••^ 11 Graduating seniors from 6 county schools pictured this* week—See Section B Michigan Week 114th 15 cents How do you value farmland? By LOWELL G. RINKER to be subdivided without a sewer system, as Mr some of the land in this area. County News Editor Nelson would have us believe. (The assessments "When development starts, it will come faster are) unfair to owners having to sell at a low than anybody thought possible." VALLEY FARMS—Should farmland be valued figure because of the lack of demand." Noting that DeWitt Township is the least de­ for its agricultural value, or for its marketable Nelson feels differently. The Looking Glass veloped of any township within a 10-mlle radius value? River and US-27 areas received the largest in- of downtown Lansing, Nelson has, been placing That's essentially the basic question which has higher values on properties in some parts of the embroiled DeWitt Township in a tax assessment township where he feels residential growth is hassle and which has its supervisor-assessor up Further comment coming. His opponents charge that this is a job before the voters in a recall election next Monday, The principal figures in the assess­ for the planning commission and the zoning com­ Supervisor Reginald Nelson says farmland ment hassle comment on the situation in mission. Nelson says the demand is present, and BOYS CLUB WINS LAKE TROPHY should be valued at its market value for whatever letters to the editor on Page 18-B and that increases the value. The Lester Lake Traveling Trophy, a Michigan Week award for out­ price it would sell for. His opponents, mostly 19-B. "Land is worth what it sells for today, with standing contribution to the community, is being awarded this year to farmers but also other residents, think farmland whatever improvements are there,"hesald.*When is to be valued for its worth as agricultural creases in assessments this year because Nelson the sales indicate the land is selling for $1,600 the Clinton County Boys Club, which sponsors the Golden Gloves pro­ land only. said he figures those areas are susceptible to to $2,000 an acre in some of these area, we have gram here. The announcement was made Monday evening by Ron Huard The values are-quite different, and that's growth in the near future, "if not already in the no choice but to figure that that is the value. We where the rub has come in. _^ planning stages on some of the purchaser's plan­ can't start discounting from what they paid for it (left), county Michigan Week chairman, who shows the trophy to officers "We feel these assessments, based on sub­ ning departments—not ours but theirs, the fact it doesn't have sanitary sewer." of the club, Wayne Beaufore, Ed Schmitt, Dan Salazar and Mick Droste. divided values, on 4,500 acres in DeWitt Township "... This land is very much in demand. Nelson has been calculating the value of land The trophy will be engraved for formal presentation later. are unfair, unjust and premature by 10 years," Interest rates are the only thing keeping it from according to what is usable. If a farm sells George Baird, chairman of the Citizens for Equal being developed at a very fast rate. I think for $600 an acre and half of it is in a floodplain, Taxation Committee, charged. that when our sanitary sewer system is in operation, then only the other half is usable most of the time, "There isn't the demand for this much land it will even increase the rate of development of [Story continued on Page 12-A) Recall • • • • • • • • • • • • election Monday ScHOOlS BOSG 111111(106 VALLEY FARMS - Township ^# Supervisor Reginald Nelson may or may not be In office after next ;•«• Monday; 'depending on the out­ come of a special recall election. The election will be held Mon­ day from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the five regular polling places In requests on assumptions DeWitt Township. Petitioners last month asked for Nelson's recall, charging that The opening of the new high Syfty&W&y^^ bill doesn't provide as much as he, "acting in his capacity as school and the implementation of they figure it will now, the new supervisor of DeWitt Township, a full Junior high program are on request could be higher. If the has arbitrarily and unfairly the line at the June 9 millage Preliminary allocation allocation board cuts the school assessed properties withinDe- election In the St. Johns School allocation, the new request could Witt Township beyond a reason­ District. be higher. If the allocation is able rate and without the use of The school board is asking for gives schools more higher, the request at the second sound judgment." 14.5 mills worth of extra voted election could be less. It's still A group called the "Citizens a toss-up. * millage for a two-year span — The Clinton County Allocation Board announced its pre­ for Reginald E. Nelson Com­ 1.7 mills more than the 12.8 The school board's presenfre- mittee" has requested, and b,een liminary allocation Monday night, giving 8 mills to the school «x MICHIGAN WEEK AT FOWLER HIGH SCHOOL mills that expired this year. districts of the county, 5.85 mills to the school, 1 mill to quest for 14,5 mills already^ in­ granted, authorization for chal­ With the extra millage, school volves one cut because of costs. lengers at the election. Eileen the townships, and .15 mill to the intermediate school dis­ Michigan Week at Fowler High School Is being marked by a number of officials figure they can carry out trict. Elementary physical education Corr will be the challenger in the basic same educational pro­ for grades two through six will student exhibits on display In the library. Chris Simmon, left, and Luke precinct 1, Vivian Klasko in pre­ The preliminary allocation gives the school districts more be eliminated next year, saving gram offered this year plus make than their 7,717 mills last year. On the contrary, the county Koenigsknecht look over a model fort. A replica of the Mackinac Bridge cinct 2, Rhoda Kzeski in precinct the high school and junior high the cost of 31/2 teachers. Several 3, Karen Williams in precinct 4 share is down from the previous 6,113 mills and the inter­ other cuts are being considered, is shown in the foreground. The displays, all-created by students, will improvements. mediate school district is reduced from last years' ,17 and Donna Beebe in precinct S. Without the millage - it's all too* — not replacing the third be on exhibition throughout the week. mill. counselor in the high school,; not one 14.5-mill package now — the A final hearing on the allocation will be held at 1:30 opening of any school next year replacing the string teacher," and p.m, Tuesday, May 27, in the circuit courtroom at the court­ not hiring a junior high counselor. would be doubtful. School of­ house. ficials, not at all sure about the So far the school board is re­ chances of the millage issue this luctant to cut any of those three, time, have only one safely valve but they may have to. —another millage election some­ ticipates about a $2 million in­ based on Gov. Milliken's pro­ Supt. Lancaster reacted last time before school starts should crease, which would bring the posal.) - , week to oft-heard charges 'that the one June 9 fail. "" valuation up. to around $47 money is being wasted.."We Some adjustment in the millage million. Based on last year's tax *IF THE FIRST MILLAGE haven't been throwing our moh^y figure asked could be made at the rate, that could produce about election fails, the school board away," he replied. "State studies second election, but it is not $41,000 extra. But that isn't a definitely will come back with last year showed we were JOfii certain yet whether it would have solid figure yet. another request. If the state aid (Slory continued on Page 4-Aj * to be higher or could be lower. *Gov. William Milliken's Too many things are still up in school aid bill before the House the air at this time, school of­ of Representatives would provide ficials point out. the schools with about $30 more Millage undecided per child, orabout$150,500more *FOR ONE THING, they don't in state aid next year than this know how much allocated millage year. This figure is based on an in 2 areas will be> available from the county. expected enrollment next year They're asking for more than the of 3,950 students, which is an School operating millage is a the district is at stake. The 14.5 7.717 mills allocated last year, •up-in-the-air" figure, too. question coming up in the dis­ mill request is for two years. but they're basing their present *A portion of the school aid tricts of the county June 11, but Ovid-Elsie voters will be asked calculations on the same millage, bill raises the necessary millage some of the districts haven't an­ to renew a 14-mill levy which and they could get even less , raised locally to 14 mills for a nounced what millage figure they Supt. Robert Beauchamp says millage depending on the decision district to be eligible to receive will be seeking. would not allow any new pro­ of the county allocation board.
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