UNITED NATJONS Distr. GENERAL GENERAL s E c u R t T Y A/g587 ASSEMBLY C 0 U N C 1 L “2i%%1974 ENGLISH ORIGINAL: ENGLISH/SPANK GENERAL ASSEMBLY SECURITY COUNCIL Twenty-ninth session Twenty-ninth year Item 37 of the pi*eliminary list++ IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE STRENGTHENING OF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY Letter dated 19 March 1974 from the Permanent Representatives of Cuba and the German Democratic Republic to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General We have the honour to transmit herewith the excerpts from the Declaration on the consolidation of friendship and deepening of co-operation between the German Democratic Republic and the Republic of Cuba, signed by Fidel Castro Ruz, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, Prime 1.linister of &e Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba, and by Enrich Honecker, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, on 26 February 1974. We should be grateful if you would kindly arrange to have these excerpts distributed as an official document of the General Assembly, under the item ?mplementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International SecurityF', and of the Security Council. (Signed) Sergio IMRTINEZ BARROSO (Signed) Peter FLORIN Chargg d'Affaires, a.i. Ambassador of the Permanent MissioGf Cuba Permanent Representative of the to the United Nations German Democratic Republic to the United Nations -- -.-be * A/9600. / , . A/9587 s /1=39 English Annex Page 1 ANNEX Declaration on the consol:Ldation of friendship and deepening of co-operation between the German .Democratic Republic and the Republic of Cuba I (Excerpts) Discussing the present international situation both sides fully agreed in their assessment of the basic questions dealt with. The power of world socialism, the unity and solidarity of the countries of the community of socialist States which are united by indestructible ties of fraternity are the main revolutionary force of our epoch, and exert a decisive influence on social developments in the world. The peoples' struggle against imperialism, colonialism and neo-colonialism achieved impressive victories. At the same time the struggle of the working class in the capitalist countries is receiving fresh impetus due to the unprecedented aggravation of political and economic contradictions in these countries. As a result of this marked progress in favour of the forces of socialism, national liberation and social progress a positive change has taken place in international relations towards the further implementation of the principles of peaceful coexistence and a relaxation of tensions. Thanks to the co-ordinated actions of the forces of peace, democracy and socialism, it was possible to achieve significant successes. The German Democratic Republic and the Republic of Cuba consider it an important and topical task of all socialist countries, of all revolutionary forces in the world to make the results of socialist peace policy, especially of the peace programme adopted at the =Vth Congress of the CPSU, irreversible and to spread the process of d&ente to all regions and countries, independent of their size and power. The basic prerequisite for achieving this goal consists in curbing the most aggressive forces of imperialism even more. This requires the strengthening of world socialism and the unanimous action of all revolutionary and peace forces as well as increased vigilance on the part of the peoples with regard to any provocations and threats of war. The German Democratic Republic and the Republic of Cuba consider the great military, political and diplomatic victory of the Viet-Namese people in its struggle against United States aggression, and the signing of the Agreem@nt on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Viet-Nam as a historical victory of the heroic Viet-Wamese people and of the solidarity of the socialist countries and of all revolutionary and progressive forces in the world. Both States corroborate their 'intention to continue to give all-round support to the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam and the Republic of South Viet-Nam in the implementation of the agreements concluded and in the reconstruction of the country. / l . A/9557 S/11239 English Annex Page 2 They support the policy pursued by the Democratic Republic of Vi&-Nam which is aimed at the strict observance of the agreements concluded and at the construction of socialism in the Democratic Republic of Vi&-Naii?. They support the policy pursued by the PrQvisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Viet-Nam, which is serving peace, independence, democracy and neutrality, and condemn the systematic violation of the Paris Viet-Nsm Agreement by the Saigon administration and the United States. The German Democratic Republic and the Republic of Cuba declare tZleir solidarity with the struggle of the Cambodian people against the Lon No1 clique, and hail the successes achieved by the Cambodian people under the leadership of the National United Front of Cambodia. They are firmly convinced that the day of victory of the Cambodian people is near. They demand the strict implementation of the Agreement on Restoring Peace and Realizing National Concord in Laos. In Europe conditions have developed which are favourable for normalizing the political climate on this continent and for developing an advantageous co-operation between all European States. The Republic of Cuba and the German Democratic Republic agree in their opinion that this situation is primarily the result of the joint efforts of the community of socialist States and of the conclusion of the treaties of I~OSCOW, Warsaw, Berlin and Prague. They appreciate the Treaty on the Bases of Relations between the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany as an important contribution toward the consolidation of peace in Europe and the implementation of the principles of peaceful coexistence in the relations between the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany. The German Democratic Republic and the Republic of Cuba hold the view that the strict observance of this Treaty in its spirit and letter is indispensable and the only possible prerequisite for the development of good neighbourly relations between the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany. Desirous to contribute to d6tente and the normalization of relations, the German Democratic Republic and the Republic of Cuba are guided by the provisions of the Quadripartite-Agreement on West Berlin which clearly state that West Berlin is not a constituent part of the Federal::Republic of Germany and must not be governed by the Federal Republic of Germany. The strict observance of the Quadripartite Agreement on West Berlin and of the relevant agreements and arrangements concluded between the German Democratic Republic on the one hand and the Federal Republic of Germany and the West Berlin Senate on the other are the pledge for the mutual understanding of all parties interested in the matters regarding West Berlin, and the basis for the solution of all practical questions connected with West Berlin. Both sides welcome the signing of the treaty between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany, which recognizes the invalidity of the ?4unich Agreement. They note with satisfaction that diplomatic relations have been established between the Federal Republic of Germany on the / . A/? 587 s/11239 English Annex Page 3 one hand and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, the Hungarian People's Republic and the People's Republic of Bulgaria on the other. Both States advocate an early and successful conclusion of the,Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe. They consider the successful 6onclusion of this Conference.% a contribution of basic significance to peace all over the world. Tine. Cuban side hails the constructive contribution made by the German Democratic Republic towards dktente and the co-operation between the European States. The German Democratic Republic and the Reisublic of Cuba condemn the i&peri@st policy of aggression practised by Israel against the Arab States. They declare . their determination to strengthen their solidarity and co-operation with the Arab peoples and the people of Palestine. They advocate a political solution of this conflict, and express their hope that the positive steps already taken, including the Peace Conference in Geneva, will show results which meet the just demands of the Arab peoples. They hold the view that the safeguarding of a lasting peace in that part of the world presupposes the complete withdrawal of the Israeli aggressive troops from all Arab territories occupied in 1967, and the guarantee for the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. Both sides support in solidarity the proposals of the Democratic Peoplees Republic of Korea regardin 7 the Mthdrawal of the foreign troops and the reunification of the country without foreign interference. Both sides hold that the triumph of,the Cuban revolution has given great impetus to the revolutionary movement in Latin America, to the struggle of these peoples against imperialism, for national independence and social.progress. They condemn the brutal oppression of the peoples of Latin America by imperialism, and express their conviction that the struggle of these peoples will lead to true independence, regardless of temporary setbacks. They condemn the fascist putsch in Chile, the assassination of the legitimate President Salvador Allende, and the overthrow of the Unidad Popular Government. This military-fascist coup is the work of the internal and external counter-revolution, and manifests the moral, political and ideological crisis of imperialism. Both sides express their complete and all-round solidarity with the Chilean people, with all.patriotic and democratic forces co;operating in Chilevs left-wing parties, which are:fighting for the creation of the broadest possible united front against the fascist'junta in Chile. They demand to halt the bloody terror and persecution., and to release immediately the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Chile, comrade Luis Corval&, and all other imprisoned patriots.
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