4-5 Nanoelectronics Architectures Ferdinand Peper, LEE Jia, ADACHI Susumu, ISOKAWA Teijiro, TAKADA Yousuke, MATSUI Nobuyuki, and MASHIKO Shinro The ongoing miniaturization of electronics will eventually lead to logic devices and wires with feature sizes of the order of nanometers. These elements need to be organized in an architecture that is suitable to the strict requirements ruling the nanoworld. Key issues to be addressed are (1) how to manufacture nanocircuits, given that current techniques like opti- cal lithography will be impracticable for nanometer scales, (2) how to reduce the substantial heat dissipation associated with the high integration densities, and (3) how to deal with the errors that are to occur with absolute certainty in the manufacturing and operation of nano- electronics? In this paper we sketch our research efforts in designing architectures meeting these requirements. Keywords Nanoelectronics, Architecture, Cellular automaton, Heat dissipation, Fault-tolerance, Reconfigurable 1 Introduction 1.2 Ease of Manufacturing It will be difficult to manufacture circuits 1.1 Background of nanodevices in the same way as VLSI The advances over the past decades in chips, i.e., by using optical lithography. The densities of Very Large Scale Integration reason is that light has too large a wavelength (VLSI) chips have resulted in electronic sys- to resolve details on nanometer scales. As a tems with ever-increasing functionalities and result, an alternative technique called self- speed, bringing into reach powerful informa- assembly of nanocircuits is increasingly tion processing and communications applica- attracting the attention of researchers. The tions. It is expected that silicon-based CMOS idea of this technique is to assemble circuits technology can be extended to up to the year using the ability of molecules to interact with 2015; however, to carry improvements beyond each other in such a way that certain desired that year, technological breakthroughs will be patterns are formed, according to a process needed. Though this is a major motivation for called self-organization. Though self-assem- research into devices on nanometer scales, it is bly is a promising technology in development, equally important to find out how such it comes with strings attached: the patterns devices can be combined into larger systems. that can be built tend to have very regular Systems based on nanodevices will require structures, like tiles in a bathroom. Conse- very different architectures (designs), due to quently, nanocircuits constructed by self- the strict requirements of nanometer scales. assembly will likely need to have very regular Three major factors influencing designs of structures. nanocircuits are: ease of manufacturing, mini- mization of heat dissipation, and tolerance to 1.3 Minimizing Heat Dissipation errors. The huge integration densities made possi- Ferdinand Peper et al. 129 ble by nanotechnology will have far-reaching 1.4 Tolerance to Errors consequences for the heat that can be dissipat- Both the manufacturing and the operation ed by nanodevices. Even nowadays heat dis- of nanocircuits will suffer from the unreliabili- sipation is a growing problem in VLSI chips. ty of interactions on nanometer scales. In For nanoelectronics the situation is much manufacturing this manifests itself in defects: worse: it is anticipated that heat dissipated per some devices will permanently fail to work unit of surface will surpass that of the sun, if and some of the interconnections between similar techniques as in current VLSI are devices will not be correctly made. To cope used. Most notably, the use of clock signals to with defects, an architecture needs to be synchronize the operations in circuits is a defect-tolerant. In other words, it needs to major factor causing heat dissipation. Each have redundent (spare) devices and intercon- time clock signals are distributed over a cir- nections available that take over the tasks of cuit, energy needs to be pumped into wires, defective ones. An architecture also needs to and much of this energy tends to get lost in the be reconfigurable such that defective devices form of heat. One technique to cope with this and interconnections can be made inaccessible problem is to remove the clock. Circuits not in favor of redundant ones. requiring synchronization by clock signals are Errors occuring during the operation of called asynchronous. Roughly speaking, in nanocircuits will, unlike manufacturing such circuits devices are activated only when defects, typically be transient. Transient there is work for them to do, unlike in clocked errors occur only now and then, even in per- circuits, in which most devices are constantly fectly manufactured devices, due to factors busy processing clock signals, even in the such as thermal noise, signal noise, quantum absence of useful work. Provided they are mechanical effects, radiation, etc. The capa- well-designed, asynchronous electronics can