Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1996-03-27 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1996). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2742. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2742 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 81 st Year Week of March 27 Issue 24 News . ~ r Fllllgov~rage of President: ... · ·tootoll'S visit ··. ~ . I .· Pers12ectives Oneon.ome··- . With theprez S12orts. _Hockey fever hits Cincinnati Diversions Laugh it up for· . Cotn~dy"Fest IV THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE - WEEK OF MARCH 27, 1996 - PAGE 2 pres visit ' President says people of the United States must work together if they want better future BY JOHN P. GLYNN about 11:45 a.m. He was accompanied by uni­ Schmidt Fieldhouse was or­ versity President Rev. James THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE nately decorated with welcome Hoff, S. J., Cincinnati Mavor When President Clinton came signs, blue velour draperies, and Roxanne Qualls, and Ohio Se~a­ to campus last Saturday his mes-' a sign behind the podium declar­ tor John Glenn; who introduced sage was cooperation. ing the topic of Clinton's address: the president in that order. He brought that message into Meeting America's Challenges The ceremony opened with a Schmid tFieldhouse in his address Together". · powerful per.f!Jrmance of the na­ to the Xavier and Cincinnati com­ On stage sat an ethnically di­ tional anthem by senior Felisha munities. verse group of over 100 students Coady, whom Clinton later sa'id, Xavier'sBig Bandsetthemood and factdty, asked to he there by. "can sing for me any time." as an estimated crowd of 4,000 SGA President DamonJones~ After thanking the honored people poi1recl i~ the doors. Stu­ At five till noon, applause guests, Hoff joked that Clinton dents, faculty, and community filJed the gyrimasium when a Se­ "Imel three or four meetings with rcsi.dcnts began lining up at cret Service member hung the the Pope, so it was 'only fitting around 7 :30 a.m., though Clinton official seal onhe president on that he come to Xavier next." would not speak until half past the podium, announci1ig his im­ Qualls describe1I the president photo Ii~· Cnrl08 DcJesus noon. mediate arrival. as "a man of vision" who "em- The line, which stretched from The band performed "Hail to braced a wide dive1·sity and real- The presideflt waves tq the audie11ce during hfs speech in Schmidt the fieldhouse doors, along Wind­ the Chier' as P1·esident Clinton izes that it is in our diversity that Fieldhouse. Over 4,000 people were at the arena to view Cli11to11 i11 ing Way, and clown Dana Avenue proceeded into the fieldhouse, we find our strength." .·· persoll. ft to Victory Parkway, filed in after greeted by a standing ovation aiul Qual!s the1~.~urne<!~~er f?,~~ts ,:... _. :., ~.. ·:,\._ ·~ ....-1.,~ a Secret Service inspection, until h1mdr~ds.ofj)c>p 1iir1'g flasl~l~iilbs. to Senator Glenn. She said she .' comniended the Q'i1e"t;n ·City fo~~ progress iii. ~linlfriating social was pleased to'introdJc~ the mari its re~entstrides in education and problems, citinglowercrime, pov­ who would introduce the ·p~esi- 'the recent 1·efercndum on· a sta- erty, and teenage pregnancy. dent. .dium tax. "The truth is that the good Glenn took the podium, say- Clinton then laid out his "three . news is true, and so is the bad ing it was a "gr'?at honor to be ·.·critical ~bjectives," which hes.et news. So arc the problems~ back in Cincinnati." · out to achieve when he was elected They're both true,'.'said Clinton. Glenn commended Clinton for in 1992. He said the apparent paradox a number of achievements since "One ... for this country to go is a rcsttlt of tll~ condition of the taking office t~ree years ago, in~ into the 21st C'.entury in a way that economy, saying it is "so different eluding the i::reation of.j~bs, re- every American who is willing to · that we're going through the pe­ ducing the deficit, and continu- work for it will have a shot at the rioclofmostprofoundchangethat ing funding of college loans. American cl ream," said Clinton. we've been through in 100 years." . Glenn said, "Whate~erwe do, "Secondly; I want to maintain the Clinton compared the migra- we do together.:·.as one nati~n, .'leadership of the United States at tionintocities lOOyears ago to the under God, indi;i~ible, with llh- the encl of the Cold War as the "uprooting of the patterns of life erty and justice for all." ·Col!- ·· world's strongest force for peace · inAmerica"that weno_wseein the eluding, Glenn introduced t~e .. '.