OCCASION This publication has been made available to the public on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. DISCLAIMER This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” and “developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. FAIR USE POLICY Any part of this publication may be quoted and referenced for educational and research purposes without additional permission from UNIDO. However, those who make use of quoting and referencing this publication are requested to follow the Fair Use Policy of giving due credit to UNIDO. CONTACT Please contact [email protected] for further information concerning UNIDO publications. For more information about UNIDO, please visit us at www.unido.org UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 300, 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: (+43-1) 26026-0 · www.unido.org · [email protected] Table of Contents 1. Overall Plan of the Training Scheme and Publicity of the Program 2. Training Centers in Sindh 3. Trainees' Schedule 4. Trainees' Data (i) List of Trained Trainees (Karachi) (ii) List of Trained Trainees (Hyderabad) (iii) List of Trained Trainees (Sukkur) 5. Assignment of Trainers 6. Photographs Annexures 1 to V. - _.- _ .. _------------ 1. Overall Plan of the Training Scheme and Publicity of the Program. Sindh Board of Technical Education, Karachi, was awarded Amendment No.1 to UNIDO Contract No.1600101O, vide No. MLlZP dated 19th April 2007 by the UNIDO, Vienna for RMP Training in the Sindh Province of Pakistan. The training program was advertised in three leading newspapers of the country to invite applications for RMP training. In all three training centers were used to impart training - one at Govt. College of Technology, Karachi, another at Govt. College of Technology, Hyderabad and a third one at SBTE Regional Office, Sukkur. A certified Master Trainers of UNIDO, Mr. Lateef Ahmed was deputed to provide training in Karachi, another Mr. Kaleem Iftikhar Siddiqui at Hyderabad and a third trainer Mr. Darya Khan at Sukkur. Mr. Rashid Aziz Joint Director SBTE deputed as Deputy Project Directors to supervise the program. Under this contract, 260 Technicians were trained in 21 batches in Karachi, 90 technicians in 9 batches at Hyderabad and 90 technicians in 9 batches at Sukkur. In all, 440 trainees were trained under this program. Since Prof. M. Saeed Siddiqui has now taken over charge as Chairman of the Board. He is also working as Project Director of UNIDO project. A half page advertisement was published in three leading Newspapers of English, Urdu and Sindhi, which appeared in The DAILY DA WN on 6th June 2007 and both DAILY JANG and DAILY KAWISH on 3'd June 2007, respectively, which are placed at Annexure - I. 2. Training Centers in Sindh. As mentioned earlier, the following three Training Centers were used. I) Govt. College of Technology, SITE, Karachi. 2) Govt. College of Technology, Wahadat Colony, Hyderabad. 3) Regional Office, SBTE, Sukkur. 2 3. Trainee's Data and Schedule: The proposed and actually enforced training schedules of the 440 trainees are provided in Annexure - II. The reasons for the difference in the training schedules were communicated in the interim report. The training program was started from 20lh June 2007 at GoV!. College of Technology, SITE Karachi, from 51h September in Hyderabad and from 10'h September in Sukkur. Twenty one batches comprising of 260 trainees have completed the training in Karachi, nine batches comprising of.90 trainers have completed the training in Hyderabad and nine batches comprising of 90 trainees have completed the training in Sukkur. Total 440 trainees have completed the training. Particulars of trainees are provided in Annexure-III. 4. Selection of Trainees: In response to earlier cited advertisements, the Board received many applications. It is worth mentioning that the Board approached Town Nazims, Dignitaries & Education Officers of the three regions to ensure the inductance of good quality of trainees in the program. 5. Certification of Trainees Each trainee has been provided with a certificate of the Board duly signed by the representative of UNIDO and the Chairman of SBTE. Copies of sample certificates are placed at Annexure -IV. 6. Photographs ofthe UN/DO 3rd Trench. 51 Group photographs of 1 Batch of yd Trench with Prof. Dr. Khalil Ahmad Khan, Chairman SBTE I Project Director, Mr. Fareedunfar, Principal GCT, SITE, Karachi, Mr. Rashid Aziz, Deputy Project Director and Mr. Lateef Ahmed, Master Trainer. Placed at Annexure V. 3 I ..AnFCexure- I .