Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU All Graduate Plan B and other Reports Graduate Studies 5-1970 A Graduate Recital Report Richard J. Muirhead Utah State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/gradreports Part of the Music Commons Recommended Citation Muirhead, Richard J., "A Graduate Recital Report" (1970). All Graduate Plan B and other Reports. 611. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/gradreports/611 This Report is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate Studies at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Graduate Plan B and other Reports by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. A GRADUATE RECITA L REFDRT by Richard J. Huirhead Rerort of a recital performed in partial fulfill"-ent of the requirements for the degree of ·l1AS TER OF BUSIC in Applied Husic UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY Logan, Utah 1970 ACKNO\VLEDGENEN'IS Sincere appreciation is given to the members of ~ co ~~ ttee, Dr. 1-lilliam Ramsey, Dr. Alma Dittmer and Dr. 11ax Dalby, for their unselfishly giving me of their time, including holidays and weekends, to assist me ;Qth ~ special needs. I would like to particularly thank Dr. Rams~y , ~major professor, "no has guided me to a new insight of sineing ar.d ·,rho has helped to open a ;rhole ne1·1 field of repertoire for me . Debbie Schoonmaker, nw accompanist, deserves special praise and appreciation for her skill and musicRl talent ;,hich helped to make this recitel a success. Host i mp ortant of all, I wish to thank ~ ;Qfe , Alke, for her assistance and encouragerr.e nt in the preparing of t he reci tR1 and this paper. Richard J. Huirhead TABLE OF CONTEN1S Page RECI TAL PROGRAl·! 1 PROGRAl1 NOTES • 3 Dichterli e be 3 Di Provenza I l Har 3 La Bonne Chanson 3 Avant • De Quitter Ces Lieux 4 Four Seafarer 1 s Songs 4 TEX1S AND TRANS! .. ATIONS 5 Dichterl iebe 5 m Provenza Il Har 8 La Bonne Chanson 9 Avante De Quitter Ce s Lieux 11 DICHTEP.LIEBE 12 Schwnann 12 Heine • 13 German Lied 13 S tyl e • • 11 Anal ysis • 15 Im ;.;underscho~en Nona t ·l·!ai 15 Aus ne~nen 'l'ranen spr1essen . 16 D ~e Rose, die L~he , aleTaube 18 \-lenn Ich in deine Au s; en seh • 18 Ich Hill meine s·eele tauch8n 20 Im Rhein, im heEigen Strorr.e 21 ~olle nicl?~ • • • • 22 Und Hlissten 1 s die BlW:len, die Kiei~en 23 Das isteii1Fi6t8ri\ii'idTfeigen 24 Hor 1 ich das Liedchon klingen 26 Ein J (ingling liebt ein i·ii!dchen 27 Am l euchtenden So:-7'.:..:n1 r:wrgen 28 'fCFlliaii'Im-'l'rawn ge1·:e-:Lrlet" 31 Ailnici'itiich i m Traume 33 Au s al ten ITarchen 34 ~-lten , bosen Li~de; 37 UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY Logan, Utah DEPARn!ENT OF MUSIC 1968-69 GRADUAT E RECITAL Richard J. Muirhead Debbie Schoonmaker, Accompanist Dichterliebe , Opu s ~8 •••••••••••• Schumann 1. Im wunder sc honen Mona t Ha i 2. Au s meinen Tr~nen spriessen 3. Di e Rose, die Lilie, die Taube 4. Wenn ich in deine Augen seh 5. lch will meine Seele tauchen 6. Im Rhein, i m heilgen Strome 7. lch grolle nicht, und wenn das Herz 8. Und w~ssten's die Blumen 9. Das ist ein Fl~ten und Geigen 10. Hgr ich das Liedchen klingen 11. Ein J~n gling liebt ein N.~ldchen 12. Am leuch tend en Sommermorgen 13. I ch hab im Traum geweinet 14. Alln~chtlich i m Traume 'eh ich dich 15. Aus alten ~rchen winkt es 16. Di e altcn, bgsen Lieder Di Provenza il mar (La Traviata) • • • • • Verdi 1 N T E R H I S S I 0 N Five Songs from La Bonne Chanson Faure" 1·. Une Sainte en son aureole 2. Puisque l'aube grandit 3. La lune blanche luit dans les bois 4. J 1allais par des chemins perfides 5. J'ai presque peur, en v€rit€ Chase Fine Arts Center Cancer t Ha 11 Tuesday Evening Au gust Thirteenth Eight O'Clock 2 Avant de · quitter ces lieux (Faust) Gounod Four Seafarer's Songs, Opus 57 •• Bush 1. The Ship in Distress 2. Ratcliffe Highway 3. The Greenland Fishery 4. Jack the Jolly Tar In partial fulfillment of the graduation requirements .for the Master of Music de gree in Music Education. 