The Alor-Pantar languages History and typology Edited by Marian Klamer language Studies in Diversity Linguistics 3 science press Studies in Diversity Linguistics Chief Editor: Martin Haspelmath Consulting Editors: Fernando Zúñiga, Peter Arkadiev, Ruth Singer, Pilar Valen zuela In this series: 1. Handschuh, Corinna. A typology of marked-S languages 2. Rießler, Michael. Adjective attribution 3. Klamer, Marian (ed.). The Alor-Pantar languages: History and typology 4. Berghäll, Liisa. A grammar of Mauwake (Papua New Guinea) 5. Wilbur, Joshua. A grammar of Pite Saami The Alor-Pantar languages History and typology Edited by Marian Klamer language science press Language Science Press Berlin Language Science Press Habelschwerdter Allee 45 14195 Berlin, Germany langsci-press.org This title can be downloaded at: http://langsci-press.org/catalog/book/22 © 2014, the authors Published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence (CC BY 4.0): http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ ISBN: 978-3-944675-48-0 Cover and concept of design: Ulrike Harbort Typesetting: Sebastian Nordhoff; Timm Lichte Proofreading: Benedikt Singpiel Storage and cataloguing done by FU Berlin Language Science Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, ac- curate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables and other factual information given in this work are correct at the time of first publication but Language Science Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. This volume is dedicated to the memory of Mr. Anderias Malaikosa (1964-2011), whose love for the peoples and languages of his native Alor was an inspiration to linguists both within Alor and abroad. Contents Preface and acknowledgements Marian Klamer 1 1 The Alor-Pantar languages: Linguistic context, history and typology Marian Klamer 5 2 The internal history of the Alor-Pantar language family Gary Holton & Laura C. Robinson 55 3 The relatedness of Timor-Kisar and Alor-Pantar languages: A preliminary demonstration Antoinette Schapper, Juliette Huber & Aone van Engelenhoven 99 4 The linguistic position of the Timor-Alor-Pantar languages Gary Holton & Laura C. Robinson 155 5 Kinship in the Alor-Pantar languages Gary Holton 199 6 Elevation in the spatial deictic systems of Alor-Pantar languages Antoinette Schapper 247 7 Numeral systems in the Alor-Pantar languages Antoinette Schapper & Marian Klamer 285 8 Numeral words and arithmetic operations in the Alor-Pantar languages Marian Klamer, Antoinette Schapper, Greville Corbett, Gary Holton, Fran- tišek Kratochvíl & Laura C. Robinson 337 9 Plural number words in the Alor-Pantar languages Marian Klamer, Antoinette Schapper & Greville Corbett 375 Contents 10 Participant marking: Corpus study and video elicitation Sebastian Fedden & Dunstan Brown 413 Indexes 457 vi Preface and acknowledgements Marian Klamer This volume presents some of the results of the research project ‘Alor-Pantar languages: Origin and theoretical impact’. This project was one of the five col- laborative research projects in the EuroCORES programme entitled ‘Better Anal- yses Based on Endangered Languages’ (BABEL) which was funded by the Euro- pean Science Foundation from 2009-2012. The ‘Alor-Pantar’ project involved re- searchers from the University of Surrey (Dunstan Brown, Greville Corbett, Sebas- tian Fedden), the University of Alaska Fairbanks (Gary Holton, Laura Robinson), and Leiden University (Marian Klamer, Antoinette Schapper). František Kra- tochvíl (Nanyang Technological University) was an affiliated researcher. Brown, Corbett and Fedden (Surrey) were funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) under grant AH/H500251/1; since April 2013, Corbett, Brown and Fedden were funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) under grant AH/K003194/1. Robinson was funded by the National Science Foundation (US), under BCS Grant No. 0936887. Schapper was funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) from 2009-2012. The project website is: www.alor-pantar.org. This volume represents the “state-of-art” of linguistic research in Alor-Pantar languages. Several chapters relate to work that has been published earlier, as explained in what follows. Chapter 2 builds on methodology described previously in Holton et al. (2012) and Robinson & Holton (2012a), but the current chapter draws on new lexical data. In particular, the number of reconstructed proto-Alor-Pantar forms has been increased by 20% over that reported in Holton et al. (2012), and many addi- tional cognate sets have been identified. It also differs from Robinson and Holton (2012a) in that the latter work focuses on computational methodology, arguing for the superiority of using phylogenetic models with lexical characters over tra- ditional approaches to subgrouping, whereas chapter 2 of this volume simply Klamer, Marian. 