Software 249 95

Software 249 95

ATARI 800 SOFTWARE 5 *ju* Check with your - The top sellers from leading British / local SPECTRUM and American Software houses. dealer for our torrsiL ATARI MICRO DBALLFT U.K. super LOW price IX SPECTRUM Divifcrv Kong Attn I Cirt) \rrz £29 99 QUKTKSItVA XADOM Dm Dug A tin iCart) (Woo (6 95 AVALOM HI LI QUICKSJLVA AOUAPLANC" (6 94 OUICKSilVA VElNORSlAIR C ompuier Stockt k Bondi fomM (Cast) (6 95 An ideal Home Micro lor Graphics, educational and personal finance etc use it (16 56 QUICKSJLVA J D STRATfCr £4 95 Campaign Com (Cattl £16 46 and it will take you from learning up to a small business use You can add prin- OUlCKSllVA SMOGCUBS COVt (6*5 Telengjrd Alan <Dnl) <21 IB IMACINil JJOOM RRODIRBUND £5 50 ters, program recorders, disc drives and more, to expand your micro as and IMACilMI JIPZAP £5 50 Chopliltf Aljn (P ikj when you want to suit your needs So if you're looking for a top of the line micro (28 91 WTIMATt tRANJAV £5 50 Apple Panic A Lin IDrtfcl £24 79 UlllMATI j£T PAC £5 40 you must see the ATARI 800 with 48K at SPECTRUM NOW' AE A tan (Drill) (28 93 UtTIMAt( pssr £4 50 Serfo« tHm (Dull (24 79 LRTIMATf COQKll £4 40 8,1-. Strrrt vV'.tri Atjr, (Dill) (56 31 MtlBCHjRMf 4 0 TfRROR [MCTlt (6 95 New! • ic nvi lorrwAHi MtlBOURNE HOUSE £*»5 Mine* 2049e> Aim (Cull (41 70 PfNftBATOR- Mil BOURNE HOUSE THE HOBBIT (ia 94 DATASOFT (4 50 Zl»on AUn IDnl) (1107 CRVSTAL COMPUTIHC HALLS Of TMINCS CFNFHAIIOH 'HOT M 33 D £5*4 ATARI 600XL EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARt PSS UCHTCVCLE £4*4 ThcVy Tutomh 1 lo 6 AUn (CM) (96 97 £6 94 SPECTRUM PRICE [ft* the 6) OUICKSHVA TIWCATF £4*5 IPYX, AUTOMATIC SIMULATIONS QUICKSLLVA A TRADES TRILOGY" £4*5 Jump Min Com 64 {Prvk1 (33 07 OUICKSILVA ASTRO BLASTER £4 95 Temptr o' Aptfui Am •Vic JO (OA) (1107 CXJICKVLVA F«(M2V TOWtR CIS9.99 H1TDIN RICHARD SHEPWERD TRANSNVANIAN £640 Sargoe J Aij»r Di « £28 93 M»CROSPH(RE OMNlCAtC (9*5 ATARI VCS GAMES MACHINE Cam (24 79 (8 40 HUMAN ENGINEERED SOFTWARE T.luRESOuE EDITOR ASSEMBLER £7 50 With all these FREE extras: FREE PADDLES • FREE JOYSTICKS turtle Gnphict Com 64 (Cut) (49 IS PICTURE soul M*CTRUM MONITOR v* JO iCaf (32 75 COMMODORE 64 • FREE COMBAT CARTRIDGE • FREE PAC-MAN CARTRIDGE Hew-trr Com 64 tCnl) (36 BS LLAMASOFT MAIRIK 64 17 40 Vic JO IC**l (32 75 LLAMASOfT LAJER JONE £7 50 ALL FOR ONLY £«9.99 1 (33 » LLAMA SO* T GRIORUNNER M (5 00 Ptrdaloi Vk 20 (CARL ILAMASO»T MUTANT CAMELS CoCo II Com 64 .Drill (33 07 £7 00 (JJ07 INTERCEPTOR CRAZV KONC (700 V.c JO <D*l'. PO^tfRN SHADOWFAX Sonon Vrc Ml (Catt) (13 JO £7 99 Tort v.c 20 Ititi' (1485 VIC 10 6402 Proieio I Development System LLANHASWT MATRIX (600 Com 64 (Caw) (2411 TLAMASCXT GRIDRUNNER (500 SHARP MZ-80A L JLMASOFT 1AJIR ZONE (600 Vic 20 (CM) (24 11 (XKKSILVA SKVMAWK (7*5 INFOCOM OJICKSUVA SUB SPACt STRIKER Icxk i 2 & J Atan :D>iH (3)07 £7 95 y"*v INTERCEPTOR CRAT* KONC (600 Com 6a iD-tfc) £33 07 (eath gtmel BBC De*1:.