Ultra-high resolution scanned images depicting a scene from The Tale of Genji. Taken from a pair of folding screens (byobu) in the collection of the Sen-oku Hakuko Kan museum in Kyoto. See p.43 for more details. Contents Kyoto University :9 ; Mission Statement :9 < A Extra-Curricular Activities :9 < Message from the President :9 < ; International Experiences for Mission Statement Students :9 > History of Kyoto University !"#$#%&'()*+,($"%,$-$*,%($,%.(,,(#'%$#%,/,$-('%-'0%0*)*1#2%($,%3(,$#+(4-1% :9 < < Campuses and Access 4#..($.*'$%$#%-4-0*.(4%5+**0#.%-'0%$#%2/+,/*%3-+.#'(#/,%4#*6(,$*'4*% :9 ? Award-Winning Research 7($3('%$3*%3/.-'%-'0%*4#1#8(4-1%4#../'($"%#'%$3(,%21-'*$9 :9 < > Graduate Schools :9 = At a Glance :9 < = Undergraduate Faculties I :9 @ Global Engagement Research :9 < C Other Programs :9 A = Facilities Nationwide Kyoto University will generate world-class knowledge through freedom and autonomy :9 < @ Research Institutes in research that conforms with high ethical standards. :9 A @ Facilities and Partners Worldwide :9 B A Centers, Organizations, and Facilities As a university that comprehends many graduate schools, faculties, research institutes :9 ; A Kyoto University Library and centers, Kyoto University will strive for diverse development in pure and applied :9 B < Cover Story: Scientific Recording of research in the humanities, sciences and technology, while seeking to integrate these :9 ; ; Kyoto University Hospital Cultural Heritage Assets various perspectives. :9 ; < Institute for Liberal Arts II and Sciences Education :9 ; B Kyoto University Alumni Within its broad and varied educational structure, Kyoto University will transmit high- quality knowledge and promote independent and interactive learning. :9 ; > Information for International Students and Researchers Kyoto University will educate outstanding and humane researchers and specialists, who will contribute responsibly to the world’s human and ecological community. :9 ; = Advanced Facilities and Abundant Resources :9 ; @ Life in Kyoto III Relationship with Society As a university committed to a broad social engagement, Kyoto University will encourage cooperation with local and national society, and will disseminate knowledge informed by the ideals of freedom and peaceful coexistence. As an international institution, Kyoto University will promote foreign academic exchange and thereby strive to contribute to the well-being of the world. IV Administration In order to enhance the free development of learning, Kyoto University will pay due respect to the administrative independence of each of its component institutions, while promoting cooperation among them. Kyoto University will conduct its administration with regard for the environment and respect for human rights and will be accountable to society at large. A !"#$#%&'()*+,($" AT A GLANCE 2016–2017 !"#$#%&'()*+,($" AT A GLANCE 2016–2017 ; MESSAGE 30(8#)/, PRESIDENT !"#$%&'($#)(#*(+%,)-.#)/,#$(01'.##2&'#211#(3#)/,#4(**%5%1%)%,*#)/,0,%&67 Since its foundation in 1897, Kyoto University has fostered a culture of academic freedom grounded in a spirit of self-reliance and self-respect. I believe that, for its students and researchers, the university should function as a “window” to society and the world at large, and that it must be an institution which can respond to the needs and demands of the current era. It is my goal, therefore, to work together with all of Kyoto University’s faculty and staff members to open such a window to society, the world, and all of the possibilities therein, and give our talented and ambitious students a helping hand to get out there and realize their full potential. In line with this concept, I have adopted the word “WINDOW” as the keyword for Kyoto University’s current phase, with each of its letters standing to remind us of our key objectives. I aim to realize all of the facets of Kyoto University’s WINDOW, and thereby enhance our system to promote creative world-leading research, and make the university even more interdisciplinary and internationally oriented. I aim to provide educational curricula that will enable students to engage in cutting-edge research from their very first year, and which, through experiments, fieldwork, and dialogue, will allow them to fully benefit from the special qualities of Kyoto University. I look forward to welcoming you to our campuses so that you can experience our unique brand of academic freedom and creativity for yourself. We have prepared a place for you—a place where you can excel and realize your full potential. !"#$%#&'()(*#+( !"#$%&'()* ▶ www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/about/president/profile.html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▶ www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/about/operation/window.html B !"#$#%&'()*+,($" AT A GLANCE 2016–2017 !"#$#%&'()*+,($" AT A GLANCE 2016–2017 C Award Winning Research Kyoto University is acknowledged as one of the most accomplished research-oriented universities in Asia. That reputation is >?@= testified by the accolades conferred on our alumni and researchers, most notably nine Nobel Prize laureates who undertook vital research during their time at the university. In addition to those awards, several other Kyoto University faculty members have received major accolades, including two Fields Medalists, one Gauss Prize winner, and five Lasker Award winners. 2016 2010 314#$',-".# 2004 2000 1995 1990 1949, Physics 1965, Physics 1981, Chemistry 1987, Physiology and 2001, Chemistry Hideki Yukawa Shinichiro Tomonaga Kenichi Fukui Medicine Ryoji Noyori 2004 1985 Susumu Tonegawa Kyoto University and all national 1980 universities incorporated in 2004. 1975 1970 1965 2008, Physics 2008, Physics 2012, Physiology or 2014, Physics Makoto Kobayashi Toshihide Maskawa Medicine Isamu Akasaki 1960 Shinya Yamanaka 1955 !"#$%&'(#%)$ *)+&&',-".# /0121',-".# 1950 1947 1945 1940 1970, Mathematics 1990, Mathematics 2006, Mathematics 1995, Basic Sciences 1998, Basic Sciences 2004, 2010, 1935 1947 Heisuke Hironaka Shigefumi Mori Kiyoshi Ito Chushiro Hayashi Kiyoshi Ito Advanced Technology Advanced Technology Alan Curtis Kay Shinya Yamanaka Renamed Kyoto University in 1947. 1930 1925 9):);',-".# 5)&6#-'78)-% 1920 1897 1915 The Third High School was subsequently relocated 1910 once again, and Kyoto Imperial University was 1905 2005, Information and 2005, Cell Biology 1987, Basic Medical 1989, Basic Medical 1998, Basic Medical 2009, Basic Medical 2014, Basic Medical established at its former location on June 18, 1897. Media Technology Masatoshi Takeichi Research Research Research Research Research Makoto Nagao Susumu Tonegawa Yasutomi Nishizuka Yoshio Masui Shinya Yamanaka Kazutoshi Mori 1900 *photos provided by the Japan Prize Foundation 1897 1895 1890 1889 1885 1880 1875 1889 Known at this point as the Third High School, the ©!e Nobel Foundation2012 photo by Alexander Mahmoud 1870 institution was relocated to Kyoto in August 1889. Dr. Shinya Yamanaka, director of the Prof. Kayo Inaba, Kyoto University’s Prof.
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