.INTEP^SCHOl.ASTIC LEAGUED VOL. XXXV AUSTIN, TEXAS, MARCH, 1953 No. 7 Texas Supreme Court Upholds UIL Rule 34 Decision Clarifies Powers of League As Voluntary Organization of Schools On February 25, the Supreme Court of Texas reversed the ment by the highest court of policies under question, much lower courts in the suit brought by Midwestern University space has been given in this issue of the Leaguer to the three of Wichita Falls to enjoin enforcement of Rule 34 of the League cases. Never before have League members had an University Interscholastic League's Football Plan, and de­ opportunity to see so clearly the legal foundations on which cided unanimously in favor of the League every point raised their organization rests, and the background against which in this long and tedious litigation. their rules and procedures operate. This is the third time in 40 years that the League's power Roy Bedichek, Director Emeritus of the League, who has as a voluntary association to enforce its rules has been seri­ experienced the stresses developed during each period of ously challenged in court. court testing through which the League has passed, has Each court decision defined more clearly the rights the written four items for this issue. One is a brief statement of schools of Texas have in forming a league and controlling the method used in the other three, each an article about one those activities of the members which relate to the activities of the court cases. of the league. Because this latest case has gone further toward Turn to pages three and four for this information. defining these rights, and has resulted in complete endorse­ (Continued on Page 3, Col. 1) Regional Meets Directors General List Tentative Schedules, Dates and Centers Tentative schedules for regional ules, write Dr. Mailey. Houston. Brinley, A&I. meets have been announced by di­ REGION IV, A AND B Director General: Walter F. Conference AA: Districts 17 THREE TIMES CHAMPIONS—For three straight years, the Vernon Henning, Temple Tucker, Jimmy Jones, Herschall Kim- rectors general, and forwarded to Site: Kilgore College, Kilgore. Williams, Jr., University of Hous­ and 18. Jackrabbits of Bowie High School have won the state championship brough, Head Coach R. E. Mattingly, and Coach M. L. Massey. the League Office for publication Director General: Dr. B. E. ton. Conference A: Districts 33-35, in their conference. In 1951, they won the old Conference A title. Front row, left to right, Manager Wayne Turner, Rex Pollard, Joe in this issue of the Leaguer. Masters, President, Kilgore Col­ Conference AA: Districts 12^14, inclusive. In 1952, they captured the new Conference AA title, and in 1953 Centers and dates for these re­ inclusive. Conference B: Districts 79-85, Wysong, John Carver, Jackie Airington, Bill Ryan, Robert White, lege. they successfully defended that title. Members of the team are, gional meets were published earlier Conference A: Districts 17-22, Conference A: Districts 23-27, inclusive. and Bennie Hill. left to right, back row, Coach Milton Kresse, Stanley Airington, in the Leaguer, and were given in inclusive. inclusive. April 24: Golf, 8:00 a.m. Alica the Final List of Spring Meet Conference B: Districts 41-56, Conference B: Districts 57-67, Country Club, all conferences. Number Sense 'Fans' schools in the Interscholastic inclusive. inclusive. Tennis, A and B, 1:00 p.m. Debate, League. However, there were some April 24: Tennis and Volleyball. April 24: Opening play in Ten­ Declamation, Extemp Speech, One- WhiteOak,Bowie,SouthPark, Meet May 8 in Austin errors in the assignment of dis­ Write Dr. Masters for time of nis, at hours to be announced. Act Play, Typing, Shorthand, and Contestants, coaches, direc­ tricts within the regions as printed contest. April 25: Track and Field, 8:30 Journalism at different hours. tors, and others interested in in the Final List, and the official April 25: All other contests to a.m. at Public School Stadium; April 25: Ready Writers, Num­ the Number Sense Contest are sites and district assignments are be held on Saturday. Golf, 8:00 a.m. at course to be ber Sense, Slide Rule, and Tennis Cayuga, Pampa '53 Victors invited to attend a Number here repeated, together with tenta­ REGION IV, AA announced. Literary events, at finals, 9:00 a.m. tive schedules. times to be announced. The record book took a terrific tories went to Blum, Cayuga, points in the last minute of furious Sense conference to be held Site: Stephen F. Austin State REGION VIII, B drubbing at the hands of the Hutto, and Big Sandy of Dallards- play. during the State Meet on May All schools with qualifying