50S Individual

50S Individual

Round Table b. c. 1954, by Princequillo (Prince Rose)-Knight's Daughter, by Sir Cosmo Lifetime record: 66 43 8 5 $1,749,869 Own.- Kerr Stable Br.- Claiborne Farm (Ky) Tr.- W. Molter 31k59- 7Aqu fst 2 :46æ 2:28_2:55 3:22› 32J C Gold Cup 110k 1 2 2_ 2Á 3© 2® Bailey PJ 124 b 1.70 - - Sword Dancr119®RoundTable124›ÊTudor Era124ÆÊ No match 8 10k59- 7Aqu fst 1‰ :49› 1:39Æ2:04› 2:42æ 32Manhattan H 58k 4 4 4›Á 3›Á 1$ 1› Shoemaker W 132 b 11.55 - - RoundTable132›BaldEagle122›ÁColoneast112Æ Brisk urging 11 26l59- 7Aqu fst 1Ê :49› 1:14›1:40 2:04Æ 32Woodward 109k 3 2 2Á 2$ 3›Á 3›Ë Shoemaker W 126 b 1.70 - - SwordDancer120$Hillsdale126›ËRoundTable126| No excuse 4 19l59- 7Atl fm 1Ïp :47Æ 1:11_1:36æ 1:55› 32U Nations H 100k 6 2 2æ 2Á 1› 1›Ê Shoemaker W 136 b 1.80 97-03 RoundTable136›ÊNoureddin117æÁLi'lFella120›Á Mild urging 10 7l59- 8AP fst 1Œ :47 1:10æ1:35 1:47› 32Wash Park H 122k 2 5 5©Ë 4æÁ 1æ 1©Á Shoemaker W 132 b 1.70 106-04 RoundTable132©ÁDunce114ËBelluChf112$ Under mild urging 6 22c59- 8AP fm 1Ïp :46æ 1:10Æ1:35Æ 1:53Æ 32Arlington H 125k 1 3 3_ 1› 1ÆÁ 1$ Shoemaker W 132 b 1.80e 104-02 RndTable132$Manassas112&Noureddin109Æ Strong urging 9 15c59- 4AP sf 1Œp :48_ 1:13Æ1:39Æ 1:51_ 32Handicap 10000 5 2 2›Á 2› 2$ 1& Shoemaker W 132 b 1.80 83-17 RndTable132&TudorEra115›ËTerraFirma110›Á Hand ridden 5 8c59- 8AP sl 1 :23 :46 1:11Æ 1:37 32Equipoise Mile H 56k 1 7 6©Ê 6™Á 3© 3| Shoemaker W 132 b 1.90 80-23 BetterBee115›BelleauChief114_RoundTable132ÆÊ Slow start 10 4a59- 8Was fm 1Œp :47 1:10æ1:35 1:47› 32Stars & Stripes H 85k 4 2 2Æ 2Æ 1Æ 1æÊ Shoemaker W 132 b 1.70 107-00 RndTable132æÊNoureddn110&TudorEr117Á Scored cleverly 9 25d59- 0Was fm 1Îp :24Æ :47æ 1:12 1:42æ 42Exhibition 4k 3 1 1© 1›≥ 1›≥ 1›≥ Brooks S 0 b - 97-07 Round Table0›≥On the Job0›Martini II0æÊ Speed to spare 4 Special exhibition purse run between 3rd and 4th races. No weights assigned. No wagering 13d59- 8Was fst 1 :22Æ :44_ 1:09› 1:33Æ 32Citation H 56k 2 4 4_ 4›Ê 2$ 1& Brooks S 130 b 1.90 100-06 RoundTable130&Etonian104æÊCharli'sSong112ÆÊ Bore in,up 11 23g59- 7SA sf 1Áp :47_ 1:13Æ2:06Æ 2:32Æ 32Wash Birthday H 60k 9 5 2Á 9®Ê 15Æ_ 16æ≥ Shoemaker W 134 b 1.50e 35-35 Hakuchikar109&Ansdo110æËAorng107›Ê Cut front left heel 16 24h59- 7SA fm 1Êp :45æ 