Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 10-3-1989 The Guardian, October 3, 1989 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1989). The Guardian, October 3, 1989. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Chipmunk Story Soccer Team Wins Old Gringo Editor relates tale of chipmunk conflict Overtime goal hurls Raiders past Wisconsin New movie deals with adventures during the · Mexican Revolution Page2 Page3 Page4 ) ffi ln· u t ion dy, hat the Soares in­ :!m· recalled to ing LU· line Managua ear­ By PHILIP E.L. GREENE ~ s to .ract For reasons undisclosed, except to say ''on ) Up, official OAS business," General Secretary for dent the Organization of American States Joao Soares has been called to Managua, forcing him to cancel his keynote speech at the Third Annual Peace Conference, October 4 and 5. He will be replaced by his legal advisor, Dr. Hugo Caminos. The conference, co-sponsored by Wright State and the University of Dayton, has as its theme, "Latin America: Cultures in Crisis." The keynote speech was to be "The Organiza­ tion of American State: An Instrument for Dialogue," given by Soares. Ac orcling to Phyllis Brooks, spokesper­ son for the conference, "(Caminos) will probably be talking about the kind of work the organization does, I would gues ." She said Caminos may give the same speech Soares was to give, but couldn 't comment on why Soares was called back to Nicaragua. That information, she said, would probably have to come from conference organizer, Reed Smith Nature takes its course at Wright State, fallen leaves and dropped trash. Photo by Traci Huff who is out of town until Monday. Wright State plans activites to celebrate French Revolution By MARCIA HARDY Exhibitions Theatre Concerts October l Q:'l'l, 1969 October t --,0. 1969 . 'o c.tobcr 2 6 -26 . l06Q "All Things frenc.h" Special Writer October l . l QftQ i(!Val f rcnc.h ~~ (Aulhonzcd "1'\usic. al the Court o f Ve™1illcs" productioM) l'Arc de Triomphe (Poulenc.) In the 1800's, the peasants of France re­ ProfCM<>r Julane ~c~ HarpMchordbt. and ~fetc G4lAnk (Loi.re 'Wor~hop 1'\u~m) C4n CAn (OffcnbAc.h) the American f>aroque [MCmble Cha~ de 1'\AXmiUcn (br~b W'orkshop I.:Affairc du Coeur ('Walk.er) volted, overthrowing their King.The dictator­ ttettcring Seventh-Day Adventbt Church cIDd ."\u~D\) ) ~b i n ('Walker) The 04yton f>ac.h Society Travail de la Laine (U>uvre 'Worbhop f>Allel 6 la C4rtc (5eb6stian) ship and oppression was over. The people " Pie~ De Clavelin en Coru:.cm.' '-'6lmC4U w M c.heroM (1'\mcUJn ~ ~ 04yton ?>allct CompAl\Y Doyton Convention Center Thellter were celebrating in the streets. Now, 200 years (Ha~ichord . flute. Viola da CAmbA) Dtc.oratib) ttettcrlng 5eventh·DGY Advcntbt C hmc.h· J eux d' f.nf~ (1'\mCUJI\ of f>u.dapesl) October 21 . l 060 later, Wright State will actively participate in 4 :00 p.m. OAme a 14 ucomc- IA Vue (Clony October 27-'.l6. 1069 ~ . 00 . $4.00 5tuden~ 1'\mCOD\) " La l>oheme" celebrating the Bicentennial of the French 5(.cne de Jl\mlqUC-(Gobelin 1'\mcOln) 1'\emorial Hall . ~n h Revolution. (frOll\ Ao Coin Anbtlquc- AC 04yt.on 01>Cra Association 51'~54>99'.l6) Many activities are planned for the cele­ Films Sind"alr Coa\JNll\lty College Speeches ugh bration which includes speeches, exhibitions, October ' · 1060 October'· 1969 ~ Prol<:Mor Picne Hom theatrical productions, concerts, and films. ~ules of lhe D4nc.c W'ri9ru Swc LJJ\l~ry . October I '.l , l 969 · ·~in the Ans. 1769-1795" Also, as part of the events, Wright State Pro­ (mini classics) De,YIOI\ An IMdwcc fessor of French Pierre Horn will be giving a Le Poulet (()pm IO The Public.) Anatole OclObu I 0 . 1060 ­ hon October 5 at the Dayton Art Insti­ Clov n ~ fr41\k. LUk.cr Happy AnnivcrMI)' ~ty ol Cinc.innAli tute (see related schedule of activities, this /'\adeleine . •<:onruc.ung HislOricAI h\lc.rprd.olion page). (led ?>alloon ol lhc frcnd\ llcvolulion" frenc.h VillAge \mghl 5'Me Uniwnity .Other highlights include a lecture given by 'October 10. 106" ~p.~ Lounge. JcacDOO "411­ Three 1'\usk.ctecB lllVersity of Cincinnati Professor Frank October 14. I960 lktokr ~. 1069 Talc of l'wo Cities ~Lvtis~ Katker. Kafker's lecture will concern "Con­ ·· ~and lbe 1'odcm t:ia: The Qew 'ctingHistorical Interpretations of the French October ) l . l 960 LN)olan ~·· La~illabc ' \mghl 5'Me Uni¥CDity evolution" and will be held at Wright State Sindalr Community College O"Lealy ADditoriwn-7:00 p.ln. Room 7011 Al l'..l:OO p.m.