March 1, 1983 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 3443 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE TRIO PROGRAM: THE AD- minority institutions. Currently, 7 of ARKANSAS MINISTRATION RETREATS 10 black students and more than 9 of Arkansas College; Arkansas State Univer­ FROM EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 10 Hispanic students <outside of sity; College of the Ozarks; East Arkansas Puerto Rico) are enrolled in an institu­ Community College; Garland County Com­ tion where minorities do not consti­ munity College; Henderson State Universi­ HON. WILLIAM D. FORD ty; North Arkansas Community College; OF MICHIGAN tute a majority. Lest anyone think that this proposal is a bonanza for Philander Smith College; Phillips County IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Community College; Ouachita Baptist Uni­ black colleges, they would receive the versity; Southern Arkansas University-El Tuesday, March 1, 1983 same amount-$23 million-under the Dorado; Southern Arkansas University; Uni­ •Mr. FORD of Michigan. Mr. Speak­ President's proposal for TRIO as they versity of Arkansas-Fayetteville; Universi­ er, the current administration believes now receive. ty of Arkansas-Montivello; and University that the poor and the disadvantaged The administration's proposal for of Arkansas-Pine Bluff. should be grudgingly maintained on funding the TRIO programs is the crumbs. But programs that might most shortsighted and mean-spirited CALIFORNIA expand the opportunities for those idea in a budget characterized by its California Lutheran College; California from outside the country club set are lack of fairness and compassion. As State University-Bakersfield; California not in favor. This administration's the Congress works its will on the State University-Chico; California State fiscal year 1984 budget, I trust that University-Fresno; California State Univer­ idea of a safety net is one stretched sity-Hayward; California State Universi­ across the doors of opportunity to bar the TRIO programs will receive an ap­ ty-Long Beach; California State Universi­ the way out of poverty. propriation beyond last year's modest ty-Los Angeles; California State Universi­ The clearest and most flagrant ex­ level and that the administration's ty-Northridge; California State Universi­ ample of this philosophy in action is proposal will be rejected. ty-Sacramento; California State Universi­ the proposal in the fiscal year 1984 A list by State of the institutions ty-San Bernardino; California State Uni­ budget for the TRIO programs. The and community agencies which would versity-Sonoma; California State Universi­ ty-Stanislaus; City College of San Francis­ TRIO programs provide to low-income lose TRIO projects under the adminis­ co; College of the Redwoods; Cuyamaca Col­ students whose parents did not attend tration's budget proposal follows: lege; East Los Angeles Community College; college the supportive services they INSTITUTIONS WHICH WOULD LOSE TRIO Fresno Community Mobilization for Educa­ need to enroll in and graduate from PROJECTS UNDER THE ADMINISTRATION'S tional Guidance; Grossmont College; Hum­ college. These services include counsel­ PROPOSAL boldt State University; Imperial Valley Col­ ing, basic skills instruction, tutoring, ALABAMA lege; Japanese Community Youth Council; and information about a college admis­ Merritt Community College; Mills College; Alabama A & M University; Alabama Monterey Peninsula College; Occidental sions and financial aid. These pro­ Center for Higher Education; Alabama grams have a long track record of suc­ College; Pact, Inc. Educational Clearing­ State University; Alexander City State house; Peralta Community College; Palomar cess in providing effective aid to those Junior College; Bessemer State Technical College; Projects to Assist Employment; Rio who would break out of the cycle of College; Brewer State Junior College; Con­ Hondo Community College; San Diego City poverty and dependence and achieve cordia College; Enterprise State Junior Col­ College; San Diego City College; San Diego the upward mobility afforded by lege; George C. Wallace Community Col­ Mesa College; San Diego State University; higher education. Among TRIO stu­ lege; Gadsten State Junior College; Gadsten San Diego Technical Institute; San Francis­ dents, 41 percent are black, 35 percent State Technical Institute; Harper County co State University; San Jose State Univer­ Trenholm State Technical College; J. F. sity; Skyline College; Southwestern College; are white, 17 percent are Hispanic, 4 Ingram State Technical Institute; Jefferson percent are American Indian, and 3 State Junior College; John C. Calhoun Stanford University; Stiles Hall University percent are Asian. This program is an YMCA; Terrena Corporation; United Coun­ State Community College; Lawson State cil of Spanish