bility of architectures to cope with transient reduce power consumption and heat dissipa- errors is called fault-tolerance. It can be pro- tion substantially. vided by redundancy in a circuit, such that Another technique to reduce power con- even when errors occur, they can be detected sumption and heat dissipation is reversibility and corrected using the remaining (correct) of operation, as was first claimed by information in the circuit. Error correcting Landauer [8]. The idea behind reversibility of codes are a well-known technique in this con- a device is that it can recapture the energy text, and they have been used extensively to spent in the device’s operation by undoing that achieve reliable performance in communica- operation (i.e. doing the operation in reverse) tions and in present-day memory circuits. afterwards. Though this principle has been known since the early 60’s, it is hardly applied 1.5 Nanoelectronics Architectures in practical circuits nowadays, perhaps The realization of nanoelectronics thus because the gains it promises for VLSI do not requires architectures with a regular structure justify the overhead in hardware it requires. that employ techniques like asynchronous tim- For nanoelectronics the story may be different, ing or reversibility to minimize heat dissipa- however, since interactions on nanometer tion, while also offering tolerance to defects scales (for example interactions between mol- and transient errors. The architectures we ecules or other particles), are typically have proposed for this purpose, are based on reversible, and such interactions are of funda- so-called cellular automata, which are regular mental importance to the operation of nanode- arrays of identical cells, each cell of which can vices. Consequently, interest into reversibility conduct a very simple operation. This paper has revived together with the nanotechnology shows how cellular automata can be used as boom. architectures for nanoelectronics. 130 Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Vol.51 Nos.3/4 2004 2 Cellular Automata Cellular automata were first proposed by von Neumann [15] with the aim of describing the biological process of self-reproduction using a simple mathematical formalism. The appeal of cellular automata is that they can Fig.2 Transition rule describing a transition the memories associated with a cell model complex behavior, while only simple can undergo. If the memory states of local interactions between individual neigh- a cell match the states n, e, s, and w in the left hand side of the rule, the boring cells take place. In this paper we use a rule may be applied to the cell, as a cellular automaton that is specially designed result of which the states of the cell’s memories are changed into the states with implementation of nanoelectronic circuits n’, e’, s’, and w’, respectively, depict- in mind. This cellular automaton is a 2- ed in the right hand side. dimensional array of identical cells, each of which has four neighboring cells, at its north, left of the arrow, and a right hand side. If the its east, its south, and its west. Each side of a left hand side matches the combination of cell has a memory of a few bits attached to it, states of the memories associated with a cell, as in Fig. 1. the transition rule is said to apply to the cell. The states of the memories may then be replaced by the states in the right hand side of the transition rule. Certain desired behavior of a cellular automaton can be obtained by set- ting its memories in proper states and defining transition rules that lead to state changes cor- responding to this behavior. For example, one may design a cellular automaton that behaves in the same way as a certain digital electronic circuit. Cellular automata in which all cells under- go transitions simultaneously in synchrony with a central clock signal are called Fig.1 Cellular automaton consisting of cells synchronous. They are the most widely stud- (the big squares with fat borders, one cell being shaded), each having ied type. When transitions of the cells occur access to four memories (the small at random times, independent of each other, squares). Shared by two cells, a mem- ory stores a few bits of information. we obtain asynchronous cellular automata, which is the type employed in this paper. In The four memories at the side of a cell are an asynchronous cellular automaton, a cell said to be associated with the cell. The value may undergo a transition when its memory stored in a memory is called the state of the states match the left hand side of a transition memory. A cell may change the states of the rule; this transition is randomly timed. If there four memories associated with it according to is no transition rule whose left hand side an operation called a transition. The transi- matches a cell’s combination of memory tions a cell may undergo are expressed by a states, the cell remains unchanged.
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