10 March 9, 1973 Congratulating Paris Conference On Its Successful Conclusion "February 28" Uprising in Taiwan Province Marked Talking of Women's Liberation PEKING Vol. 16, No. 10 March 9, 1973 A REVIEW Published in English, French, Spanish~ Japanese and German editions CONTENTS THE WEEK 3 Learn From Comrade Lei Feng Spring Farming Home From Paris Goodwill Delegation From Pyongyang Sung Wei-pin Crosses Over ARTICLES AND DOCUMENTS Congratulations to the Paris International Conference on Its Successful Conclusion-- Renmin Ribao editorial 5 Act of the Interndtionol Conference on Viet Nam 6 Head of Chinese Delegation Chi Peng-fei's Speech u After the signing of the Act of the International Conference on Viet Nam 8 Support Somdech Sihanouk's lust Statement--Renmin Ribao Commentator 9 "February 28" Uprising in Taiwan Province Marked--At meeting sponsored by the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 9 The "February 28" Uprising .... 11 International Working Women's Day: Talking of Women's Liberation -- Ou'r Cor- respondent 12 Asian-African-Latin American Countries: Developing Notional Economies 16 NOTEBOOK 17 ROUND THE WORLD 19 Laos: Vientlane Government Violates Agreement Norway: Workers' Communist Party (M-L) Founded South Korea: "National Assembly Election" Farce Western Europe: Another Dollar Selling Wave Workers Strike F,R.G,: Defence Minister on European Security ON THE HOME FRONT 22 Women Students' Study Group Sanitation Workers in Peking New Wheat and Rice Strains by Pollen Culture Published every' Friday by PEKING REVIEW, Peking (37), China Post Office Registration No. 2-922 Printed in the People's Republic of China ....................................... THE ~/////Z/#///#////~yz/~7/~///~/#~////~/~7zz]/////z//////~k~z/~//////~//~/////~///#//~ "/~ ~//~ ~ WEEK Learn From Comrade Lei Feng Spring Farming Spring is here. The Chairman Mao's inscription "Learn countryside is seething From Comrade Lei Feng" was made with farming activities. public on March 5; 1963 at a time when the nation was emulating this Renmin Ribao in its young P.L.A. hero. A facsimile oi this March 2 editorial "Go All inscription was reprinted in Pe- Out to Do Spring Farming king's major newspapers on March Well" called on commune 5 this year to mark its tenth an- members and rural cadres niversary. Exhibitions and meetings to seize the hour and do were held all over the country to a good job of spring farm recount his life and meritorious work so as to lay a solid deeds. On this occasion, quite a foundation for a rich har- number of units commended ad- vest this year. vanced people like Lei Feng who had Analysing today's ex- come to the fore after being tempered cellent situation in the in the Great Proletarian Cultural rural areas, the editorial Revolution. said: "The movement ~o A movement to learn from Lei criticize revisionism and Feng's sterling qualities and revolu- rectify our style of work tionary spirit is again gaining mo- is deepening, Party runfl Chairman Mao's inscription. mentum throughout the country. : policies are being furthcr implemented and the Born in a poor peasant family on ple. He was always modest and cadres and masses in the country- December 30, 1939, Lei Feng was a prudent and kept to the style of hard side are showing a rising con- Communist Party member and squad work and arduous struggle. sciousness in the two-line struggle 1,eader in the engineering corps together with a greater enthusiasm under the P.L.A. Shenyang Units. The P.L.A. Shenyang Units to for building socialism. On the basis Enlisting in 1960, he died a martyr's which Lei Feng belonged held of ten successive years of bumper death while on duty on August 15, a meeting on March 4 to ex- harvests, a good harvest was reaped 1962. change experience in learning from in 1972 in spite 6f serious natural Comrade Lei Feng. Comrade Chen Though he died young, Lei Feng disasters. The people are giving full Hsi-lien, Member of the Political distinguished himself by his out- Bureau of the Central Committee of reign to their revolutionary spirit of standing qualities and spirit char- the Chinese Communist Party and self-reliance and hard struggle and acteristic of a Communist and Commander of the Sh'enyang Units, have carried the massmovement of set an example fog the nation. attended and addressed the meeting. 