~::~;.~ .-)f '!ll:'.'!!'."'<L' ,,- a:",:~'~~~).r?.,. .::~~~;!f.,}'\~l£o;:'. ::~~~!Ii II ~ all' ;;j 'iI"r:~~'~ "l'; "~:;;'-',;:; S<,,~\il:, ~:.~~~~ ;:f~>~~:; :~~~~,~ ~.!~~;;~: !'l '" " ~:~~'~;:~~ Dr. Ryuichi Oshima .j~"c,."" Dr.'lshra{-uHbad Khan I~just:lal L'6vlO!opmenl otnw, UrWJO Dr. Arbab Ghulam Rahim ;ii ",'\",~' GovemcrotSindh CIlia! Min'ls:er S'w,d';: :i ',,, ~ if,' ~ ;~'::,\c ,..--0 f .. - I" +~ .. !, /0 .". ""f""9" j i% . ~ . fJ ." ~'t~ /'j .~ "'~!"'-' r. f."~~ill. r;~ rJ.r~1;>~/'1'tj::J § E~":;~ ;l'(:J.f ....rii.t':}i r& i ;1.rr)ffj rg"vl Rr~lr~r~O: ll;t:JJ{':f t~ g.~~n li~lf;J f;~:., ,", , ~~ r",.,,'§ is :{ ,;1 'l.,.f".iJ l~[J 1 ~ Cr. u ("<,-,,..t,'! t ~ '",,,~,"f 'd 'QJ! ~ 11 i', fUl ~_... ~-'I v if~ ~ !i!yl~ if ...,,,,,,,.If '..-,ifg ,Ii g &1; va .!.'E i; ~ ',-11 ::~,f ~{. Pakistan is a signato(y to the Montreal Ptotocol under \vhicll the Refrigerant Organization (UNIDO). This training 'Niil provide an opportunity to th2 r~~':::"I"iCi~r1'S Manaaement Pian (RMP) has b:::en app,o'.'ed to br!ng about reduction of CFCs to follov/ good sePJicing praclic01n Refrigeration and Air- Corio & ODS emissions for clobal envircnn:E:ltal :-:r')!ection. Althouoh Pakistan has been in c'Ji'1olianc-2 with the controi rn.:.:,su:·"':': An important component of RMP is Nationa'i Tectmicians Training. v:hich is being reduction targets must be achiev'2d by improved service and maint~l~anc~' ".,.vi!"" I:~:implemented in Pakistan through the REFRIGERATION & AIR-CONDITIONING equally by controlling intentional or unintentional release of Ozcr1e ~ t' ;/ SERVICE TECHNICIAN TRAINING PROGRAMME of Sindh Board of Technical Substances (ODS) in the atmosphere. '.~\ ~~;? Education (SBTE) in collaboration with United Nati':Jns Induslr-ial Development j; i'" ~' ..""'. Selection of Trainees: Obj~ctives' o{the " ,. P~,oJect: Establish.a RACT Jrainer/technician forum. Application' on plain paper a]ong\Nith ,",,- '" To Develop awareness about hazardous effects ;'1{' &1 , Develop·l·inkages betVleen RAC industry and selvice/experience certificate, and Ci,.HCare invited of CFCs (Chloroflu'o,ro Carbon) / ODS (Ozone Technical Institutes Offering Education & Training upto 18th June 2007, from the interested service Depleting Substances) used in refrigeration . In tr,e field of RAG, . techniCian working in the RAC Workshop in Sindh equipment. Free Registration: Training will 'be ,p'rovided at 3 Centres " ~j:~,; . Provide training for replacement of CFCs by ~ (1) Gov!. College of Technology SITE i<ar'achi Free Registration of RAG Workshop for establishing "'~;;,l;" HFCs.1 (2) Govl. College of Technology, V./ahdat a Forum free training. Provide training to the 440 RAC technicians in ~ Me & Colony, Hydera~ad and Stipend for Trainees: . Sindh for controlling unnecessary emission 'of i (3) SBTE Regional Office, St.:kkur, The CFCs laos by good serviceing and S Trainee will be provided course material and Stipend applicants are requested to clearly mention rhe maintenance techniques. ~ including TAlD.A @ Rs. 2,000/-. training center of their interest. Appl icatiol1s shall JI~~~~,,~< Establish a permanent resource centre for .~ Certification: . be addressed to Joint Director (GCRD; St - 22. "'/\("~ support, monitoring and evaluation of above Selected trainees will be registered with the Board. Block 6, Gulshan-e-Iqbal University Road, Karachi ;~; " '" '; 'Il" ..11?,'" vocational training' program in the field of RAC. On successful completion Training Certificates will "' .. 'f, Technicians already completed afJove ., d."" Include modern concepts about ODS in OAE .",,'\(' be issued in collaboration with UN IDa & SBTE training program are not eligible, >j~ :I' ~ .'! and, TSC curricula. 'f; II,if.'" , I:,i'j 1;>.'1'1" .....\( 'A Tf-IENPNS Centl'e for CUlTiculum Research & Development ;...:; '::::> .., ~ , . SINDH BOARD OF TECHNICAL E[}UGA''"iON ~, 'j ~'Jeanesday Jun' 6. 20D7 Tel. Off: 9243326-27, Fax: 9243328, Website: www.sbte-edu.net!il: '~:;', ~~-~ __ ~_""""' ""-""'_-"'-'-"'_~Io\'"ff~~~~' iiM_~1tmmd .JPliiOM::iJ._~~Y'J!-~~(j1t~~~~~~~'l;f~~;Xii:~.'£t.iW,.Ai~-S~??1~;;':;:;' r-"'-'- - I," "~ -, i "', 'I, 'I -,., '7, -\' " " ':~ ") ! -', ), '~\ :~ .. , 1 "\ 05 ~" ':\.~ : .":'> '" ':.! " ,\~-. " ,..~. " .] 1\ ... ' .~I ~ " 'r, . 1 ,.' ., .~
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