opposingviews SPARTAN SOFTBALL NOTEBOOK Not Ranting, Just Venting Being satisfied with the image Shouldfemale soldiers be on the in the mirror doesn't translate front lines of combat? WINPUF to healthy self-esteem OPINION 2 SPORTS 4 OPINION 3 VOLUME 120, NUMBER 51 SERVING SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY SINCE 1934 fl Ii fl ig SPARTAN DAILY WWW.THESPARTANDAILY.COM WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 2003 15 CONFLICT IN IRAQ - Citizens make mad dash for tax deadline Iraqis plan By Daniel Hartman restoration of Iraq up to the United Nations. Daily Staff Writer "The figure is over half of taxpayers' te Not everyone at the Willow Glen money is being spent on the war in to for post office in San Jose was there to Iraq," said Shirley ICinishita of the ut new drop off 2002 tax forms Tuesday. The Women's International League for n. Coalition for Equal Pay, Billionaires Peace and Freedom. "That means the Of for War and Women's International money is not going to social programs League for Peace and Freedom were such as the needy, head-start, the elder- id government there for a different reason. ly and paratransit." "(The Coalition for Equal Pay) has Billionaires for War's Joe Cernac said Id Associated Press worked on raising public awareness the war, on the other hand, is good for with Equal Pay Day 2003," said Joan the economy because it puts people to Iraqis met under American auspices Goddard, a party organizer. She said work and generates money for the ke to shape a new government Tuesday the event has been held annually since hardworking people of the United and said "the rule of law must be para- 1999. States. mount" following Saddam Hussein's Goddard said she also worked with "We came out to thank the taxpayers 'is fall. In a war dividend, U.S. officials the Women's International League for for putting money in our pockets," said r- said they had taken Palestinian terror- , Peace and Freedom to come up with Lock Heedmartm of Billionaires for ist Abul Abbas into custody in the "wages not weddings" slogan used War. Baghdad. to deter women from following govern- Bob Scallotta, a worker for the id Four weeks after U.S.-led forces mental advice to marry instead of work. Willow Glen post office, said things unleashed their assault, President Holly Stump, from the Coalition for were running smoothly for tax day, and Bush promised to "liberate every cor- Equal Pay, said there is an alarmingly there was a lot of activity. He said the es ner" of Iraq and American troops_ has- wide gap between the money women post office employees were expecting to :ir tened to redeem his pledge. Marines and men are making after they gradu- be there until 10 p.m. solidified their grip on Tikrit, ate college and join the work force. Other post office employees stood of Saddam's hometown, and American "It's silly that just because a woman next to bins in the middle of the street officials said fighting had ended in can't make enough money she should to collect mail. ne a town near the Syrian border. latch on to a man because she doesn't "It's more convenient for people to t- Acting on a tip, commandos search- make as much money," Stump said. keep out of the front of the building," ne ing a home in Baghdad found a "We're here to raise awareness of the said Jetty Rodriguez, post office weapons cache with a sizable chemical problem that exists when stereotypes employee. laboratory and documents they said are still being used, and companies are As people drove by, they saw students a d were instructions on making chemical using good old boy networking to hire from Branham High School holding Id and biological weapons. They also people of their own race and gender." signs for the Coalition for Equal Pay. 0- reported finding a bomb concealed Louise Auerhahn of South Bay Goddard said the Burma-shave style inside a bottle, another in an umbrella Labor for Peace and Justice said most of holding signs (where one sign held and a third in a telephone. of the tax dollars are going to the mili- by one student leads to the next and so The U.S.