HAMILTON WATe H HAMILTON WATCH MATERIALS CATALOG PREFACE The practical value of this Materials Catalog will be obvious to watch repairmen everywhere. But what may not be so obvious is that this catalog and the inventory of genuine materials it represents is but part of Hamilton's total facilities devoted to maintenance of service on its product. Informative technical and service literature on Hamilton watches is another. Factory service when and as needed is still another of these facilities. The keystone of the success of all of these facilities is t heir intelligent use by the watch­ maker. And of American watchmakers, Hamilton is indeed proud. To them, more than anyone else in the industry, goes the credit for keeping Hamilton, America's Fine Watch, fine! MATERIALS FOR SPECIAL HAMILTON WORLD WAR II TIMEPIECES are not included in this catalog. Many of the parts of t hese timepieces are still available in limited quantities but, because of slight demand for them, they are seldom stocked by Materials Wholesalers. We will be glad to ship t hem through your Authorized Hamilton Materials Wholesaler, as long as they remain available. For detailed information, write directly to the Materials Sales Department, Hamilton Watch Company, Lancaster, Pa. Neither pinions nor wheels separately, nor staffs, where applicable, for cent er, third, and fourth are any longer available. Only wheel and pinion complete, or wheel and pinion and staff complete, as the case may be, are now available. The escape wheel, the escape pinion, and the escape wheel complete with pinion continue to be available as before. This change has been instituted to simplify inventory both here and in the watchmaker's possession as well as to afford labor savings in the t rade of unstaking and restaking to replace components of the wheel and pinion assembly. Illustrations of selected grades of the different size Hamilton movements made are shown on pages 4 to 7 to assist the watchmaker in identifying movements. The convenient steel Hamilton Materials Cabinet, together with descriptive comment on Dynavar Mainsprings and information on PML 79 Oil (the new watch oil developed and manufactured by Hamilton to meet watchmakers' needs for one wi th all fine watch oil "equirements), will be found on page 36. TO ORDER HAMILTON MATERIALS, secure the movement grade number which is engraved on one of the bridges of virtually all Hamilton movements, then consult the index on page 3. Hamilton movements which do not have grade numbers engraved on them do carry serial numbers which can be checked against the serial numbers listed on pages 9 to 13 to secure the grade number. All materials are classified by watch size and grade on pages indicated in the index. When the material desired has been located under the appropriate grade, the order can be prepared. Always use catalog number and part name on material orders. All orders for Hamilton materials should be sent to Authorized Materials Wholesalers. A list of Authorized Wholesalers will be furnished upon request. Printed in U. S. A. 2-1642 T ABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE PAGE Crowns ... 31-32 .M.aterial Descriptions and Catalog N umbers (Cont' d ) Description of Hamilton Walch Grades .. 8 o Size Movements Grades 981, 983, and 985. 24 Hand D escripLioHs . 34-35 6/ 0 Size Movements Hand II] u s lrations. 34-35 Grades 986, 988, 986A .. 25 Grades 987, 987E, 987F, 987A , 987S, and Mainsprings, Oynavu,o. 33 979 ......... .. ... 26 33 8/0 Size Movements l\lainsprings, S leel. Grades 747 and 748 .. 27 Material Cabinet. 36 12/ 0 Size Movements Grade 401 .... 27 Material Descriptions and Catalog Numbers 12/0 Size (New) Movements 18 Size Movements Grades 752, 753 and 754 .. 28 Grades 924, 925, 926, 927, 928, 929, 14/ 0 Size Movements 930, 931, 932, 933, 934, 935, 936, 937, Grades 980, 980A, 980B, 982, and 982M . 28 938, 939, and 948.. .... .. 17 Grades 940, 941, 942, 943, 944, and 946 .. 18 18/ 0 Size Movements Grades 989 and 989E .. 29 16 Size Movements 20/ 0 Size Movements Grades 950, 952, 996, 950E, and 950B .... .. 19 Grade 997 ... 29 Grades 954, 962, 963, 966, 967, 972, 973, 21/ 0 Size Movements 956, 964, 965, 968, 969, 974, 975, 976, Grades 721, 750, and 75l. ... .. 29 977, and 978 .................. 20 Grades 995 and 995A ... 30 Grades 960, 961, 970, 971, 990, 991, 992, 993, 994, and 992B .. 21 22/ 0 Size Movements Grade 992E ... ............. 22 Grades 911 and 911M . 30 Movement Illustrations ..... 4-7 12 Size Movements Grades 400 (Thin Model), 900, 910, 914, 'PML 79 Watch Oil ..... 36 and 920 ....... .. 22 Grades 902, 904, 912. !J16, 918, and n2 .. 