~ncl fi:(!eciom, for security and technolobrical revolution. man who, he said, had a powerftll · · prosperity. The p1·esiclent cited Microsoft vision of the future, President . "And, thirclly, I wanted to.see founder Bill Gates' claim that the Bill Clinton. this country come· together digital chip is the most significant· Cameraflashb~tib~fl~odeclthe aro'tmci its basic values ... .when . changc·in communications s!nce fieldhousc as_(:lirit~~"";.t6~k:.tl1~ we ·,W,tirk together, Arneri(;a· ~I- · Gut~nbci·g's ·printirlg press .50() poclium~. · . .1: •i=-'''.,:::way!' wins," he.said. years ago; ~· . He thanked his wclcomers;iri~ \ : ··1-clinton commented on the Clio.ton idel1tified three dis­ eluding ,the band and antheni· i~tportance of government re:,. tinct groups who inay be caught singer Ff?lisha Coady. spon_!iibil~_t'y, as well as the respon- in the crosswinds of this rapid · clinton said, "You know;· I. sihility of.business to "malru a societal cle,·clop1i1ent: · those iso­ graduated from Georgetown. I bette.rfutttre for the United States lated in the inner cities, the bot­ telJ everyone I'm the closest Hap- ~ncl'' for the working people of tom half of the hourly wage ti st you '11 eyer.,gei to a Jesuit." Antcrica." earners, and the longtime em­ 11holo by C11rlOH DeJcs11~ Joking a.bm1t Hoff's 1:iapal re- · The president then reinforced ployees who are displaced by mark, Clinton said, "The .Jc~uits the achievements of the last three downsizing. The pre~ident re.c­ Presit!em Cl1ilfo11 desce11dsfro111 Air Force One rifier arrimi1g at.the have always been fammis for thei~" · years, incltidingjobc;·eatio1.1, and ognized the recent reduction in C1i1C1i111ati-!Vorthem Ke11111i·l.J' Airport. lie is followed by Ohio humility~" decline in both· the deficit and Senator John Glenn. The prc.siclcnt said, "] love interest 1·ates. Please see "Cli11to11, " coming to Cincinnati today," und . He also co·mmendcd the contu111edo11pagethree.' THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE - WEEK OF MARCH 27, 1996 - PAGE 3 Too many tickets, not enough seats in Schmidt. the inconvenience but you BY VIRGINIA SU'fCLlt"'FE ticket you thought you had a spot," said Luggcn. have a president who cares." . THE X.WJEH N EWSWJRE Jerry Collier had ticket The ticket holders said Schmidt Fieldhouse was number 936 and bought his ticket they felt much heller after the 0 bombarded by 4,000. people on a co11ple of clays bcfor·e the eyent. announcement had been Saturday, thel'C to attend an Collier came with his son, who made, and they were glad address from President Bill S- got in although he clici i10t. they waited. ClirHun. s Collier expressed his disap­ "If they do what they say Approximately 500 ticket pointment. "l feel Hkc J wasn't they're going to do, l'IJ be holders did not get in, though. treated right," he said. "Little glad," said Luggcn. Justin Schall, a member· of the ; things arc big things and it's not Collier was prepared to tell White House advance tcain, ~ often that you get to see a presi­ his friends about his. disap­ told the crowd the building 'r dent in person." pointing experience but he reached its full capacity and the i Luggcn and Collier were among said after the announcement fire marshall closed the build­ L.:::!!!::i:.:;;;::;.!!!!!:~~=======:~~=:!!!:::::::!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I the few who hung around to that he might have to change ing. Most of the disgruntled Presidellt Cli11to11 co11veys lu:f message to tl1e people who could get eventually hear some better news. his story. "If they do what ticket holders left after finding i11toSchmidtFieldho11se. l\1early500peoplewereshutolll. However, Schall announced to the rcmain- they' re saying, I will tell my out they would not be able. to tl1eest1!11ated70-100 peoplewhodid11otleave1i11111ediatelywereable ing ticket holders that the prcsi- friends that they took care of attend the address. Howevm·, to meet tl1e preside/II after /1i.f speech. dent had been made aware of the me," said Collier. The an estimated 70 to 100 people· problem and had agreed to,go to a president clid privately meet hung around to find outwhat Luggen of Mt. Airy. She got her not admitted into the event. backstage area to greet the people and greet the remaining would happen. tickets on Thursday and was in "This is a once-in-a-lifetime who were waiting . ticket holders after his· .Among them was Donna · line 45· minutes early, bu twas experience, and when you had a Schall said~ "I apologize for address. Clinton (cont.) federal government, and the con-. their employees access to health CHECKOUT sequential increase in reliance on care and retirement; invest in the private sector.
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