BSBINEWS September2000 Editedby GwynnEllis, FLS No.85 4l MarlboroughRoad, Roath CardiffCF235BU Euphorbiamyrsinites. Wicken, Cambs del G M S Easy@ 1998(see p 39) Adnrrnrslratron and Important Addrcsses ADMINISTRATIONand IMPORTANTADDRESSES PR,ESIDf NT Dr Gcoffrcl Hallidal' 26 Mosbra\ Drive. Burton-in-Krndal, Carnlbrth. Lancs. LA6 INF Actin{rHON. GEN. SEC.. MEETINGS SECRITARY & YOtITH OFFICER NlissAilsa Burns 3 RoslistonRoad. Stapenhill, Burton-upon-Trent, StalTordshirc DEl5 9RJ Tcl:0l2tli-56811(, HON. TREAStJRf,R (All financialnlrltcrs e\ccpt Subscriptions) Mr Michael Braithsaite l9 Bucclcuch Strect. Halvick. Rorburghshirc. TD9 0HL Tcl 0 1150-1722(r7. Fax 0 1150-l7l59 l HON. EDITOR (RSRI NEWS\ Mr Grvl nn Ellis {l Marlborough Road. Roath, Cardiff CI'23 5Bu Tcl & Far 029-20-19-60-12c-mail: bsbihss.iaol corn MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY (Pa\ment ofSubs and chanpcsofaddrcss) Mr Michael Walpole 6lJOutnoods Road, Loughborough,Lcics. LEll 3LY (Pleascquotc nrcrnbcrshipnuurbcr on rll corrcsporrdcncc:it is on thc ilddrcsslabcl on rour mrilings. and in thc List o[ Mcmbcrs rn leor lJook 1999 or on prges -ll--18ol lt,or Brrtk )001)) Tcl. 0 1509-2 1-5598. c-rnail: mikc $alpole./ dial pipc\.com HON. FIELD SECRETARY (Enquiricson Ficld Nlcctincs) Mrs Margaret Lindop 36 Woodland Hill. Whitkirk. Lccds LSl5 7DG Tcl.0lll-2(rl(r513 BSBI PROJECT MANAGER (Atlas 20(X).Co-ordinrtors and Millcnniurn Sccd Bank) Mr David Pearman The Old Rectorl, Frome St Quintin, Dorchcstcr, Dorsct DT2 oHF Tel : 01915-81702:E-mail: DPcrrntrn-l?raol conr WATSONIARECf ryING EDITOR Mr M.N. Sanlbrd c/o Thc Muscum, High Strcct, Ips$ich, SulTolk IPI IQH E-mail sbrca globalnct.co.uk RESEARCH FI]ND APPLICATIONS Mrs S. Whild 66 North Strcct, Shrc\r'sbur1. Shropshire, SY'l 2JL Tcl & flr 0llll I'l:17119:Mobile 05|J57(X)1611: E-mail: s.irhild'rirhild icorn-uebcorn BSBI CO-ORDINATORS Ms Sarah Whild & Mr Alcx Lockton 66 North Street, Shre$sburr', Shropshirc, SYI 2JL Tcl. & far 017-11lll789: Mobilc:0585 l(X)la)tl: E-mail: alex'ashild.icom-ucb.conr BSBI ATLAS 21XX)ORGANISER (Encuiricson.ltlas 2000\ Dr Trcvor Dines Rhld 1 Furch. Ncar Bcthel, Cacrnarlbn, Grvlnedd LL55 JPS Tcl. 01218670789: E-nlail: Tr$or?r rhrdrfu$ch.freesenc.co.uk BSBI PTJBLICATIONS Mr Jon Atkins ckr Summcrficld Books, Main Street, Brough, Cumbria CAlT {AX Tcl 017683{1571: Fax:01768111687: E-mail: bsbipubs'./beeb ncl BSBI WEB SITE ADDRfSSES htlp://mcmbcrs.aol.corr/bsbihgs 0r rwru rbgc orc uk,/BSBI CONTRIBUTIONS INTENDED BSBINEWS 86 should reachthe Editor before NOVEMBER 5'N2OOO Important Notlces IMPORTANTNOTICES H.M.QUEEN ELIZABETH THE QUEEN MOTHER'S BIRTHDAY PARADE July l9'" 2000 The 21,000 people on Horse Guard's Paradeon Julv l9'h for the 100'hBirthday Tribute included2l representativesof BSBI. l2 were in the Parade in the march past of Her Majesty's Organisations,and t had seatsin the audience 'biggest It was a memorable day - we had been promised that it would be the and mosr exciting Parade ever mounted on Horse Guards' and this it was. Passes and instructions were efficrently organised and we arrived early in the morning on Birdcage Walk to find our banner prepared and waiting at our allotted numbered position. We were joined by two Coldstream Guardsmenalso allotted to us for the day as escorts and to brief and guide us We were incrediblv lucky with the weather a rare perfect British summer day, warm and dry from 8.10 am to 9..15pm We were each issued with a poncho, and although some of us were half rvishing to see the 5.000 civiiianpanicipants simultaneousiy donning their ponchos.as therelvere no drops ofrain. thev proved to be superfluous. Thameswater tanks provided a continuous suppll' of cooled drinking \\ater. ven welcome as there was a good deal of standing and waiting during the day. with rehearsalsin the morning and afternoon. Lunch boxes were also provided and efliciently distributed by the WRVS The BSBI walkers were asked to representbotany through I 00 years, and we carried an assorlment of vascula.Floras, a record card, herbarium specimen,plastic bags, a bunch of lirr.scrrsaculeottr.s and a 'costumes' parasoll We alsohad an assortmentof (seephotos p. 4l) '23 Our instructions had included a inch pace at l2l paces a niinute' but in practice ri,e had to 'keep increasespeed to going, keep going, keep smiling' to fit rhe time and space. and, amazingly, the final show we did achieveto time. In this we had the additionalexcitements of the'Fly Pasts',rose petals, etc. One of our members in the audiencewrote'We were bowled over by the sincerity of the daY'' Altogether an amazing day, we were all pleasedto have been there. and the lasting memon is of everyone smiling Like H.M the Queen Mother, we enjoved the music. and especiallv the rlassed bands of the 2000 military on parade Those watching on TV wrll har.eseen H M the Queen Mother enjoyingit.butlookedinvainforaglimpseofBSBI onlyournameonourbannerappearedbriefly In the evening I was the lucky one to representthe Society at a Reception at St James's Palace I 'collected was still carrying the herbarium specimen(Senecio vulgaris L. by H.J. fuddlesdell at Cardiff ,l902') Docks in Mav when the footman at the door enquired if it was a birthday gift lor Her N{ajesty') PerhapsI should have handed it over! ! | GGSI?