a *8 *9 */01- . - / w"#$ - 9 INCREASING THE HEAT-RESISTANCE OF 2210CR12 STEEL BY SURFACE MELTING 5ITH ARC DISCHARGE IN VACUUM Nikolay FERDINANDOV 1, Danail OS2ODINOV 1, Mariana ILIEVA 1, Rossen RADEV 1 1University of ,use, ,use, -ulgaria, EU, [email protected] Abstract The paper introduces the results from e6periments for surface 5uench hardening by hollo0 cathode arc discharge in .acuum. The used method is an alternati.e to traditional laser and plasma methods for surface hardening. The paper presents the influence of the 0orking parameters and the follo0ing tempering on the microstructure, dimensions and hardness of the hardened surfaces. Keyw rds: Vacuum technology, surface heat treatment, hollo0 cathode arc, surface melting 1. INTRODUCTION Surface 5uench hardening allo0s attaining high physical and mechanical properties of the surface layers and to retain unchanged those of the bulk of a product. Induction hardening, flame, plasma and laser hardening are carried into practice 91:, the latter t0o being 0idely used for hardening of tools surfaces 0hen the hardening has to be carried out 0ithout melting in order to keep the dimensions of tools. According to, intensi.e plasma- arc treatment leads in most cases to partial or full surface melting, and especially in high-carbon and high- alloyed steels forms large amounts of retained austenite 0ith relati.ely lo0 hardness. The possibilities for reducing retained austenite amount are related to se.eral processes: cryogenic hardening, high-temperature tempering and deformation induced transformation. Hollo0 cathode arc discharge 7HCAD8 is a possible alternati.e to abo.e described energy sources, used for surface hardening. HCAD is a high-current, lo0- .oltage electron beam 0ith gas autofocus and by its nature it occupies an intermediate position bet0een the electron beam and plasma-arc. HCAD is stable at current magnitudes bet0een 5 and 500 ú, 0orking pressures 71 ’ 10 -2 8 ã and debit of the plasma-forming gas 0.3 ’ 3.0 mg3s. The ma6imum of the heat flo0 density in the heated 4one is 0ithin 5.10 3’10 5 W3cm 2, and that makes it one of the most effecti.e energy source, only laser and electron beam being more effecti.e 92-4:. HCAD is mainly used for 0elding, o.erlay 0elding, bra4ing and soldering. Ne.ertheless, in the speciali4ed literature information about its use for heat treatment and the possible results from it is missing. The purpose of the present 0ork is to in.estigate the possibility for surface heat treatment of tool steel X210Cr12 0ith hollo0 cathode arc discharge in .acuum, and the influence of the 0orking parameters on the hardness of the treated surfaces, as 0ell as the effect of the ne6t heat treatment on the hardness and heat-resistance of the treated surfaces to be established. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present 0ork introduces results from e6periments for surface hardening by HCAD in .acuum. The e6periments 0ere carried out in a semi-industrial installation 95:. The hardened layers 0ere produced in t0o 0ays - 18 using multi-pass melting and 28 melting by discharge scanning on the treated surfaces, controlled by magnetic system. In the first case, the treated items 0ere mo.ed in a straight line along the X-a6is 0ith a fi6ed speed, and at the end 0ere shifted by 2.0 mm, 2.5 mm and 3.0 mm along the I-a6is, after0ards 0ere again mo.ed along X-a6is. As a result, hardened surfaces composed by o.erlapping hardened layers 0ere formed. In the second case, besides mo.ement along the X-a6is, the discharge 0as oscillating along the I-a6is3normal to the X-a6is. The discharge oscillations 0ere controlled by a magnetic system that allo0ed to alternate the 1097 a *8 *9 */01- . - / w"#$ - 9 fre5uency and the oscillations magnitudes of the discharge, and that 0ay hardened areas, differing in 0idth and in o.erlapping, 0ere produced. The magnetic system and its electrical control scheme are described in 9C:. Specimens from X210Cr12 steel 0ere studied. The hardness of the as-recei.ed steel 0as HV1 « 210. The specimen dimensions 0ere 100 80 10mm 7length 6 0idth 6 height8. The used 0orking parameters are presented in Table 1 . The pressure 0as 3 ã, the diameter of the hollo0 cathode 0as 3.5 mm, and the debit of the plasma - forming gas, flo0ed through the cathode, 0as 2.5 l3h. Table 1 Working parameters for surface hardening Rate of mo.ement along the X- Scanning fre5uency, Total discharge de.iation, Hardening mode Current, A a6is, mm3s H4 mm Using multi-pass 100 11 - - melting Using discharge 120 3.3 1B 2B 3B 4 8-10 scanning After multi-pass melting the shifted by 2.0 mm specimen 0as intense cooled to 10Mß in inert gas, and the shifted by 2.5 mm and 3.0 mm specimens 0ere air-cooled to room temperature. After the treatment 0ith scanning discharge all samples 0ere intense cooled in inert gas to 10Mß. To increase hardness and to in.estigate heat-resistance t0o specimens - one, produced by multi-pass treatment 0ith shift of 2.5 mm and one, obtained by discharge scanning 0ith fre5uency of 4 H4, 0ere heated to different temperatures in the range of 300 - C50Mß, held for 2 h and then air-cooled. The dimensions of the formed 4ones and their hardness 0ere measured on macrosections, etched 0ith 10O HNO3 in ethanol. The hardness measurement 0as carried out in the melted 4ones. The microstructures 0ere in.estigated after etching 0ith 4O HNO 3 in ethanol using magnification of 5006. