ha{ Ki:i'(.RTKD 12 FLIERS KILLED, TO FLIGHT NEX1 From The lVien 1 IN AUSTRALIA! Al The Front From Bergen County 1 Takala Dies In Action, f llemen: Complete Course Received a copy of the Defense Park Youth In Crash .Nows, Vol. 1 ,No. 3 and certainly! (Special Lo UlB Bergen Evening Record! Jenjoyed it. Was surprised to seel Chapel Hill, N. C, Apr. 1—Three] Lieutenant Neil Thomas Takala j [the number of men in the service! ergen County cadets have been! • of Teaneck, well known in athletic •from Teaneck. Guess it's increased! Ivanced to primary tllght training! J circles m the County, died in action I considerably since then. Nice to I ', the Naval Re&erve Aviation Basel • in Australia, March 28, according lto word received yesterday by his [ • read about the sincere anil exlen-| , Peru, Ind., alter completing thcr isive work being done at home. Just I -month course here at the Navy| J family from the War Department re-Plight School. There are: I at Washington, D. C. • know that everyone is pitching! WEST ENGLEWOOD — W^K Takala, son of Mr. and Mrs. I in. Weil after all that's Teaneck.! Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ever-I I Thomas V. Takala, 224 Elm Ave- I My best to all of you and would I t W. Brown of 641 West Engle-| I nue, Teuneck, left his position as a I I certainly appreciate hearing from| :od Avenue. I teacher at Bloomfield High School | you again. If they successfully complete this! 1 to enlist in the Army Air Corps in A proud Teaneckite cond phase and 3 additional! 1 March, 1941. He received his com- I mission at Sslma, S. 0., Dec. 12, Fred J. Aeschback AMMI-G onths of advanced flight training,! V. C. Fleet, Post Office, •ey will be eligible for commissions.! 11941, and a few days later was I transferred to the Pacific Coast. He New York I boarded a transport bound for Au-l istralia during the Christmas noli-1 I Fellow Townsfolk: I (Jays. I Thanks a lot for my copy of Only 3 weeks ago his family re-1 J "Teaneck Defense News." It is a I I ceived a cablegram which reads: I welcome sight to see the name uf I 1 "Still enjoying Aussie hospitality. | 1 Everything O. K. Peeling line." 1 Teaneck in print after yon have! I Takala started his athletic career J been away from it a while so I am j I at Teaneck High School, where he j I hoping that you will keep me on 1 played all three major sports. He iyour mailing list. £ j also played scmipro football with 1 I have made several moves since j 9 the Teaneck Red Devils, and caught I I original location at Hamilton! 1 for a number of the County's serni- • Field .Calif, and consequently thai 1 pro baseball teams. Before he en- • listed, he worked as a referee in a I "News" did a little traveling also! 1 number of high school football and •before it caught up with me, so 11 I basketball games and as umpire in lhad best give you my latest ad-1 I baseball games. |dress. Thanking you again, I am, I 1 He was graduated from Montclair Sgt. A. J. Lahmann I I State Teachers College in 193B after 913th' Engineers, AJ. Hdq. Co.I 1 a brilliant athletic career. He was I catcher for the school's baseball j I team, and fullback and captain of i I the football team. In addition, he: I was cocaptain of the wrestling team.: I At the College he was also a I member of the Senate, men's dis- I cusslon society, and the Psychology! I Club. Upon graduation, he began: I his duties as a teacher at Bloom- 1 field High School. After enlist-, ment more than a year ago he re- ROBERT B' ceived his training at air fields lr PROMOTE!) •Robert Rudin Jr. loamden, S. C, and Craig Field in! I Studying: Photography ^"observed his 28th birthdaj (Special to the Bergen Evening Record) I He ia survived by his parents, Mr Pyote, Tex., Apt. 5—Robert Ru-1 J and Mrs. ThomsaJL TakalftLjsgyjr I din Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs, Rudinj Isisten, Lorraine and Anna of. , lof 1311 Sussex Boad, West Engle-j iTGaneck address; Mrs. Gertrude I wood, is studying advanced aeriall lolacj. of Bogota, Mrs. Minnie For- I photography with trie 19th Bom-| irante of Morsemei-e, Mrs. Mary Bell Ibardment Group, 83rd Squadron of I lof Bogota, Hilda Takala of New I the Army Air Force- at this Airl I York City', Mrs. Mabel Moore a I Base. A 1940 graduate of Teaneckl 1 Connecticut, and one brothel, I High School, Rudin also was grad-j ' the Taanfick address. j iuated from Bergen College