HEADQUARTERS FOR FIRST TELEPHONE WANT ADS CLASS JOB PRINTING TO NUMBER NINE SIXTY-SIXTH YEAR BUCHANAN, MIOHIO A N THURSDAY. MARCH 14, 1935. NUMBER 11 OiPC TSACR Athletic Association Basketball Title Series to Friday Night TO CONTRACT ■ 3 0 0 ACRES HERE H U E PLAY-OFF Now H ere’s T0GR0WT0MAT0ES the TO BE CONTINUED PLAYBOX PR STEPPING SISTERS’ TONIGHT Proposition Favorable Price Offer Opens Nationally Known | Roots Runner-Up j They Cut Their New Source of Income for UNTIL HON. NIGHT DELEGATES OF LITTLE THEATRE Buchanan Fanners. Cooking' Expert to In Nev/ Carlisle l Teeth Earlier ’N ’ Sold and Bronze Medals Will Teach Homemakers Cage Tournament GIVES PLAY AT . Earlier These Days A new major source of income be Awarded to Players in for the farmers of the Buchanan Champion and Runner- district was indicated at a meeting Miss Myrtle Turney, who will CLARK THEATRE . .Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nelson Light- held .at the headquarters of the Up Team. instruct home mailers in the School The Roots News Agency basket­ foot are the proud parents of a ball team won the title of Runner-i Buchanan Co-ops Incorporated on. o f Home Economics at the high son, Charles Nelson, born Friday, Monday, at which a representative school auditorium March IS, 19, 20, Up in the Independent cage tour­ I The final title series of the wis­ i Local Scouts to Attend Cele- j March 8. The young gentleman of the Campbell Soup Company of is a nationally known authority in nament held at Mew Carlisle last Production Postponed from!t is reported to be quite forward in er basketball program of the Bu- 1 bration of 25th Birthday week, being eliminated in the fi­ Chicago made overtures to local her subject. Saturday Evening on Ac­ j his development, having- one tooth farmers to contract 300 acres o f •hanan Athletic Association will Years o f institutional training, Anniversary of nals by the New Carlisle Flashes jegiu at the high school gymrtas- count of Illness of j fully emerged and three More tomatoes for the 1935 season, -with research work in the experimental Organization. 32-1S. after a stubborn battle * showing. um Friday evening, with the con- ____ wbose closeness was belied by the Player. possibilities of considerably in­ kitchens of the Edison General creased acreage in future years if olation series for the five lower score. Electric Appliance Co., makers ot the venture proves successful. jracket teams definitely beginning Boy Scouts from all over the The Roots five wa ■ awarded the M y clad alius told rue never tc the Hotpoint range, with which The Playbox Players are expect­ Special Lenten J. W. Montell represented the -t that time and the final play-off United States and its possessions, first game with the Simmons Gro­ grab a red hot poker unless sum- company she is now associated, and ed to repeat their eritert-inment Campbell company, and County lepending on the outcome of the will gather 30,000 strong, at the cery, South Bend, on a forfeit buddv tkrowd it in ray lap. experience in conducting- schools | success of “Three Live Ghosts" Services Being Agent Harry Lurkins and Profes­ {tune between Reamers and Rex- nation's capital in August, to in­ when it was learned that the lat­ throughout the nation, have quali­ with a presentation of “Stepping sor Mahoney,. Michigan State Col­ •.ll’s teams which were played til­ tend one of the largest birthday ter team had entered players who fied her as an authority in -produ­ Sisters” at the Clark Theatre to­ Held Each Wed. lege vegetable cplture specialist Well, folks, things is just the er the Record w ent to press last parties ever staged. The party were not certified. They then cing cooking miracles with electric­ night, the curtain rising on the were also present to advise the 50 same old run-around this week, al, tight. ity. A graduate in Home Eco­ .vill go into camp along the banks j won Lhir second game from the we know' is what we hear at the In the event that the Rexall first act at S p. m. fanners who attended. nomics of the University of Chi­ of the Potomac River, in Wash­ New Carlisle Sparks 20-19, for­ Lenten services ?' e being held earn won that game, it cinched The production was originally The company offered to: contract barber shop. cago, site has directed Electric ington, D. C., on August 2lst, and ging ahead in the last 50 seconds every Wednesday evfnlng at 7:30 The farmers around, Buchanan he position of runner-up and the scheduled for presentation Satur­ at the following price delivered at Cookery classes in many leading spend 10 days in the great fete, on Denno’c follow-up shot. The at the S't, Anthony’s cnurcli with have been in the soup for the past .itle play-off, best two out of three day but was postponed until to­ Chicago: §19 per ton. for No. 1-. SU universities and colleges. hobnobbing with President Roose- semi-final with the Mishawaka Father John R. Day officiating. five years, so now? tne.y are going vill start Friday evening. velt, cabinet members and foreign entry was won bv the Root team night on account of the illness of per ton for No. 2. An. average the leading lady, Miss Alone P.iiey. to capitalize on it and; go; into tin If, however, Reamer's team de­ diplomats and seeing the sights. 3d to 1., and was pronounced the fair crop yields from 7 lo 10 tons Once- the virus of the theatre per acre, but yields as high as soup business. Soon we will sec bated the Rexall's, those two or­ Each Scout troop, is allowed to b„it ; 1 yed game-■ of the tourna­ Portage Prairie gets in the blood it never leaves it. 24 tons per acre have been at­ that fat little cherub in the Camp­ ganizations are temporarily lodged ;end only one scout as a represen­ ment. WAR VETERANS 1 People retire from the stage and tained in Berrien County according bell Sotip advertisements declaim­ n a three-way tie with Root s tative to the National Jamboree, The Une-up for Roots was as Church Orchestra settle down far awry from Broad- to County Agent Burkins. Cost ing another of those cheerful little team for second place, and wit .inless special permit is issued by follows: J. Ellis, C. Denno, M. | j way and its theatres, but the little of transportation to Chicago is es­ rhymes: play off the tie Friday night, de- headquarters. Troop 41 has been Dreitzler, :R. Dellinger, E. Tucker, WILL ORGANIZE to Give Program bug will insist on rearing- its head timated at about §3.00 per ton. “ When once again you; eat our ayiug' the beginning- of the title given permission, however, to send D. Ellis, J. Eisenhar' and J. Dun­ every so often. soup, just think fo r appetizer, :eries until Monday evening. an additional member. lap. A I I V I I I A P V I J .flF W A secon<i meeting will be held at They raise it at Buchanan with . And in case this, proves difficult It is expected that there will be “ Stepping Sisters” is a highly j& U A lL liill I D lfii I the Co-ops office here next Mon- Alf George's fertilizer.” .'or any of the fans to grasp, they The Portage Prairie Evengelieal several activities promoted by the amusing demonstration of this fact day afternoon to complete the con­ Either that or they will be over­ nay at least be assured that there church orchestra, Albert Hous- Troop to raise the necessary fee, and has demonstrated its mirth- tract. A total of 300 acres is de­ looking a good bet. vill be a red hot basketball menu wertli director, will present a pro­ and the success of these projects S. Gross Makes provoking powers in ail the larger Women’s Group to be Formed sired by the company locally. Last The Buchanan: Faculty club gave n store for them, the items of gram of Instrumental music at the will depend entirely upon the loy­ cities of the United States. ;it Meeting Tonight in year it contracted a total o f 1,001 Evangelical church Sunday eve­ From the rise of the curtain un­ acres in a range of 250 miles. It an awful: party- -beg pardon, l A-liich will be apparent when they al backing of the people of this Rapid Advance in W. B. A. Hall. wawr'ul party at the high sekoo. :et there. The play will contin- ning, beginning at 7 p, m. The community. til the fall thereof this hilarious is estimated that the entire acre­ last night, te through Monday and possibly prog-ram will be as follows: W C lin G T lIC ’3. comec'i’ is chock full of fun and age may he contracted here if good —mm,— nto Wednesday evening- of nexi “National'Guard March”, Mc- ; laughter,lauehter. with never a dull momo- Like its sister organization^ results are secured this year. Th; Caughey. Buchanan iwp, ment. The situations ;are most compahy .became interested in .th* The: Brook - .veek. At the conclusion of the ser­ ' ■ ' *4 talph - Rumbaughl. Bost- -No., - Eil,' “The Church in the Wildwood,’ ingeniously contrived and the un Buchanan districFthrougli the ex­ (Adapted from Mister Tenny­ es: gold basketballs wilL be award- Friends of Seymour Gross, son American Legion, the G. N.
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