Gıiney - D oğ ıı Avnıpcı Anışlınnııllırı Dergisi Yı/:20 1 3-1Sayı:23S.123- 1 58 MUSLIM PRIMARY EDUCATION lN NORTH DOBRUCA (iN THE 1860S-1870S) Margarita DOBREVA* Abstract in the 1840s - 1870s thc Ottoman reformers sought to actualize the Muslim education. Sin ce they considcred the Muslim primary e ducation as an essential base of the training at th e hi gher schools, my paper explored the avail able data about its network, the funding, the instruction and the enrolment rate of the pupils in North Dobruca. Despite the partial dala about the urban mektebs, there was a certain development of the priınary education in th e towns. The interest ofthe pupils, girls and boys, towards the new-founded mektebs was due to the factors s uch as thc adherence to the traditional values and socia\ models and thc opportunity of acquiring practical skills. The density ofthe vill age school network vari ed between 90- 100% . The Muslims provided the construction costs by themselves, by minor \oans from the capitals of the Public Benefits Bank, or by the sa le of the ram furs. Thcy fai \ed to cstabli sh school funds in order to secure the mektcbs' daily expense and the teachers' wagcs. The promotion of the actualized curri culum was related to the teachers' qua\ification and the actual enrolment rate in North Dobruca. Except few cases, the enrolment rate varied between one third and two thircls. Keywords: North Dobruca, Muslim primary education, development · \)r .. l \ : ıl k: ı n /\ r : ı -;; tırııı : ıl:ırı Ln " \İ\t ·ı s t ·ı_ ııı : ı q,>.: ırit:ı duhrc·\':1(< 1 !ı t ıtın:ıil. L· tıı ıı 1~ 1 1 • 1' /Jı jf l>f, \ - ---- - ----------- Until 1864, tlı e region of Dobruca be longed to the eyalet of Silistre. Thc kazas of Babadağ, H ı rsova, Maçin and Tu lça were under the sancak gove rnnı e nt of Sili stre, and t he kazas of Köstence, Mankalya, Ha cıoğ l u Paza rc ı k (modern Dobriç) ancl Ba l ç ı k - under the sancak government of Va rn a. in order to scttle th e C ri mean refugees, in 1854, the Ottomans fo unded the town of Mec idi ye '. Reorgani zing the eyalet of Silistre, Vidin and N i ş in to a new prov incc, "the Dan ube Vil ayet'', in October 1 864, the r cfo rın e r s attac hed th e kazas of Babadağ, H ı rsova, Maç in , Köstence and Mec idi ye to th e ncw -fo und ed sancak of Tul ça. The kaza of Mankalya stll l was sti 11gove rn ed by the kaymakam of the sanca k of Varna. Today the fo r­ me r O tt o nı a n di stri cts of Ba b a d ağ, H ır sova, Köstence, Maçin , Mecid iye ancl Tu lça are part of Romania. The kaza of Mankalya is di vided between Bul ga ria and Romani a. 1t refer o these 7 di stricts as North Dobruca. Co nı p l y in g with th e Vil ayet Law publi shed on 8th October 1 864 in the newspaper "Tak vim-i Ve kay i", the loca! Otto nı a n administration of th e North D o bnı ca stri ct ly ca rri ed out th e ord ers and the regul ati ons of th e Sub lime Po rte and vari ous mini stri es. The kaza clerks reported to the sa n­ cak and vilayet offl cials on the issues co nı p l cte d or they appealed to th ern for ass istance and advic cs 2. in th e early 1870s, the populati on of North Dobruca numbered about 6053 0 male Muslim vill agers and about 34800 male Non-Mu !im vill agers. The Mu slim urban population anı o unt e d to 1041 9 male persons and th e Non-Muslim one - to 936 1 mal e persons. Embodying the imperial mu lticultu ra li sm, th c region housed A rnı e ni a n s, Bulgarians, Circassains, German s, Greeks, Hungarians, Jews, Kazaks, Lipovans, Mokans, Moldo­ van s, Noghays, Protestants, Tatars, Turks and Vlahs ' . in th e l 860s - l 870s many M uslim s ol' Nortlı Dobruca l'arınc d b ıı d . brcd lives tock or fis hed. Somc of th cm were crnftsıııcn , shopkccpcr-.; . ı ı ıı..·r­ chants or tax farın e r s 4 . Few Muslims join cd t lıc loca! adm i ııi s lr < ıli o ıı. Th\.'