lastj I June. He entered the Air Force inl sports, because Campbell •November. After a short time alj "soup" Stevenson was in the •Atlantic City, Rudin was stationed! list, but it's general news be- •at Lowry Field, Denver, Colo., forl cause it's Teaneck's latest Lrmed forces la 3-month course in photography.j draft list. Soup, who made | Iwhioh lie completed. In March. All-County football and base- | Get 475 More ball teams, and Ken Schmal- Arthur D. Egan of Teaneck's I I enbergcr, another Teaneck | I Honor Eoll Committee reports that I if High athlete, a student lit 1475 men and women have joined | William and Mary College this J the armed f or.ces since Nov. 8 when I year, left last week for New- Jthe honor roll on the grounds of ark and induction in the Army. I the municipal building was dedi- Others included Elmer Beh- I cated, and that a total of 1987 were rens David Caughlan, Charles • in the service of their country on | Currey, William Graham, Jr., | April 1, 1943. Michael Halligan, William Kloeber, Walter Lynch, Fred Egan said that a new list to in- Promotion to lieutenancy I Stafford, Angclo Cafarelli, I elude- the 475 is being printed for J (junior grade) for Charles J. 1 Joseph Calabrese, James Gam- ithe octagonal Honor Eoll in ac-1 I Alike Jr. (above), 2 years in! •United States Na-vy service, has j bella, Robert Hall, Allen Hen- cordance with the plan to make j 9 revisions periodically. The names j.iust been announced from! sell, John Hooks, William iNorth Africa. Graduate of the I Jeanig, Theodore King, Ken- I of the five who have died in the iwharton School of Commerce I neth Masslrom, Alfred Podes- J service of their country will be I lof the University of Pennsyl- j ta Harold Stiltzman, John I given the position of honor on a j a vania, Lieutenant Alike is the 1 Stuart, Edward Zucehi, George I separate panel. Ison of the executive vice.prcsi- I Only names of men and women j • dent of the Hackciisaclc Water I Holler, William Murphy, Wal- I Company. His nome is in Tea- | ter Salmincn, John Powers; I who actually were themselves resi-1 ineck. 3rd., George Myles, and "Fed J dents of Teaneck at the time they I Thompson. I entered actual service are includ-l led on the Boll. Names are not! 1 added, until active service has be-j un. ' Reserves are not inclndedt *}»oylehhry ±tiu Renault Plant And 10 Nazk \ 11 aneck Copilot Has Second Narrow Escape From i ENTER SERVICE Death As His Camera Deflects German Shell | The battle-scarred Flying Fortress Dry Martini and it; -man crew of cocktail kids went berserk like a sea sail 01 are leave, over Paris yesterday and set a record lor bomb- ILeave Civilian Posts For iers in shooting down 10 Nazi fighters over the southwes Responsibility In. |Paris plant of the famed Renault works. War Work CAMERA IS HIT * Lieutenant Joseph B. Boyle ,m jjittery y all the same. Hear any IRECENT GRADUATES iTciineck, co-pilot or the plane he ,hmg aboubt t JJo e Gorman?G?" I brought back to Its near-London Mrs. J. J. Boyle of 539 Slandisl I base last January 13 with its pilot Road, Teaneefc, referred to Secon< Miss Lueile Graf, 21, daughter of 1 dead and another crewman wound- Lieutenant Joseph E. Gorman n iMrs. Marcelle Graf and Hie late Jed, had his second known close Ridgelicld Park, copilot of the Fort Iwalter L. Graf of 24 chestnut •ess Problem Child, one of the 13 Istfeet, Teaneck, has been swon :all from death. bombers which rained bombs ovc I into lie Waves and is awaiting call Radioed reports before midnight Paris. I to report for training as a pharma- llasl night declared that only the |cist's mate. •camera Boyle poised before his lace When he returned from the raif \aved his life by deflecting the orman said: "Even from 25,00 Miss Graf gave up her position as loot, Paris sure looks good in th , jsecretary in the gynecology and ob- enemy-firpd 50-mm shell which jstetrical service at St. Vincent's crashed the windshield and sprayed iprmR." The Dry Martini's crew lprl b | I Hospital, New York City, to enlist. ome Df Lhp fighters in a rain of Onnl.flin A. V, ^artim n[ Snfl f IBefore that she worked at Medical |line glass. Cisco, had its own hero in Secon 1 Center in Jersey City, first as a| The Dry Martini, a vcrferan of Lieutenant James Moberly ol Me I laboratory technician and later ss LIJOILK GBAF berly, Mo.
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