1:09_1:33_ 1:58Æ 32San Marcos H 28k 5 1 1ÆÁ 1Æ 1| 1| Shoemaker W 132 b 1.55e 102-00 RndTable132|EddieSchmidt116›AndrewAln115Ë Won in hand 8 3h59- 7SA fst 7f :22_ :45 1:09Æ 1:21_ 32San Carlos H 56k 4 5 3› 2$ 2Á 2$ Shoemaker W 132 b 11.80 94-12 Hillsdale115$RoundTable132ÆÊEddiSchmdt112Ë Closed fast10 11k58- 8Haw fst 1Ê :46æ 1:10Æ1:35Æ 1:59_ 32Haw Gold Cup H 123k 6 2 2›Ê 1Æ 1Æ 1ÆÊ Shoemaker W 126wb 1.70 102-02 RndTable126ÆÊSwoon'sSon123ÆEkb113& Good lead in hand 6 27l58- 7Bel sly 1Ê :46_ 1:10_1:35æ 2:01 32Woodward 111k 1 1 2$ 4æÁ 5…Á 5›® Arcaro E 126wb 1.80 78-13 Clem126ÁNadir120ÆReneged126… Had speed 6f,tired 7 13l58- 7Atl fm 1Ïp :47Æ 1:11Æ1:36Æ 1:54æ 32U Nations H 100k 2 4 5_ 2Æ 2› 2Á Valenzuela I 130wb 1.60 105-00 Clem113ÁRound Table130æCombustion II115Ë No excuse 12 8l58- 7Atl fm 1Îp :23› :46› 1:11Æ 1:43æ 32Alw 5000 4 3 3æ 2›Á 1$ 1Æ Shoemaker W 128wb 1.30 95-05 RoundTabl128ÆSt.Vncnt113&Rfty115$ Eased final strides 7 1l58- 8AP fst 1 :22æ :45› 1:09› 1:34 32Was Park H 139k 3 8 7_Ë 4_Á 3_ 2æÊ Shoemaker W 131wb 12.00e 99-02 Clem110æÊRound Table131¢Nadir114© Rallying strongly 9 23c58- 8AP fm 1Ïp :47 1:11 1:36 1:54Æ 32Arlington H 85k 3 4 4æ 2$ 1$ 1ÆÊ Shoemaker W 130wb 1.90 99-09 RoundTable130ÆÊClem109ËSt.Vincent111›Á Drew away easily 8 9c58- 8AP fst 1 :24 :46æ 1:10› 1:34_ 32Equipoise Mile H 133k 1 8 8® 8®Ê 8™Á 5_ Shoemaker W 131wb 1.90 94-11 Swoon'sSon129ÁBardstown122ÁIndianCrk107Á In close early 10 19a58- 8AP fm 1Œp :48› 1:12 1:36æ 1:48Æ 32Laurance Armour H 87k 1 3 4ÆÁ 4›Á 2›Á 1¢ Hartack W 130wb 1.70e 100-07 RndTable130¢Clem110æÊHoopBnd118Æ Blocked off,just up 10 12a58- 8AP fst 1Œ :47 1:10_1:35_ 1:48æ 32W Wright Mem H 85k 4 5 5ÆÊ 1$ 1Æ 2$ Longden J 130wb 1.30 99-10 Bernburgoo109$RoundTable130ÆÊShnPc108| Good lead,tired 8 28d58- 8Was fm 1Ïp :46_ 1:10_1:36Æ 1:54_ 32Arch Ward H 56k 3 3 2›Á 2› 1›Á 1ÆÁ Shoemaker W 129wb 1.30e 99-01 RoundTable129ÆÁTallChiefII115ÆÊAysha106ÆÊ Scored easily 9 20d58- 0Was fm 1Îp :24æ :49 1:14› 1:46_ 32Alw 6000 3 3 3æ 2$ 1›Á 1Æ Valenzuela I 122wb -e 76-31 Round Table122ÆBernburgoo114æBlack Patch114Ë Easily 5 Special event run between 3rd and 4th races. No wagering 7d58- 7Hol fst 1 :23› :46› 1:10› 1:34æ 32Argonaut H 53k 2 5 5|Á 3æ 3Æ 1¢ Shoemaker W 132wb 1.70 93-24 Round Table132¢How Now116|ËSeaneen120æ Up in