Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-36933-6 - The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy: From the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Disintegration of Scholasticism: II00–I600 Norman Kretzmann and Anthony Kenny Jan Pinborg Index More information INDEX NOMINUM Page numbers divided by an en-dash (such as '72-81', '101-2') indicate either a continuous discussion or simply at least one relevant occurrence of the name on each of those pages. Many pages referred to contain relevant material in their footnotes as well as in the body of the text, but footnotes are expressly referred to (as in '847n.' or 'i8mn.') only in case relevant material does not also occur in the text on those pages; and footnote references give only the number of the page on which the note referred to begins, even if the relevant material occurs in the continuation of the note on the following page. This index is intended to include the names of all persons and places mentioned in the text of the chapters (ordinarily excluding examples) and the Biographies. The titles of anonymous works are also included. The names of modern authors whose works are cited in the footnotes are included only when the reference is more than a simple bibliographical citation - e.g., a quotation, or an appraisal of a contribution. Ancient authors are cited under the names by which they are generally known. Medieval and Renaissance authors are cited under their first names if their careers are earlier than 1500, under their last names if their careers are later. Some such distinction is called for in an index of names covering that transitional period; the extensive cross-referencing in this index will help to avoid confusion. References printed in italics are to the Biographies or to discussions elsewhere in the book that are particularly informative regarding the person in question. Abbreviatio Montana, 277n., 278-9 447-9,46on., 521, 523-9,600,602-6,610-11, Abelard, see Peter A. 6i2n., 617, 6i8n., 62On., 622-3, 632, 634-5, Abraham, 713 660-4, 667, 684, 709, 723-6, 728, 855-6, 887 Abstractions, 220, 225, 879-80 (Ps.-) Albert, 525n. Acciaiuoli, see Donarto A. Albert of Saxony, 108, i89n., 19m., 205, 2isn., Adam, 642, 688, 694 2i8nn., 222-30, 23m., 233-44, 249nn., 253, Adam Parvipontanus, 317 285n., 293, 299, 302, 339n., 377, 536n., Adam Wodeham, 2O4n., 376-8, 468n., 548n., 568nn., 570n., 575, 667, 789-90, 856, 865 855, 889 Albinus, iO4n., 12411. Adams, M. M., 6, 31m., 47m. Al-bitrogi, 59 Adams, R. M., 379n. Albumbazar, 526n. AdelardofBath, 84 Alcala, 789, 836, 859-60, 869 Adenulph of Anagni, 28m. Alcuin of York, 80, 82-3, 275n. Aegidius Roman us, see Giles of Rome Alexander of Aphrodisias, 55, 63—4, 76, 104, Aeneas Sylvius (Pius II), 764, 855 108, 113-14, nsn., n6n., 117, 125, 273n., Africa, 879 345n., 446, 569n., 595, 605, 614, 622n. Agostino Nifo, see Nifo (Ps.