-~dustry and hospitilrtoU.rs . Special educatioJ}Jt,J-l f~~~.~~:.. ~~.~.~~r ~~~~~~~~~w"' many facets, educatoJ Women's Institute enjoyed a day out send one report only to the district co· The locus or education should be on Hall iJl 7:30 p.m. hosted by the recently when the group of 18 visited ordlnator combining the reports from what a child can do, not on what they ington Club. lhe Braam Woodcraft Industry on Ed· the Canadian industries and cannot do. Paul Bottineau. special The annual meeting of E Y· ward Street, St. Thomas. agriculture, citizenship and legisla· education consultant for the Elgin District will be held In the This is a recently established in· tion. education, family and co nsumer County Board of Education, told the Mills Hall on May 13 with regist1 dustry having Its origin at Lawrence a If airs, international arralrs, April meeting or Shedden Women's In· at 9 a.m·. Delegates from Shedd1 Station for some years before Tweedsmuir History, resolutions and stitute. are Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Pat Pa relocating in St. Thomas. An enter­ public relations committees. Next year a Mr. Bottineau, guest speaker for the Mrs. Brenda Silcox and Mrs. prise operated by a family unit - workshop on farm safety will be helo at meeting, said that attitude should pro· Palmer. Mrs. Silcox will be in cl father, mother and two sons - the the Agri-mart in Fingal on April 11. duce more productive community of the memorial service and Mrs. plant speclalites in custom built kit· More details may be obtained from citizens. Vine will provide the craft for salE chen cabinets. Mrs. J . Bechard, or from the Ontario He said special education deals with Remembrance convener, Mrs. The wood used is primarily walnut, Ministry of Agriculture and Food of· many areas of the child's develop· Orchard reported that several ret maple and oak, and the cabinets are all rice. ment. bnnces had been taken at East made exactly to speciiication. The Mrs. WiJliam Pennings reported The physical developm~nt involves shut-ins and that she had sent se company employs 10 full -time workers from the 4-H Club " surviving with health and mobility and causes pro· cards during the month. and some part-time help. style" program, outlining the material blems; in[ellectual development in· Following th e morning tour of this that had been taught to the members. rludes a range or intelligence from The nominating committee plant a luncheon was served by the The achievement day will be April! at gifted <an IQ of 140) to average (lQ vener. Mrs. Connie Silcox, rea Hill-Top Motel. A short business the South wold Elementary sc.hool at 100 ) to learning disabled. slate of officers for 1987-1988. Th• meeting was then held. 7:30p.m. and a cordial lnvltallon was The communications area is the officers who were installed by Mrs. Ronald Gordon presided at the ex tended to all to attend. most ·difficult, since It involves Palmer are Mrs. Pal Palmer. meeting and heard reports. Mrs. H. Mrs. G?rdon ask~d the convenors ?f reading. writing and spelling learning dent; Mrs. Brenda Silcox, first Parks announced that the next Elgin the standmg commttlees to bnng thetr :lisabilities. Mr. Bottineau said. He president; Mrs. Cheryl Garvin. S• Manor Auxiliary meeting will be held reports of the Apr! I ~eeting to be for· ;aid a child may be brilliant but unable vice-president; Mrs. Connie S on April 13 starting with a 1 p.m. lun­ war~ed _to the d1~tr1ct convenor. !' to communicate by writing aJthough secretary; Mrs. Vicary, treas cheon. Mrs. Ralph Palmer reported nO{Jllnatmg committee Mrs . Curne verbal communication could be very Mrs. Gordon distric t director; Bt from a recent E lgi~ West District ex­ Sil~dx , M~s . Herbert Parks and Mrs. ~ood. directors are Mrs. Ruth Hunter. ecutive meeting that the annual Palmer w1ll brtng a slate of o!!lcers to Mr. Bottineau answered many ques­ Maxine Silcox and Mrs. Vine. f' meeting will be held in the Women's In­ lhe next meeting. tJOns from the audience and was given relations officer is Mrs. Mac stitute ·Hall at Paynes Mills May 13 Following the noon meal the an appreciation girt. Parks. Remembrance convener· with registration at 9 a .m . Mrs. members t o_u red th e new · The program was planned and Mrs. Il ene Orchard and Mrs . Ina Palmer said new loose-leaf handbooks chemotherapy untt at the St. Thomas- supervised by Mrs. Lois Oldham. Miss will soon be available and 1987 Is to be Elgin General Hospital. This has just Margaret Campbell and Mrs. Mary Tweedsmuir History convener is known as "The year or the homeless." recently opened and at present can Ayling. - Dora McA rthur: representative 1 The new Federated Women's In· treat four patients at one time. There Mrs. Pat Palmer presided for the museum is Mrs. Margaret Turne1 stitutes of Ontario president is Mrs . are two doctors and t~o nurses always busi ness meeting. program co-ordinator is Mr ~ Margaret Munro of Carp, Ont. and 14 present and the pat1ent Is never left Mrs. Beth Vicary reported from the Palmer. ' presidents-elect will be elected for a alon~ . 