Speaking Organizations; Uni­ integral part of the Federal commit­ Community College; Lurleen B. Wallace versity of California-Berkeley; University ment to equal educational opportuni­ State Junior College; Miles College; Miles of California-Davis; University of Califor­ ty. College-Eutaw; N. F. Nunnally State Tech­ nical College; Northwest Alabama State nia-Irvine; University of California-La The President's budget for fiscal Junior College; Selma University Junior Jolla; University of California-Los Angeles; year 1984 proposes to cut the appro­ College; Shelton State College; Southern University of California-Riverside; Univer­ priation for TRIO from $154.7 million Normal High School; Southern Vocational sity of California-Santa Barbara; Universi­ to $35 million, a reduction of 77 per­ College; Spring Hill College; Stillman Col­ ty of Southern California; University of the lege; Talladega College; Tuskegee Institute; Pacific; University of San Francisco; Volun­ cent. The result would be the elimina­ teers of America; and Wahupa Educational tion of 1,137 TRIO projects serving University of Alabama; University of Ala­ bama-Birmingham; University of Ala­ Enterprise. 471,930 students at 767 higher educa­ bama-Huntsville; University of Montevello; tion institutions and 69 community University of South Alabama; and Walker COLORADO agencies. Services for 185,280 black State Technical College. Adams State College; Colorado State Uni­ students and 79,050 Hispanic students versity; Community College of Denver; Met­ now served by these projects would be ALASKA ropolitan State College; Trinidad State terminated. Alaska Federation of Natives; University Junior College; University of Colorado; Uni­ of Alaska-Anchorage; and University of versity of Colorado-Denver; University of The President's budget also proposes Alaska-Fairbanks. Northern Colorado; University of Southern that eligiblity for the remaining $35 Colorado; and Centro Emiliano Zapata. million would be restricted to institu­ ARIZONA tions whose enrollments are more Arizona State University; Arizona Western CONNECTICUT than 50 percent minority students. College; Central Arizona College; College of Connecticut Talent Assistance Corpora­ Ganado; Eastern Arizona College; Glendale tion <Middletown>; Eastern Connecticut This proposal flies in the face of the Community College; Navajo Community State College; Fairfield University; Greater fact that the overwhelming majority College; Northern Arizona University; Phoe­ Hartford Community College; Housatonic of students who need the aid of the nix College; Pima Community College; Uni­ Community College; Saint Juan Center TRIO programs, including minority versity of Arizona; Yauapal College; and <Hartford>; Trinity College; University of students, do not attend predominantly Youth Development, Inc. Connecticut-Storrs; Wesleyan University. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 3444 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 1, 1983 DELAWARE University-Indianapolis; Indiana Universi­ setts-Boston; University of Lowell; West­ Delaware State College; Delaware Techni­ ty-Northwest; Marion College; National field State College; Worcester Consortium cal and Community College; and University Cuban American Community Based Center; for Higher Education; and Worcester State of Delaware. Oakland City College; Purdue University; College. Purdue University-Calumet; St. Francis DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA College; University of Notre Dame; and Vin­ MICHIGAN College Entrance Examination Board; cennes University. Adrian College; Alpena Community Col­ Delta Sigma Theta, Inc.; Gallaudet College; lege; Acquinas College; Charles Stewart Georgetown University; Howard University; IOWA Mott Community College; Cranbrook LULAC National Education Service Centers; Central University of Iowa; Coe College; School; Davenport College of Business; Spanish Educational Development Center; Cornell College; Graceland College; Indian Eastern Michigan University; Grand Rapids and Trinity College. Hills Community College; Iowa Lakes Com­ Junior College; Grand Valley State College; munity College; Iowa State University; Hope College; Kellogg Community College; FLORIDA Kirkwood Community College; Luther Col­ Bethune Cookman College; Biscayne Col­ Lake Superior State College; Lewis College lege; Marycrest College; University of Iowa; of Business; Macomb County Community lege; Brevard Community College; Central and University of Northern Iowa. Florida Community College; Daytona Beach College; Madonna College; Marygrove Col­ Community College; Edison Community KANSAS lege; Michigan State University; Northern College; Edward Waters College; Embry­ Donnelly College; Emporia Kansas State Michigan University; Oakland University; Riddle Aero University;
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