^e Atjri l&tki (41 » (41 34 PSION "VU CAlC (14*4 / FREE! \ Suipended Com 64 (Dual PSION VUfilE £14*5 NEW! TMI MUSE lOrrWAM ^•C73 WORTH m O.NCKSILVA BEER ART (14*5 of loftwar*/ Cattle WoMfntrm Atan IDttk) 122 97 CKJICKSUV* MUSIC PROCESSOR £14*5 LIGHTNING SOrrWAHl SO'TWASl INVASION "3-D BOMB AUtV (7*4' SHARP 711 'Amn Type Arm (CM' 1)2 16 DIGITAL f ANTASW WCABD Of ACKRV7 (**5 MIS QULCKSILVA PROTECTOR £7*4 V>C Virytn Vh 20 lCatt> £1071 £7** r>u<< Fly W JO (Can) £10 71 POST1RN SHADOWFAX PBOCRAH DESIGN DRAGON II Colour Pre-tchool lO Biride- Alan (Dirt) £1128 SALAMANDER GRJDRuNNtR £7*5 Cave (13 77 PSS ATTACK' (7*5 KOCKLAN SALAMANDER DRAGON TRCK £»*» W'.'jrd ot Woi Afjri (Dltkl ORtC Computer £3)07 iiKSOfTWARl XENON t Cart (37 52 (8 50 SHAAA ON LIME L» SOFTWARE I D MATE £7 50 Now available in limited quantities PSS INVADERS F rnggpr Alan (On!) £27 27 (6*5 Desk top genius' the ill in one SHARP M2 80A Spectrum Price Com 64 IDrikl (JB*3 PSS CCNTIPfDE (6 94 Ready to run the moment you gel it home Built Ult.mj II Ajjf. (tMl (49 63 SUNlMtHC in keyboard CRT 9' display and cassette data Ootit -e Vrc JO (Caw) £14 79 CRUFUNC (DL»*ON JJL £6 95 Cruiwnc (7X Spectrum', fa 95 storage with 48 K RAM SIRIUS SOFTWARE 95 Rrptw Arm (Oni) £30 64 B'md Alley tit Spectrum) (4 95 Com 64 flrtfe £33 07 Antyoidt I ZX Spectrum) £594 l«l Eddy Com 64 (CM) (28 93 CJ U •. Atti.-k (2X S pet firm 4BIO (495 SPECTRUM £ Vic 20 (Cart (33 34 SWIVRL F ^L L» Spectrum) (495 249 Squrthem Com 64 lOnlr) £28 93 MICROBIAL PRICE inc. FREE Games cassette type AttJ(k Vi> 20 (Cjrtl £33 35 DRAGON Turmoil V< JO (Cart) £33 34 TV r.n* (800 399 SPINNAKER Spate Wa> (800 Slmy Machine Atari lOtili (2814 Defence (800 utiymet 6 «<1d>', Alt-' IDitk) (24 11 Akj|r« (800 Snoope* Tmapt Aim (EM) (36 19 Kjfrip.tUr *n4ik (BOO r*y D^ddV OiOdlr Arm I Ortli) (24 11 Space Morvoiopy (800 DRAGON BBC in teitch Ot the Molt Amajing Thing .Mention Advents (8 00 Alan (OU) (3216 ACCESSORIES C12 DAT A C ASSI TTf S £0 50 TELEVISIONS CI 5 OATA CASSfTTE S £0 58 ir T80 B&W PORT ABIE £59 « VISCOUNT SINGLE SIDED DOUBLE OP11 31 14 COLOUR PORTABLE £J2»» OfNSITV (10) (EOR APPlt COMMODORE ATARI TANDY) (21,25 COMPUTER CASSETTE VISCOUNT SlNGlf SIDED SINGLE D€NSITY(10) 121.25 RECORDERS VISCOUNT DOUBLE SIDED DOUBLE from £27.50 Extensive facilities include highly OtNSITY (10) (FOR SHARP SUPERBRAIN advanced colour graphics. Power- FTC) £33 81 QUICKSHOT Joystick ful standard 32K RAM (expandable VISCOUNT SINGLE SlDtD DOUBLE For ATARI, COMMODORE, to 64K Bytes). • 9 Colours resolu- DENSITY 96 TRACK (10) (FOR NASCOM COWAODOftE BOSO ETC) £51 3« VIC-20 & 64, SPECTRUM & tion Display* Extended Microsoft BBC39 Single Ditfc Drive IOOK 9(WOO EMPTY DISK CAStS (FOR VV colour BASIC (as standard) • BSC Dual Dub Drw» WOK £801 8S DISKETTES) £1 94 ORIC SRC