FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 33 • NUMBER 132 Tuesday, July 9, 1968 • Washington, D.C. Pages 9805-9860 Agencies in this issue— Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Atomic Energy Commission Civil Aeronautics Board Coast Guard Commerce Department Commodity Credit Corporation Comptroller of the Currency Consumer and Marketing Service Customs Bureau Economic Opportunity Office Federal Aviation Administration Federal Communications Commission Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Housing Administration Federal Power Commission Federal Reserve System Federal Trade Commission Food and Drug Administration Foreign Assets Control Office General Services Administration Internal Revenue Service Interstate Commerce Commission Justice Department Land Management Bureau Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Bureau National Labor Relations Board Public Health Service Securities and Exchange Commission Small Business Administration Detailed list o f Contents appears inside. / 934 Volume 80 - UNITED STATES STATUTES AT LARGE 89th Congress, 2d Session 1966 Part 1— Contains the public laws and reorganization plans. Price: $10.25 Part 2— Contains the private laws, concurrent resolutions, and Presidential proclamations. Price: $2.75 A subject index and a numerical listing of bills enacted into law are included in each book. Part 1 also carries a table of prior laws affected, and a guide to the legislative history of bills enacted into public law. Published by Office of the Federal Resister, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 itS\ONAL^( Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays, or FEDERAL | t i l on day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, NatiQii^ Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration (mail address Nations Area Code 202 rVw5»<iV Phone 962-8626 Archives Building, Washington, D.O. 20408), pursuant to the authority contained in. t e Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Admin­ istrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made only by the Superintenden of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The Federal Register will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15 per year, payable i advance. The charge for individual copies varies in proportion to the size of the issue (15 cents for the first 80 pages and 5 cents Xo each additional group of 40 pages, as actually bound). Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documen , U.S. Governm ent P rinting Office, W ashington, D.C. 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code op Federal Regulations, w hich is published, under 50 titles, pm" suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended. The Code op Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent o Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first Federal Register issue of each month. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal Register or the Code op Federal R egulation . Contents AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION CONSUMER AND MARKETING FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION AND CONSERVATION SERVICE SERVICE Notices Proposed Rule Making Associated Programs, Inc., et al.; Notices hearing, etc________ c___________ 9844 Domestic beet sugar producing Wheat; official grain standards— 9825 area; 1969-crop proportionate Notices FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM shares; hearing------------------------ 9835 Cotton; research and promotion; Notices applications for certification of AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Insured banks; joint call for report cotton producer organizations— 9839 of condition; cross reference 9850 See Agricultural Stabilization and Piedmont Trust Bank; grant of Conservation Service; Commod­ CUSTOMS BUREAU temporary exemption__________ 9850 ity Credit Corporation; Con­ Notices sumer and Marketing Service; Merchandise from France; coun­ FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION tervailing duty proceedings------ 9834 Rules and Regulations Administrative op in ion s and Rules and Regulations ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY rulings: Procurement, clauses; miscellane­ OFFICE Lower price to “stocking” ous amendments (2 docu­ Notices d ealers______________________ 9815 ments) ____________________ 9820,9821 Personal deodorant spray______ 9816 Special nuclear material; general Secretary of Labor et al.; author­ Stocking, Quantity and cumula­ license for ownership---------------- 9809 ity delegation------------------------- 9850 tive discounts_________________ 9815 Prohibited trade practices: CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD FEDERAL AVIATION Fred Meyer, Inc., et al__________ 9813 Proposed Rule Making ADMINISTRATION