news + features Making a better HonorinMaineG women _by Deirdre Fulton p 8 may 17–23, 2013 | Portland’s news + arts + entertainment authority | Free high art on view Treasures from MoMA come to the Portland Museum of Art _by Ken Greenleaf | p 14 feedback on unions classy casual letters State Theatre + CWA member | p 30 !Tasting the Blue Rooster | p 28 THE PoRTLANd PHoENIX | MAY 17, 2013 3 ™ 50.9 MPG Estimated* FouSINCENd 1966Ed IN 1999 MAY 16 Melissa May 17, 2013 | Vol XV, No 20 Ferrick ON THe cOVer F Main cover iMage by Henri Matisse first time with full band!~ MAY p 8 ANDRE 18 NICKATINA Roach Gigz, Mumbls MAY 24 RA RA MAGIC RIOTMAN JUNE 5 SOUL REBELS p 28 UPCOMING EVENTS LIVE AND DIRECT FROM NEW ORLEANS Fri. THE DIRTY DOZEN May 31 BRASS BAND W/ KENYA HALL BAND / 18+ UPCOMING JUNE 15 ZZ Ward JUNE 6 ORGONE JUNE 18 THE JOY FORMIDABLE Thur. RYAN CABRERA & JUNE 7 CALEXICO june 28 The MAINE LESS IS MORE. Jun 6 JASON CASTRO JUNE 8 THE MOUNTAIN GOATS July 21 xavier rudd WITH DELEASA / ALL AGES JUNE 12 T. MILLS JULY 26 FATHER JOHN MISTY Introducing Bolt. Old school. New thinking. Minimalist style. Modern performance. Back to basics. 04 THIS JuST IN Sun. FUEL JUNE 13 !!! with sinkane July 28 FRANK TURNER Jun 9 W/ LAURA WILDE / 18+ SEP 20 DELTA RAE Forward technology. • Slim, compact bobber-style design • Raw metal look and feel • Potent, fuel- 06 PoLITICS + oTHER MISTAKES _BY AL DIAMON Fri. THOMAS RHETT STATETHEATREPORTLAND.COM portcitymusichall.com injected 942cc V-twin • Durable, smooth-performing belt drive and steel fenders for easy customization 06 HooPLEVILLE _BY DAVID KISH Jun 14 TICKETS ON SALE NOW / 18+ • High-tech LCD meter • Low seat and light, nimble feel helps it go, stop and handle like nothing 06 oNE CENT’S WoRTH _BY MA rc MewSHAw Sat. LOVERLESS, WITH 08 CHANgE-MAKERS _BY De IrDre FULTON Jun 15 DOOMSTONE, DEAD BY NOW & SUN GODS IN EXILE / ON SALE NOW / 18+ else in its class. Available in Raven or Pearl White. The all-new Bolt. Less…has never meant more. 12 8 dAYS A WEEK _BY NIc HOLAS Sc HrOeDer 14 ART _BY KeN GreeNLe AF Sun. DROWNING POOL Jun 16 TICKETS ON SALE NOW / 18+ 18 LoCAL MuSIC _BY SAM PFe IFLe 19 LISTINgS Sat. PSYCHEDELIC FURS Jun 22 TICKETS ON SALE NOW / 18+ 28 dINNER + MoVIE _BY BrIAN DUFF + Jr JONeS 30 LETTERS + MooN SIgNS + JoNESIN’ Sat. AARON CARTER weekNIGHTS Jun 29 W/ JUSTIN LEVINSON AND Plaistow PowerSports ALEXANDER CARDINALE / ALL AGES monday / THE PLAYERS’ BALL Mon. TELSA tuesday / COVER TO COVER 107 Plaistow Rd. Rte. 125 Jul 1 W/ MURCIELAGO / 18+ wednesday / RAP NIGHT PRoVIdENCE | PoRTLANd Thur. THE MARSHALL thursday / JAMS w/BBD Plaistow, NH 03865 STEPHEN M. MINdICH Jul 11 TUCKER BAND Publisher + Chairman W/STRANGE PLEASURES / 18+ EVERETT FINKELSTEIN Chief oPerating offiCer Thur. SOUTHSIDE JOHNNY weekENDS Tel. 603-612-1000 PoRTLANd Jul 18 & THE ASBURY JUKES general manager JoHN MARSHALL TICKETS ON SALE FRIDAY / 18+ 5.17 / LYLE DIVINSKY/NAT OSBORN BAND managing editor JEFF INgLIS www.plaistowpowersports.com editorial design manager JANET SMITH TAYLoR Sat. NAUGHTY BY NATURE 5.18 / KENYA HALL/KRISTINA KENTIGIAN graPhiC designers ANdREW CALIPA, CAITLIN MuSSo Jul 20 TICKETS ON SALE NOW / 18+ 5.24 / SYNDICATE 19/THE GRUMPS staff Writer dEIRdRE FuLToN