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N. s 2. N. ? | - N. - N N N Cu H - --- N MonastIal Fast Blue E Monast Ial Fast Blue phthalocyanine) (CI PigittentBlue 15) FIG. 4 U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 5 Of 19 US 8,389,679 B2 X R’ 2-1 S+ R Y R R R R X Y Methylene blue (CH)N N(CH) H N S Toluidine blue O (CH)N NH CH N S Neutral red (CH)N NH CH N NH Proflavine HN NH H CH NH Acridine Orange (CH),N N(CH) H CH NH Aminacrine H H H C-NH NH Ethacridine HN H OCH C-NH. NH Merocyanine-type NaOS Dicarbocyanine-type X R X S21a2N2nal I X R X R Merocyanines Dicarbocyanines – O (MC540) S Et S Se H Se O (DHOCI) FIG. 6 U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 6 of 19 US 8,389,679 B2 4' 5 4. *KullW - X Y 2 1. Psoraiens Angelicins W X Y Z O CH O O psoralen S CH O O thienocountarin C) N O O 8-azacoumarin O CH O S 2-thiofuranOCoumarin O CH () Se 2-Selenofuranocoumarin FIG. 7 HO O OH HO 21 Me HO Me HO O OH O H Hypericin Perylenequinonoids R R R R R/R -CHC(OH)MeCH(COMe)- OMe Ove hypocrellin A RJR -CI ICMe=C(COMe)- OMe OMe hypocrellin B -CHCHMeCOPh -CHCHMeOCO-p-CHOH OMe OMe. Calphostin C FIG. 8 U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 7 Of 19 US 8,389,679 B2 (~~~~)?% FIG. 9 U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 8 of 19 US 8,389,679 B2 FIG. 10 s zzzzzzzzzz 8x. S$ \ s FIG. 11 U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 10 of 19 US 8,389,679 B2 TFFRFLNRG GG-k^\f RKFLKKWLL KKHRKHRKHRKHGGG MH(KH)-20 (mw 4884.91) DAANEAGGG-k^M FIRKFLKKWLL KKHRKHRKHRKHGGG BL(KH)-20 (mw 4373.4) TFFRFLNRGGG-k^MF RKFLKKWLL DAAN EAGGG M8(BL)-20 (mw 3798.01) FIG. 13 U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 11 of 19 US 8,389,679 B2 8) CO mAU ..) () () S.() ().() S() ().() Retention volume (mL) FIG. 14A U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 12 of 19 US 8,389,679 B2 k &S&SS , is . 38 Mass (m/z) FIG. 14B U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 13 Of 19 US 8,389,679 B2 - BLOKH)-20 s -I-M8(KH-20 iron- s 0.9 --M8(BL)-20 S. | -- BD2.20 s “No Peptide Time (h) FIG. 15A . -e-BLKH)-20 . --M80KH)-20 see B22 2 3. s 5 6 Time (h) FIG. 15B U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 14 of 19 US 8,389,679 B2 -(- BLOKH)-20 --M8(KH-20 -A-M8(BL-20 M- B).() rNe Peptide Time (i) FIG. 15C -e- BL(KH-20 .6 -- M8(KH-20 -& s - 1.4 the AE8(BL)-2} - -e- BD2.20 a. 2 s S 6 Time (h FIG. 15D U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 15 Of 19 US 8,389,679 B2 ..
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