COX SENTENCED TO 60 YEARS £T/iv tffaend 37iin^%----- theatre ■ -s- DREAM AS RESULT OF STABBING FRAY I 4- X FRIDAY, APR’L 7lh—TWO SHOWS—7:15 AND 9 P. M. X “BLONDIE’S BLESSED EVENT” f FAIRBANKS. Apr. 7.—James H. Cox, 49, was sentenced * WITH PENNY SINGLETON AND ATRHUR LAK"E farmer, HAYES WINS * to 20 years imprisonment after a And ■'HOLT OF THE SECRET SERVICE" jury here returned a verdict of ■t Also ,%OUR SECOND FRONT"—Victory Short IN JUNEAU * guilty of manslaughter in connec- 4- t * (. 4.4. 4. 4-+4- 4- -!• 4‘ * + 4"i- j of — + tion with the fatal s'abbing 4. JUNEAU. Apr. 7.—The ent re I SATURDAY, APRIL 3:h—ONE SHOW—7:30 P. M. •: Willard F. McCann 47, on March X ticket was elected 13th last. The affair took place Progressive j “SHIP AHOY” here a of two I a in a ca- Tuesday by margin j I * after drinking parly * With ELEANOR POWLi-L and RED SKELTON to one, when A. B. bin here. Mayor Hayes MARYLAND"—A Travelogue And "HISTORIC was chosen along with Harry Lee, The jury was out for six and J 4.4- 4- 4-4- v <• 4- 4- 4*4- 4- 4- 4- 4- + 4- Don Skuse and Dr. W. M. White- v one-half hours after the trial, ►j, head for councilmen. * SUNDAY. APRIL 9th—TWO SHOWS—7:15 and 9 P. M. £ which had las'ed a day and a half, 1134 voters cast ballots, with on a second murder ind.ct- -ONE FOOT IN HEAVEN” * degree x _ 1303 voters mtnt. registered. With FREDERICK MARCH and MARTHA SCOTT 4. X * + And "TIMID TOREADOR"—A Looney Tune Cox then pleaded guilty on a EDDIE SHEDLEY * 4 in connec- + manslaughter charge, ON 4‘4‘4* 4* 4*4‘4 +<• 4*4‘4‘ FURLOUGH 4.4.4. 4.4*++ + 4*++4"e + 4‘++-P++++ 4* + tion with the death of James C. Eddie who attended Ivan, 46, whose true name was Shtdley, j 1 Jewell I. Coleman of Mayf eld, Nome H gh School, has just fin- ished a which ] Ky., and also guil'y to the wilful 20-day furlough, staobing of John P. Har'.h, 45. he spent with his mo’her, Mrs. Pre-Vues Birdie in Bremerton, 1 Dream who has nearly recovered from Shedley. where she works with the the same kind of abdominal stab Wash., in India What’s within 36 Post Office department. Other "Blondie s Blessed E»»m somewhere as the two who died Turhan Nome visitors at his home dur- Showing Tonight this rumor about B4y. hours af‘er the fray. the his were Mr. and ‘‘Blondie’s Blessed Event”, with the TurStish actor, getting Sentencts of 20 years on each ing furlough l the Mhtharine Mrs. Lloyd Heberlee, Mr. and Penny Singleton and Arthur Lake, swell nead since count were given Cox on *he two Mrs. Bergstrom and Mr. and Mrs. is the featured film to be shown Hepburn—to bad if true Be’ty guilty pleas and are to run con- fans will be to hear term. Larry Johansen and son. The Jo- on the screen of the Dream Thea- Grable glad currently with the first and fine and her hansen’s are now living at Min- ter this evening. Also included she is well again Cox told on the stand yesterday eral Wash. Eddie is now stationed will be ‘Holt of the Secret Ser- baby is a darl ng with big blue how he stabbed the three men. at Amarillo. Texas, with the air vice” and ‘Our Second Front”, a eyes and blonde hair—and a pic- when they came toward him as if mother. corps. Victory short. ture of her pin-up to strike him. Government wit- * * * nesses said the men interfered when Cox was found *o be mis- "Ship Ahoy” Saturday ICE CLASSIC TO Eleanor Powell and Red Skelton goldnow- treating Bertha Campbell, Native CLOSE SATURDAY EVE in the film who he was trying to force are co-starred epic girl, The Nenana Ice Classic closes which will be shown to leave with him. Cox denied ‘‘Ship Ahoy”, $70 AN OUNCE Saturday midnight, April 8th, on the Dream Theatre screen on such roughness. after which time no further en- Saturday evening. Historic Mary- IN FAR EAST LETTERS TO THE tries can be made. land”, a Travelogue, also will be SAILORS WOMEN’S SOLDIERS AND shown at this time. | are I be the * * » Businessmen over the nation are Blessed letters—they of the firm belief that will monitors, they are also the com- “One Foot in Heaven" Sunday gold true CAVEY’S sell at much higher prices. In the forters, and they are the only ACCESSORIES! With two shows Sunday. “One next seven will sell at heart-talkers. Letters from home f years gold ❖f Foot in Heaven”, featuring Fred- FINEST IN WINES Y $70 an ounce as it is sell- are *he nearest and dearest pos- For the 1944 and Summer Months are eric March and Mar'ha Scott, already Spring a* this level in Egypt, sessions of our fighting men. Send ^ will be the featured picture ing Cairo, BEERS AND V More Colorful Than Ever! Y and India. The a message of good cheer to your shown.. “Timid Toreador” a Calcutta, general feeling is that gold must be the soldier, sailor or marine—send it Looney Tune, will also be includ- LIQUORS! x % basis for world currency stability. now and make him happier V Y ed on the program. SEE OUR NEW DISPLAY WHILE IT LASTS! wherever he may be.