1-::lgin County Pioneer Museum that the At th e close of the meeting two-year term, from each of the areas, T~1s f~ciltty has been set up for peo- cook book committee is still looking for to help code with the long distances our Palmer read an article on voiUI pie tn lh1s area who have had to go to recipes and old sayings for lhe book in g. president would have to travel. These London, Ont: for treatment. Sue Mar- and that the next meeting will be June presidents-elect will be voted on at the chand ~xplamed ~~~set- up of the unit tO at the museum at 9 a.m. A social hour wa s held London area convention in the fall. and ~aid that {~mlhes are welcome to Mrs. Jean Palmer announced that refreshments by the committee. be w1th the patients during treatment. he ext Elgin County Rail t· g Those In charge of the Informative day . n Y mee ~n out Included Mrs. Murray Silcox, Mrs. ~t~~~~~~SJau: 10 at the museum startmg Currie Silcox, Mrs. William Brown and • Th~ s'tr~y,;berry social will be held at Mrs. Ted Silcox. Mrs. Currie Oldham announced that he museum Ju;e 17th from 2 p.m. to_4 her committee on education will con· l·.m. and the ounty WI scholarshtp t th m tin A rll v1ll be presented at that time. d uc t t he program ~ e ee g P Subjects for the poster contest were 22 at Bethany Umted Church, 8 p.m . d M p uJ 8 0 ttineau special educa· :hosen durmg the l~st rally J!leetl~g a_n r. a . ' 1nd a car rally of Elgm County 1s agam !too cons~tant_ for Elgm County Board >lanned with Mrs. Sylvia Cerna as the of Educatton wtll be the guest speaker. nstitute committee member, Shedden embers were told. New officers were chosen for the ensuing year. ttep<!rts from all the standing com­ mittee conveners were read and hand· ed to the secretary and several invita· lions were accepted to events including 'he May 13 dessert tea at the Lawrence Shedden women tour local industry Canadian Industries was the theme Tile annual picnic lor the residents of Church, ~Ja~utikt~?'4s p.m. June 17 of the May meeting of the Shedden the manor and their families wiiJ be the Strawberry Social at the Museum Women 's Institute branch and a group held July 5, on the rear lawn and there wiU be held from 2 to 4 p.m. with Mrs. or members and friends visited three will be strawberry short cake, hot dogs Jean Palmer helping from 2:45 to 4 local industries starting with the and hamburgers for sale. p.m. September 9 the annual daffodil Southwestern Ontario Livestock Sales Mrs. Jean Palmer reported on the coffee break and tea will be hosted by arena at Melbourne, Ont. owned and district annual meeting of the Elgin Wallacetown branch In the community operated by the Stewart Brown famUy. West WI. The Erland Lee Homestead hall from 9:30 to 11 :30 a.m. and from 2 They went to the Old School House will have special events June 2, 3, and 4 to 4 p.m. Tea Room for lunch and later to tbe and August 1 and 2 will be Heritage Mrs. Silcox has books of tickets on a post ofUce in Shedden. days at the homestead, she said. draw for a quilt, afghan and lawn chair The committee in charge of the ar- The London area convention will be and members are asked to get tickets rangements included Mrs. Carol Gor· held In St. Mary's October 15 and 16 from her and sell as many as they can. don, Mrs. Dora McArthur, Mrs. and the Elgin County Rally WI will The branch is going to take part in the Dorothy McLaughlin and Mrs. Mary host a bus trip to see Brigadoon at competition from her and sell as many Ayling. Grand . Bend August 20. Buses wlll ~ Uley. ~ . ~a ncb 1.& going to leave Paynes Mills Community Hall at ta~ for groups During the visit to the sales barn Mr. 12:30 p.m . Anyone wishing to go should at Shedden Fair, being held August 21 Brown explained that it is a family contact Mrs.
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