Paper Information Paper Name : Model Question Paper - Level -2 Total Question : 80 Total Marks : 100 Duration : 120 min Total Questions-60 Section- A (1 Mark each) 1. Which of the following is the largest gland in our body? a. Thyroid b. Liver c. Pancreas d. Adrenal 2. The concept of Panchakosha is found in…………………………… a. Kena Upanishad b. Isa Upanishad c. Mandukya Upanishad d. Taittirya Upanishad 3. Bile is secreted by which gland? a. Stomach b. Liver c. Pancreas d. Gall Bladder 4. The collection of the dialogues between Gheranda rishi and Chandrakapali is depicted in the form a text called……………….. a. Goraksha Samhita b. Gheranda Samhita c. Shiv Samhita d. Yoga Vasistha 5. It is made compulsory for a yoga practitioner to perform Kriyas in lukewarm water because…………………………… a. It is better than cold water b. It matches the internal atmosphere of the body c. It is good for eliminating the toxins from our body d. None of above. 6. “Integral Yoga” is the contribution of which Yogi? a. Yogananda b. Aurobindo c. Vivekananda d. Chaitanya 7. According to Samkhya, the mateial cause of the world is……………………. a. Purusha b. Both c. Prakriti d. None of the above 8. Who founded the Nath cult? a. Adinath b. Gorakhnath c. Swamy d. None of the Above 9. Why don't we practice Yoga on the bare floor? a. Because the floor may not be clean and tidy b. Beacause the floor is very slippery c. Avoiding the possibility of exposing ourselves to germs, becteria and fungal infections d. Because the floor conveys heat or cold to the body 10. Sthira Sukham a. Dharanam b. Pranayamam c. Asanam d. Dhyanam 11. The literal meaning of Sanskrit word 'Sankhya' is a. Sentences b. Alphabets c. Words d. Numbers 12. Devadatta Upa vayu takes care of a. Yawning/Sleep b. Hunger/Thirst c. Blinking d. Hiccups/Burps 13. Sthitaprajna is mentioned in a. Gherand Samhita b. Bhagwad Gita c. Patanjal Yoga sutras d. Light on Yoga 14. Nirguna Brahman according to Adishankaracharya is a. Brahman with attributes b. Brahman without attributes c. Ishwara with attributes d. None of the Above 15. The principle of 'Kriyas'according to Hatha Pradipika is a. Getting rid of all diseases b. Making body very flexible c. Eliminating excess toxis substances from the body d. None of the above 16. Who is a 'distressed' Bhakta? a. Jnani b. Arthartee c. Arta d. Mumukshu 17. In patanjal Yoga Sutra, Pranava is name given for a. Jopa b. Aum c. Kriya d. Shiva 18. Keeping a constant physiological environment in our body is called__________________ a. Excretion b. Circulation c. Respiration d. Homeostasis 19. The Bhagavad Gita, Brahmasutra and ……………… are collectively called as Prasthana traya. a. Dharma Sutras b. Upanishads c. Epics d. Puranas 20. The literal meaning of 'Nadi' is derived from the root word 'Nad', which means a. To flow b. To move c. To blow d. None of the above 21. According to Gheranda Samhita, Kapalabati is also known as a. Kriyabhati b. Bhalabhati c. Sthirabhati d. Sthulabhati 22. About_________________ tea spoons of slat need to be added in one litre of Luke warm water for the practice of some Shat Kriyas. a. 5 b. 2 c. 3 d. 8 23. Who is the author of Hatha Yoga Pradipika? a. Swami Shivananda b. Maharshi Patanjal c. Svatmarama d. None of the Above 24. Subconscious dream state is a. Jagrata b. Sushupti c. Svapna d. Turiya 25. In normal life one must practice asanas a. Beyond one's capacity b. According to one's capacity c. Perfectly 'always' as mentioned in the yoga texts d. For slimness only 26. Which of the following Nadi runs in between Ida and Pingala? a. Sushumna b. Kuhu c. Saraswati d. Alambusa 27. Yoga Darshan is complementary to a. Nyaya darshan b. Sankhya c. Vaisheshika d. Vedanta 28. ____________ practices are very beneficial for hypertensive and heart-related complications. a. Relaxation b. Asanas c. Dynamic kriya d. Dynamic pranayama like Bhastrika 29. ______________is considered as the first obstacle in the path of Sadhana a. Illness/Vyadhi b. Doubt/Samshaya c. Carelessness/Pramada d. Laziness/Alasya 30. The Sanskrit word 'veda'means a. Intellect b. Acquired information c. Knowledge d. Experencial ideas 31. During a practice class why instuction is given to remove watch and belt? a. Both answer one and two b. To become more comfortable c. Belt restricts the movement of diaphragm and watch restricts the flow of Prana d. None of the above 32. To stabilize and focus the mind on one object, image, sound or idea is a. Samadhi b. Dharana c. Dhyana d. Pratyahara 33. Trataka' is a form of _____________________practice. a. Kriya b. Dhyana c. Pranayama d. Pratyahara 34. Which of the following Prana governs our circulation? a. Apana b. Udana c. Vyana d. Samana 35. Mithahara according to Hatha yoga is…………………………………. a. Over-eating