time 6 24b58- 7Hol fst 1Î :23æ :47 1:10_ 1:41 32Californian 108k 1 3 3_Á 3Æ 2æ 2_Ê Shoemaker W 130wb 1.15 86-14 Seaneen109_ÊRoundTable130æTerrng115_Á Failed to respond 5 11b58-10AC gd 1Î :23 :46 1:11Æ 1:41› 32Caliente H 51k 2 3 4æÁ 2$ 1æÁ 1…Ê Shoemaker W 126 w 1.10 105-15 RoundTable126…ÊWarMarshall105›LikeMagic108Ë Easy score 10 22f58- 7GP fst 1Ê :47› 1:11 1:35Æ 1:59_ 32Gulf Park H 110k 4 3 3®Á 2Æ 1Á 1_ Shoemaker W 130wb 1.20 100-12 RoundTable130_Meeting111&Oligrchy111Æ Speed in reserve 6 14f58- 7GP fst 1Î :23Æ :46Æ 1:10æ 1:41æ 42Alw 10000 4 3 3| 2›Á 1Á 1æÁ Harmatz W 128wb 1.25 102-11 RoundTable128æÁMeeting111››Bureaucracy109ÆÁ Easily best6 1f58- 7SA fst 1Ê :45Æ 1:09æ1:34æ 1:59_ 32S Anita H 135k 9 3 4Æ 2$ 1Á 1ÆÁ Shoemaker W 130wb 1.15 101-09 RoundTable130ÆÁTerrang119æÁPorterhous120Æ Under a drive 9 15g58- 7SA fst 1Œ :46Æ 1:10›1:34æ 1:46_ 32San Antonio H 56k 3 6 4ÆÁ 1$ 1Æ 1æÁ Shoemaker W 130wb 1.45 103-11 Round Table130æÁMystic Eye108›ÁPromised Land116Á Easily 9 25h58- 7SA fst 1Ê :47Æ 1:11æ1:36Æ 2:01_ S Anita Maturity 156k 5 1 1æ 1›Á 1æ 1_Á Harmatz W 126wb 1.20 91-18 Rnd Table126_ÁSeaneen117ËPromised Land125ÆË Easing up 6 11h58- 7SA fst 1Î :24 :47› 1:11› 1:42› San Fernando 27k 3 1 1æ 1_ 1© 1_Ê Shoemaker W 130wb 1.25 93-13 RndTable130_ÊTheSearcher114ÁSeaneen124$ Eased at end 6 28i57- 7SA fst 7f :23› :45_ 1:09_ 1:22 Malibu Sequet 28k 4 6 5æ 3›Á 1Á 1$ Shoemaker W 130wb 1.15e 93-11 RoundTable130$Seaneen114æÊMystcEy122& Brisk hand ride 8 9j57- 7GS gd 1Ê :47› 1:11›1:36_ 2:01æ 32Trenton H 82k 2 2 2™ 3æÁ 3| 3›≥Ë Harmatz W 124wb 1.70 86-14 BoldRuler122ÆÊGallantMan124™ÁRoundTable124 Tired badly 3 1j57- 0GS sly 1 70 :23 :47Æ 1:12æ 1:41æ Alw 6000 1 2 2›Á 1Á 1| 1™ Shoemaker W 126wb - 89-16 RoundTble126™CommdreCurt111››HoosierHony108 Breezing 3 Special race run between the 4th and 5th races. No wagering 12k57- 8Haw fst 1Ê :46› 1:10æ1:35› 2:00› 32Haw Gold Cup H 126k 1 2 2›Á 2$ 1$ 1æ Harmatz W 121wb 1.70 102-08 RndTbl121æSwoon'sSon128ÆÁFnd119ÆÁ Drew clear with ease 6 4k57- 0Haw fst 1Î :23Æ :47Æ 1:11_ 1:43_ Alw 5000 2 1 1›Á 1æ 1_ 1® Shoemaker W 126wb - 93-18 Round Table126®Hundred Grand111©Mr. Donmar111›Á Easily 4 Special race run between the 8th and 9th races. No wagering 14l57- 7Atl fm 1Ïp :47æ 1:12 1:37Æ 1:56› 32U Nations H 100k 11 4 1$ 2$ 