CEN~··tJS 1991 PARTS XII A & B VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY SERIE~ -7 VILLAGE & TOWNWISE GUJARAT PJUMARY CENSUS .t\.8STRi\. CT RAJKO~r DISTRICT DIS'fRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK N. R. VARSANI of tht Indian Ac'minlstratlve Servlct>. Director oj' Census ()f>erallOns. Ci ~{iar(ll Traditionallari work is being carried Oul since about 60 years as a cottage industry in the town of Dhoraji of Dhoraji Taluka in Rajkot District. About 200 Muslim/amilies of 'Hasam Falia' in the town of Dhoraji maintain themselves on this industry. The raK materials for this industry are brought from Dhoraji, Jamnagar or Sural. Raw materials consumed are powder jari, plastic jar;, imitation tested jari, glass pearL~, tiki, silara, silk threads, etc. China silk, ciffon, poliester, sdk etc. cloth are used in Jari work. This cottage I industry extends /!velihood to about 800 to 1000 persons. Over and above men, women 0/ the household also work in lhis industry. The worker receives wage ofabout Rs. 700 loll 00 per month. The required design is traced on the cloch on which Jari work is to be made and then embroidered. Then, fro'l": it, Kurta, Salwf'/; Sharara, Chaniya-choli) Border sari, Laheriya sari etc. are stiched as per the design. One dress or Chaniya-choli costs about Rs.600 to 750. In loca 1M uslim.'!, there is a zradilio" to give ulle set ofcloth oflari work to the daughter at the time ofmarl-iage and so, the demand o/these goods is more in the marriage season. (Drawing by Shri A.A.Saiyad Sr. Draftsman) CENSUS OF INOlA 1991 LIST OF PROPOSED PUBLICATIONS Central Government Publklttions - Census of Illuia 199J, Series - 7 Gujarat are being published in the following pam Parr No. I-A Administration Report - Enumeration I-B Administration Report - Tilhulation II-A General Population Table ... - AScries II-B General Populiition Tahle"'Primary Census Ahstral'l lll-A General Economic Tahles - B Series (Tahles B-1 to B-10) 111-8 General Economic Tahles - B Series (Tahles B-ll to B-22) \ rV-A Social and Cultural Tahles - C Series (Tahles C-l te C-6) IV-B Social and Cultural Tahles - C Series (Ta hies C-7 to C-W V-A Migration Tahle!'. - D Series (Tables D-l to D-4) V-B Migration Tahles - D Series (Tables D-5 to D- 13) VI Fertility Tables - F Series VII Tables on Houses and Household Amenities VlIl Special Tables on Scbeduled Castes & Sl'heduled Trihes IX-A Town Directory IX-B Survey Reports on Selected Towns IX-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages X Ethnographic Notes and Sfle~';al Studies l)ll ~,'he';'_: ... :~ :-:I~-"., and Scbcdu~d Tribes XI Census Atlas State Government Publications: . District Census Hand Book XlI-A Village and Town Directory XII-8 Village and Townwisl~ Primary Census Ahstract Note: All the mllPs included in this publkation are hased upon survey of India map with tbe·pe~ission of the Surveyor General of India. 2 0 Government of lndia Copyrigbt (19Q3) 3 The territorial waters ofIndia extend into the sea to II distance of twelve nautical miles measured frolll tht' appropria It hase line. ERRATA DISTRICT: RAJKOT Page No. Particulars Col. No.. For Read 12 Total No. of villages Inhabited 18,025 18,028 Un Inhabited 484 481 440 L.C.No.74 3 Not clear 1,254.42 L.C.No.75 3 Not clear 1,466.20 530 2 Kotda Sangani Taluka/C.D.Block Total, Rural 8 342 1,228 9 169 665 10 173 563 11 1,046 2,751 12 630 1,908. 13 416 843 532 2 Kotda Sangani Taluka/C.D.Block Rural 30 3 6 CONTEN1'S Foreword 5 Preface 7 Map of District Facing page 9 Important Statistics 10 Analytical Note and Tables 13-45 (i) Census concepts and definitions 13 (ii) Brief history of district and the District Census Handbook 17 (iii) Scope of Village Directory, Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract 18 (iv) Physical aspects - Highlights on the changes in the jurisdiction of the district 19 . during tbe decade and any important event on geographic and geophysical aspect '<V) Major characteristics of the district particularly in relation to the economic 20 resources Major social and cultural events, natural, economic and administrative 26 developments during the decade . (vii) Brief description of places of religious, histo'rical or archaeological impor­ 27 tance. and places of tourist interest in the towns of the district ~,._ (Viii) Brief analysis of data of Primary Census Abstract, Village Directory and 29 Town Directory based on inset tables PARr· A VILlAGE AND TOWN DIRECfORY \ ~I()N. I VILLAGE DIREcrOW IY:.llub" 47-293 Explanatory note and list of abbreviations used in the Village Directory 48 -Rajlcot TaluICII/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D.Block map Facing page 49 (ii) Alphabetical list ofviHages 50 (iii) Village Directory 54 Kotda Sangani Talulca/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D.Block map Facing page 71 (ii) Alphabetical list ofviJIages 72 (iii) Village Directory 74 ,ondal Talulca/C.D.Block (i) TalukalC.D. Block map Facing page 83 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 84 (iii) Village Directory 88 1 pages 10 Ietpur Taluka/C.D. Block (i) . Taluka/C.D Block map Facing page 105 (ii) Alphabetical Jist of villages 106 (iii) Village Directory. 