-C4fetcria (0Dca IO Tk PaWic.) see •French• page 4 facllitl~' 2 THE DAILY GUARDIAN Tuesday, October 3, 1989 FEATURES & ENTERTAINMENT Editor-in-chief ponders campus wildlife ~r event around here. to become stars ofthis orany perceptive. They seem to check things out. berries and lay 'em in front I JEF I guess it started with other publication. It's proba­ know exactly when the film Now Jeremy is usually a of his hole. Maybe that will Y Traci Huff our chief photog­ bly also safe to say the pho­ isn't wound, the lens cap is fairly laid back person, but draw him out." Now this is jpOrtS rapher spotting a chipmunk tographers neglected to con­ still on or when there is no as we rounded the comer of coming from the man I per· Whil somewhere on campus. sider that point. These film in the camera. That's the building he spotted a sonally watched stick his fin. lided The other morning I got a Maybe the squirrel was just people wander around and when they run right out in chipmunk and went bound­ gers into moving fan blades. earby little worried about myself. being his cute little self or act like they can't figure out front of you like Shriners on ing off into the bu hes. Now He is not what I would call aiard J The prevailing attitude maybe he was doing some why the chipmunks hide. parade. If there, s a camera that was a sight in and of regular Daniel Boone. lied th around this office has never sort of cute chipmunk stuff, "Here, chipmunk chip­ ready, though, you can, t find itself. Jeremy is not the most "Get your own damned Vright S been much on promoting but either way the idea of a munk. Damn! Where'd he a chipmunk with radar. lithe individual I know. To­ berries," was the last bit of raukee sanity but this particular chipmunk photo contest was go?" The question I have to tally cleaned and slabbed out resistance I offered. Paxto morning was a little worse hatched. I didn't think it was This is a bright bunch of ask myself is this; Ifrm sit­ for Thanksgiving dinner he It wasn't too long before vertime than usual. a bad idea and it did meet college students we're talk­ ting here making such fun of would dress out somewhere I found myself kicking and low Occasionally, the people with a fair bit of enthusiasm ing about here and they are these people, why was I on the high side of 300 shaking bushes trying to iaukee, in this place get a little flush out the little buggers. If 1ore fro strange under the day-to-day you're a little lost at this ads the pressures but I think some "Here, chipmunk, chipmunk. Damn! Where'd he go?" point, I'll recap. There is aith six elements in the photo depart­ rather large fellow with a ~ in ment have come to the end of so I let it pass without a out beating through the standing out there at eight in pounds. (Pass the gravy.) camera, a small man in acreased the rope. I don't know how it thought. The competition bushes like Rambo on LSD. the morning, helping flush The scene was reminiscent sport coat holding a cup of The ~ got started, but for some rea­ could boost morale. The After watching for a bit, one Chip 'n Dale outoftheir bur­ of a concrete truck crashing coffee, both are standing in :nt of son, every person in the of­ photographers would be out would have to seriously con­ rows just so we could get a into the woods. the bushes, the small man ss at fice with a camera has be­ and about with their cameras sider who was just a little damned picture? Now at this point~ Elmer cusses about being cold, the ason, came obsessed with the local loaded and ready. Ifnothing brighter, the photographer or It started innocently Fudd would have been large man cusses at the c hip· ~ chipmunk population. else, it would generate a the chipmunk. Your average enough. Our esteemed assis­ proud. Mr. Dyer's quarry ran munk, and one chipmunk Jr I think something ·has healthy picture file for future human is supposed to be one tant features editor (who also out from under one of the sitting warmly in his burrow. been said about some sort of use and maybe we would of the earth,s most intelli­ takes the occasional oic­ bushes and under the con­ Now tell me I didn, t feel aVEAM in-house photo contest but I luck into a good spot news gent creatures.
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