-organized meeting on a tary to pay for the recent war with Iraq. on) was used to reinforce the message new government drew scores of Iraqis She said 'she was in favor of bringing that: "The IRS wants our pay, but to a gold-colored tent erected in Ur the troops home and leaving the women make much less today. birthplace of the biblical patriarch Abraham and anti-American protest in a nearby city. "No to America and no to Saddam," chanted thousands of Shiite protesters in Nasiriyah, exercising their new freedom of speech to object to the imminent creation of an American interim governing authority. Inside the meeting, White House envoy Zalmay Khalilzad said the United States has "no interest, absolutely no interest, in ruling Iraq." He added, "We want you to establish your own democratic system based on Iraqi traditions and values." A 13-point statement released after the session envisioned a democratic country where "the rule of law is para- mount." It said Saddam's "Baath party must be dissolved and its effects on society must be eliminated." It wasn't immediately clear whether the paper was drafted by U.S. officials Photos By Vicki Thompson / Daily Staff in advance of the meeting. ABOVE: Cars lined up down Meridian Avenue to drop off last-minute Abbas, the leader of a Palestinian ta x returns Tuesday. Post office employees stood in the blocked off group that killed an American on the turn lane to help speed people through the process. acked cruise liner Achille Lauro in LEFT: Bob Scaletta sorted through piles of last-minute tax returns 1985, was captured by U.S. comman- Tuesday afternoon to make sure they all were going to the right See IRAQ, page 5 places. has stalled UPD says murder investigation Clark Library extends By Tony Burchyns UPD Sgt. Robert Noriega Tuesday. referred all questions to SJPD public Exactly why the two Asian American San Jose homicide detective Sgt. Ed information officer Sgt. Steve Dixon. fraternities decided to fight is unclear, Daily Staff Writer Bettencourt and Santa Clara District Dixon said last Wednesday the inves- according to police. Attorney Tom Farris disputed tigation appeared stagnant and referred Kim's assailant inflicted fatal knife due dates for books The investigation of the January fra- Noriegas characterization of the Kim further questions to Bettencourt and wounds to Kim's chest, according to ternity brawl that left San Jose State case. homicide unit commander Lt. Glen police reports. By Tammy Krikorian said. "(Extending the due date) has been made, University student Alarn Kim dead has However, neither would comment on McCourty. So far, no arrests have Daily Staff Writer been a way to educate people and alert been stalled for weeks, said a university the likelihood of arrests or more war- McCourty was unavailable for com- according to police. them that we are moving and allow police sergeant who functions as a liai- rants. ment Tuesday. Noriega said San Jose police are still In preparation for the move to the Dr. them to keep the material. son between University Police "It's an ongoing case, and anything I Kim was killed when his Asian looking for lone suspect Long Duy Martin Luther King Jr. Joint Library, Angelo Wood, an undeclared junior, Department and city homicide inves- say could jeopardize the judicial American fraternity, Lambda Phi Tran, a 20-year-old former De Anza Clark Library extended due dates for who works part time at the circulation tigators. process," Farris said. Epsilon, did battle with rival Asian student missing since the night of the books to Aug. 26,2003 beginning April desk, said any time a book is recalled, the It's reached a standstill, and I'm not Bettencourt said he could not com- American fraternity Pi Alpha Phi at 1, leaving some students concerned that student has two weeks from the recall aware of new developments," said ment on the specifics of the case and Flickinger Park on Jan. 22. See MURDER, page 6 books will not be available for check out. date to return it. Once the two-week Alleviating _those concerns, Julie penod is over, there is a sewn-day grace Kowaleveslci Ward, department head of period. On the eighth day, the fines circulation, said the extension on due accumulating -15 cents per day dates, which is usually four weeks after Other options in obtaining checked- Bus driver loves his job working with students check out, is actually intended to help out books are interlibrary loans as well By Carrie Mattingly there are ,:ertain licing a students. as Link+. Through Link+, books can be successful driver. One must think on As part of the move to the new requested from roughly 20 other local Daily Staff Writer their own and handle situations when library, she said, Senter storage - which libraries and will amve at San Jose State they arise. He describes his job as houses older books (half of the library's University within three to four days. Teachers and faculty members at San being ideal. collection) and journals from 1979 and However, this service won't be available Jose State University fill the educa- "I get paid for going to great places," earlier - closed on Friday after May 27.
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