Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 3-1-1910 Volume 28, Number 03 (March 1910) James Francis Cooke Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Cooke, James Francis. "Volume 28, Number 03 (March 1910)." , (1910). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/556 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. i ABr btfyzfh \ WfA*j\ 145 MODERN PIANO THE ETUDE TECHNICS New Publications Works Needed By Every Student COMPLETE SCHOOL OF TECHNIC For the Pianoforte Nature Studies Musical Thoughts for Melodic Studies ISIDOR PHILIPP RELIABLE PREMIUMS A Song' Cycle for the Ten For Equalization of the Hands Price, SI.SO EASILY OBTAINED School Months Little Tots In this new and latest work Mr. for the Pianoforte Philipp has given the teacher and Words and Music School Songs forVoice or Piano By A. SARTORIO student the benefit of his vast experi¬ A MONTHLY JOURNAL FOR THE MUSICIAN, THB ence, both as a teacher and player, and MUSIC STUDENT, AND ALL MUSIC LOVERS. By FRANK L. BRISTOW By L. A BUGBEE it is far in advance of anything Op. 853 Price, 81-00 attempted 01 . Edited by JAMES FRANCIS COOKE Price, 50 Cents Price, 50 Cents : m It is^a Subscription, *1.50 per year. Single Copies, 15 Cents. Hardy Rose Plants Those ton songs are Intended for the e, _ _„ - Canadian rosinge.ar.cents. Foreign Postage, 72 cents. __particular technical point, A set of twenty-five charmir Liberal premiums and c; :e allowed for ob- . kindergart* all musically attractive. These studies may tog^witih^n This collection of six Rose plants has tue early third grade. Arnoldo S The songs arc one of the most popular educ ■'' ' .Us? J ■ulttnnces should be made by post-offlee or express been carefully selected from the stock of asing. suited of the present day. All his w A special feature of this work is the money orders, bnnk check or draft, or registered aDd tuneful, studies as v -ell as pieces. rhythmic treatment of all the various United States postnf -— one of the largest growers in the United Pupils will gain pleasure as exercises. It is thoroughly fingered, received for c Money sent Ii liked by students. The piano from "Melodic Studies.” and every department of technic is gerous, and \ ... —- —sponsi States. accompanimentssSiWtr. are well written and de¬ adapted for hands of limited given individual and special attention, Arrival. cidedly rhythmic, affording good support to j ii of the pieces is thus render.. _ nothing being omitted. DISCONTINUANCE.— wish the The plants are all strong and healthy, ■ as an instrument number. This is one All the exercises are carried through he best original collections of children’s all the keys, and in both hands, thus and will live, grow and bloom if properly ?s that has come under our notice. insuring systematic and equal training. Hand Culture The rhythmic treatment and employ¬ treated. Musical Kindergarten A System of Double-Note ment of all the possible keys is a very important feature of the work, and is Gruss an Teplitz (a Dark Rich Crimson Rose). Finger Training valuable for daily practice. Method The Very First Pieces We have given this hook our best tlon is paid up, which serves ns a receipt for White Hermosa (Pale Lemon Yellow passing to Creamy White). ANNA BUSCH FLINT efforts, and it is not surpassed by any your subscription. For the Nursery and the Class Room FOR THE PIANOFORTE publication in the musical field to-dav MANUSCRIPTS.—All manuscripts Intended for publica¬ Duchess de Brabant (a clear Pink). Price, 81.00 By DANIEL BATCHELLOR for its workmanship, quality and ap- tion should he addressed to THE ETUDE, 1112 Price, 50 Cents This is a unique Chestnut Street, and should be written on one side Lucullus (Rich Crimson). and CHAS. W. LAN DON rhich are intended t__ of the sheet only. Contributions on topics con¬ Madame C. P. Strasheim (fine Sulphur Yellow changing to Orange and Buff). and fifth fingers by increasing nected with music-teaching and music-study are Price, $150 H"''“lopim>m at the roots of these fingers. TOUCH AND TECHNIC solicited. Those that are not available will be re- -exercises are in accordance with the By DR. WM. MASON Entire six plants given for sending us 2 yearly subscriptions advancement. The fl principles of the well-known pedagogue and advertising RATES will be sent on application. "rely in the tre writer on the pianoforte technic, Theodore Forms close on 10th of each month for the suc¬ to ETUDE or free with one yearly subscription at $1.75. ever published, it is n tt?nSetean<l1<pra><> clef for both hands, being in the fl Wiehmayer. They are based on the assump¬ ceeding month’s issue. Unger position in ei tion that the development of the fourth mn«ie,eTX^°nn^?