3 PROGilAH HO'ES DIC H'lliRLIElB Robert Schmnann The song cycl e , Dicnterliebe, oas written during the tine Robert Schumann >·ras conte:nplatir.g na!"riagc to Clara ~-lieck. Schmnann 1 s s ensitive music and the poetry of Hein!"ich Eeine combine to make an e xquisite expression of the frust:-ation involved in a courtship. DI PROVENZA IL E~P. (LA TrtAVIA TA) Gi useppe Verdi I n the opera, La Traviata, the father of Alfredo has interfered i n the l ove life of his son, causing his son' s rrJ.stress, Violetta, to l eave him. As Alfredo r eads a lEotte!" l ei't b:t Violetta, telling him she no lonee!' l Oves him, his fatt.er tries t o console him in the aria Di Provenza Il i-iar. He remnds hi:n of the good, days he has had before he started his "reckless" life ad encourages hi::1 to return h ome to t he good life he had l eft. , LA BWNE CHANSOlJ Gabriel Faure Gabriel Faure' ·,:as one of the leadi:og co ~1posers of the mid- nineteenth century. So:ce authorities feel that his musi.c l ed the way f or Claude Debussy and i ~press ion~stic mus~ c in the latter part of the centu0~ . Tne m~cd of La B~~ne Chanson is in sharp c ont!"ast to t he Dichterliece, fo,- the :r.::.sic and t ext tell of the joy of being in love . 4 AVANT DE QUITTE?. CES LIEUX Charl es Gounod The aria, Avant De Quitter Ces Lieux, is one of the more popular arias from the opera, Faust. The aria is sung by Val entine to his sister l•:argaretta as he prepares to l eave for Har. FOUR SEAFA ?.E?. 15 So:ms. Alan Bush Alan Bush is a conter-.pory English composer considered by some t o be second only t o Benjamin Britten. His style of mitin~:: is very versatile i n the acco~pani me nt and his melodies are almost ah:ays very si"ga~le, being ,,rrittcn in a folk-song manner. His goal is to ;rritc music tha t can readily be underst ood and enjoyed by the average person as ,;ell as by the connoisseur of music. 5 TEX'IS AND TilANSU. TI ONS &OBE RT AL EX A ~ D ER SC~t."11AN:-1 81 8 OP, 4 8 ( HEt,;!) Didtuli<5e (•) (•) Im wund.:rs.:!10r.en ~[orut ~ [.11 , b the !ovdy r:to:"\:..t, of\ by. A.ls aile K;;.o s;><; n S? r.L'1:;:~ r.. 'lo:hen 21! tJ-.e bt:d;; o; e:"ed, Da ist in m.: i..i em Hcr.en Jo\·e un{o~Ced Die IJe!:.e at.;r,seo:·t;-:n. in myh~ :t. 1m ·~;:ur.de rs .:JtOn<! n Mor:J.t ~b.i, In the fo;·:!y n1o::t.'-t c!"~!ay. Als aile \'o~.: ! sar:g:.:n, " ·ben all U:e hire!; s.:1::;, Da hab ich i.\r g:.: :> :J.nden. Iconfe:>sdtoh.:r Mein ~!'!.nen und \ •er!ar::;:;-:1. my lo nc;L.,g -.nd Ct!'Sir:.. (•) (•) Aus meinen Tr :in~ n S?d:~:l F rom my~Jrs \ 'iel b li.ll~e:~de: D!u:r:cn her. or, rruny b!os;o:ns s;;:.~~ . Ur.d m.:in-: S.:ur;!er ~•.::rC-! :1 and my :>i;hs be ..:o~ -: I in :\':\ch ti:;..lller.c:'lor. a d1oir of r::~hti::;; .! !cs. Und "·:enn du ~:ch l: ::b h:ht, KinC,;:,.1-:.~n, And if ro~ -;o;j:J !C\"e r..~. d:3:j', Sch.:n!.;. i..:h dir die D:;.: m-: n ;ill, I l>.ill c;iv! )"0!.1 ::t!l t:.':!: f.o?. ·~~<s . Und \"O:" de!:'le:u F.:n;:-: :- soil klit1:;e:a Dls Li ed d:::r :-\Jc!l :iJl!l. ~~d :i~ ~~~-~~·!~~; ~ i.-:~ · (J) (J) Die Ro~, die Li!:e, Cie T.:a.::,e , dieS·.);":.!"!:, l 'h: r o~, t.l<!: lily, cl;"! ~ &\'e , :..\e !!.I :'I- Die li:;-bt i.;.,t, ei;.H J!!e ir.li~:: es.~o·o :-.r. .:. Ich J::b s:e r.id :~ r.:chr, i-:h :;~~::!.II:::-! : Die K!eine, di::- Fd:-:c, di: Hein~, d>.: [ir.:; !.\~;;,! :;~:~3~;~;jl;,~,:~~,~;D:: so S:e seiher, al ter LieSe\\ "o:'lr.~ uniq,t:.:; 1st Rose u:.d L: li.: 1.,;:'\d T::r..:~c u..od S,x·_,e. sh:;o hen.:!:, t:"-;e jo;- c.f a! l ;ns-:;:-,:'!, U rose) a.•d lily, ::t:'!:! Co\"<:1 ~:: ::! su:"'. (<) (<) W erw"\ ich in C :;oir:~ A u~en s2h, W: te n I loo:, into y o~ Cj'e;; So schwindct ::ll rr.e::1 Le i::I t.:nd \~·e:;; :zl! r.1y ;>.:!::~ J!',:! so:~o":": \ "::t:-, ;_;~; Doc..; 'i•.:cnn id1 J:~ss: c!eir:en \!ui1d, b~t wh e:-~ I k!ss yo'.:: t;s So weed ich ~ J.nz L'r: ..:! J:: :!r f;t.:S\!nd . 1 luve a!l !'-)" h i!'~::.i. -";;:in. \l.'cnn kh w.ic.'l lehn :1:1 c!:;o:r.~ Br..:s; \\"ben I br L'."J l-: ~ ~ o:-.
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