2256 Inventory 4.Pdf

2256 Inventory 4.Pdf

The Robert Bloch Collection, Acc. ~2256-89-0]-27 Page 11 Box ~ (continueo) Periooicals (continueol: F~ntastic Adyentutes: Vol. 5 (No.8), Allg. 194]: "You Can't Kio Lefty Feep", pp.148-166; "Fairy Tale" under the name Tarleton Fiske, pp.184-202; biographical note on Tarleton Fiske, p.203. Vol. 5 (No.9), Oct. 194]: "A Horse On Lefty Feep", pp. 86-101; "Mystery Of The Creeping Underwear" under the name Tarleton FIske, pp.132-146. Vol. 6 (No.1), Feb. 1944; "Lefty Feep's ~l:abian Nightmare", pp.178-192. Vol. 6 (No. 2), ~pr. 1944: "Lefty Feep Does Time", pp. 156-1'15. Vol. 7 (No.2), Apr. IH5: "Lefty Feep Gets Henpeckeo", 1'1'.116-131. Vol. 6 (No.3), July 1946: "Tree's A Cro"d", pp.74-90. Vol. 9 (No. 51, sept. 1947: "The Mad Scientist", pp. 108-124. Vol. 12 (No.3), Mar. 1950: "Girl From Mars", pp.28-33. Vol. 12 (No.7), July 1950: "End Of YOUl: Rope", 1'p.l10- 124. Vol. 12 (No. S), Aug. 1950: "The Devil With Youl", pp. 8-68. Vol. 13 (No.7), July 1951: "The Dead Don't Die", pp. 8-54; biogl;aphical note, pp.2, 129-130. Fantastic Monsters Of The F11ms, Vol. 1 (No.1), 1962: "Black Lotus", p.10-21, 62. Fantastic Uniyel;se: Vol. 1 (No.6), May 1954: "The Goddess Of Wisdom", pp. 117-128. Vol. 4 (No, 6), Jan. 1956: "You Got To Have Brains", pp .112-120. Vol. 5 (No.6), July 1956: "Founoing Fathel:s", pp.34- Vol. 6". (No.3), Oct. 1956: "A Way Of Life", 1'1'.13-28. Vol. 7 (No.6), June 1957: "Tel;l;ol; Ovel; Hollywood", pp. 70-69. Vol. 10 (No.1), July 1958: "Egghead", p1'.61-1B. Vol. 12 (No.5), Mal:. 1960: "Beep No More, My Lady", pp.92-96. Fantasy Book, Vol. 1 (No.1), 1941: "Black Lotus", pp.19-21. Fantasy Tales, Vol. 7 (No, 13), Winter 1984: "The $ol;cel;el;'s Jewel", p1'.2-1l. Fiction IFl:ench edition of The Magazine of Fantasy ang Science Fiction), No. 41, Apr. 1957: "J'elllbl;asse ton ombre", p1'.]0-46. The Robert Bloch Collection, Acc. 82256-99-03-27 Page 12 Box ''''~ (continued) Peqodicals (cQotinued), Fiction (French edition of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fictlou)t No. 44, July 1957: "Eve au pays des merveilles", pp. 95-113. No. 45, Aug. 1957: "Cher fantome!", pp.67-73. No. 50, Jan. 1953: "Si vous n'Y croyez pas ... ", pp.65- 61. No. 65, Apr. 1959: "Le Train pour l' Enfer", pp. 39-50. 15 Mystery stories, Vol. 40 (No.1), June 1950: "Head Man", pp.54-65. =,From Unknown Worlds, 1948, "The Cloak", pp.48-53. Vol. 24 (No.1), t>lov. 1960: "The Last Laugh", pp.38-41. Vol. 25 (No.3), July 1962, "Method For Murder", pp.8- 10, 51-52. Galaxie (French edition of Galaxy Science Fl.ction)' No. 61, Dec. 1956, "Un voeu traglque", pp.29 39. No. 86, July 1971: "Groovyland", pp.79-120. Galaxy Science Fiction: VOl. 11 (No.4), Feb. 1956, "Dead-End Doctor", pp 30- 42. Vol. 16 (No. 6), Oct. 1959: "Block That Metaphor" , pp. 134-144. Vol. 20 (No. 1), Oct. 1961: "Crime Machine" , pp.47-53. Vol. (No. Feb. 196B: "Sales Of A Deathlllan", pp .. 