b. Moderate diet c. Under-eating d. None of the above 36. Which of the following practice is otherwise called yogic enema? a. Nauli b. Basti c. Dhouti d. Kapalbhati 37. Who was the founder of Nath cult? a. Swami Matsyendranath b. Adinath c. Swami Gorakhnath d. None of the above 38. Blood in our body is the manifestation of ________________________ mahabhuta. a. Vayu b. Agni c. Jala d. Akasa 39. Anadhija vyadhi means a. Diseases due to over eating b. Stress born diseases c. Diseases due to less physical exercise d. Non-stress born diseases 40. ____________ is to hear the supreme truth. a. Nididhyasana b. Padasevana c. Manana d. Shravana 41. Mitahara in Hatha yoga means a. Neither over-eating nor under-eating b. Little eating c. Under-eating d. Only over-eating 42. Bhakti Yoga is all about a. Culturing our emotions b. Culturing our knowledge c. Culturing our thoughts d. None of the above 43. According to Bhagvadgita, which Guna(s) is / are originated by Kama and Krodha a. Tamas b. Rajas c. Sattva d. Rajas and Temas 44. Which of the following states is beyond our comprehension? a. Svapna b. Jagrata c. Susupti d. Turiya 45. According to Patanjala yoga darshan, Asana is a. Sthiram cheeram asanam b. Sthiram dhukam asanam c. Sthairyam dhairyam asanam d. Sthir sukham asanam 46. Kriya Yoga comprises which practices of Niyama? a. Santosha and Tapas b. Tapas and Ishwara pranidhana c. Tapas and Svadhyaya d. Tapas, Svadhyaya, Ishwar pranidhana 47. Who authored the Srimad Bhagavatam? a. Vishwamitra b. Vasishta c. Vedavyasa d. Vidura 48. ________________ is a suitable food recommended after the practice of Vamana dhouti. a. Boiled vegetables b. Fruits c. Over boiled rice, green gram without salt d. All varieties of food 49. Which of the following Prana governs our circulatory system? a. Vyana b. Apana c. Udana d. Samana 50. During practice of Asanas which of the following are important? a. Awareness b. Breathing techniques c. Graceful movements d. All the above 51. Which pranayama has the power of overcoming hunger and thirst? a. Bhramari b. Sheetali c. Moorcha d. None of the above 52. In teaching asanas to a group of beginner's, would you a. Aim for all to practice but with ease b. All must stretch to the fullest and beyond c. Aim for perfection in the posture d. None of the above 53. Which of the following is not a Klesa? a. Abhinivesa b. Asmita c. Avidya d. Anugraha 54. Which Yama facilitates Prathyahara? a. Asteya b. Aparigraha c. Ahimsa d. Satya 55. Psychic control is the aim of which stream of Yoga? a. Karma yoga b. Jnana yoga c. Bhakti yoga d. Raja yoga 56. Patanjali's Yoga is also sometimes called as ……………………………… a. Raja Yoga b. Kriya Yoga c. Bhakti Yoga d. Karma Yoga 57. The relevant practice for Annamaya kosha in Yoga is………………….. a. Asana b. Pranayama c. Meditation d. Dhyana 58. Svatmarama had compiled an ancient yoga text opularly known as……………………….. a. Gheranda samhita b. Hatha Pradipika c. Shiva samhita d. Hatharatnavali 59. The Sanskrit word 'Vritti' referes to _____________ in Patanjali yoga sutras. a. Habit b. High frequency brain wave c. Ripples d. None of the above 60. To cut the pace of Inhalation and exhalation is __________________according to patanjali. a. Pranayama b. Dhyana c. Pratyahara d. Dharana Total Questions-20 Section- B (2 Marks each) 61. ………………… Bhava is attributed to steady, serene, peaceful feeling without any perturbance. a. Sakhya b. Santa c. Dasya bhava d. None of the above 62. By practicing which pranayama, one can float like a lotus leaf according to Hathayoga Pradipika? a. Plavini b. Ujjayi c. Bhastrika Pranayama d. Suryabheda 63. In which state, the rays of the mind are scattered on various objects? a. Mudha b. Ekagra c. Kshipta d. Vikshipta 64. The floor of the Perinium is the location of ……………………………………………. a. Manipura chakra b. Mooladhara chakra c. Swadisthana chakra d. Ajna chakra 65. What kind of water solution is recommended during the practice of Kriya? a. Hypotonic b. Isotonic c. Hypertonic d. None of the above 66. According to Hathyoga Pradipika, by practicing whioch Asana, all 72,000 nadis are purified? a. Mayurasana b. Koormasana c. Padmasana d. Siddhasana 67. Which is the most famous commentary of Patanjal Yogasutra? a. Vyasabhasya b. Sankarbhasya c. Nimbarkabhasya d. Ramanujabhasya 68. Ida nadi represents the negative force and the flow of………………………………. a. Beyond the sphere of awareness b. Awareness c. Consciousness d. None of the above 69. Strengthening of the mind to be able to resist the control of the senses is……………………….. a. Uparati b. Dama c. Sama d. Titiksha 70. Which of the following are non verbal measns of communication to be used by yoga teacher ? a.
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