RAnON CALENDAR PROCESSED FOODS lreen ,tamps K. L. and !of (book 4) expire March 20, blUe IO·polnt tamps A8. 138. ca. 011. and Ell (book t ) 60- pi", May 20; MEAT red IO-polnt ,tamp A8, sa and C8 (book . ) .x­ p i", May 20. brown slamp. Y and Z (boole 3, uplr. March 20; SUGAB stamp 30 (book 41 vaIJd indefinitely. ,tamp to tor canDlnc .u,.r expires Feb. 21, 111(5; SHOE .1amp 18 (book Il expl_ AprU 30, airplane ,tamp I 'book 3, valid indefinitely; GASOLINE A-IO Cloudy coupon expires March 21 ; FUEL OlL per. 3 coupon expIres March U. per. 5 coupons expire &pt. 30; TIRE INSPECTION dudlin" fJW A THE DAILY IOWA row : Parlly doud.Y. Continued coupon holders, M.rch 31. lor B coupon holders, .June 30, {or C coupon holde.... MIl' 31. cold. DfaUnJshin,. 1'Ii.ocls. Iowa Cit '5 Morning News er flVECENTS TilE AI OCIATED nln IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY. MARCH 9. 1944 raE AJIIOCIATItD ...., VOLUME XLIV NUMBER 139 U. S. Planes At a Glaflce- • Today '5 to Blast. Berlin Japs Fail Seize Offensive In Sattle Iowan Third Time .. ... ... BerUn bombed with 10,000 high For los Negros in Admiralty Islands explosives and 350,000 incendi­ 38 Bombers, aries. 16 Fighters Lost Russians close In on junction of WHERE RUSSIANS SMASH INTO SOUTH POLAND In Heavy Raid Tm·nopol. Marshal Zhukov's Yugoslav Quarrel forces o'verrun another 100 lo­ Retreating CENTRAL FRONT Yank Tt,oops 10 !DON (AP)- . B. Fly­ calities. Nearing Solution (RUSSIA) -10 STATUTI II in" Fortres~cs und Libcl'ulors Peace between Russia and Fin­ . ,. with Il tremendous fighter ps­ land still in the wind. Reply Two Ministers Nazis Abandon Barge On cort, whicll mnde up lin annada sent Tuesday presumably Cell Of Peter Arrive estimated ut bctw('clI 1,600 und short of expectation . 2;000 plllllt'R, struck at Herlin In london Kill 1,500 Nips Yanks bailer all Jap attempts to Tanks, Guns ycstcnluy fot' thc tlJi,·u t ime in seize offensive on Los Negros LONDON (AP)-The Yugoslav In Powerful Attempt fivc days with whnt a consPl'VU­ island; kill at least 1,500. famHy quarrel between the cabinet LONDON, THURSDAY (AP)­ tivcly-worde(l American com­ To Consolidate of King Peter nnd the forces of Mo cow announced early today munique culle(l "good resulfs." Marshal Jo Ip Broz (Tito) ap­ Qllt of tit hngc flcet 3 pared at last to be nearing a sol- that a furious battle was raginl By LEONARD MIl.LIMAN bombers and. 16 fightcl'R were Berlin Raids ution with the arrival In London in the town Staro-Konstantinov, P Auodated Preu War Editor lost, bllt the ('seorting planes of two or Peter's minister's Ivo "vital enemy ba. e" in the ~outh­ o'pan lollowl: ] n Crcctual J attempt MaOdon. alonr knockc>d down 3 enemy Cicin, Cinance, and M. Grl ogongo. weslern Ukraine, aft r the Red to iE the off nsiv in the bat­ aircraft; gun n e r s aboard the D3 of Urcent InvllaJlon anT\Y Y sterday bottled it way tle Cor Lo., Negro . land in th bombers destroyed others yet un­ Show Strength They came al the "urgent invita- Into the suburbs ond, 30 miles to .... ,. • D3 of tabUlated. lion" of the British lovernment, th sou thea t, captured the di:. '- ...... AdlOiralty group w r battered D3 of Ten thousand hll'h explosive and others-possibly including the trict cent r of Chcnj ... Q troY on the '1 -, D3 of uown by American troop who bombs and 350,000 lueendlarles young king. him elC- are expected ude, sa-Lwow raIlWII.)'. D3 of r"·... .-, hav killed at 1 a. t 1,"00 of the were cascaded down upon tho Of Air Force Ishortly tor further conferencc.'S. Mar than 3,000 Gennnns were LED by farah.1 Gregory K. Zhu- ." or Des ruined caplbl, tho communique Thel'e are indicalions thal unless .oiled, two reaiments of tiermull koy, above. the Red commander HUNGAIY I df'f nding 1{8ra-i on, n. Doug· disclosed, and thIs devastaUnr By KIRKE L. IMP ON Iihe Cnlro regime agrees to back Infantry routed and 100 communl- who beat the NazIs In tho battle • i . ( In MacArthur report d today. Ule Partisan forces of Tlto and Ii were t'ul>lur d by Marbhal for Moscow til 1941. Sovt t torcel / I load was estimated at approxi­ As oclated Pre s War Al\aly t A mor powerrul attempt by mately 2,000 tons. The return or American heavy rid~ il~elr or ill; anti-Tilo clements, ,-,regory K. Zhukov's fir~t Uka- have urre<l we.lward acrolls lh. '. ;' In plunging 600 miles into the bombers to Berlin bcCore the fircs it may corfeit allied recognition. rainian fl'on( force, suld the mid- Ukraine In a n w large-Beale of- _4.