-)Alexander, 75, 104, 108-9, 122-7 Agostino Sbarroya, see Sbarroya Alexander the Great, 60 Agricola, see Rudolph A. Alexander of Hales, 46on., 63 m., 636, 708, Ailly, Pierre d\ see Peter of A. 772-5,781-2, 823,^56 Alan of Lille, 3 son., 706, 855 Alexander Hegius, 814 Alanus Anglicus, 7j6n., 777n. Alexander Neckham, 58, 70 Albericus, 54 Alexandre de Villedieu, 815 Albert the Great, 30n., 56-7, 71, 74, 91-2, 186, Alexandria, ioin. 262, 28m., 292, 343n., 351-2, 398n., 409-10, Alfarabi, 47, 52, 60, 71, 479 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-36933-6 - The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy: From the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Disintegration of Scholasticism: II00–I600 Norman Kretzmann and Anthony Kenny Jan Pinborg Index More information Index Nomintim 981 Alfonso X (of Castile and Leon), 60 Ars Meliduna, 137, I56n., 165-7, I73n., 197-8, Alfonso of Aragon, 871 201, 204-5, 208-9, 241, 278, 279n. Alfred of Sareshel, 47, 50, 58, 70, 79 Ashworth, E. J., 7, 215n. Algazel, 47, 52, 579, 614, 618 Aspasius, 659 Algiers, 879 Assisi, 885, 889 Alkindi, 47 Astorga, 59 Alluntis, F., 389n.; and Wolter, A., 464^ Athens, 125 Almain, see James A. Augustine, 105-6, 122, i88n., 189, I9on., 201, Alphonso de Veracruz, 790 266, 359, 363, 408-9, 440-6, 448n., 449~5i, Al-sharastani, 569n. 454, 455nn., 461-2, 463^, 472, 473n., 475, Alvarez, Diego, 379n. 477, 498-501, 508n., 566n., 596-7, 6ion., Alvarus Thomas, see Thomas 623, 629, 645-6, 673n., 688, 693, 743~6, 753, Amaury of Bene, 71 762, 768, 771-3, 775, 778n., 779~8o, 781ml., Ambrose, 778, 78on. 782, 844 America, North and South, 763 (Ps.-)Augustine, 105-6, I2on. Amiens, Peace of, 838 Augustin Huens, see Huens Ammonius, 64, 75, 104, I2on., 122-3 Augustinians (Austin friars or Hermits of Amorites, Israelites' attack on, 78 m. St Augustine), 522, 637, 666, 857, 861-2, Anagni, 64 864, 873 Andreas of Scharding, 669 Augustinus Triumphus, 740-1, 746-7, 857 Andreas Wall of Walzheim, 669 Aulus Gellius, 794, 799n. Andre de Neufchateau, 206, 856 Aureoli, see Peter A. Andronicus of Rhodes, 105, 115 Aurifaber, see John A. Angelelli, I., 26n. Aurispa, see Giovanni A. Angelo of Camerino, 28 m. Avencebrol, see Avicebron Angelo of Fossambrone, 252n., 541 nn. Averroes, 48-9, 52, 59-60, 71, 74-8, 81, 93, Anonymous, see under individual titles H3n., H4n., U5n., H7n., 255, 262, 34<*n-» Anonymus Aurelianensis I, I27n. 351-3, 385-9, 393, 397, 398n., 400, 432"-, Anonymus Pragensis, I27n. 440, 448nn., 526, 528-9, 530n., 569n., 576n., Anselm of Canterbury, 2, 134-42, 192, 359-61, 578n., 58on., 588n., 595-6, 602, 604-8, 363, 374-5, 444. 453, 456, 501-2, 522, 632, 611-12, 6i3n., 614-15, 6i6n., 617, 6i8n., 673, 856-7 619-21, 622n., 667, 795 Anselm of Havelberg, 54 Avicebron, 47, 394, 408-9 Anselm of Laon, 632, 875 Avicenna, 47, 52, 58, 6o, 71, 77, 79, 154, 255, Anthonius Haneron, see Haneron 262, 385-90, 392-3, 395n., 397, 398n., 403, Anthony de Monte, 25on. 449, 452, 455nn., 479~8i, 483n., 527-8, 595~ Antichrist (in examples), 208, 2i4n., 364n., 365, 8, 600-8, 6ion., 611, 614, 618, 624, 665 369-72 Avignon, 888-9, 891 Antioch, 60 Avila 859 Antiochus of Ascalon, 115 Apollonius Dyscolus, 109-11, 126 Bacon, Francis, 97, 779 Apuleius, 105-6 Bacon, see Robert B. and Roger B. Apulia, 57 Baldus de Ubaldis, 771-3, 775n., 