SPECIAL ISSUE THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. CXII—No. 75 NAIROBI, 30th July, 2010 Price Sh. 50 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9100 THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY AND PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS ACT (Cap. 7) THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA REVIEW ACT (No. 9 of 2008) APPOINTMENT OF RETURNING OFFICERS AND DEPUTY RETURNING OFFICERS FOR THE REFERENDUM Corrigenda IN Gazette Notice No. 8755 of 2010, delete and insert where appropriate the names of the Deputy Returning Officers as indicated here below: Page 2536— Code: 097-Gatanga Constituency Delete Wanyoike Alex Wainaina and insert Stephen Waweru Gitau Page 2536— Code: 085-Mukuruweini Constituency Delete Patrick Ngunjiri Gatwire and insert Patrick Murage Gakuo. Dated the 30th July, 2010. A. I. HASSAN, Chairman, Interim Independent Electoral Commission. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9101 THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY AND PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS ACT (Cap. 7) THE PRESIDENTIAL AND PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS REGULATIONS THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT (Cap. 256) THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS RULES DECLARATION OF BY-ELECTION RESULTS—CIVIC WARDS Addenda/Corrigenda IN Gazette Notice No. 8752 0f 2010, amend, delete and insert where appropriate the changes as specified here below: Page 2525 the 18th row— Delete West Mugirango Constituency and Insert Rongai Constituency [2915 30th July, 2010 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2916 Page 2525 the 19th row— Delete Rangwe Constituency and Insert West Mugirango Constituency Page 2525 the 20th row— Delete Nyakach Constituency and Insert Rangwe Constituency Page 2525 the 21st row— Delete Konoin Constituency and Insert Nyakach Constituency Page 2525 the 22nd row— Delete Chepalungu Constituency and Insert Konoin Constituency Page 2525 the 23rd row— Delete Kitutu Chache Constituency and Insert Chepalungu Constituency Page 2525 the 24th row— Delete Lagdera Constituency and Insert Kitutu Chache Constituency Page 2525 the 25th row— Delete Wajir North Constituency and Insert LagderaConstituency Page 2525 the 26th row— Delete Samburu West Constituency and Insert Wajir North Constituency Pages 2527 and 2528, Delete the following: KAMPI YA MOTO WARD 18 West Mugirango 0003 Kampi Ya Moto Nyangi Godfrey Waweru DP 1427 Kampi Ya Moto Lagat Dickson Kimaiyo ODM 1345 Kampi Ya Moto Morogo Japhet Kabaka NARC-K 742 Kampi Ya Moto Nyachienga David N. PNU 716 Kampi Ya Moto Lobuni Isiah Ali CCM 277 Kampi Ya Moto Kurere Michael Kosgei NVP 26 SIRONGA WARD 19 Rangwe 0003 Sironga Omwansa Benard Onsongo ODM 1398 Oichoe Patrick Bogonge FORD-K 589 Ondicho Haron Obiri FORD-P 513 Achira Raphael KANU 419 Nyamongo Gesura Benard PPK 177 Moindi Omare Kennedy ODM-K 168 Ouro Robert Nyauma KSC 34 Otochi Josephine Moraa NARC-K 17 KEGAN EAST 20 Nyakach 0006 Kegan East Otieno Marther Akinyi ODM 1904 Kegan East Atieno Anjeline Juma PNU 869 30th July, 2010 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2917 Kegan East Marienga Felix Awuor NVP 41 Kegan East Ondeyo William Otieno ODM-K 38 Kegan East Otieno Benard Wayumba NARC-K 24 NORTH EAST NYAKACH WARD 21 Konoin 0002 North East Nyakach Olwa Wilmat Omolo ODM 1904 North