*: Rrr20 AL yll I ?RI ll:t_.:l, l :1b_::::ql ..11..:l s" :..r 1 NEWSECRETARY FOR SCIENCE AND RESEARCHCOMMITTEE Will members please note that the nerv Secretary of the Science and Research Committee is Sarah Whild and all correspondence regarding that Committee and the Research Fund should non be addressedto her at 66 North Street. Castlefields,Shrewsburv SYI 2JL EDITOR I ImDortantNotices BSB' ABSIRACTS - YOURHELP REQUIRED The recent obituary of Duggie Kent (Ilcttsonia 23(l) emphasisedthe pivotal role he plal'ed in the gathering ofdata for BSIJIAbstructs, work he carried out almost single handily for some 46 vears. The contents of .lbstracts have been incorporated into the BSBI Database and form an important and invaluablesource of information relating to many aspectsof the British Flora. The societv is most anxious that the literature relerencescontinue to be gatheredfor inclusion in the Database.publication ol Abstrucls is a relatively simple processonce the data has been entered. As yet it has not been possible to find anyone with the time. inclination and single minded devotion to take over Duggie's mantle lf any member would like to conre fbrward with help or ideas on who might continuethis abstractingrole pleaselet us know. Until such time as we can find a -successorto Duggie it is proposed to split the work of data collec- tion Clive Stacewill be responsiblefor collatingmaterial contained in all BSBI publications,Gwynn Ellis will cull other abstracting sources to obtain nraterial lrom the major national and international journals N'like Walpole will attempt to gather ret-erencesfrom the many journals, newsletters,bulletins published bv natural history societies,local recording organisations,County Trusts, etc It is in tapping the latter sources of informaticn that we need YOUR help. Duggie Kent used to make regular visits to the London Libraries to examine local journals, none ofus have the time to do this so we will rely on the BSBI membersto supply much of the data. How can you help? lF: a) you write a paper for a local publication would you supply us with an offprint or photocopy? b) your local natural history society or similar organisation publishes a newsletter or magazine containingitems ofbotanical interestcould you persuadethe editor to placeus on the mailing list. or let us har,ea note ofthe title ofthe publicationwith the editorsname and address? c) you come acrossany botanicalarticle in some obscurepublication which you think we might olerlook, would you sendus full detailsl Any contribution will be most welcome, material should be sent to Mike Walpole at the addressbelow. On request we will refund the cost of obtaining and supplyingthe publications. MIKE WALPOLE, 68 Outwoods Road. Loughborough,Leics, LEI I 3LY AGM 2OO1 Pleasenote thal nextyears AGM will be heldearlier than in recentyears, on the first weekendin May, May 5'h,rather than the more usual 2nd or 3rd weekend TheAGM will be heldin Londonbut the r enue* ill hecrtnfirnrcd later . EDITOR BSBIWEBSITE This is now hosted by the Royal Botanic Gardens. Edinburgh with a new address www rbge org.uUBSBl. however the old addressis still availablewith a hyperlinkto the new site I would like to thank Mark Atkinson for his help in designingand settingup the originalsite, but with the BSBI Databasegoing on-line at the Edinburgh site it seemedsensible to transferthe entire BSBI operationthere Upkeep ofthe site is now the responsibrlityofthe Co-ordinators(see page I I ) and all commentsshould be sentto thenl F-DITOR Dian'/ Editorial& Notes N.B. These dates are supplementaryto those in the 2000 Calendarin RSRI l'eor Rook2000 2000 Qpntomhpr ?1ro A meeting to mark the bicentenary of the btrth ol Ceorge Bentham t7-5' F1i.5' (1800-1881),Linnean Society. Burlington House, London (seepage 49) 200I May BSBI Trip to Srcily(see B^\81 News 84 52) May 5'" BSBI AGM London (seepage 4) May 28'b- June3'! Ruildirtg hridge.s u i/h trudilional knou lt'tlge. Honolulu, an International Conference organisedby the University of Hawaii (see B^\B/ Netls 83 57) See also page 54 for dates of Locul seed.t./orlocol needs training days. organisedby Flora locale EDITOR EDITORIAL Colour! Some time ago Councii agreedto the inclusionof a few pagesof colour in R.\r3li\tv:r''when appropriate' and what more appropriate occasion than the colourful spectacle of our Patron's 100'n birthday parade (see pages 3 & 4l).
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