May 29, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H5627 For 4 years, Mrs. Clinton has been well-known in Arkansas for drug use process is not over, and, in fact, they telling the public that she did very lit- and wild parties at which drugs were have the right to appeal. The real ques- tle legal work on the Castle Grande freely distributed? tion becomes, now, for us in this Con- project. She made this statement in a Why was ADFA putting millions of gress, to allow the process to move for- sworn statement to Federal banking dollars in foreign banks in a money- ward. investigators. laundering haven like the Cayman Is- There is a Whitewater investigator However, the Rose Law Firm billing lands? committee in the Senate that has a records that mysteriously turned up at Was then-Governor Clinton aware of June 14 deadline. To date, they have the White House in January disputed what was going on at the agency that found nothing and determined nothing. that statement. Even though they had he created? There was a report secured by the RTC been under subpoena for 2 years, the All of these questions need to be re- just about 2 years ago from a law firm records weren't given to the Independ- solved. The Independent Counsel in California, an independent assess- ent Counsel until they were ``discov- should not quitÐand I am confident ment that found no wrongdoing on the ered'' in January. that he will not quitÐuntil these ques- part of the President and First Lady. It was quickly discovered that the tions are completely answered to the But we are here only to encourage the billing records had Mrs. Clinton's fin- public's satisfaction. fairness and openness to this process. gerprints on them. More importantly, I hope we do not take to the House b these records for the first time pro- 2000 floor to cause statements to be made vided documentation that Mrs. Clinton The questions that this raises are nu- that would suggest that we have con- had drafted legal documents for Castle merous: Did Mrs. Clinton mislead the cluded and we have all the answers. It Grande. Federal investigators about her in- is appropriate, as I have said, for this The questions that this raises are nu- volvement in Casa Grande? Did she or process to be followed through. We merous: anyone else in the White House ob- might listen mindfully to the foreman First. Did Mrs. Clinton mislead Fed- struct justice by hiding these records of the jury, who spoke very eloquently eral investigators about her involve- for 2 years? Did Mrs. Clinton under- yesterday evening and indicated that it ment in Castle Grande? stand the nature of the sham trans- was not a question of the integrity or Second. Did she or anyone at the actions for which she was drawing up credibility of the President of the Unit- White House obstruct justice by hiding option agreements.? ed States. They made independent these records for 2 years. Second, where does the independent judgments on the data and documenta- Third. Did Mrs. Clinton understand counsel go from here? There are many tion submitted. the nature of the sham transactions for other facets of the Whitewater scandal But I do believe that we have the re- which she was drawing up option agree- that merit continued investigation: the sponsibility to the American public to ments? Whitewater deal itself, potentially ille- be forthright. There is no reason to Where does the Independent Counsel gal contributions to Bill Clinton's cam- hide the ball, but we also have the re- go from here? paigns, the death of Vince Foster. One sponsibility to be responsible; to allow There are many other facets of the important area that I hope the inde- those authorities that have the juris- Whitewater scandal that merit contin- pendent counsel is exploring is the Ar- diction, the courts of law, the inves- ued investigation: tigative committee in the Senate, to First, the Whitewater deal itself; sec- kansas Development Financial Author- ity. do their job. We add nothing to bring ond, potentially illegal contributions to the floor accusations on the Presi- to Bill Clinton's campaigns; and third, The ADFA was created by Governor Clinton in 1985 to provide economic de- dent and First Lady when there are the death of Vincent Foster. processes going forward to ensure that One important area that I hope the velopment loans in Arkansas. In De- cember of 1988 the Arkansas Develop- the job is done. Independent Counsel is exploring is the I believe that American people would Arkansas Development Finance Au- ment Financial Authority deposited, and get this, $50 million in a Japanese like us to proceed accordingly, and I thorityÐor ADFA. hope we give respect to all of those in- bank in the Cayman Islands. I have a ADFA was created by Governor Clin- volved in this process, including those copy of the contract that I will enter ton in 1985 to provide economic devel- who have been now judged, who have into the RECORD. Tomorrow night, opment loans in Arkansas. the right as Americans to appeal their since I am out of time now, Mr. Speak- In December of 1988, ADFA deposited case to the highest court of the land. $50 million in a Japanese bank in the er, I will go into more detail on this $50 f Cayman Islands. I have a copy of the million that was Arkansas money that contract that I will enter into the was transferred to the Cayman Islands, TRUTH IN SPEAKING record. I have also delivered a copy of a major transit point for drug traffick- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a this document to the Independent ing in this hemisphere. previous order of the House, the gen- Counsel's office. f tleman from California [Mr. DORNAN] is Why would an economic development WE MUST NOT TAKE YESTER- recognized for 5 minutes. agency in Arkansas deposit $50 million DAY'S HEADLINES AND MAKE Mr. DORNAN. Mr. Speaker, there are in a bank in the Cayman Islands? The THEM TODAY'S CONCLUSIONS so many subjects racing through my Cayman Islands are a well-known cen- mind right now for a 5-minute special ter of money laundering for drug deal- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a order. I was going to talk about an ers. The State Department's inter- previous order of the House, the gentle- Army hero who was killed in Bosnia national narcotics control report de- woman from Texas [Ms. JACKSON-LEE] trying to, to use his own words from a scribed the Caymans as ``a haven for is recognized for 5 minutes. few hours before his death, clear these money laundering.'' Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. stinking minefields for the children of In addition, public documents show Speaker, I was compelled, in listening Bosnia, but the last gentlewoman that ADFA was steering bond under- to my good friend on the other side of began her remarks by saying it is time writing business to a firm owned by the aisle, to simply rise and ask for for truth in speaking. Dan Lasater. Mr. Lasater's story by truth in speaking, only because I think Let me tell the gentlewoman, as now is well-known. He was a financial that we do a disservice to make yester- somebody who started investigating supporter of Bill Clinton's campaigns. day's headlines today's congressional Little Rock in 1992, before the Clintons He flew Bill and Hillary Clinton around debate. were in the White house, I think Little on his private plane. He hired Bill Clin- A jury rendered a verdict yesterday. Rock, just Little Rock, in an otherwise ton's brother and paid off an $8,000 drug Some of those individuals are friends of great State, and only in the field of debt he owed. Mr. Lasater also pled those who are in government here in politics with some businesspeople, was guilty to Federal charges of cocaine Washington, DC. The comment that I a stinking hole of corruption; with not distribution. heard at this point is that the he this current Governor, but the prior Why was ADFA steering business to wished his friends well. The comments Governor, a stinking hole of corrup- someone like Dan Lasater, who was that I heard of their lawyers is that the tion. And that like Hamlet's line about.
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