23 Preface. 1 Serial Numbers . 9-13 10 Size Movements Grades 917, 921. and 923 . 24 View of a Typical Ham.ilton Watch (Exploded) 14-15 HAMILTON WATCH DIALS The pages of dial pictures, numbers and descriptions which were part of previous Hamilton Materials Catalogs are not included in this new edition. This omission is prompted by the physical impossibility of keeping the listing completely up-to­ date with the rapid addition of new models and alternate dials. We will continue to supply available dials for all Hamilton watches. Our experience shows that we have no difficulty in filling Please make your description of the dial wanted as dial orders from watchmakers. Here is how to order: complete as possible. Include: (1) Send in the original dial as a sample. (1) The dial color (silver, coral, gilt or black). (2) Tell us the model name (found on the inside of the (2) The type of numbering (black t ransfer, etched, case back on newer models) and movement applied gold or rhodium plated applied gold). number, and describe the dial. (3) The character of the numbering (numerals, (3) If the model name is not known, tell us the case markers, dots, or squares). number and movement number, and describe the dial. With this complete information, we can fill your order most rapidly and give you very prompt service. HAMILTON WATCH COMPANY LANCA S TER, PENNA. , U.S.A. Manufacturers of America's FINE Watch 3 HAMILTON WATCH MOVEMENT ILLUSTRATIONS 18 SIZE C H A DE 936 C HADE 925 Open face. 17 jewels, slngle roller HUliting , 17 jewels, s ingle roller before No. 426001, d o uble roller aft.er N o . 426000 16 SIZE C HA UE 9j'l· C HA DE 992 Open face, '" pla te mo vt., 17 jewels, O pen face. %" piaU! movt., 21 jewels, si ngle roller bcfol'C Xo. 2'17001. single r oller before /\0. 377001, double roller after Xo. 247000 double roller after N o. 379000 C IIADE 992B C HADE 950 C HADE 950B Open face, %" ]J !atemovt. O pen face, briclge movt.. Open face, bridge movt . 2 1 jewels. double roller 23 jewels, double roller 23 jewels, double roller 4 HAMILTON WATCH MOVEMENT ILLUSTRATIONS 12 SIZE GRADE 902 G HADE 912 Open face, bridge movt" Open face, % plate movt., 19 jewels, double roller 17 jewels, d ouble roller G HADE 918 G RADE 922 Open face, U piatemovt., Open face, bridge movt-., 19 Jewels, double roller 23 j ewel s, double roller 10 SIZE G HADE 917 G IlADE 921 G IlADE 923 Open face, U pJatemovt., Open faco, briclgo movt., Open face, bridge movt., 17 jewels, double roller 2\ Jewels, double rollCt' 23 jewels, d ouble roller o SIZE C RADE 983 Hun ting. bridge movt.. 17 jewels, double roller 5 HAMILTON WATCH MOVEMENT ILLUSTRATIONS 6/0 SIZE c c c c GHAIJE 91.16 CHADE 9U6A C HADE 987 Open face, %" platc Jllovt. Open face. U platemovt .. lI ullting, %' p late movt., 17 jewels, double I'oller 17 jewels, d ouble roller 17 je wels, double roller c C I ,I r CHADE 9U7A CHADE 987S C HAnE 979 E HUllling, %' plate m ovt. , Hunting, ~~ plate 1ll0vt .. H unting:. ~ plate movt., 17 jewels, double roller 17 jewels. d o uble roller 19 jewels, double roller E 8/0 SIZE , £ ,C II: II: CHAnE 748 C HADE 748 CHADE 747 (one piece barrel bridge) (two piece barrel bridqc) Hun ting. U plato movt., H unting, U plate movt., Hun ting, U pla te movt., I: 17 jewels, double roll er 18 j ewel s, double roller, 18 jewels. double /'Oller. direct drI ve center dlr' cct dr i ve ce nte r seconds seconds c: t NEW 12/0 SIZE I: t E t r: CHADE 752 CHAnE 75:1 C HADE 751, I-I unl ing, U plate movl., Hunt ing. ~ plate mo,,{..• Hunting:. ~ plate movt. .. r: 17 jewels. double roller 19 jewels. <.I o u b le roller 19 jcwe ls. double roller r: 14/0 SIZE I: r: r: r: r: CHADE 980 CIlADE 982 C HADE 982M Open face, ~ plate movt., Open face, ~ platcmovt., Opcn face, ;i plat e movt., r: 17 jewels, d ouble roller 19 jewels, double roller I!) jewels, double roller r: r: 6 I: HAMILTON WATCH MOVEMENT ILLUSTRATIONS 18/0 SIZE 20/0 SIZE GRADE 989 GRADE 997 OPOD face, J!.i plate movt., Open face, J!.i plato movt., 17 jewels, double roller 17 jewels, double roller 21/0 SIZE GRADE 721 GRADE 750 GRADE 751 GRADE 995 Open face, %" platemovt.. Open face, ;i plate movt., Open face, %' pJatemovt., Open face, %' platemovt., 17 jewels, dOll ble roller 17 jewels, double roller 17 jewels, double roller 17 jewels, double roller 22/0 SIZE GRADE 911 GRADE 911iVl Open face, J!.i platemovt., Open face, %' plate movt., 17 jewels, double roller 17 jewels, double roller When and as new Hamilton movements are released plate illus­ trations on gummed paper will be furnished to paste on this page.
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