105-112.'" ", VoL. (No. Apr. 1969 t "How Like A Goa" , pp.69-84. Gallery: " ", VOl. 1 (No.3), Jan. 1973: "How Crime Flies", pp.B4-86, 161, 175-178. Vol. 1 (No.4), Feb. 1973: "aov Crime Flies (Part :2)", pp.114-116, 138-159. Val. 3 (No. 10), Nov. 1975: "The Model", pp.70-74, 128. Gamma: VOl. 1 (No.2), 1963: "The Ola College Try", pp.22-33. VOl. 2 (No.5), Mar. 1966, "Treno per 1 'inferno", pp.56-69, The Gent, Val. 2 (No.1), Oct. 1957, "Less Roaring, Please!", pp. 19-21, 61-6a. 2 copies. VOl. 4 (No.3), Feb. 1960: "The Neon Graveyard", pp.16- 17, 56-59. VOl. 5 (No.1), Oct. 1960: "Southern Discomfort", pp.32-34, 71-74. The Robert Bloch Collection, Ace. #2256-89-03-21 Page 13 Box -+-"S(continued) Periodicals !continued): The Gent: Vol. 6 (No.3), Feb. 1962: "The Unexplored Fields", pp. 8-10, 51-52. Vol. 8 (No. 11), Apr. 1965: "Less Roaring, P1easel", pp.28-30, 55. Hayakawa's Myste;y Magazine, No. 112, Aug. 1910: photo and mention, p.1. '''li Vol, 10 (No.6), Dec. 1983: photo and mention, p,1j Shrink. And The Nympho", pp.90-92, 90, 112, 120, ' it: Vol. 10 (No. 3), July 1960: "Talent", O'p,30-50, Vol. 15 (No. 12), Dec. 1965: "LONCON II", 0'0'.106-108. Vol. 19 (No.2), Feb, 1969: "At Bay With The Baycon", pp.38-41. Vol. 19 (No.5), May 1969: "Groovyland", pp.6-40. Vol. 19 (No.6), July 1969: "AUTHORGRAPHS: An Interview With Robert Bloch", pp.99-101. VOl. 20 (No.1), Jan, 1910: "Diary Pound In The St. Louis Zoo", 0'0'.2-3, 146-156. Vol. 21 (No.4), Apr. 1972: "The Old Switcheroo", pp. 16S-174 . Eer1Q!:l1 .. §.ls, lHl-l945; UllQ-196~ ; l~1Il-19B ; l~ 8 7: Imagination: Vol. 2 (No. 2), Apr, 1951: "The Hungry House", O'p .114- 131. Vol. 2 (No. 3), Jllne 1951: "Hell's Angel", 0'0'.6-57. VOl. S (No. 11 , Jan. 1955: "Comfort M" My Robot", pp.62-13. Vol. 7 (No. 3), June 1956: "Fandora's Box" (column) 1 O'p.116-121 , Vol. 7 (No. <I, Aug. 1956: "Fandora's Box", pp.94-101. Vol. 7 (No, 5), oct. 1956: "Fandora's BoX", .,.,.114-121. Vol. 7 (No, Dec. 1956: "Fandora's Box" , pp.114-121. Vol. , (No. ",11 , Feb. 1951 : "Fandora'lI Box" , pp.94-101. Vol. , (No. 2), Apr. 1957 : "Fandora's Box", pO',90-97. Vol. , (No. 31, June 1951 : "Fandora's Box", O'p .116-123. Vol. , (No. <I, Aug. 1957: "Fandora's Box", o'P .116-123, Vol. , (No, Oct. 1957: "Fandora's Box", pO',116-123. Vol. , (No. ", Dec. 1957: "Fandora's Box" , pp.116-123. Vol. 9 (No. ",11 , Feb. 1958: "Fandora's Box", O'p.92-99. The Robert Bloch Collection, Ace. »2256-89-03-27 Page 14 :llfl6' Box ~ (continued) Periodicals (COntinlled): Imaginat j 00: Vol. , (No. Apr. 1958: "Fandora's Box", pp.116-123. Vol. , (No. ", June 195 a, "Faodora' :s Box", pp.116-123. Vol. , (No. ",4), Aug. 1958, "Fandora '5 Box", pp.116-123. vol. , (No. Si, Oct. 1958 : "Fandora '5 Box" , pp.122-129. Imaginati~!il Iiilles , Vol. I (No. 3), Jan. 1955, "Blac); Magic Holiday" , 4-107. ". Vol. I (No. 4), Mar. 1955 : "Mr. Margate's Mermaid" , 4-67. ". Vol. I (No. 5), May 1955, "The Miracle Of Ronald Weems", pp.6-56, 2 copies. Vol. 1 (No. 6), July 1955: "The Big Binge", pp.6-99; autobiographical note, pp.2 and 131. Infinity Sclence Fiction, Vol. 1 (No. 1), Nov. 1955: "Have~ Tux - Will Travel", pp.39-55. Jules verne Magasinet: Vol. 2 (No. 3), 1941: "Den langa resan", pp.16-27. Vol. 36 (No. 363), May 1977, "Ett envist fall", pp.8~- 105. Ke~ho1e Mystery Magazine, Vol. 1 (No. 2), June 1960, "A Matter Of Life", pp.8~- Vol. 1"' .(No. 3), Aug. 1960: "Pat Chance", pp.33-~3; "The Case Of The Clumsy Cadaver" under the name Will Folke, pp.44-59. ~~f::i,,,V~;O~.I;. 4 (No. 4), July 1964: review of ~ BLOCH, pp.82-09. :~~~~~J~~~~~I~', pp.98-104. 7), July 1987: "Final pedor- Luther's Grusel-Miil9azin: ~ No. 1, no date: "Schrei aus dem Nebenzimmer", pp.80-02. 2 coples. No.2, no date: "Die gleiche Wellenlange", pp.24-30. No.3, no date: "Der Offner der Wege", pp,70-92. 2 copies. No. 4, no date, "Schreck en in der Nacht", pp.5-16. Thee, Or. Vol. 10 (No. ".4), 1956: "I Kiss 'four Shadow", pp.47-61. Vol, 10 (No. 6), June 1956: "All On A Golden After­ noon", pp.105-126. The Robert Bloch Collection, Acc. ~2256-89-03-27 Page 15 t<' Box~ (continued) Best Fans AJ::e Vol. "TJ::Y This For Psis", pp.77- Vol. "12 . (No.3), Mar. 1957: "The PropeJ:: Spirit", pp.17- 23. Vol. 13 (No.3), Sept. 1957: "The Traveling Salesman", pp.57-59. Vol. 14 (No.3), Mar. 1958: "How Bug-Eyed Was My HonsteJ::", pp.113-117. Vol. 15 (No.3), Sept. 1958: "That Hellbound Train", pp.119-130. Vol. 26 (No.3), MaJ::. 1964: "The Conventional ApPJ::oach", pp.l05-111. Vol. 31 (No.1), July 1966: "The Plot Is The Thing", pp.26-3l. Vol. 37 (No.4), Oct. 1969: "The Movill People", pp.34- Vol. ".51 (No.4), Oct, 1976: "A Case Of The Stubborns", pp.60-74, Vol. 52 (No.5), May 1977: "BlIt First These Words", pp, 52-57, Vol. 52 (No.6), JlIne 1977: "Nina", pp.4-12. Vol. 53 (No.4), Oct. 1977: "What You See Is IIhat You Get", pp,43-55, Vol. 56 (No.5), Hay 1979: "Freak Sho.,,", pp.46-53. Magazine of Horror: Vol. 2 (No.6), 1965-66: "The Faceless God", pp.5-20. Vol. 5 (No.6), Dec. 1969: "Satan's Servants", pp.8-35. Mammoth Detective: Vol. 2 (No.5), Nov. 1943: "Meet MJ::. MurdeJ::" under the name Tarleton Fiske, pp.114-126; "It's YouJ:: Own Funeral", pp,146-16). Vol. 3 (No.1), Feb. 1944: "Horror In Hollywood", pp.

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