1$ 1¢ Shoemaker W 118wb 1.70 98-02 RoundTable118¢TudorEra112ÆFind122Æ Stumbled st.,gamely 11 31c57- 8Was fm 1Ïp :47æ 1:11_1:37 1:55 American Derby 145k 8 1 1›Á 1æ 1æ 1_ Shoemaker W 126wb 11.00 98-12 Round Table126_Iron Liege126æÁEkaba120Æ Very easy score 8 20c57- 0Was fm 1Îp :25 :49 1:13 1:43æ Alw 5000 4 1 2Á 2›Á 2› 1›Ê Shoemaker W 124wb -e 92-08 RoundTable124›ÊEkaba113.5ÆÊMartiniII112›| An easy score 4 Exhibition race run before 1st race. No wagering 20a57- 7Hol fst 1Ê :45_ 1:09_1:34_ 2:00æ Westerner 115k 8 5 3› 1æ 1| 1Æ Shoemaker W 129wb 1.15 90-12 RoundTable129ÆIrisher110¢JoePrice118® Eased at the end 8 13a57- 7Hol fst 1Ê :45Æ 1:09›1:33_ 1:58æ 32Hol Gold Cup H 162k 8 4 2$ 1›Á 1_ 1æÊ Shoemaker W 109wb 11.40 100-15 Round Table109æÊPorterhouse119ÆFind118® Drew out 11 6a57- 7Hol fst 1Œ :46› 1:10Æ1:35› 1:47_ Cinema H 47k 1 2 1Á 1$ 1_ 1_ Shoemaker W 130wb 1.20 95-14 RoundTable130_JoePrice114ÆËSeanen109ÆË Speed in reserve 7 15d57- 7Hol fst 1Î :23› :46 1:10 1:41 El Dorado H 37k 5 3 2› 1Á 1_ 1® Taniguchi G 126wb 1.25 90-16 Round Table126®Joe Price115_Playtown107$ Easy score 6 30b57- 7Hol fst 1 :22Æ :45Æ 1:09æ 1:34Æ nWill Rogers 28k 9 1 4ÆÁ 2$ 1æ 1æÁ Neves R 122wb 1.45 94-11 RoundTable122æÁJoePrice118ÆËMqult111›Ê Driving,bore out9 25b57- 7Hol fst 1Î :22Æ :45› 1:09æ 1:40Æ 32Californian 116k 4 4 4æÁ 2$ 2Á 2›Á Neves R 105wb 2.85 91-20 SocialClmbr119›ÁRoundTbl105_ÁFnd119& Led between calls 12 4b57- 7CD fst 1Ê :47 1:11Æ1:36_ 2:02› Ky Derby 152k 3 4 4æÁ 4Æ 4› 3ÆË Neves R 126wb 3.60 93-12 IronLiege126¢GallantMan126ÆËRoundTable126æ Held well 9 25e57- 6Kee fst 1Œ :48 1:11 1:34æ 1:47Æ Blue Grass 31k 1 1 1›Á 1›Á 1ÆÁ 1© Neves R 126wb 11.00 108-02 Round Table126©One-Eyed King121ÆManteau121›Ê Much best6 6e57- 8BM fst 1Î :22_ :46Æ 1:10Æ 1:41æ BM Derby 52k 3 2 1Æ 1› 1æ 1_Á Neves R 122wb 1.80 96-13 Round Table122_ÁSwirling Abbey122©Irisher122›Ê Easily 6 11f57- 7SA hy 1Î :24› :48_ 1:14_ 1:49› San Bernardino H 28k 9 2 2›Á 2›Á 2Æ 5™Á Longden J 122wb 1.65e 49-34 LightningJack112ËMysticEye111æÊRoyalHeir115› Faltered 9 2f57- 7SA sl 1Œ :47_ 1:13Æ1:41_ 1:54› S Anita Derby 98k 11 3 3æÁ 2Æ 1$ 3$ Longden J 118wb 11.30e 70-30 SirWilliam118$SwirlingAbbey118¢RoundTabl118ÆÁ Ran out13 Previously trained by M.

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