East Nyakach Obuya Kefa Otieno NARC-K 221 North East Nyakach Ogalo Ronald Otieno Okul ODM-K 37 North East Nyakach Abudi Peter Odhiambo NVP 22 KAPTEBENGWET WARD 22 Chipalungu 0003 Kaptebengwet Koech Kibet Richard KANU 1097 Kaptebengwet Kirui Richard Kimutai NVP 994 Kaptebengwet Laboso Kiprono ODM 626 Kaptebengwet Ruttoh Michael KADDU 389 Kaptebengwet Kipsang Cheruiyot Dickson UDM 319 SIGOR WARD 23 Kitutu Chache 0006 Sigor Ronald Kiprono Rob NVP 1227 Sigor Kilel Chelangat Nancy UDM 881 Sigor Langat Zakayo Kiptoo KANU 601 Sigor Sitonik Anne Chelangat ODM 149 Sigor Korir Philip Kipngeno Arap KADDU 65 Sigor Kirui John ODM-K 18 MARANI WARD 24Lagdera 0004 Marani Nyambane Japhet Morara PDP 1754 Marani Angwenyi Peterson Abuya ODM 715 Marani Ongondi Benard Onyiego SDP 577 Marani Oara Wilfred Nyakundi PNU 518 Marani Nyatwanga Timothy Achachi NARC-K 443 Marani Onsongo James Ooga NVP 365 Marani Mataya Michael Ombiro NPP 172 Marani Nyageta Paul Nyakundi DP 158 30th July, 2010 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2918 Marani Nyamweya Samuel Nyakundi VIPA 134 Marani Nyang'ao Michael NARC 122 Onyiego Marani Mayieka Stephene Gichana SAFINA 113 Marani Onsase Dominic Amenya KSC 83 BENANE WARD 25Wajir North 0004 Benane Yussuf Ismail Adan KANU 626 Benane Ibrahim Abdirizak Orre KSC 14 BUNA WARD 26Samburu West 0001 Buna Somow Abdiwahid Hussein ODM 1027 Buna Adan Kali Ali PNU 350 Add The Following: KAMPI YA MOTO WARD 18 Rongai 0003 Kampi Ya Moto Nyangi Godfrey Waweru DP 1427 Kampi Ya Moto Lagat Dickson Kimaiyo ODM 1345 Kampi Ya Moto Morogo Japhet Kabaka NARC-K 742 Kampi Ya Moto Nyachienga David N. PNU 716 Kampi Ya Moto Lobuni Isiah Ali CCM 277 Kampi Ya Moto Kurere Michael Kosgei NVP 26 SIRONGA WARD 19 West 0003 Sironga Omwansa Benard Onsongo ODM 1398 Mugirang Oichoe Patrick Bogonge FORD-K 589 Ondicho Haron Obiri FORD-P 513 Achira Raphael Nyamongo KANU 419 Gesura Benard Moindi PPK 177 Omare Kennedy Ouro ODM-K 168 Robert Nyauma Otochi KSC 34 Josephine Moraa NARC-K 17 30th July, 2010 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2919 KEGAN EAST 20 Rangwe 0006 Kegan East 0tieno Marther Akinyi ODM 1904 Kegan East Atieno Anjeline Juma PNU 869 Kegan East Marienga Felix Awuor NVP 41 Kegan East Ondeyo William Otieno ODM-K 38 Kegan East Otieno Benard Wayumba NARC-K 24 NORTH EAST NYAKACH WARD 21 Nyakach 0002 North East Nyakach Olwa Wilmat Omolo ODM 1904 North East Nyakach Obuya Kefa Otieno NARC-K 221 North East Nyakach Ogalo Ronald Otieno Okul ODM-K 37 North East Nyakach Abudi Peter Odhiambo NVP 22 KAPTEBENGWET WARD 22 Konoin 0003 Kaptebengwet Koech Kibet Richard KANU 1097 Kaptebengwet Kirui Richard Kimutai NVP 994 Kaptebengwet Laboso Kiprono ODM 626 Kaptebengwet Ruttoh Michael KADDU 389 Kaptebengwet Kipsang Cheruiyot Dickson UDM 319 SIGOR WARD 23 Chepalungu 0006 Sigor Ronald Kiprono Rob NVP 1227 Sigor Kilel Chelangat Nancy UDM 881 Sigor Langat Zakayo Kiptoo KANU 601 Sigor Sitonik Anne Chelangat ODM 149 Sigor Korir Philip Kipngeno Arap KADDU 65 Sigor Kirui John ODM-K 18 MARANI WARD 24 Kitutu 0004 Marani Nyambane Japhet Morara PDP 1754 Chache Marani Angwenyi Peterson Abuya ODM 715 Marani Ongondi Benard Onyiego SDP 577 Marani Oara Wilfred Nyakundi PNU 518 Marani Nyatwanga Timothy Achachi NARC-K 443 30th July, 2010 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2920 Marani Onsongo James Ooga NVP 365 Marani Mataya Michael Ombiro NPP 172 Marani Nyageta Paul Nyakundi DP 158 Marani Nyamweya Samuel Nyakundi VIPA 134 Marani Nyang'ao Michael NARC 122 Onyiego Marani Mayieka Stephene Gichana SAFINA 113 Marani Onsase Dominic Amenya KSC 83 BENANE WARD 25 Lagdera 0004 Benane Yussuf Ismail Adan KANU 626 Benane Ibrahim Abdirizak Orre KSC 14 BUNA WARD 26 Wajir North 0001 Buna Somow Abdiwahid Hussein ODM 1027 Buna Adan Kali Ali PNU 350 Dated the 30th July, 2010. A. I. HASSAN, Chairman, Interim Independent Electoral Commission. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9102 THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY AND PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS ACT (Cap. 7) THE PRESIDENTIAL AND PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS REGULATIONS THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA REVIEW ACT (No. 9 of 2008) THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA (REVIEW) REFERENDUM REGULATIONS, 2010 PRISON POLLING STATIONS FOR REFERENDUM PURSUANT to the Court Order issued on 23rd June, 2010 and in exercise of the powers conferred by Regulation 6 (1) (d) of the National Assembly and Presidential Elections (Registration of Electors) Regulations, Section 38 of the Constitution of Kenya Review Act and Regulation 7 of the Constitution of Kenya (Review) Referendum Regulations, the Interim Independent Electoral Commission gives notice that the voting for the Referendum scheduled for 4th August, 2010 for registered inmates shall be at the places listed in the schedule to this notice. AND THAT: (a) Every region is listed in the first column to the schedule. (b) The Constituencies are specified in the third column to the schedule and assigned a constituency code number in the second column to the schedule. (c) The polling areas are specified in the fifth column to the schedule and are each assigned with distinguishing numbers specified as station code in the fourth column to the schedule. (d) Each polling area has the number of place or places at which such stations for such polling shall be situated as specified in the sixth column to the schedule. 30th July, 2010 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2921 Region Const. Code Constituency Station Code Station/Polling Area No. of Polling Stations Nairobi 001 Makadara 001/027 Nairobi Remand And Allocation Prison 1 Nairobi 001 Makadara 001/028 Nairobi Short Sentence Prison Nairobi 004 Langata 004/023 Nairobi West Prison 1 Nairobi 004 Langata 004/024 Langata Womens Prison 1 Nairobi 007 Kasarani 007/026 Kamiti Medium Prison 1 Nairobi 007 Kasarani 007/027 Kamiti Main Prison 1 Coast - Mombasa 010 Kisauni 010/058 Shimo La Tewa Main Prison 1 Coast - Mombasa 010 Kisauni 010/059 Shimo La Tewa Women Prison 1 Coast - Mombasa 010 Kisauni 010/060 Shimo La Tewa Medium Prison Coast - Mombasa 012 Mvita 012/031 Kingorani Prison 1 Coast - Mombasa 014 Matuga 014/102 Kwale Medium Prison 1 Coast - Malindi 016 Bahari 016/106 Kilifi Prison 1 Coast - Mombasa 017 Kaloleni 017/123 Kaloleni Prison 1 Coast - Malindi 019 Malindi 019/085 Malindi Prison 1 Coast - Malindi 023 Bura Tana 023/073 Hola Prison 1 Coast - Malindi 025 Lamu West 025/074 Hindi Prison 1 Coast - Mombasa 026 Taveta 026/046 Taveta Prison 1 Coast - Mombasa 029 Voi 029/071 Manyani Prison 1 Coast - Mombasa 029 Voi 029/072 Wundanyi Prison 1 Coast - Mombasa 029 Voi 029/073 Voi Remand Prison 1 Garissa/ Ijara 030 Dujis
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