Tipe Recorder (N 90 DISK HEAD CLEANER KIT £16 10 Advanced sound with octaves - Acorn Software Cattette biwd trom H« ONLY £10.95 255 tones. Acorn Dill totted totwire 111 SO BBC caitette bited tottwire from ttH CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL BBC BUGGY Spectrum Price fin 00 BOOKS SPECTRUM DEALER NOW FOR KON FLOPPY TAPt D«rvt for the BSC The >de*l The Wortmg Commodore 6a CUR SUPER LOW PRICE ilternitivei Spectrum Price (154 » GftAMADA PERSONAL Commodo'r 64 Computing (4*5 QUtCK SHOT JOYSTICK Itpecially for the BBC COMPUTING TITLES The Ont -1 ind hmv to «rf H* (495 T>* 7» Sprrtmm«nd how to*rt the "KM trom rt (5 *5 Commodorr 6a Machine Code Spectrum Pnce (19 95 DRAGON Single DISC DRIVE Now -ifnt tram it £5 95 The Duitort 32 book ol gimei (6 95 £ the Spectrum Pri^'jmmet (S95 (4*5 The Wortm* Diigon (5 95 available £275.00 The Soirctrum Boat: ol Citmei Compute' Languages ind then The Wortm* Spec Ihim (5 95 £5 95 uiei (4*5 The Wort.nj CRM 64 n 95 introducing Spectrum Machine Lynn Computus (6 95 Oimon )J Garnet Matter (5 95 kv Co* £7 95 J1 Garnet lor the BBC Functional Forth for the CONCHESS The Apple II Programmer s MkiO (595 SBC (595 »U"dbonk (10 95 Chooung I Mtrocomputei (4*5 Andronlt tor the 16K The intelligent CHESS COMPUTER' Programnvry jyilh £5 95 Ontlbliet tor lur 6 profit (5*4 Spectrum £5 95 TV D'luon 6 how to rtiolr the introducing the BBC Micro £4*5 Sword Fight lor 16X Models available m«lol.l (5 95 SUNSHINE Spectrum £5 95 ESCORTER £179 99 Computing tor The Hobbyivt 6 The Work,n« Spectrum it 95 GillJIV ATUch lor 48K vnall Bunnell (6 95 Functional Forth lor the BBC Spectrum £5 *5 AMBASSADOR .. £229.99 Simple Pro^ch (6 95 (5*5 Bl.nd Alley lor 16* The BBC M*-o An enpert The Wortung Dragon 31 (5*4 Spectrum (595 MONARCH £279.95 « (6*4 Oragon 32 Gimet Mittei £594 CMif-g for 16K Spectrum £595 Not all ttoret carry every idveftHed Rem pleate phone before miking i Journey Pricei correct at lime 0< going to prett (1 O I I \A/lf2A A1 11 W«MMSlimt LKKllh.'f 13 ftM 'OP WW I I w T»1 |Q94?I 4438? CttWl 23 OWTSQIIT Bonon GTR MINCFUSTN L IHH BOLTON T* <0204(3351? COVD•UTTO^WFL 49 Fil**rg»te P'etlon LancrttWf PflIBBH PRESTON T#l PiMlon <QT72) 55G250 CKHM Fhursd** 66 M«k«r St'Mt Chotiev, lanc«»"e P«7 ?SE CHORLEY Tat Ghortoy 1023721 74224 DUMHWHI 1 U0<)»rt»nt. Slotted SKI II A. STOCKPORT T»l Stockport 061 480 343b Cmrt IV1 COMPUTER CENTRE 111 Bridg« Street Wa»ingl(y* Cf»Vl.r» WAT 2AH A Member of the SPECTRUM Group. WARRINGTON T*i Wa«iO«Sl 382* CJowd Inwi All mail order enquiries to Wigan. SPECTACULAR PRICE REDUCTIONS! LYNX 48K ANOTHER INCREDIBLE WILDING SCOOP ON THIS POWERFUL HOME COMPUTER COLOUR GENIE 16K ZX SPECTRUM NOW £199.95 NOW £139.95 Special Wilding Scoop Pricss! I6K RAM CARD £3695 AND THE NEW LYNX 96K JOYSTICKS & KEYBOARD £49 96 ATARI 800 48K inc.

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