2014. Preface and acknowledgements. In Marian Klamer (ed.), The Alor-Pantar languages: History and typology. Berlin: Language Science Press. 1–3 Marian Klamer applies these tools to an updated data set, omitting the theoretical justification for the methodology. Chapter 3 revises and expands previous reconstructions within the larger Timor- Alor- Pantar family as published in Holton et al. (2012) and Schapper, Huber & van Engelenhoven (2012). Chapter 3 is new in considering the relatedness of Timor-Kisar languages with the Alor-Pantar languages, while Schapper et al. 2012 was limited to the study of the internal relatedness of the Timor-Kisar lan- guages only. Chapter 4 is an updated and significantly expanded revision of Robinson & Holton (2012b). It differs from the latter paper in that it includes a discussion of the typological profiles of the Timor-Alor-Pantar family and its putative relatives, and has also been updated to reflect new reconstructions, especially the proto- Timor-Alor-Pantar reconstructions that are given in chapter 3. Chapter 9 contains a discussion of plural words in five Alor-Pantar languages. The Kamang and Teiwa data were published earlier as conference proceedings (Schapper & Klamer 2011), but chapter 9 is able to revise and expand that earlier comparative work by taking into account data from three additional Alor-Pantar languages. Chapter 10 is a newly written chapter on Alor-Pantar participant encoding, and summarizes the findings of Fedden et al. (2013) and Fedden et al. (2014). In addition, it includes a discussion of specially made video clips that have been used to collect the pronominal data, and the field manual to work with the video clips is included in the Appendix. Crucially, all the chapters in this volume rely on the latest, most complete and accurate data sets currently available. In this respect, they all differ significantly from any of the earlier publications, as these earlier works were written either before the EuroBABEL project had even begun (e.g. Holton et al. (2012), which is essentially a revised version of a conference paper presented in 2009), or while data collection and analysis in the project was still ongoing. Where there are any discrepancies between chapters in this volume and data that was published earlier, the content of the present volume prevails. All the chapters in this volume have been reviewed single-blind, by both ex- ternal and internal reviewers. I am grateful to the following colleagues for pro- viding reviews and helpful comments on the various chapters (in alphabetical order): Dunstan Brown, Niclas Burenhult, Mary Dalrymple, Bethwyn Evans, Se- bastian Fedden, Bill Foley, Jim Fox, Martin Haspelmath, Gary Holton, Andy Paw- ley, Laura C. Robinson, Hein Steinhauer, and Peter de Swart. 2 Preface and acknowledgements References Fedden, Sebastian, Dunstan Brown, Greville G. Corbett, Marian Klamer, Gary Holton, Laura C. Robinson & Antoinette Schapper. 2013. Conditions on pronom- inal marking in the Alor-Pantar languages. Linguistics 51(1). 33–74. Fedden, Sebastian, Dunstan Brown, František Kratochvíl, Laura C. Robinson & Antoinette Schapper. 2014. Variation in pronominal indexing: lexical stipula- tion vs. referential properties in the Alor-Pantar languages. Studies in Language 38. 44–79. Holton, Gary, Marian Klamer, František Kratochvíl, Laura C. Robinson & An- toinette Schapper. 2012. The historical relations of the Papuan languages of Alor and Pantar. Oceanic Linguistics 51(1). 86–122. Robinson, Laura C. & Gary Holton. 2012a. Internal classification of the Alor- Pantar language family using computational methods applied to the lexicon. Language Dynamics and Change 2(2). 123–149. Robinson, Laura C. & Gary Holton. 2012b. Reassessing the wider genetic affilia- tions of the Timor-Alor-Pantar languages. In Harald Hammarström & Wilco van der Heuvel (eds.), Contact and classification of Papuan languages (Language and Linguistics in Melanesia Special Issue 2012-I), 59–87. Port Moresby: Lin- guistic Society of New Guinea. Schapper, Antoinette, Juliette Huber & Aone van Engelenhoven. 2012. Thehis- torical relation of the Papuan languages of Timor and Kisar. In Harald Ham- marström & Wilco van den Heuvel (eds.), History, contact and classification of Papuan languages (Language and Linguistics in Melanesia Special Issue 2012-I), 194–242. Port Moresby: Linguistic Society of Papua New Guinea. Schapper, Antoinette & Marian Klamer. 2011. Plural words in Papuan languages of Alor-Pantar. In Peter
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