June 23, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 13935 why rescind support for highly re- rifice to be remembered for the good (Mr. WELDON) believe, that mercury spected objective news programs like and honorable actions he was doing in should be taken out of all childhood the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer and Iraq. vaccines and in fact all vaccines. Frontline? His service showed the true American We need to ask ourselves one simple Why cripple excellent radio stations spirit. While the Lapinskis lost their question: What is right? The answer I like WUKY and WEKU in my district, son, they know that he died preserving think is very clear. Get mercury out of jeopardizing shows like Morning Edi- and fighting for democracy. all vaccinations. tion and All Things Considered? Mr. Speaker, I ask all Americans to In reality the answer that is given by Why indeed? I cannot answer such join me in honoring a true American far too many officials in our govern- questions. The very notion of turning hero. ment, health agencies and some Mem- bers of Congress, sorry, we cannot help away from the future of public broad- f casting is preposterous. I am fearful you, and the need to protect the phar- ORDER OF BUSINESS this is an administration effort to ei- maceutical industry is so great, we ther censor public broadcasters or in- Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- cannot do much about it. timidate them into favorably reporting er, I ask unanimous consent to claim b 1745 the time of the gentleman from Min- on the current administration. I sin- Some in my party keep talking about nesota (Mr. GUTKNECHT). cerely hope not. Objectivity and facts changing the law to protect the drug The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. know nothing of partisan politics. companies against so-called frivolous MCCAUL of Texas). Is there objection to The opponents of public broadcasting lawsuits, and we have to do something the request of the gentleman from Indi- should take note, we will never stop to help these families who had their ana? fighting to preserve public children damaged by the mercury vac- There was no objection. broadcasting’s independence. Public cines. I am against class action law- broadcasting is a true civic treasury, a f suits in general. I am for tort reform, shining example of what good govern- MERCURY AND AUTISM but we have got to do something to ment policy can do to improve our The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a help these families. quality of life and strengthen the We have tried to talk to the pharma- previous order of the House, the gen- American Republic by engaging citi- ceutical industry about protecting tleman from Indiana (Mr. BURTON) is zens in public affairs. them while at the same time changing As Thomas Jefferson once said, recognized for 5 minutes. the Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund Whenever people are well informed, Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- in a way that will protect these fami- they can be trusted with their own gov- er, I have been down here a lot talking lies and help those who have been dam- ernment. about autism over the years and my aged, but so far we have gotten abso- Maintaining our commitment to pub- committee had many hearings on the lutely nowhere with them; and it is lic broadcasting will help keep the very issue of autism. My grandson became something I think we need to continue people who elect us well informed, and autistic after receiving 9 shots in one to work on. in doing so, help to promote the integ- day, 7 of which contained mercury, in a Just recently, there was an article rity and proper functioning of this very product called thimerosal. And he is that was published in a magazine I nor- body itself. doing better but it has been a very dif- mally do not read. It is called Rolling I applaud the Members of this body ficult time for me and my family. Stone, but this article was brought to who rose to the defense of public broad- I strongly believe that there is a link my attention, and I think everybody in casting earlier today by voting to re- between the mercury that is in the thi- this body ought to read that article. It store funding to a cherished American merosal in the vaccines and children was written by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., institution. developing neurological disorders such somebody who I normally do not read, f as autism. In fact, according to a re- but I have to tell my colleagues it is a cent study released by collaboration of very well-written article. It goes into HONORING ARMY SPECIALIST U.S. medical researchers from Johns great detail and scientific research STANLEY ‘‘STOSH’’ LAPINSKI Hopkins University, Northeastern Uni- studies on mercury-connected mental (Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Flor- versity in Boston, and the University disorders caused by the thimerosal in ida asked and was given permission to of Nebraska and Tufts University that the mercury in these vaccinations. address the House for 1 minute and to was published in the Vancouver Sun in I would submit to all my colleagues revise and extend her remarks.) February of last year and was officially they really need to read this article. I Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Flor- released in the April 2004 edition of the am going to send a Dear Colleague out ida. Mr. Speaker, it is with a heavy scientific journal Molecular Psychi- to all of my colleagues in the House heart that I rise today to express con- atry, ‘‘A recent review of vaccine-re- and the Senate over the next couple of dolences of a grateful Nation. lated adverse events in the U.S. found days. It is a fairly lengthy article, but I rise to honor the life of Army Spe- a significant correlation between shots it goes into how government officials cialist Stanley, also known as Stosh, containing thimerosal,’’ i.e. mercury met with pharmaceutical company of- Lapinski. Specialist Lapinski was a re- ‘‘and autism.’’ ficials and deliberately covered up the cent victim of a terrorist roadside The study further concluded that the connection, deliberately covered up the bomb. use of thimerosal-containing shots connection between the thimerosal in During his last conversation before could account for the rising rates of vaccines and the problems that are he was killed, Sergeant Lapinski told autism since the early 1980s when more being created, neurological problems his parents not to worry about him and thimerosal-containing vaccinations that have been created in these chil- he would be fine. were added to the government-man- dren, including autism. While Stosh did not make it home dated childhood vaccination schedule. All of my colleagues ought to read from Iraq, I am honored to join the Scientific evidence aside, we have this and realize that we have had a col- Lapinski family for his burial at Ar- seen an increase from 1 in 10,000 chil- laboration between health officials in lington National Cemetery next week. dren who are autistic to 1 in 166 since our government and the pharma- A grateful Nation has brought him they started using thimerosal in many, ceutical industry to protect themselves home to the honors and accolades he many vaccines in the early eighties from class action lawsuits at the ex- well deserves. and children started getting more of pense of these young kids and families Nothing I could say today would heal these shots. who have been damaged by neuro- the wounds of the Lapinski family. I am not against vaccinations but I logical disorders, including autism. After speaking to them, however, I can do believe, as many of my colleagues, So I submit to my colleagues who tell you that they want their son’s sac- including the gentleman from Florida may be in their offices or here tonight, VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:28 Feb 03, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00091 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK10\NO_SSN\BR23JN05.DAT BR23JN05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE 13936 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE June 23, 2005 please read this article. It is extremely Act, many at the meeting were concerned publican from Indiana, oversaw a three-year important. I do not want to hurt the about how the damaging revelations about investigation of thimerosal after his grand- pharmaceutical industry. I would like thimerosal would affect the vaccine indus- son was diagnosed with autism. ‘‘Thimerosal to protect them from class action law- try’s bottom line. used as a preservative in vaccines is directly ‘‘We are in a bad position from the stand- related to the autism epidemic,’’ his House suits; but at the same time, we need to point of defending any lawsuits,’’ said Dr. Government Reform Committee concluded in change that Vaccine Injury Compensa- Robert Brent, a pediatrician at the Alfred I. its final report. ‘‘This epidemic in all prob- tion Fund to take care of these kids duPont Hospital for Children in Delaware. ability may have been prevented or curtailed that have been damaged and help their ‘‘This will be a resource to our very busy had the FDA not been asleep at the switch families. plaintiff attorneys in this country.’’ Dr. Bob regarding a lack of safety data regarding in- DEADLY IMMUNITY Chen, head of vaccine safety for the CDC, ex- jected thimerosal, a known neurotoxin.’’ The (By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.) pressed relief that’’ given the sensitivity of FDA and other public-health agencies failed the information, we have been able to keep it to act, the committee added, out of ‘‘institu- JUNE 16, 2005.—In June 2000, a group of top out of the hands of, let’s say, less responsible tional malfeasance for self protection’’ and government scientists and health officials hands.’’ Dr.
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