776n., 78on., Aquinas, see Thomas A. 78m., 783n., 857 Aretino, see Leonardo Bruni Balic, C, 368n. Argyropoulos, see John A. Balliol College, Oxford, 870, 880-1, 887 Aristippus, see Henricus A. Banez, Domingo, 379n., 380, 818, 859 Aristotle, see under works and doctrines in Index Barbaro, Ermelao, 670 Rerutn Barcelona, 880 Armagh, 881 Barnes, J., 7, 113, 4o6n., 497n. Arminius, Jacobus, 864 Barnes, Josiah, 836 Armstrong, A. H., 1-2 Barthians, 829 Arnaud, see William A. Bartholomaeus Latomus, see Latomus Ars Burana, 201, 204, 278 Bartholomew Keckermann, see Keckermann Ars Emmerana, 2i4n., 2i5n., 232n., 241, 243, Bartholomew of Messina, 49, 62, 78-9 278, Bartolus of Sassoferrato, 764, 857 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-36933-6 - The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy: From the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Disintegration of Scholasticism: II00–I600 Norman Kretzmann and Anthony Kenny Jan Pinborg Index More information 982 Index Nominum Basel, 669n., 788 Bonet, Nicholas, see Nicholas Bonettus Bautain, Louis, 839-40, 842 Boniface VIII, Pope, 868 Bazan, B. C, 6i2nn., 61311., 61511., 61711. Bonsembiante Beduarius of Padua, 205, 858 Beauvais, 70, 890 Book of Common Prayer, 884 Becker, A., 350-1 Bouvet, see Honore B. Becket, see Thomas B. Boxadors, John Thomas de, 840, 84m. Belgium, 63, 844 Boyer, M., 839n., 842m Bellarmine, Robert, 80, 94, 379n, 715 Braakhuis, H. A. G., 178m, 2i6nn., 2i9n., Belmeis, see John B. 22inn. Benedict XII, Pope, 7290. Bracciolini, see Poggio B. Benedictines, 865, 885, 886 Bracton, see Henry B. Benevento, 864 Bradwardine, see Thomas B. Bennett, J., 6o9n. Braga, 878 Berengarius of Tours, 83 Branchereau, L., 844nn. Bergh, B., 39 Brasenose College, Oxford, 859 Bergmann, G., 824n. Brentano, Franz, 850 Bernard of Clairvaux, 83, 631, 744, 870, 875 Brerewood, Edward, 821, 836, 8$g Bernard Morisan, see Morisan Brethren of the Common Life, 814 Bernard Perger, see Perger Bricot, see Thomas B. Bernold of Constance, 25n. Brinkley, see Richard B. Bertola, E., 6ion. Brito, see Radulphus B. Berube, C, 46on. Brittany, 875 Besanc,on, 860 Brounts, A., 38n. Bianchelli, Domenico, 787 Bruder, K., 392n. Biel, Gabriel, see Gabriel B. Bruncllus (or Brownie, in examples), 265, 416, Billingham, see Richard B. 433 Bion, 799n. Bruni, see Leonardo B. Blaise of Parma, 54m. Brussels, 844-5 Blemmydes, see Nicephorus B. Buchanan, George, 868 Blondel, Maurice, 849 Buckingham, see Thomas B. Blund, see John B. Burana,J. F., 791 Bode, see John B. Burgersdijk, Franco, 821, 835-7, 860 Bodin,Jean, 756 Burgundio of Pisa, 55-6 Boehner, P., 2i8n., 228n., 234n., 31 inn., 3i5n. Buridan, see John B. Boethius, 46-7, 50-1, 53-7, 65, 67, 74-5, 79, Burley, see Walter B. 81-3, 85-6, 104-5, 107-9, 111-13, U5n., Buzzetti, V., 840-1 U7n., 118-19, I2on., 121-4, 126, 128-34, Byrne, E., 5o6n. 140, 188-9, ioon., 193, I97n., 208, 232n., Byzantium, 105 262, 274-5, 278-9, 287, 288n., 289, 291, 293n., 296-7, 299, 302-4, 306, 318, 342, Caesar (Julius), 712 345n., 346-7, 359-60, 367, 392-3.
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