^wpgMni WBT ! i - " ^--—-Minnetonka—Doramati- * -..*liW-^o and Socia*l THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. Sunday, May 27; 1906. ill • I p men, teachers, civil engineers, mer­ chants, etc. Among them are many AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS famous student singers, . * Hugo Lindquist, a prominent Mu­ NO MUSIC FOR THE sician, choirmaster of the Maria church IflCTDflDni ITAil( Monday, Tuesday and Wed- of Stockholm, is the director of the & |||k I nUrULI I AH 1 nesday Evenings. Special chorus. The soloist of the trip will be Mr. Hushey, who is possessed of a BEST LONDON HOTEL L. N. 800TT, Manager. I Matinee Decoration Day. splendid voice and is always well re­ '-* ' THE 8WEOI8H DRAMATIC CLUB WITH ceived. The Minneapolis concert will w MyricAt be given at the Auditorium, June 28. EUTEBPEAN~CLUB. Costliest Hostelry of British Capi- MtSS IDA OSTERGREN The Girls' Glee club1 of the univer­ from Stockholm In sity has been secured to sing at the - tal Will Cater to Aristo­ THE EVER POPULAR FOLK PLAYS meeting of the Federation of Women, to be neld in the university armory cratic Conservatives. Friday evening, June 1. It had been J£T HOWABJ) 3QABPMmf arranged that the club should sing at Nerkingarns Vermlendingarne the reception at the statehouse, but Mon. and Wed. Evenings. Tuesday Evening. because of the size and character of the New York Herald Special Oable Service, Copy­ DECORATION DAY MATINEE. TWO WITTY COMEDIE8. ** function it was thought best to make right, 1906, by the New York Herald, Patriotic 8ongs and National Dances. directed by E. C. Lawton, formerly of "Good Night" quartet from Flotow's the change. The club will repeat Ticket*—$1, 75c, 50c, 35c, 25c," MXJSIOAL EVENTS THIS WEEK the Epiphany church in Chicago, but "Martha." The program will be di­ Elgar's "Snow," to be sung with the London, May 26.—Today one of the for the past year in charge of the vided into two parts, the first consist­ two violin obligatos, which will bo most wondrous buildings London has This Evening—"Btabat Mater," music at St. Paul's. ing of glees, choruses and part songs, played as at the annual concert, by yet Seen opens to the public. It is the «y-E&.^..T?iAY 31, JUNE I and i at Hennepin Avenue M. E. church, The choral work was unusually good while part two will consist of various Mrs. Carlyle M. Scott and Miss Graee new Ritz hotel. Built on the-site oc­ quartet and chorus. and spoke volumes for the careful work operatic selections.- There are forty- Golden. The two other numbers to be cupied by the Wallingham house, this "Daughter of Jainis," at St. and thoro musicianship of the new di­ five members of the choir, and the pro­ given are the arrangement of Kjerulf 's new hostelry far and away eclipses Mark's pro-cathedral. Full vested rector. The "Song of the. Tritons" ceeds will be devoted to the choir fund. "Last Night" and the "Carmina" any other hotel here in point of its choir. and the "Soldiers' Chorus" from This year the boys will camp at Christ­ waltz song. luxury. i ? Monday Evening—Piano recital, mas lake. One dining room in gold is a marvel NAT. C GOODWIN "Faust" were especially pleasing. The club netted $135 from its re­ Misses King, Eddy and Heimerd- Miss Pearce's numbers were delightful, of beauty^ while the vast long corri­ and His Company Presenting His Great Farce Comedy Success -S inger, Johnson school auditorium. cent concert at the First Baptist especially the "Noon and Night" of MISS DOELTZ'S PUPILS. churchy •) dor, with its> Savonneriet carpet, which Piano recital, Eleanor Bucknam, Coweni Miss Love's readings were Next Friday evening the pupils of cost 208,000 francs, has at the center Recital hall, Metropolitan Music greatly appreciated and she was in­ Miss Bertha "Doeltz will tender their opposite the main entrance a glorious building. POPULAR SINGING CLASSES. palm garden, with a fountain at tho "THE GENIUS" 1 stantly encored. * Matthew Crawford, friends a recital at Studio hall. 804 Tuesday Evening—Benefit concert tho boy soprano of the choir, made a There will be a rally or final gath- back with rarely sculptured bronze fig­ By W. C. de Ml lie, Author of "Strong heart," and Cecil de Mllle, Preceded by tendered Adolph Olsen, Swedish Nicollet avenue. They will be assisted ing of all the Popular Singing classes hit wih Rhys-Herbert's "Visitors" by Thomas McCracken, tenor. The pro­ ures in pure Louis XVI style. the One-Act Character 8tudy Temple, Seventh street and Tenth and O. P. Hand sang "O Hear the Wild organized in this city during the past There will be no music. Every other avenue S. gram to be given is as follows : season at the Central Baptist church, Thursday Evening—Piano recital, Winds Blow" very effectively. Pastoral* Schumann hotel-restaurant in London todav has Henrietta Reuss*. corner Fourth avenue S and Grant music. Some people like it; others