University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Mike Mansfield Speeches Mike Mansfield Papers 4-16-1958 Congressional Record Reprint - Statue of Charles M. Russell Mike Mansfield 1903-2001 Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umt.edu/mansfield_speeches Recommended Citation Mansfield, Mike 1903-2001, "Congressional Record Reprint - Statue of Charles M. Russell" (1958). Mike Mansfield Speeches. 288. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/mansfield_speeches/288 This Speech is brought to you for free and open access by the Mike Mansfield Papers at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Mike Mansfield Speeches by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1958 April 16 CONGRES AL RECORD- SENATE 5795 regulations al!'ecting railroad transportation: (See the remarks or Mr. HUMPHREY when Now, therefore, be It he Introduced the above blll, which appear Resolved, That the clerk o! the board be under a separate heading.) dlre~tPrl to ~Pnd a coov o! this resolution from foreign co By Mr. IVES: togc xhlbition at th S. 3629. A bill to authorize certain beach Sen. Statement of e held at Loulsvllle, erosion control of the short or the State of IVES thont payment or t!l New York !rom Fire Island Inlet to Jones sup) SENATOR MIKE MANSFIELD Joses (Rept. No. 1436). Inlet; to the Committee on Public Works. o! t (D. Montana) On the introduction of OF JOINT COMMI E ON STATUE OF CHARLES M. RUSSELL RE: legislation to accept RUCTION OF BUILDING FOR Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, to­ Charles M. Russell statue SEUM OF HISTORY AND day I am pleased to announce to the IOLOGY FOR THE SMITH­ Senate that the State of Montana will ~ in Statuary Hall una N INSTITUTION <S. REPT. place its first statue in Statuary Hall in the RECORD a resolution urging legisla­ N0.1437) October of this year. Statuary Hall. in tion to increase public works projects to the United States Capitol, is perhaps the Mr. ANDERSON. Mr. President. on finest memorial to outstanding Ameri­ alleviate the unemployment situation, behalf of the Joint Congressional Com­ which was recently adopted by the City cans. As all of us know, each State· is mittee on Construction of a Building for entitled to place two statues in Statuary Council of the City of La Salle, Ill. a Museum of History and Technology There being no objection, the resolu­ Hall. To date, Montana is one of the for the Smithsonian Institution, I sub­ few States that has not placed at least tion was ordered to be printed in the mit a report, pursuant to section 4 of RECORD, as iollows: one statue in the Capitol. Public Law 106 (84th Cong., 69 Stat. After a number of years of planning Resolution 189). I ask that the report be printed. Whereas unemployment has been on the and fund raising, Montana has decided The VICE PRESIDENT. The report to honor a great Montanan-not a Increase throughout the entire Nation; and will be received and printed, as re­ Whereas the City Council of the City of statesman, politician, or philanthropist, La Salle, Ill., believes that certain action quested by the Senator from New Mex­ but an artist--Charles Marion Russell­ must be taken to alleviate the unemploy­ ico. who recorded in oils, charcoal, and ment situation: Now, therefore, be It sculpture a vanishing era and a vanish­ Resolved by the City Council of the City EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF A ing race. He was an artist, illustrator, of La Salle. Ill., That we hereby recommend that the Federal Government continue Its COMMITTEE and writer who recorded the old West program !or public works projects for the As in executive session. during its transition to civilization. purpose of alleviating the unemployment The following favorable reports of Russell was an adopted Montanan, problem, and that we urge the Congress of nominations were submitted: who came to Helena in 1880, w)1en the the Unl ted States to pass all necessary legis­ By Mr. PASTORE, from the Committee on total population of the Montana Terri­ lation to provide for the Increased public tory was less than 40,000. He lived the works projects and that the city clerk of the Interstate and Foreign Commerce: city o! La Salle, Ill., forward copies of this VIce Adm. Alfred C. Richmond to be Com­ West; be worked as a trapper and mandant of the United States Coast Guard, resolution to the Members of Congress from wrangler.