con­ College, Nacogdoches. REGION VI, AA, A AND B Site: Odessa College, Odessa. testants should contact the Re­ Thirty-third Annual State Boys' ville. Blum defeated Pettus 48-47 CONFERENCE A'S new champ­ 8 at 7:30 p.m. in Benedict Hall Director General: Edwin W. Site: Southwest Texas State Director General: Jack Rogers, gional Director for the official and Championship Basketball Tourna­ in the opening game. Cayuga ion, White Oak, opened semifinal 111. Professor C. M. Cleveland, Gaston, Jr., Stephen F. Austin College, San Marcos. Vice-President, Odessa College. final contest schedule. The last ment. Eight state records were downed Rankin 67-37. Hutto de­ play in this conference with a 43- chairman of the Department of State College. Director General: Dr. Pat H. Conference B: Districts 86-91. date for filing entries in the Re­ smashed, and dozens of conference feated Stinnett 69 to 58 in the 34 victory over Deer Park. Den­ Applied Mathematics and As­ Conference AA: Districts 10 Norwood, STSC. April 24: Tennis preliminaries, gional Meet will be April 21. records. A total of 49 changes will first really high-scoring clash of ver City bested Troup, 55-49. Con­ tronomy, will be present. and 11. Conference AA: Districts 15 and ,8:00 a.m.; One-Act Play, 6:00 p.m. be made in the book as the result the tournament. Big Sandy solation play in this conference The main topic of discussion REGION I, AA, A, AND B April 25: All contests to begin at 16. April 25: Tennis finals, and all Conference A: Districts 28-32, of the superb basketball displayed downed Lipan 62-43. In the semi­ found Troup a narrow victor over will W» ways and means of im­ Site: Texas Technological Col­ 1:00 p.m. or later, except Track other contests, beginning at various inclusive. in all conferences during the finals of Conference B, Blum lost Deer Park, 40 to 38; White Oak proving the Number Sense Con­ lege, Lubbock. and Field, if any preliminaries are hours, from 8:00 a.m. on. Conference B: Districts 68-78, March 5-6-7 play-off in Austin. to Cayuga 67-42. Hutto and Big won the championship with a 69- test. Aims, uses, and implica­ Director General: Dr. P; Mer- necessary, in which case they will REGION VIII, AA be held beginning at 9:00 a.m. inclusive. Cayuga defeated defending Sandy equalled the all-time scor­ 58 victory over Denver City. tions of number sense will also ville Larson, Department o f Site: El Paso April 27: Golf contest. Begin­ Exact time and date for contests champion Big Sandy, to recapture ing record, up to that point, with Semifinal play in Conference be discussed. Please come pre­ Speech, Texas Tech. Director General: J. M. Hanks, ning at 8:00 a.m. This date made yet to be announced. the title in Conference B which their 57-73 battle, Big Sandy AA opened with Dumas defeating pared to present your ideas. We Conference AA: Districts 1 and Superintendent, Ysleta. necessary because of schedule for Cayuga had held in 1951. White emerging the winner. In the con­ San Marcos 49-45, and ended with want to hear your views. 2. REGION VII, AA, A AND B Conference AA: District 19. use of private course. solation game, Blum barely de­ Bowie's 52-34 victory over Alvin. Benedict Hall was opened for Conference A: Districts 1-5, in­ Site: Texas College of Arts and For information on exact hour Oak High School and Bowie took REGION V, AA, A AND B Conferences A and AA titles, feated Hutto, 51-49. Cayuga's In the consolation game, San Mar­ use about a year ago. It stands clusive. Industries, Kingsville. and site for each contest, call Site: University of Houston, Director General: Dr. Eldon D. Bowie becoming the first school in final victory over Big Sandy was cos beat Alvin 45-41, for third just east of Littlefield Fountain Conference B: Districts 1-10, Supt. Hanks. League history to win three con­ by the score of 50-46. In the final place in the conference. Bowie suc­ at the main entrance to the inclusive. secutive titles in basketball. Con­ minute of the game, Big Sandy cessfully defended its champion­ University. In it are the Depart­ April 24: Meeting of tennis ferences 3-A and 4-A were won rallied to close an eight point gap ship by taking Dumas 81-44, set­ ments of Pure and Applied coaches and players, Tech Gym­ by South Park of Beaumont and to within two points of Cayuga ting a new all-time team scoring Mathematics and many class­ nasium, 9:00 a.m. Meeting of golf League Member Schools To Vote twice. The two teams scored 14 rooms. coaches and players, Country Club Pampa. (Continued on Page 6, CoJ. 1) MORE THAN 43,000 basketball Golf Course, 8:00 a.m.
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