listings Coodinator NICHoLAS SCHRoEdER Contributing Writers AL dIAMoN, BRIAN duFF, ANTHoNY gIAMPETRuzzI, CHRISToPHER gRAY, KEN gREENLEAF, MEgAN gRuMBLINg, ALEX IRVINE, dAVId KISH, BRITTA KoNAu, MARC MEWSHAW, Sat. THE OUTLAWS 5.25 / JOE DESCHAINE COMEDY (5PM) SAM PFEIFLE, LINdSAY STERLINg, SHAY STEWART-BouLEY, LANCE TAPLEY aCCount exeCutives NICoLE ELWELL, ERIN ELIzABETH, EMMA HoLLANdER, ERIC KENNEY Jul 20 TICKETS ON SALE FRIDAY / 18+ integrated aCCount Coordinator AdAM oPPENHEIMER CirCulations direCtor JIM doRgAN 5.25 / NORTH OF NASHVILLE/RYAN FLAHERTY Mon. TED NUGENT oFFICES Aug 12 W/ LAURA WILDE / 18+ 5.31 / MUSIC OF THE GRATEFUL DEAD BENEFIT ™ Portland 65 WEST CoMMERCIAL ST., SuITE 207, PoRTLANd, ME 04101, 207-773-8900, FAX 207-773-8905 | We build it. You make it your own. ProvidenCe 150 CHESTNuT ST., PRoVIdENCE, RI 02903, 401-273-6397, FAX 401-273-0920 | NATIoNAL SALES oFFICE 150 CHESTNuT ST., PRoVIdENCE, RI 02903, 401-273-6397 X232, FAX 401-272-8712 | Web site WWW.THEPHoENIX.CoM 6.07/ THE BEAT HORIZON/EIGHT FEET TALL letters to the editor gERMANE To AN ARTICLE THAT HAS APPEAREd IN ouR PAPER SHouLd BE SENT To 65 WEST CoMMERCIAL ST., SuITE 207, PoRTLANd, ME, 04101 | EMAIL To [email protected]. PLEASE INCLudE A dAYTIME TELEPHoNE NuMBER FoR VERIFICATIoN. subsCriPtions $90/6 MoNTHS, $150/1 YEAR | SENd BUY TICKETS ONLINE: 6.08 / HDRnB/THE TONEKINGS NAME ANd AddRESS WITH CHECK oR MoNEY oRdER To: SuBSCRIPTIoN dEPARTMENT, PoRTLANd PHoENIX, 65 WEST *Fuel economy estimates are based on US EPA exhaust emission certification data obtained by Yamaha. Your actual mileage will vary depending on road conditions, CoMMERCIAL ST., SuITE 207, PoRTLANd, ME, 04101 CoPyright © 2013 BY THE PoRTLANd PHoENIX, LLC, ALL RIgHTS - COVER TO COVER 12-5 RESERVEd. REPRoduCTIoN WITHouT PERMISSIoN, BY ANY METHod WHATSoEVER, IS PRoHIBITEd. PORTLANDASYLUM.COM 6.09 / OLD PORT FEST! how you ride and maintain your vehicle, accessories, cargo, and operator/passenger weight. Dress properly for your ride with a helmet, eye protection, long-sleeved 8PM MODEL AIRPLANE/MALLETT BROS BAND shirt, long pants, gloves and boots. Do not drink and ride. It is illegal and dangerous. Yamaha and the Motorcycle Safety Foundation encourage you to ride safely and respect the environment. For further information regarding the MSF course, please call 1-800-446-9227. Specifications subject to change without notice. 121 Center Street, Portland, ME the Phoenix media/CommuniCations grouP Chairman STEPHEN M. MINdICH Chief oPerating offiCer EVERETT FINKELSTEIN ©2013 Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. All rights reserved. • StarMotorcycles.com (207) 772-8274 THE PHoENIX NEWSPAPERS | PHoENIX MEdIA VENTuRES | MASS WEB PRINTINg 4 May 17, 2013 | the portland phoenix | portland.t hephoenix.coM ‘UFCW wants a dignified, controlled, taxed, regulated, compliant, and this Just in unionized medical cannabis industry.’ poll numbers organized labor Watch your backs, useless people Union battles continUe The Maine People Before Politics Here’s how the poll asked 500 people Maine’s state employees union is engaged in (yet fpoll released Tuesday is filled about Mainers’ confidence in political fanother) public disagreement with Governor Paul with problems, many of which parties: LePage, who has accused the union’s general counsel have already been dissected by “Which political party, Republican or Demo- of lying about a potential government shutdown that UMaine political science profes- crat, do you trust more to solve the problem or issue would come if the guv and the legislature fail to enact a sor Amy Fried on her Bangor that you believe should be their highest priority?” two-year budget by July 1. Daily News blog — and some of “Let me be clear,” LePage wrote in a May 13 letter to Rod- which have also been parodied Apart from its obvious omission of ney Hiltz, chief negotiator for the Maine State Employees by Maine People’s Alliance the Green Independent Party and any Association (MSEA). “I deny that a directive has been issued activist Mike Tipping on his sense of the relative prominence of non- to any executive branch departments or agencies to ‘prepare Twitter feed (@miketipping). party-affiliated politicians in Maine, plans for an inevitable shut down of all non-essential func- The questions are lead- this is a pretty fair question. And here tions of state government for the month of July.’ Your accusa- ing, and misleading, result- are the answers, with a margin of er- tion . is unfounded and, quite frankly, absurd . I can on- ing in skewed and unreli- ror of plus-or-minus 4.5 percent: ly conclude that MSEA is spreading gossip about a shutdown able results. That’s not too as a ploy to seek political leverage.” surprising for a group so Republican 139 people, 28 percent Hiltz refused to disclose the source of the MSEA’s informa- closely aligned with Repub- DemocRat 139 people, 28 percent tion, but insisted said source was “credible.” Regardless, the lican Governor Paul LePage both equally 42 people, 8 percent union wants its questions answered. — it is exactly the same neitheR 151 people, 30 percent “I reiterate this Union’s demand that the Administration organization as managed not suRe 29 people, 6 percent negotiate over the impact of any shutdown on bargaining LePage’s transition and in- unit members,” Hiltz wrote, to discuss questions like “Who auguration into the Blaine So while we’re arguing about the will be retained as ‘essential’ employees?” and “Once funding House, and just changed methodology of an obviously partisan authority is restored, will laid off employees be paid for the its name to keep using the group’s obviously inept poll, let’s be time they were unable to work?” same funds. sure to remember that more people The governor met with MSEA representatives on Monday But there’s one question that trust neither party than trust either the morning, but the MSEA’s report suggests it wasn’t a very pro- is neither skewed nor misleading Republicans or the Democrats to actu- ductive pow-wow. — and its results are the most il- ally achieve anything important. Inef- “Our members told the truth in requesting a meeting with luminating of the bunch, showing fectiveness: At last, something all par- management to discuss the impact a shutdown would have the continuing breakdown of our ties can agree on. on them,” according to a statement at mseaseiu.org.
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