hate Bernard Dahl, First Unitarian street, tomorrow evening, to close the church. , MR& LBMBECK'S PUPILS. Rererto .Schist* it. People who come to live in a hotel "IN A BLAZE OF GLORY"; i ' Willie Pleters, season's work, This meeting was to for a long period get terribly tired of Concert by All Saints' vested | The fourth annual ooncert of the "Tannhausor" March (two pianos) Wagner have been held last Monday, but the By Paul Armstrong, Author of "Heir to the Hoorah." % choir, at Parish hall, St. Mark's pupils of Mrs. A. J. Lembeok took' the band day after day. Such residents Meda Hoppe, Alma Holzsbuh, Laura Hall inclemency of the weather prevented a are expected to form the majority of MR. GOODWIN IN BOTH PLAYS. % church. place last Tuesday evening at the re­ Casstday, Byrdice Doelte. Friday Evening—Piano recital. cital hall of the Metropolital Musio (a) "A Red, Red Rose" Hastings full attendance. the clients of the new Ritz. They will Prices 25c to $2.00. i Seat Sale Monday* Misses Morgan, Bergstadi and company, which was completely filled (b) "Whfti Song le Sweet" Sans Soiwl not be forced to listen to music which Schanfeld, Johnson auditorium. by the friends of the young performers. Thomas 0. McCracken. HERE AND THERE. they do not care about. There will be Piano recital, pupils Miss Bertha The program was a varied one, includ­ Minuet . ,„ Paderewski no suppers served. In other words, the Alma Holzshnh. Miss Linda Robbeoke of Thief River Falls management does not wish to attract 22SL, SUNDAY MATINEE, JUNE a Doeltz, Studio Arcade hall, 804 ing numbers for the piano, banjo, guitar Impromptu (Op. 90, No S) .Schubert Nicollet. sang a soprano solo at the St. John the Evan­ that somewhat gay and giddv section and mandolin. A novelty was the Byrdlce Doeltz. gelist church, Sixteenth avenue N and Tlhrd "Yankee Boys' March" played by Valse Brllllante (two pianos) Moszkowski t of transients which rush in to feed and THE " <$> street, last Sunday morning. rush out. three mandolins, a guitar and a banio, Elfrleda Reusse, Alma Holeshuh, Haeel The "U" Girls' Glee club is planning for a STATE MUSIC TEACHERS TO MEET with piano accompaniment. All of the Lunke, Clara Mantbey. busy season next year. Concerts will probably ''Der Ltndenbaum'' Schubert-Lisst An event of importance to the music performers acquitted themselves admir­ be given ut St. Paul, Furlbault and Mankato, The action of Carter's Little Liver ably. Those who participated were Meda Hoppe. as well as the annual event here. Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. teachers of the state and to the musi­ "Caraena" Somerest Mme Sembrlch raised $1,300 of the benefit cians of the twin cities, is the ap- Misses Florence Glassburner, Lillian Thomas <?. McCracken. They gently stimulate the liver and reg­ of musicians who sustained losses in the San ulate the bowels, but do not purge. Sroaching fifth annual meeting of the Anderson, Helen Flinn, Nancy Wilson, "Rondo Caprlcdo'* ...Mendelssohn rrnucisco disaster by a recital at the Metro­ FERRIS STOCK GO. linnesota State Music Teachers' asso­ Cecelia O'Neill, Adell Blitsch, and Louise Patthey. politan operahouse, New York, on May 8. They are sure to please. Try them. and FLORENCE STONE ciation. The convention program has Messrs. William Higi, Jr., Hiram Brug- Salute Triumphant (two pianos) Gtoria The first performance of Mascagni's new ?'ust been issued by the committee. Gus- ger, Hugh O'Neill. William Palmer and Louise Patthey, Meda Hoppe. opera, "Irlsj" at the Politeana theater, Florence, Everybody wants a "Square Deal." in Auguatln Daly's Greatest Success, avus Johnson, Arthur 0. Koerner, Wil- Burt Shaw. William Higi assisted on Italy, was a jjreat success The orchestra was Everybody will get a'' Square Deal.'' ff lard Patten and John A. Jaeger. There the first banjo. NORTHWBSTERN'S BEOTTALS. admirably directed by tbe maestro himself, Insist on getting a "Square Deal." 44 will be twelve concerts and meetings Paderewski, who suffered from a stroke of Students of Northwestern Conserva­ paraljsts whUe in America two years ago, gave THE GREAT RUBY beginning at 10 o'clock Thursday morn­ ADOLPH OLSEN'S BENEFIT. tory of Music will give a number of re­ a. recital recently at Rouen, France. AMUSEMENTS ing, June 7, and continuing until Sat- citals in Studio Arcade hall, commenc­ Adele aus der Ohe, the famous pianist, will 100 PEOPLE. 12 BIG SCENES. ui >lay evening, June 9. Friends of Adolph Olsen, the clever ing June 5, when Miss Esther Fillmore appear in ooncert in America next season. THE BEST ACTING COMPANY EVER HEBE IN STOCK. young violinist of this city, have ar­ Tliaddeus Rleh has been appointed concert- The program for the meeting includes of Winnipeg gives a graduation pro­ FLORENCE STONE, HJARRINGTON REYNOLDS, ranged a testimonial concert in his be­ gram.
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