June 15, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 12755 EC–2638. A communication from the Gen- EC–2648. A communication from the Assist- tities’’ (FRL No. 7924–9) received on June 14, eral Counsel, Federal Emergency Manage- ant Administrator, National Marine Fish- 2005; to the Committee on Environment and ment Agency, Department of Homeland Se- eries Service, Department of Commerce, Public Works. curity, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of EC–2657. A communication from the Prin- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Final Flood Ele- a rule entitled ‘‘Atlantic Highly Migratory cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office vation Determinations (70 FR 29639)’’ (44 CFR Species; Atlantic Shark Quotas and Season of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- 67) received on June 14, 2005; to the Com- Lengths’’ ((RIN0648–AT07) (I.D. No. 020205F)) ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- received on June 14, 2005; to the Committee pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled fairs. on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. ‘‘Hazardous Waste Management System; EC–2639. A communication from the Gen- EC–2649. A communication from the Acting Modification of the Hazardous Waste Mani- eral Counsel, Federal Emergency Manage- White House Liaison, Technology Adminis- fest System; Correction’’ (FRL No. 7925–1) re- ment Agency, Department of Homeland Se- tration, Department of Commerce, transmit- ceived on June 14, 2005; to the Committee on curity, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a va- Environment and Public Works. port of a rule entitled ‘‘Final Flood Ele- cancy in the position of Under Secretary for EC–2658. A communication from the Under vation Determinations (70 FR 29634)’’ (44 CFR Technology, received on June 14, 2005; to the Secretary of Defense, Acquisition, Tech- 67) received on June 14, 2005; to the Com- Committee on Commerce, Science, and nology, and Logistics, Department of De- mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- Transportation. fense, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- fairs. EC–2650. A communication from the Acting port relative to the Defense Base Closure and EC–2640. A communication from the Sec- White House Liaison, International Trade Realignment Act of 1990, as amended; to the retary of Health and Human Services, trans- Administration, Department of Commerce, Committee on Armed Services. mitting, pursuant to law, a report entitled transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of EC–2659. A communication from the Under ‘‘Child Welfare Outcomes 2002: Annual Re- a vacancy in the position of Under Secretary Secretary of Defense, Acquisition, Tech- port’’; to the Committee on Health, Edu- for International Trade, received on June 14, nology, and Logistics, Department of De- cation, Labor, and Pensions. 2005; to the Committee on Commerce, fense, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- EC–2641. A communication from the Dep- Science, and Transportation. port relative to the Defense Base Closure and uty Executive Director, Pension Benefit EC–2651. A communication from the Acting Realignment Act of 1990, as amended; to the Guaranty Corporation, transmitting, pursu- White House Liaison, International Trade Committee on Armed Services. ant to law, the report of a rule entitled Administration, Department of Commerce, EC–2660. A communication from the Under ‘‘Benefits Payable in Terminated Single-Em- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Secretary of Defense, Acquisition, Tech- ployer Plans; Allocation of Assets in Single- a vacancy in the position of Assistant Sec- nology, and Logistics, Department of De- Employer Plans; Interest Assumptions for retary and Director General, received on fense, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- Valuing and Paying Benefits’’ (29 CFR Parts June 14, 2005; to the Committee on Com- port relative to the Defense Base Closure and 4022 and 4044) received on June 14 2005; to the merce, Science, and Transportation. Realignment Act of 1990, as amended; to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and EC–2652. A communication from the Chair- Committee on Armed Services. Pensions. man, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, trans- EC–2661. A communication from the Under EC–2642. A communication from the Chair- mitting, pursuant to law, the Commission’s Secretary of Defense, Acquisition, Tech- man, International Trade Commission, monthly report on the status of its licensing nology, and Logistics, Department of De- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of and regulatory duties; to the Committee on fense, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- an investigation entitled ‘‘The Impact of Environment and Public Works. port relative to the Defense Base Closure and Trade Agreements Implemented Under Trade EC–2653. A communication from the Prin- Realignment Act of 1990, as amended; to the Promotion Authority’’; to the Committee on cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office Committee on Armed Services. Finance. EC–2662. A communication from the Direc- EC–2643. A communication from the Acting of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, tor, Federal Judicial Center, transmitting, Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch, pursuant to law, the Center’s annual report Internal Revenue Service, Department of the pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘GEORGIA SIP: Approval and Promulgation for the 2004 calendar year; to the Committee Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the on the Judiciary. report of a rule entitled ‘‘Appeals Settle- of Implementation Plans and Designation of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes; EC–2663. A communication from the Rules ment Guidelines: Sports Industry Media Administrator, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Rights Acquired in Connection with a Sports Georgia, Redesgination of Atlanta Severe 1- Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area to Attain- Department of Justice, transmitting, pursu- Franchise’’ (UIL: 167. 03–03) received on June ant to law, the report of a rule entitled 14, 2005; to the Committee on Finance. ment for Ozone; Maintenance Plan; Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets; Revisions to ‘‘Clarifying of Release Gratuities—Release EC–2644. A communication from the Acting Transportation Regulations to More Closely Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch, Rules for Air Quality’’ (FRL No. 7924–7) re- ceived on June 14, 2005 to the Committee on Conform to Statutory Provisions’’ (RIN1120– Internal Revenue Service, Department of the AB21) received on June 14, 2005; to the Com- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Environment and Public Works. EC–2654. A communication from the Prin- mittee on the Judiciary. report of a rule entitled ‘‘Charitable Con- EC–2664. A communication from the Rules cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office tributions of Certain Motor Vehicles, Boats, Administrator, Federal Bureau of Prisons, of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- and Airplanes’’ (Notice 2005–44) received on Department of Justice, transmitting, pursu- ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, June 14, 2005; to the Committee on Finance. ant to law, the report of a rule entitled pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled EC–2645. A communication from the Acting ‘‘Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medications: Tech- ‘‘GEORGIA SIP. 1-Hour Severe Ozone Non- Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch, nical Correction’’ (RIN1120–AB29) received on attainment Area and Severe Area Vehicle Internal Revenue Service, Department of the June 14, 2005; to the Committee on the Judi- Miles Traveled’’ (FRL No. 7924–2) received on Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the ciary. June 14, 2005; to the Committee on Environ- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Supplemental In- EC–2665. A communication from the Rules ment and Public Works. formation for Notice 2003–47 and Announce- Administrator, Federal Bureau of Prisons, EC–2655. A communication from the Prin- ment 2005–19, Executive Stock Option Trans- Department of Justice, transmitting, pursu- cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office action and Settlement Initiative’’ (An- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘In- of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- nouncement 2005–39) received on June 14 2005; fectious Disease Management: Voluntary and ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, to the Committee on Finance. Involuntary Testing’’ (RIN1120–AB03) re- pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled EC–2646. A communication from the Acting ceived on June 14, 2005; to the Committee on ‘‘OHIO SIP. 1-Hour Ozone Standard for Ozone Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch, the Judiciary. Maintenance’’ (FRL No. 7925–3) received on Internal Revenue Service, Department of the EC–2666. A communication from the Rules June 14, 2005 to the Committee on Environ- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Administrator, Federal Bureau of Prisons, ment and Public Works. report of a rule entitled ‘‘Section 965—Limi- Department of Justice, transmitting, pursu- EC–2656. A communication from the Prin- tations on Dividends Received Deductions’’ ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Bu- cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office (Notice 2005–38) received on June 14, 2005; to reau of Prisons Emergencies’’ (RIN1120– of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- the Committee on Finance. AB07) received on June 14, 2005; to the Com- EC–2647. A communication from the Chief, ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, mittee on the Judiciary. Regulatory Review Group, Farm Service pursuant to law, the report of a rule
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