Grand Union Co______________ 9813 Rul es and Regulations Leed’s Luggage Shops, Inc., and Pees and charges for special serv­ Aaron Horowitz______ ._______ 9813 ices; filing fees for tariff mat­ Airworthiness directive; British Punch Card Machine Training ters ____________________ 9828 Aircraft Corp. airplanes------- 9810 Service, Inc., et al___________ 9814 Notices Alterations: Control zone___________________ 9810 FOOD AND DRUG Hearings, etc.: Jet routes____________ __________ 9810 Caribbean-Atlantic Airlines, Standard instrument approach ADMINISTRATION In c___________________________ 9841 p ro ced u res ; miscellaneous Mohawk Airlines, Inc— ;----------- 9842 Notices amendments______________________9811 Hazleton Laboratories, Inc.; food COAST GUARD Proposed Rule Making additive petition_______________ 9840 Rules and Regulations Control zone and transition areas; alteration _____________________ 9826 FOREIGN ASSETS CONTROL Great Lakes pilotage; District No. Restricted area and controlled OFFICE 3 for St. Marys River___________ 9823 airspace; designation and alter­ Notices ation _______________________ 9827 Notices Portions of certain rivers closed to Transition area; alteration_____ 9827 Almond jelly, canned; importation directly from Taiwan (For­ navigation temporarily: FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS mosa) ; available certifications. 9835 Delaware River, Chester, Pa— 9840 COMMISSION Warwick River, Norfolk— New­ GENERAL SERVICES port News Harbor___________ 9841 Proposed Rule Making ADMINISTRATION Nonavailability of television pro­ COMMERCE DEPARTMENT grams produced by non-network Rules and Regulations Notices suppliers; extension of time for Contract financing; illustrations; filing comments________________ 9829 correction ___________ __________ 9820 Organization and functions: Notices Notices Office of Audits________________ 9840 Hearings, etc.: Standing interagency committees Office of Budget and Finance__ 9840 Lone Star Television Service, chaired by General Services Inc., et al____________________ 9842 Administration_________________ 9850 COMMODITY CREDIT Long Island Video, Inc., and CORPORATION Granik Broadcasting Co., Inc_ 9843 HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND Rules and Regulations FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE WELFARE DEPARTMENT Tobacco, flue-cured; loan pro- CORPORATION See Food and Drug Administra­ gram; 1968 crop_______________ 9809 tion; Public Health Service. Notices Notices Sales of certain commodities; July Insured banks; joint call for re­ HOUSING AND URBAN port of condition______________ 9844 sales list----------------------------------- 9836 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FEDERAL HOUSING See Federal Housing Administra­ COMPTROLLER OF THE ADMINISTRATION tion. CURRENCY Rules and Regulations Notices INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Mortgage insurance, mutual and See Land Management Bureau. Insured banks; joint call for re­ condominium ownership; con­ port of condition; cross refer- tract rights and obligations____ 9816 (Continued on next page) 61106 -------------------------------------- 9835 9807 9808 CONTENTS INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations COMMISSION Income tax; consolidated returns; Public land orders: Notices allocation of tax liability among California (2 documents) 9822,9823 members of an affiliated group; Oregon (3 documents)____ 9822, 9823 State Street Investment Corp.; correction ___________ _________9816 U t a h ___________________________ 9822 hearing, etc------------------------------ 9851 Proposed Rule Making Income tax; miscellaneous amend­ NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS SMALL BUSINESS ments __________________________ 9830 DRUGS BUREAU ADMINISTRATION Proposed Rule Making INTERSTATE COMMERCE Notices Depressant and stimulant drugs; Authority delegations : COMMISSION listing of synthesized tetrahy- Area Coordinators, Midwestern Notices drocannabinols as subject to control_________________________ 9833 Area, et al-------------------------- 9851 Fourth section application for Director, Office of Business relief___________________________ 9857 Loans, et al_________________ 9855 Motor carriers: NATIONAL LABOR Temporary authority applica­ RELATIONS BOARD tions _________________________ 9857 TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Rules and Regulations Transfer proceedings--------------- 9858 See Coast Guard; Federal Avia­ Statements of procedure, records tion Administration. JUSTICE DEPARTMENT and information; miscellaneous amendments--------------------------- See also Narcotics and Dangerous TREASURY DEPARTMENT Drugs Bureau. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE See Comptroller of the Currency; Rules and
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