· He lived with the Indians; this district, the President o! the United with the rank of vice admiral. and it was during those years, as a young States, and the Governor of the State o! Rear Adm. James A. Hirshfield to be Assis­ man, that he was painting and modeling Illinois. tant Commandant of the United States Coast more and more of the experiences he This resolution was passed and adopted at Guard, with the rank or rear admiral; was living. In 1892, he moved to Great a regular meeting o! the City Council of the Richard F. Elden, and sundry other per­ Falls, and settled down as an artist. Cl ty or La Salle, Ill., held on the 3d o! sons, for appointment In the United States Four years later he married Nancy March 1958. Coast Guard; and Approved this 3d day• of March A. D. 1958. Russell A. Serenberg, and sundry other per­ Cooper, who was to exercise a most help­ B. D. BRUNO, Mayor. sons, for appointment In the United States ful and beneficial influence during their Attest: Coast Guard. life together. Thereafter, he built a GENEVIEVE KUDLA, studio in Great Falls; and his work as an City Clerk. illustrator became in greater demand; ------ BILLS INTRODUCED and his paintings, which were very popu­ THE HARRIS NATURAL GAS BILL­ Bills were introduced, read the first lar locally, were beginning to draw atten­ MEMORIAL time, and, by unanimous consent, the sec­ tion from far away places. ond time, and referred as follows: No artist captured the West with such Mr. DOUGLAS. Mr. President, I ask By Mr. HILL: devotion and fidelity as did Russell; and unanimous consent to have printed in S. 3624. A bill to amend the act "An act he continued to do so until his death in the RECORD a memorial signed by a num­ to authorize a permanent annual appropria­ 1926. ber of citizens of Chicago, Ill., opposing tion for the maintenance and operation o! the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory," approved The sculptor of the statue of Charles the passage of the Harris natural gas bill. Russell is John B. Weaver, a native of There being no objection, the me­ M£•Y 7, 1928, as amended: to the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. Butte, Mont., and curator of the Mon­ morial was ordered to be printed in the tana Historical Museum. The statue is RECORD, without the signatures attached, Bv Mr. CHAVEZ: S. 3625. A bill for the relief of Belle now being cast into bronze. It is a 7- as follows: Kllgerman; to the Committee on the Judi­ foot high representation, and shows We, the undersigned citizens and voters ciary. Russell with a palette on his left arm or Illinois, do hereby entreat you, most em­ By Mr. SMITH of New Jersey (for him­ and a brush in his right hand. It is 1 phatically, to use your intl.uence In votl.ag self, Mr. PURTELL, Mr. JAVITS, Mr. against the infamous Harris bill, the passing of 5 selected in a statewide contest. CASE of New Jersey, and Mr1 IvEs): or which would unjustly raise our gas bills S. 3626. A bill to establish a teaching hos­ The bronze statue of the cowboy artist !or the use or natural gas In our homes. pital for Howard University, to transfer will be placed in Statuary Hall in Octo­ (Signed by Veronica Kalemba and sunru·y Freedmen's Hospital to the university, and ber, the same month that the National other citizens of the city of Chicago, Ill.) for other purposes; to the Committee on Museum of Fine Arts will feature an Labor and Public Welfare. exhibit of Charles Russell's original (See the remarks of Mr. SMtTH of New Jer­ REPORTS OF COMMITTEES paintings and illustrations. October will sey when he Introduced the above bill, truly be Montana Month in the Na­ The following reports of committees which appear under a separate heading.) tion's Capital. were submitted: By Mr. BEALL: On behalf of Montana ·s distinguished By Mr. PASTORE. !rom the Committee on S. 3627. A bill for the relief of Anna Marie senior Senator [Mr. MuRRAY] and my­ Interstate and Foreign Commerce, with a.n Van Rooy; to the Committee on the Judi­ amendment: ciary. self, I submit three concurrent resolu­ S. Res. 287. Resolution authorizing a study By Mr. HUMPHREY: tions which authorize the acceptance of or the textile Industry of the United States; S. 3628. A bill to amend the Davis-Bacon the statue of Charles Marion Russell, to referred to the Committee on Rules and Ad­ Act, and for other purposes; to the Commit­ be placed in Statuary Hall; the tempo­ m.ln1stratlon. tee on Labor and Public Welfare. l·ary placement of the statue in the ro- Mike Mansfield Papers, Series 21, Box 39, Folder 50, Mansfield Library, University of Montana 5796 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE April 16 tunda of the Capitol; and the printing of Montana Is proud of her adopted son, charted northwest wilderness to explore the Charlie Russell.
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