Volume 5 Article 2 Number 1 The Iowa Homemaker vol.5, no.1 1925 V-E-I-S-H-E-A Pearl Harris Iowa State College Follow this and additional works at: http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/homemaker Part of the Home Economics Commons Recommended Citation Harris, Pearl (1925) "V-E-I-S-H-E-A," The Iowa Homemaker: Vol. 5 : No. 1 , Article 2. Available at: http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/homemaker/vol5/iss1/2 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Publications at Iowa State University Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oI wa Homemaker by an authorized editor of Iowa State University Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE IOWA HOMEMAI(ER "A Magazine for Homemakers from a Homemakers' School" VOLUME 5 APRIL, 1925 NUMBER V-E-1-S-H-E-A By PEARL HARRIS Veishea is Iowa State College on dis­ awarded for the floats which are the to be an especially gorgeous one and play. As an all·college exposition it gives most .artistic or the mO·S~ repres.entative. is now under construction in the Veishea an opportunity for the people of the state Last year this honor was claimed by the work shop where artists meet every day to view the mechanism and accomplish­ mechanical engineers. The parade as a to wield a decur.ative br\.!Rh and exchange ments of "Science With Practice." It whole will not follow any particular ideas. T1he ballet is under the direction is a celebration with a purpose-a task theme but will vary from the beautiful to of Miss Shannon of the Physical Educa­ requiring the labor of .all the students. the humorous. tion department with Beulah Roberts, H. 'l'he fourth annual exposition will be held The program Friday afternoon will in­ Ec. '26 as assistant. From the marked this year from May 14 to 16 inclusive, clude high school baseball games from advaLcement in technique this is sure and, according to those in charge, it will 1 to 6 p. m. A baseball game between to be a work of art. Mr. Reck states that live up to and in all probability surpass \\Tashington and Ames at 2: 30 p. m., an­ the possibility of the comedy attaining the precedents established. other dance from 4 to 6 will furnish the snap and speed of a professional As the time for Veishea ·comes nearer, amusement for those for whom baseball show will depend on the faithful sweat of the preparations and plans are being l1olds no fascination. every member of the cast. speeded up and completed, Home Economics, Veterin­ and according to Estille A. ary and Industrial Science Vaubel, general manager, ev­ divisions will hold their open erything will be in readiness houses Saturday at 9 a. m. a week before the celebration. Home Economics open house Veishea will begin at 10:30 is famous for its cherry piP- . a. m. Thursday, May 14, with This year the open house will the Moving-up ceremony. This be held on the first floor of event is to be changed this Home Economics building, in year and instead of the pre­ Home Economics annex, and vious moving-up for freshmen on the first fl oor of Physil;s only it will be an advance­ building and Beech home ment of all the classes. With management house. The gen­ the burning of the prep cap eral theme is "Homemaking". the freshman is no longer a The various departments will freshman, but a sophomore, have displays and "The the sophomore a junior and Homemaker" will be on ex­ so on. hibition in the lobby of Phys­ At 1: 30 p. m. the May Fete ics building. will be presented in a very Athletic events will charac­ picturesque spot under the terize the program for the trees by the campanile. The Household Art 1924. morning and afternoon of the May Fete is a dream phan- last day. The baseball sched­ tasy, "Hey Down Derry", written by Miss In bhe evening the Agricultural and En­ ule of Thursday will be continued starting Frances Wescott, H. Ec. '26, and the cast gineering divisions will hold their open at 8 a. m. with four more baseball games. this year will be composed of over one house. This is a tree demonstration of At 1 p. m. the semi·finals of the baseball hundred girls. The May Queen was cho­ their work and accomplishments in "Sci­ tournament will be played and at 4 the sen at an election held Monday, April 6, ence With Practice" since at that time two winning teams will play again in the but the honored person is not to be made their laboratories and work shops will finals for the championship. The game known to anyone until this time. Even the b~ open to the public for the purpose of lletween Washington and Ames at 2:30 queen-elect does not know who will be exhibiting the manner in which they con­ p. m. will undoubtedly prove a decided cl'Owned and this suspense adds to the duct their work. There are special dis, attraction for many baseball fans. A spe­ fascination and interest of fue event. A plays for e.ach branch of Engineering in­ cial athletic event to be staged on State bowery dance from 4 to 6 p. m. will com­ cluding civil, electrical, mechanical, min­ fi eld at 2:30 will be the Grinnell-Ames plete the program of the first afternoon. ing, ohemical, ·ceramic and architectural. track meet. At 8 p. m. a Swimming Circus will The Agricultural division likewisq repre­ Saturday night the choice of amuse­ be staged in State gymnasium. A dance sents animal husbandry, dairy, farm ments will lie between the bowery dance will be held at the same time in Central crops and soils, genetics, horticulture and and the last production of "Going Down" building and all four floors will be utiliz­ forestry. as a grand finale. ed for this purpose so space will not be The first presentation of the night During Veishea the state high school lacking. show "Going Down" will be given at 8 P. music contest will be held in Ames and The attraction of the second morning m. Friday. This event ·occupies the same high school students from all over the will be the parade which will start at place on. the program as "Yalami" of state will be here for the purpose of hav­ 10:30 a. m. All fue different divisions of last year. The play will well r epresent ing a part or supporting oontestants. the college and many of the campus or­ the active life of Iowa State College since The entire Veishe.a plans are being ganizations will be represented by floats the play is written, cast, directed, cos­ very carefully worked out by the Veishea and banners which will be symbolic of tumeu, and staged by Ames students and committee and not only a fascinating all­ the things for which they are known. A faculty. According to Frank R eck, stu­ around g'ood time but also an instructive first, second and third prize will be dent director, the setting for the play is (Continued on Page 14) 14 TH!!;' I OWA HO MEMAKER temperature so there is little danger of ·DIFFERENT CUTS OF VITAMINS IN CANNED any appreciable amount being destroyed in reheating. When the housewife pours FOODS away the water in which hermitically BEEF Dr. D. F. Kohlman was a guest on the sealed canned goods have been process· (Continued from P.age 10) Iowa State campus during the Canners' ed much of the food value has been wash­ tive tissue and to make more tender the short course, and also spoke before tile ed away because the two vitamins B and muscle walls. American Chemical as-sociation abou t the C are soluble in water and are thus We have found, of course, that in order vitamin content of canned foods. Vita­ largely dissolved in the liquid. to soften connective tissue, we m·ust have mins in canned goods has and is one of According to Dr. Kohlman of all the moisture. and we h ave also fo und that Dr. Kohlman's research problems as a vegetables worked upon canned spin.ach hot temperatures make the fibers tough­ chemist for the National Canners asso· is richer than any other food accept cod er. The principle then in the cooking of ciation with headquarters in Washington. liver oil in vitamin A. If is also rich in tough meats, is to retain the fla vor and It was thru the study of the corrod.jng vitamins B and C. Canned tomatoes are to soften the connective tissue anrl mus­ of cans that the presence of vitamins in being used as baby food in place oF or cle fibers. For the purpose of keeping the canned goods was discovered. Experi­ along with the orange as a source of vi­ flavor in a piece of meat, the housewife ments so far have largely been carried tamin C. It is often advisable to us-e can· usually sears over the sides of the piece on with apples, peas, spinach and cab­ ned food which is known to be rich in in hot fat, then she adds water and cooks bage. F rom th,is work it has been learned vitamin content rather than some fres-h it at a long low temperature, either on that canned spinach and cabbage, are vegetable which has had opportunity to top of the stove or in the oven.
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