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Eones 0ith changed structure, similar to those formed after 0elding, 0ere obser.ed on specimens‘ macrosections after multi-pass melting 7 Figure 1 8. The obser.ed decrease in the depth of the indi.idual 4ones 0ith increase in the number of passes 7 Table 2 8 0as in correlation 0ith the e6tent of o.erlapping of the indi.idual 4ones, i.e. 0ith the shift of the treated specimens. As the results in Table 3 sho0, the treatment 0ith hollo0 cathode arc discharge 0ith multi-pass melting led to surface 5uench hardening. That effect 0as more prominent for the intense cooled to 10Mß 72.0 mm shift8 sample. a8 b8 Figure 1 Macrosections of the treated samples: a8 0ith 2.0 mm shiftB b8 0ith 3.0 mm shift Table 2 Dimensions of the hardened 4ones after multi-pass melting Shift 1st pass depth, mm 2nd pass depth, mm 3rd pass depth, mm 4th pass depth, mm Total 0idth, mm 2.0 mm 0.91 0.9 0.44 0.51 9.23 2.5 mm 0.75 0.72 0.70 0.3C 9.38 3.0 mm 0.C3 0.C3 0.52 - 8.57 1098 a *8 *9 */01- . - / w"#$ - 9 The higher hardness of the intense cooled to 10Mß sample 72.0 mm shift8 0as result of the difference in the final cooling temperatures. The final cooling temperatures affected the degree of martensitic transformation, i.e. the retained austenite 5uantities. Thus the higher hardness .alues for the specimen 5uenched to 10Mß indicated martensitic transformation that occurred to a greater e6tent, and hence - for a smaller retained austenite 5uantity. Table 3 Mean hardness .alues of the different 4ones of treated surfaces after multi-pass melting Shift 1st pass HV13HRC 2nd pass HV13HRC 3rd pass HV13HRC 4th pass HV13HRC 2.0 mm 8C13C5.9 8323C5.0 8573C5.8 7853C3.5 2.5 mm C08355.5 5C8353.3 53C351.C 530351.2 3.0 mm C2835C.8 C33377.0 C2335C.5 - The cooling conditions for air-cooled specimens allo0ed more retained austenite in their structureB and this is e.ident from Figure 3 that represents the microstructures of the melted, partially melted and the heat-affected 4ones in air-cooled specimen 72.5 mm shift8 after multi-pass melting 0ith HCAD and 5uenching. The melted 4one 0as 0ith fine columnar dendritic 7 Figure 2a 8 0ith austenite dendrites e6tending from the partially melted 4one to the surface. That structure is typical for high-speed crystalli4ation follo0ing the melting 0ith highly concentrated heat flo0s 97:. Etching re.ealed primary austenitic dendrites and eutectic bet0een them. Austenite, formed during rapid solidification, is supersaturated in carbon and chromiumB that plays a crucial role in austenite stabili4ation at room temperature. According to 98, 9: in rapidly solidified high-chromium tool steels metastable supersaturated austeinite is present at room temperatureB and up to C0O of retained austenite in high-carbon steels after 5uenching is not transformed 910:. The measured hardness .alues of 55.5 HRC suggested some austenite did transform into martensite. The .olume fractions of the different phases could not be precisely established. The microstructure of the partially melted 4one after surface heat treatment contained retained austenite, martensite and incompletely dissol.ed carbides. Retained austenite 5uantity decreased to0ards the heat affected 4one. The heat-affected 4one 7 Figure 2b 8 contained martensite 0ith .arying carbon and chromium concentration and carbides in altering 5uantities. Due to temperature in the base metal being lo0er than the typical 5uenching temperature for X210Cr12 79C0-980Mß8, the martensite carbon content 0as lo0ered and the measured hardness .alue of 51-53 HRC in the heat-affected 4one 0as lo0er than the one in the melted 4one. a8 b8 Figure 2 Microstructures 6500 of: a8 the melted 4oneB b8 heat-affected 4one in the air-cooled specimen 72.5 mm shift8 after 5uenching Macrosection obser.ations 7 Figure 3 8 and dimensions of the formed 4ones 7 Table , 8 after treatment by discharge scanning indicated a tendency for increase in depth and decrease in 0idth of the formed 4ones 0ith increasing scanning fre5uency.
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