108 11 DJwraji Taluka/C.D.Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Faciag page 119 (ii) Alphabetical list ofviIJages 120 . (iii) Village Directory 122 12 Upleta Taluka/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 131 (ii) Alpha betica I list of villages 132 (iii) Village Directory 134 13 Iamkandorna Taluka/C.D. Block .. (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 147 (ii) Alpbabeticallist of villages 148 (iii) Village Directory 150 14 Lodhilca Taluka/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 161 (ii) Alphabetica I list of villages -162 (iii) VilJage Directory 164 15 Paddhari Taluka/C.D.Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 173 (ii) Alphabetical list ofviJIages 174 (iii) Village Directory 176 - 16 Morvi Taluka/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 189 (ii) Alphabetical list ofviUages 190 (iii) Village Directory 194 17 Maliya Taluka/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 217 (ii) Alphabetical list ofviJIages· 218 (iii) Village Directory 220 18 Wankaner Taluko/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 229 (ii) Alphabetical list of viJJages 230 (iii) Village Directory 234 19 Jasdan Taluka/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map . Facing page 253 (ii) Alpbabeticallist of villages 254 (iii) Village Directory 258 2 Pages 20 Appendix I Taluka/C.D. Block wise abstract of educational, medical and 278 other amenities 21 Appendixn Land utilisation data in res~ct of Census towns 282 22 Appendix III Taluka/C.D. Block- ,~ist ofvil1ages where no amenities viz. 282 educational, medical, post and telegraph, market/hat, com- munication and power supply are available 23 Appendix IV List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Cas­ 283 tes and Scheduled Tribes to total pOpulation by ranges SECOON • D TOWN DIRECTORY 295-318 24 ExpJanatory note and list of abbreviations used in the Town Directory 296 25 Town Directory Statements (I to VI and IV - A) 298-317 Statement I Status and growth history 298 Statement II Physical aspects and location of towns, 1989 300 Statement III Municipal Finance, 1989 302 Statement IV Civic and other amenities, 1989 304 Statement IV-A Civic and other amenities in notified slums, 1989 306 Statement V Medical, educational, recreational and cultural facilities, 1989 312 Statement VI Trade, conunerce, indus~ry and banking, 1989 316 26 Appendix Towns showing their outgrowths with population, 1991 318 PART· B PRIMARY CENSUS ~TRACT 319-555 27 Explanatory note and Jist of abbreviations used in Primary Census Abstract 320 28 District, Taluka/C.D. Block Primary Census Abstract 322 29 URBAN/VILIAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (i) Rajkot Taluka/C.D.Block 330 (ii) Kotda Sangani Taluka/C.D. Block 348 (iii) Gondal Taluka/C.D. Block 358 (iv) Jetpur Taluka/C.D.Block 372 (v) Dboraji Taluka/C.D. Block 386 (vi) Upleta Taluka/C.D.Block 396 (vii) Jamkandoma Taluka/C.D. Block 406 (viii) Lodhika Taluka/C.D. Block 416 (ix) Paddhari Taluka/C.D. Block 426 (x) Morvi Taluka/C.D. Block 436 (xi) MaJiya Taluka/C.D. Block 458 (xii) Wankaner Taluka/C.D. Block 468 (xiii) Jasdan Taluka/C.D. Block 482 30 Appendix Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Populaion- 500 Urban Blockwise 31 District, Taluka/C.D. Block, Town -Scheduled CasteslScheduled Tribes, Primary Cen­ sus Abstract (i) Scheduled Castes Primary Census Abstract 530 (ii) Scheduled Tribes Primary Census Abstract 544 3 FOREWORD Publication of the District Census Handbooks to meet sOllle of the requircments of the Revised Mini­ (DCHs) was initiated after the 1951 Census and is con­ mum Necds Programme. Similarly, information on ap­ tinuing since then with some imlOvations/ modifications proach to the village was also provided for the first time after eal'h decennial Census. This is the most valuable in the Village Direl'tory so as to give an idea about tbe district level puhlication brought out by the Census Or­ number of inaccessible villages in each district. In case of ganisation on behalf of each State Govt./Union Territory Towu Directories also keeping in view the requirements administnttion. It inter-alia provides data/information on of the Minimum Needs Programme, a Statement IV-Aon some of Ihe basic demographic and socia-economic ella r­ slums was provided so as to enable the planners to chalk acteristi(.·s and on the availability of certain important out the programmes for providing better civic and other l'ivic amenitics/facilities in cal'h village and town of the amenities ill the slums.
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