> 1 Sa/na nı e- i Devlet-i A/iye- i Osmani)'e, De fo 2, l s t aııb ul : l )anı ' l -1\'Lıth; ı; ıt - i :\ ıııı rc 1:'h-l ( 1848/ 1849), p. 165 , 167, 18 1, 193 , 205 , 207, 21 1; C. .J. l lc ywnod. l\tkdjid iyc. / 11< 1< lı•/' ' dia o/lsla11 1. Le iden-B rill , 2003, vo l. 6, p. 972. 2 Ncwspapcr ,,Takvim-i Vc kay i", no. 773, 7 Cc ı rnız i y cl cvv c l l 2X 1 ( X 1O 1X( ı..f l 1 Salname- i Vilayet-i Tiıno . Del'a 6, Ru sç uk: Tun a Vila yeti l\thı t baa s ı 12')0 ( 1X ?\ l. ~ . :'(ı-; 283, 304-3 09; Nat ional Library "Sts Cyril and Mc th od iu s". Or i c ııtal lk p ; ırıııı c ııı (iı L' ıc· ;ıl ter NLCM, Or. D.), D 490, p. 2; Yidin 8/85 , p. 3-5, X; Tulça ) 1 '-f<ı . p. fo - l hı . ı The Ültoman documcnts ev in ce th at th c Mus l i ın s ol' thc rc- g i oıı ır a t k· d cnı p s. ı o h;ı n·ı 1 fobri cs and wool. They practi ccd as w at c h nıakc r s , iıı ııkccpcr s. bl < ı c ksıııitlı s. ~ lı t ı cııı ; ı kc· ı , . ı\ lıı ./iııı l'ıiıı111n1 T.ılwofi<lll iıı uıllı Dulnıını Uıt lf1t· l86!J,..-l8;·(),1 125 served on the court, nıilitary , quarantine and te\egraph posts, on mosque 5 and schoo\ bodies or as shore and land patrolmen . Besides the availab\e general inforrnation6, there is a bulk of Ottoman documents about the Mus­ lims' economic rhythm, their social and cultural life in the 1860s - 1870s, or in broader sense, during the Tanzimat peri od ( 1839-1876) when the modern European culture and the economic models slow ly diffused into the dai ly routine of ali Sultan's subjects. Facing with the cha\lenges of the modernity, the Ottoman reformers sought to actualize the Muslim educa­ tion and to estab\ish a wide network of secondary schools (rüshdiyes)7. Since the Ottomans considered the primary education as an essential base of the training at the secondary schools, my paper explores the deve\­ oprnent of the Mus\im elementary schools (mektebs) of North Dobruca in the 1860s-1870s, a process directed by the Ministry of Education. Founded in 1856, the Ministry ofEducation acted to solve the problems specified by its predecessors: the Educational Commission at the Council of Publi c Work ( establ ished in 183 8) and the Council of Public Education (established in 1846). Promu\gating the Law of Public Education in Sep­ tember 1869, the Ministry prescribed the set up of provincial educational commissions which would effectuate its programs and regulations. in the autumn of 1871, the General Council of the Danube Vilayet de­ clared the necessity for a \ocal educational commission. However, it was established two years \ater, in September 1873, and its loca\ units spread 8 in some kazas in the next few years . Patterning its ideas on "The Guide- tai lors, servants, boza-makers, builders, barbers, butchers, carpenters, cooks, coopers, con­ lectioners, porters, gunsmiths, tinsmiths, boatmen, bakers, and makers of coffee, vi negar, axes, cart, or saddle (NLCM, Or. O. , Babadağ 7/9; Vidin 13/53; Tulça 52/13, Tul ça 57/ 1O, Tulça fı ?.1 9 Tu \ c; ; ı fı?. 1 1 \ : r. 170 . a. u. 98: F. 17 \ , a. u. 1225; F. l7 1A, a. e. Si ; F. 173, a. L'. 1: ı Jı ıi . ı 11 ıı 11 .1 11 1 ı111 .\ /,iıı · ılıı/,11ııwıııi :: ı ı _· 11111ıı·ıııt1ı· ı ı11r'.:111ı ı11 111. 1 d. ~ ı e rcı n ndreev, S ofı.a: \ 1. "Sh Cyrı \ ; ıı ıd \Vkı l wditı < \l)'J'\ . p 22-L 2'l'l ..\ \ 0 . \ 17. \2 1l . y; 1. \% . ..\ il..\ . ..\ \ il . ..\ 17 . - ı ..ı ı . ..ı..ı..ı . -llı-l . ..\ ( ı'J - -l 7 1l . ..\ 7.'\. :; -ı:-; . :') \ ' '; (ı~ . "7 1 ı. ·:;:-; _\ <.,:-; (\ :''l\ - :''l.2. ( ı .2 1l . (ı..\1 1 . (ı(ı 7) "Sıı /1111111 <' i .. ... 12'l() ı \ :-;7.>).,., 'lll -'l'J. ' Mi'ı s kc i lı (Jl k i ·ı ,., ; ı\ tıilc' I " '.Cl l\ l'!; ı \ İıı \ \ır ı ıı:ııirnı <ı l Hıı ı l ı l w \\ l ıı -.; \ ıı ıı ,.,c· ı ık ııı c· ııh . cT ll ll tı ııı ıc· ; ııı tl uı l lur; ı\ lik iıı i )u\ıruc;~ ( M i .ı s ıcl· ı h ( 1 \ Li ·ı ..,; ı \. /lıı/>rn ı·ı ı ,.,. /'iiı'/,/,'I ,. \ ıı L ı r : ı : 1 ii rk k i'ıl - t i'ı ı · i·ıı ılı i\ r ; ı '-. t ırıı ı; ı i'ı ı s t i ıi ·ı s iı 1'):-;7 ı.
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