-:;:::.: :::::':::'.___ -----' n Klrong fo"c oC Japan e mov­ heart of the Reich again, the set by their daylight blow Monday , olutlOl1 Llkely night Moscow bulletin, recordcrl fenslve whlcb threatens to trap , .,.. •.." iu/! ou from 'j'ul en failed to American air fleet proved its abil­ hlld flickered out emphasizes the eitherA solution if Petel' i sditches considel'ed his cabinet likely broadca·t.by the Soviet Monltcr from it Hiller'snil. Ilona in(]nttrn.t;on,'l tho ~n~l;ep~e~r~ ~m~c.~\~.~~==::===:;~~::~~:;:~~~;=~~~~ k('('p L'niteil lut marine. f rom ity to bound back within two days tremendous and still expanding consolidating their newest beach­ from the savage baUle it fought size of American air rorces mobil­ and joins Tito, or it he r shuHles Retre. t nder 1lI0w~ along the same route Monday, ized in Britain, to spearhead an his cabinet to include Partisan "Retreating under blows or th Fa R I head on nOrthern New Britain. when a record of 68 U. S. bombets allied invasion. mem~ers and eliminates Premier 'Soviet troop; the Germans arc Inns ep y 'Mexico Will Take The enemy countert.hrust Crom Ta­ )IIere lost and a record of 179 It also demonstrated the waning Bozh~dal·. Purlc :Jnd Gen. Draja Iabandonmg tank~, gun und trucks I lasea came MondllY night against Mlh8llovlc. stuck In the mud," it 'aid. "Par- , 80,000 Welsh enemy aircraft were shot down. ability of German all' power to marines who landed five miles ticulluly Ii ree engag ment II' a The fact that yesterday's loss­ deal wilh a ground-sea attack T R Active Part in War' away on Wlllaumez peninsula, I s es were reduced almost half- from the west; or even to guard Igoing on In the area of th town 0 usslan 8 38 bombers out of a force of a single ci ty from the air. of Staro-Konstantinov, which is a Miners than 170 mil lrom Rabaul. vital enemy ba~e." Coal probably 800 to l.lOo-lndlcated Heavy as were American losses 65 Whales Pres. Manuel Camacho Ixtb arm)' troop Idvanced the strain that the repeated al­ in ships and men in Monday's Become a Nuisance Germun count r-attacks with P T Promises Air Force three mile on th third battle lied attacks have placed on Ger­ blasting or Berlin, they'failed eVen hastily lath r d intuntry and tank eace erms tron~ on the shor 01 the BII­ many's air defouses. "There was to delay the follow-up nttack. The To All Concerned forces were defcat d by the Red Service at Fronts trlArck s, ..Ivln&, them control army troop. which cOptured Cher- Still on Strike considerable enemy f1&'hter re­ score piled up ag in t the foe in or 35 mil of the northe.. t New action again," Iho anDouncement Nazi fighters shot out of the air 1ll-0. trov, the llu.ian . aid. In an- MEXICO CITY (AP)-Presl- GuInea co I lIno from Idor, sald-evldence Ihal the Nazis in the Iirst precision assault was CHARLESTON, S. C. (AP)- other 'cctor the Germans counler- STOCKHOLM (AP)- Fmlllnd dent Manu 1 Avila Camacho told LONDON (AP)- ~aj. Gwllym whero their Invaslon started ten The 65 beached whale on nearby nttackcd with aboul 100 t:Jnks, has formally replied to Russill' the M xlcun atr tore ycsterd y Lloyd G org, minis! r of Cuel, had 1I0t yet clven up defending a one-sided affair. Some London BuU's Island have censed to attract but were declared throwu back weeks ago. their capital III strell,th. estimates say one out of every . d peace lel· ~· J't w"s rellably re thnt It would carry the red-white- remo\'ed one ot the chief obstacles A lew barle loads of Japanese th e eyes 0 r th e cunous an appear with 42 tanks destroyed. U~, u - Flying through light clouds most three German fighters which rose now as if they will be in the pub- Far to the north In Eslonia the ported 1a t nilht. and Swedish IInd-lreen flal or Mexico into to settlement oC a strike or 80,000 from neoll'by Manus IIland at­ of the way, the American armada to meet the American armada actual CllhUnl before the war is Wei. h c 1 miner. last ntaht by t mpted to land Tue day on Los II c no e f or awehll . Germans lungl'd out near NOl'va. circl 10 speculated that the answer found clear weather over their went down in flames. acc Ptina an agre ment between Nell' , but were Quickly beaten The hu.ce blackfi h mammal.
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