'In agriculture, learn from Tachai' He seriously studied works by Marx, to a new upsurge. Remarkable Engels, Lenin and Stalin and Chair- Over the past ten years, the com- achievements have been made in man Mao's works and adhered to pany in which Lei Feng was a the revolutionary style of study-- member has made constant efforts capital construction on the farms. The integrating theory with practice. He to educate its cadres and fighters in superiority of the collective economy took a clear-cut proletarian stand his spirit. As a result, there have of the people's communes is being and cherished the communist ideas been tremendous changes in their brought into fuller play. The prin- and qualities of utter devotion to outlook. Many individuals and ciple of taking agriculture as the others without any thought of self groups in the company have been foundation and industry as the lead- and wholehearted serviee to the peo- cited for their outstanding deeds. ing factor has taken deeper root in March- 9, 1973 3 the hearts of the people. The enthu- the entire Korean people. Thanks our people. This marked a good siasm with which all trades and pro- to the guidance of the correct line beginning in the struggle to reunify fessions support agriculture is higher of the Korean Workers' Party, they the fatherland. than before. These are all favourable have made new successes over the "But U.S. imperialism and the factors for improving spring farming past year in their struggle for the reactionary authorities in south and reaping a rich harvest this year. independent, peaceful reunification Korea, in violation of the agreement of their fatherland. We people of "It is not uncommon to have nat- between the south and the north, Peking, like the rest of the Chinese ural disasters occurring in one area are suppressing the south Korean or another of a country the size of people, resolutely support this just people's struggle for an independent, ours. We must have every confidence struggle of the Korean people. W~ peaceful reunification and continuing that man will conquer nature and are convinced that the Korean peo- to create difficulties on the road to overcome all adversities to win big ple who have a glorious revolution- the reunification of the fatherland. harvests." ary tradition will finally accomplish "The people of our country, never- the sacred task of reunifying their Of paramount importance for doing theless, will surely smash all the fatherland," said Wu Teh, Chairman spring farm work well is the criti- obstacles set up by U.S. imperialism of the Peking Municipal Revolution- cism of revisionism and rectification and its running dogs and, relying on of style of work, the editorial stressed. ary Committee, in his speech at the the united strength of the nation, The principle of "taking grain as the banquet welcoming the Pyongyang accomplish the great historical task key link and ensuring an all-round City Goodwill Delegation on the of reunifying the fatherland." development" and the simultaneous evening of March 2. The Peking Municipal Party Com- development of agriculture, forestry, mittee and the Peking Municipal animal husbandry, side-lines and Led by Li Chang In, Vice-Chair- Revolutionary Committee held a fishery must be conscientiously im- man of the Pyongyang Municipal mass rally on March 6, warmly wel- plemented. Administrative Committee, the dele- gation arrived in Peking that after- coming the goodwill delegation. The editorial also pointed out that noon for a friendly visit at the proceeding from the overall situa- invitation of the Peking Municipal tion, the acreage to be sown to Committee of the Communist Party Sung Wei-pin Crosses Over various crops must be properly han- of China and the Peking Municipal dled so as to achieve greater progress Revolutionary Committee. The former commercial attache of both in grain production and in de- the Chiang Kai-shek clique's bogus tin his speech that evening, Delega- veloping a diversified economy to embassy in Australia arrived in tion Leader Li Chang In said: "The meet the needs of socialist construc- Peking by air with his wife, son and reunification of the fatherland is the tion and the people's rising living daughter on March 3. Inspired by greatest national task of the people standard. the excellent situation at home and of our country. The North-South abroad, Mr. Sung Wei-pin had Home From Paris Joint Communique was issued on the broken away from the clique's dark basis of the three principles [The rule and crossed over to the socialist All members of the Delegation of question of reunification should be motherland. the People's Republic of China to solved independently on the principle the Paris International Conference of national self-determination, re- Mr. Sung and his family got a on Viet Nam, with Foreign Minister jecting the interference of outside warm and corc]ial reception at Peking Chi Peng-fei as its leader and Vice- forces; great national unity should Airport from leading members of Foreign Minister Han Nien-lung its be promoted, transcending the dif- the departments concerned under deputy leader, returned to Peking on ferences of ideology, ideal and sys- the Foreign Ministry, the Ministry March 5 by special plane. tem; and reunification should be of Foreign Trade and the Peking attained by peaceful means, each side Municipal Revolutionary Committee.
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