—The Gil- * T- * Merrill E. Shoup, president of See Us When in Need of «£♦ crafter. «£♦ HOLLYWOOD STAR-LITES the Golden Cycle Corp., has been Spirits! By Chuck Cocha’rd one of those who predicted a re- Subscribe for The Nugget. The motion picture industry re- turn of the yellow' metal. f. XX X XX. XX XX.XXXX.XXXX.X X. X- X. X. X. J ceived good news this week from “With gold now selling at dif- i the when General army Major ferent the world places throughout EACH MAN HAS' TWO ENDS ... A. POLET Frederick H. chief of the Osborn, at S70 to $100 an there is | NOME’S DEPARTMENT ounce, «> 1 STORE morale division, revealed that —One to Sit On— V f no doubt that gold will bring “the motion is the most A.^4 4^4 iA| picture more ‘han $35 an ounce here after essential an'idote to the tension of One to THINK WITH! the war ends,” Shoup said recent- ]!| want | battle. Combat officers ly. “There is a feeling that the their men to relax after come on they advance in the unofficial world The War Depends out of the lines and motion pic- quotation can mean only one tures have proven to be the solu- Which We Use! thing for us; that’s a higher price tion.” And that’s good news to j| I Sc laxi for the yellow metal.” ISaliace l?ntd the mothers, fathers and wives of I: Heads we Win Tails we Lose! Shoup poised out that gold has NOME, ALASKA PHONE 55 the boys over there And they LINCOLN HOTEL & COCKTAIL BAR t been moving out of this j; see only the new pic'ures some- country $ the last Latest state- Joe Mullins, ♦♦♦ Mi »«• t>M |i I times months before they are re- during year. Prop. J I' ments of the of the U. S. leased to the public in the United position treasury show gold assets at $22,- * States. » ♦ with 4 * «h 003,076,712 compared $22,- t » • a We have installed our ice Good news for musical film 744,568,178 year ago. Shoup recently power $ • was back to the i is said gold moving ■ • ♦ lovers ‘‘Follow the Boys” cream freezers. We serve it and we sell in large < » of stars And nations it came from and probably > packed full you’ll t would continue to move as the ; | quantities. J go in raves over it Hedy La- w’ar progressed. ♦ marr will star in the color musi- HEADQUARTERS FOR » < > and are in cal, ‘‘Holiday in Merico” In- Gold mining again > > one of the screen’s the spotlight in England. Shoup grid Bergman, WHITE Y*S TAXI 1 > really fine actresses, will either pointed out as Great Britain plans do the life of Sara Bernhardt or for resumption of the gold stan- the w’ar. “Russian and Alaskans tor Alaskans star in “The Pirates” (playing dard after j and their colonies, and ! the Fontaine The Glue Pot! I Lynn part). England PERSONAL SERVICE IS OUR DESIRE! i1* i! * * * ourselves, are linked up with gold. I! Simeon and <> Goetzenberger, Props. j the Pioneer Line! Melvyn Douglas is stationed It is coming back in a big way." Buv War Bonds—Travel \ | _________<» A A A A JU AAA A A A A A A ♦ 2 ! WIEN ALASKA AIRLINES, Inc. I! Bronson Water ! FAIRBANKS | Delivery f NOME J; 159 , * — CATERPILLAR WORK ! Office: Main 46—Residence: Black 153 EAST i BULLDOZING ? 1 * TRUCK HAULING | llllimnillll t'K' > >> H lit! PHONE MAIN 19 ifc X | ▼▼▼▼▼▼TTTTT'r'r'f • • • • * * * * » * » * » T. ■ » x T * -4 *} *«*+++++♦+++ 4* *+++* * * * * •{•+•* * •{•++++4> * | MINERS & MERCHANTS Ij j ALASKA TELEPHONE & ! ! BANK OF ALASKA ij TELEGRAPH CO. ! i il NOME :: ALASKA !! ;; X .. j L _ UQCAL-ANIALQNLi JBISTANCE SERVICE! | ++++*f,H‘4,4‘'M,+ f,+4Ml»'M*+++<‘+4,f++++++++,f4»4'M,f4HlHHMH,4,W^ , ;; Back the attack with War bonds! Put your dollars $ ♦ 4 |i 4 * in the service of Uncle Sam! I ;; WHEN IN NOME ..
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