutheran School Calvary Chapel Christian School *Island Pacific Academy *Pacific Buddhist Academy Carden Academy of Maui Island School Parker School Central Union Preschool & Kindergarten Ka'ahumanu Hou Christian School Pearl Harbor Christian Academy Playmate Kindergarten, Day Care Central Christian School Kahili Adventist School Center & Grade School, Ltd. The Children's House *Kaimuki Christian School Punahou School Christian Academy Kamehameha Schools Maui ROOTS School of Maui Christian Liberty Academy Kamehameha Schools Hawai'i *Sacred Hearts Academy *St. Andrew's Schools: The Priory, Damien Memorial School Kamehameha Schools The Prep, Queen Emma Preschool Doris Todd Christian Academy Kawaiaha'o Church School St. Anthony School E Maka'ala School Kohala Adventist School St. Clement's School Emmanuel Lutheran School Kona Adventist Christian School *Saint Francis School Friendship Christian Schools Kuleana Education Academy St. Joseph School Haili Christian School *La Pietra - Hawaii School for Girls *Saint Louis School *Haleakala Waldorf School Lanakila Baptist Schools Saint Mark Lutheran School Hanahau'oli School *Le Jardin Academy St. Philomena Early Learning Center *Hanalani Schools Maili Bible School Seabury Hall Makua Lani Christian Academy-Lower *Hawai'i Baptist Academy Campus Soto Academy Mary, Star of the Sea Early Learning Hawai'i Montessori Schools - Kona Campus Makua Lani Christian Academy Center *Hawai'i Preparatory Academy *Malamalama Waldorf School Trinity Lutheran School Hawaiian Mission Academy Ka Lama Iki *Maryknoll School *Trinity Christian School *Hawaiian Mission Academy - 9-12 Campus Maui Adventist School Variety School of Hawai'i Hawaiian Mission Academy - Windward Campus *Maui Preparatory Academy Waimea Country School Ho'ala School Mauna Loa School Waolani Judd Nazarene School Holy Nativity School *Mid-Pacific Institute Windward Nazarene Academy *Hongwanji Mission School Montessori Community School "6 * These schools are able to accept international students and/or have boarding programs. Island of Maui ! Haleakalā Waldorf High School The Haleakalā Waldorf School develops each student's fullest human potential by educating his or her mind, body, and spirit through an arts-based, experiential curriculum. Address (Grades K-8): 4160 Lower Kula Rd. Kula, HI 96790 Address (Grades 9-12): 38 Kaluanui Rd. Makawao, HI 96768 Grade Levels: K - 12 Enrollment #: 40 Gender: Co-ed ESL Courses: N/A Religious Affiliations: Independent Contact Information Living Accommodations: Homestay 808-878-2511 Tuition: $12,900 - $17,430 [email protected] Website: https://www.waldorfmaui.org/ Maui Preparatory Academy Maui Preparatory Academy provides a superior educational program in a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment. We promote character development, community service, and the values of sustainability. We foster a love of learning while instilling academic excellence, artistic expression, athletic achievement, and the skills necessary for success in the 21st century. Address: 4910 Honoapiilani Hwy Lahaina, HI 96761 Grade Levels: Preschool - 12 Boarding Grade Levels: 8 - 12 Enrollment #: 230 Gender: Co-ed ESL Courses: ESL Support Offered: Basic, Moderate, Advanced Religious Affiliations: Secular Living Accommodations: Dorm Contact Information Tuition: $49,750 808-665-9966 Boarding Website: www.mauiprepboarding.org [email protected] Website: www.mauiprep.org "7 Island of Hawai'i ! Hawai'i Preparatory Academy Hawai'i Preparatory Academy (HPA) is a K-12, day and boarding school nestled in the Kohala Mountains on the island of Hawai'i. HPA offers educational experiences of unparalleled depth and scope, and strives to empower responsible global citizens to create, lead, and thrive in tomorrow’s world. The day and boarding program creates a vibrant community where learning takes place everywhere inside and outside our classrooms, within our tight-knit community, and on our athletic fields. Students experience transformational opportunities built on a rigorous university preparatory program within a dynamic global student population. Address: 65-1692 Kohala Mountain Rd. Kamuela, HI 96743 Grade Levels: K - 12 & PG (Post Graduate) Enrollment #: 626 Gender: Co-ed ESL Courses: Yes Religious Affiliations: N/A Living Accommodations: Dorm Tuition & Boarding: Grades 9 - 12 (5-day) - $47,900 Contact Information Grades 9 - 12 (7-day) - $53,000 808-881-4321 Intl.(Grades 9 - 12) - $62,000 [email protected] Website: www.hpa.edu Mālamalama Waldorf School The mission of Mālamalama Waldorf School is to improve the quality of the educational experience by providing Waldorf Education in East Hawai'i.
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