^„0ft thJ? art cf l>Wtlng of these pieces is a 1 THEODORE PRESSER, and fingers should not only equal, but 1712 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. ofDf r this}hith pleamethodhI!f <an<i>young eh.Idien iVv**meansmny be -- ...seed, that of the second and k..d‘l“™vu‘i-«Ul*ViIine.R ‘ ° *” ° OC,“Ve FRESH FLOWER SEEDS FOR YOUR GARDEN fingers. In accomplishing this purpose Price of Each, SI.00 . Entered at-Phllmieinhln P. O. ns Second-class Matter. started in music at a period far earlier —- -hird and fourthfourth^ fingers are chieflycl'!"“" — Copyright. 1010. hv Theodore Presser Co. THE ETUDE has again completed arrangements whereby it is possible to make nurse, adapted for s ercised together. These exercises _ __ This is one of the most remarkable topi”shaarer1tdrodue'deIinthnnCaSet f'{ used in connection with any system of tech- works in the entire range of pianoforte the following exceptional offers of Flower Seeds and Bulbs in connection with a sub¬ V and if practiced industriously and in pedagogy. It comprises a complete sys¬ tem, based on modern and original scription to THE ETUDE. The seeds and bulbs are all guaranteed to be fiesh and of lines, for the development of an assured and finished technic, oovering all phases CONTENTS the best quality. from the beginning to virtuosity. COLLECTION I. FLOWER SEEDS. Album of Favorite Com¬ The author of this work was nrobably -1 distinguished of all American “THE ETUDE”—March, 1910. One packet of each of the following: pianists and teachei„. „„ „„„ Semple's Choice Mixed Branching Asters, Mixed Peony Flowered Poppies, Grandiflora Sweet The Beginners’ Pipe pupil of Liszt, and. as such, was held Editorial . J positions Thought and Action in Musical Europe,^ ^ Scented Mignonette, Choice Mixed Nasturtiums, Mixed Giant Flowering Cosmos, Fine Mixed Phlox, Flagler’s Anthem Book in highest esteem. "Touch and Technic’’ and a large packet of Mixed Large Flowering Sweet Peas. Price, 50 Cents each By HANS ENGELMANN embodies the best results of his long Organ Book and active career as student, plaver Piano Playing.Sergei Rachmaninoff 1 This Collection of Flower Seeds Given for Sending One Yearly Subscription fo THE ETUDE other 84-50 per doz., not postpaid Price, 50 Cents GEO. E. WHITING and teacher. The tremendous popular¬ Preparing for the Musical.Louise Carr I than Your Own, or will be Given Free with a Year’s Subscription at S1.60 This is a compilation of anthems for gen- ity of this work is a sufficient testi¬ A Lesson with von Biilow. 1 ;rnl use. composed, arranged and selected Price, S>.00 mony of its worth. Its use bv teachers The Origin of the Suite.. Leroy B. Campbell 3 COLLECTION II. A GLADIOLI BED. ij the noted American organist and dirt and students Is constantly on the in¬ Twelve Superb New Hybrid Glaidoli Bulbs, Assorted Colors. .01. I \ . ITagicr It is the product of the josers. iris worus are This is the most elementary as well : crease. Gallery of Musical Celebrities. 3 nsively played. We hi the most complete and practical pipe orgs The gem of this The Friends of Beethoven.K. B. Wilson 1 The blooms are very large and have a wonderful range of color. ""'"me some of his ’ fnstl-lietrtr OTror nnhttohnS T . .0. finger exercise, ti'^„... ill of tint moder-ue^dfflculTve.8?t'd^’t* th"e 1 pieces, includii ted rhythmically. Why Woman Loves Chopin.W. J. Henderson 1 The bulbs are large, fresh and of the finest quality. □ leces, luuuuiug This rhythmic treatment venues me Three Against Two Contest. 3 •Melody of Love, Thes forti entire work. All the exercises conduce This Collection of Bulbs Given for Sending One Yearly Subscription to moderate difficult^ well It embodies the r Much Misunderstood Facts.L. C. Elson 1 within the ened teaching < - ... TSpSL.,-m THE ETUDE, Not Your Own, or Given Free with One Yearly Sub¬ vvuum toe range orof the avtaver comS(St'V-M'withfln --expressiver----“,0-r and f.nclllt' Lowell Mason..7. Cu.hbirt Hadden 1 scription at $1.75 Every number is a gem, availat e alike for player and pedagogue. The exercises pro¬ _ The Some Famous Salon Music Composers, the home, the recital, or the ___ gress by easy stages through the keys, tend¬ treated.
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