la pº PATENTED JUNE 12, 1906. H, LENTZ. TURBINE DRIVEN LOCOMOTIVE, APPLICATION FILED AUG, 10, 1905, 4 SEETS-SEET NN ENYSR, fÁV) GO LENTZ, ******f v°. S. GRAHAM co. Foro LLLLLaLLS S S KLLS LL LLLLLS 0 LALA qLS Lq AA AA AAAA AAAASSAA AAAq LLLLLL A LL LLLAAAAALLAqqLS í kÁFiSiÁ?). 2% No, 823,130. PATENTED JUNE 12, 1906, H. LENTZ. TURBINE DRIVEN LOCOMOTIVE, APPLICATION FILED AUG, 0, 1905. 4 SBEETS-SHEET 2. R S al t S s } N v E N mrer, UG PAENTZ, PATENTED JUNE 12, 1906. H, LENTZ. TURBINE DRIWEN LOCOMOTIWE APPLICATION FILED AUG, 0, 1905. ._..._.....…………-----------~--~--~~~~----------~--~~~~~~~***************** R s NIN E No R US 9-1-Eritz, -us Avn 9 RNex. A0ASLSS LSALA kSLkSEELLEESLLLLLLSLLS SS No, 823,130. PATENTELJ JUNIE 12, 1906. H, LENTZ. TURBINE DRIVEN LOCOMOTIVE, APPLIO ATI0N FILETO A J G -1 0, 1905. 4. SHEETS-SHEET 4. Ar; 9 ?. NS S S S No. YN YN BE SS ES NVENTOR, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HUGO LENTZ, OF BERLIN, GERMANY. TURBNE-DRIVEN LOCOMOTIVE. No. 823,130. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented June 12, 1906. Application filed August 10, 1905, Serial No. 273,508. To att, whon, it naily concern: ries to the pressure of the steam or may divide Be it known that I, HUGO LENTZ, a sub the jets of pressure medium between the two ject of the German Emperor, residing at Ber members of each pair. - lin, Germany, have invented a new and useful It will be observed that, as shown in Fig. 1, ?? Turbine-Driven Locomotive; and I do hereby each turbine-wheel (or pair of turbine declare the following to be-a full, clear, and wheels) b bib' is operated upon by a sepa exact description of the same. rate nozzle fff, all of which lead off from The object of this invention is the produc a steam-chamber e, which is common to all of tion of a turbine-driven locomotive employ the nozzles. The steam-chamber referred to , . ? ing several turbine-wheels, preferably one for runs along both sides of the several turbine each wheel, and in which the available power wheels and is connected with or formed in or pressure of the steam or other pressure tegral with the several turbine casings or medium is more evenly employed. shells, which are separated, as shown, and In carrying out my present improvements which are journaled upon the axles of the I provide each of two or more driving-wheels several driving-wheels or pairs thereof. or pairs of driving-wheels with one or more Steam is supplied to the chamber e turbine-wheels, and I also provide a plurality. through a pipe or conduit c and is controlled of nozzles, one for each turbine-wheel, and all by a valved. The source of steam-supply supplied from the same steam-chamber for will be the boilery, carried by the locomotive, 2 ? the purpose of simultaneously subjecting and the connections from said boiler to the each turbine-wheel or pair of turbine-wheels conduit may be of any suitable form and di- - to an equal- or substantially equal pressure rect or indirect. fall or power effect. w After its action, preferably in multiple, as Prior to my present invention, so far as I described, upon the turbine-wheels b b° 59, 25 am aware, it has not been proposed to inde the steam passes into an exhaust-chamberg, pendently subject the several turbine-wheels formed along both sides of the turbine of a locomotive to the action of the steam in wheels and common to all of them above the multiple, as hereinafter described by me; but axles a. The exhaust-steam is led into the (as, or example, see German Patent No. opposite passage of the exhaust-chamber 30 156,088) prior inventors have connected the through the various canals or between the several turbine-wheels in series and have various steam-directing walls, as shown in then utilized the steam-pressure at the differ Fig. 2, as indicated by the arrows. ent stages to operate upon the several tur The exhaust-chamberg also acts as an air bine-wheels successively. jet condenser, and I am thereby enabled to 35 The accompanying drawings show side and realize all of the advantages due to such fea sectional views of one adaptation of my pres ture. For this purpose the forward end of ent invention. the exhaust-chamber has extensions which Figure 1 is a side view of a portion of a form flaring or enlarged mouths or air-receiv locomotive with the arrangement of steam ing ends by bringing the forward inner wallsg chambers, nozzles, turbine-wheels, &c., pre of the chamber close together or otherwise, 95 ferred by me. Fig. 2 is a section online 12 and the rear ends or extensions of said cham of Fig. 1. - Fig. 3 is a section on line 3 4 of ber are contracted or formed to provide re said Fig. 1. Fig. 4 is a section on line 56, duced discharge-openings g’, (reduced in size and Fig.5is a section online 78, of said Fig.1. as compared with the air-receiving ends,) and IOO 45 a. a. a. indicate the axles connected to the as a result when the locomotive is running driving-wheels, and 5' 5" bindicate turbine the air enters at g' and passing through the wheels which impart motion to the driving two channels of the chamberg mixes with the wheels. The turbine-wheels may, if desired, exhaust-steam (the flow of which is directed be directly connected with the driving-wheels in the same direction by the steam-directing I o5 themselves or may, as shown by me, befixed walls) and condenses such steam to a consid upon the axles, preferably at or near a point erable degree while passing to and out of the midway between each pair of driving-wheels. contracted exit ends g”. By reference to Fig.2 it will be seen that I It will be obvious upon examination of the may connect two turbine-wheels, located drawings that each turbine-wheel (or pair of IO 55 side by side, upon each axle, and Imay subject such wheels) b b. b” will be separately sub each of these pairs of turbine-wheels in se iected to the full power effect of the steam 2 ww. 823,130 supplied from the common chamber e and of said turbine-wheels, a main pipe for sup that all such wheels will be acted upon simul plying pressure medium to all of said nozzles, taneously and will be, as it were, elastically and a single valve located in said pipe and coupled together and driven at substantially controlling the supply of pressure medium the same rate of speed, as distinguished from therethrough to all of the said nozzles simul a structure in (??????? the several turbine taneously. wheels are subjected in series to the same jet 2. In a turbine-driven locomotive, a loco of steam at different pressures and in which motive-truck, a plurality of driving-wheels the successive turbine-wheels must be either carried thereby, turbine-wheels, one for each ? ? of different sizes or forms or must be driven i. driving-wheel, supply-nozzles, one for each at different speeds. In my invention, on the of said turbine-wheels, a chamber from which contrary, the various turbine-wheels b' b” b° all of said nozzles lead, a main pipe for Sup may and preferably will be alike in size and plying pressure medium to said chamber, and form and will give like results. a single valve located in said main pipe and The use of a single conduit, as c, through controlling the supply of pressure medium which all of the nozzles are supplied with therefrom to the chamber aforesaid. steam, in conjunction with acting upon the 3. In a turbine-driven locomotive, a loco turbines instead of in series, results in a struc motive-truck, a plurality of driving-wheels ture whereby all of the turbines can be pro carried thereby, turbine-wheels, one for each portionately regulated and controlled by a driving-wheel, supply-nozzles, one for each 75 simple throttling, and referably at one point, said turbine-wheels, valve connections for by a single valve, such as d. So far as I am supplying pressure to the several nozzles, and aware it has been impossible by throttling to a single exhaust-chamber for receiving the regulate or distribute the load when the sev exhaust from the several turbine-wheels. 25 eral turbines were connected in series, as 4. In a turbine-driven locomotive, a loco heretofore. motive-truck, a plurality of driving-wheels It is, however, not inconsistent with my in carried thereby, turbine-wheels, one for each vention to sometimes employ two or more of driving-wheel, and supply-nozzles, one for the turbine-wheels in series, and where the each of said wheels, the whole arranged to locomotive has, say, four driven axles these drive the turbine-wheels in multiple, in com may be arranged in pairs, the two members bination with pressure-supply connections, of each pair being subjected in series to the and with a single exhaust-chamber for re action ? the steam and in elaboration of the ceiving the exhaust from the several driving construction described in the German patent wheels. 9o 35 referred to. The modified form suggested 5. In a turbine-driven locomotive, a loco by me will, however, preferably employ a motive-truck, a plurality of driving-wheels steam-supply chamber, such as e, common to carried thereby, turbine-wheels, one for each all of the nozzles and a single steam-exhaust driving-wheel, the whole arranged to drive chamber.
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