E2372 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 16, 2005 He has expanded programming and high- of Canisius, a 36-acre private Jesuit college in their schools or build a new energy efficient lighted Nashville’s unique history and culture. located on Main Street in the City of Buffalo. building. Additionally, this legislation will allow We are thankful for Steve’s service and we A man with a brilliant educational past, with schools to work with the Department of En- wish him nothing but the best in his next en- certificates of degree from Fordham Univer- ergy to improve transportation systems that deavor. sity, Loyola Seminary, Woodstock College, are available to students, employees and f Yale University and the University of Wis- other members of the community. consin-Madison, Fr. Cooke’s vision for I urge my colleagues to support this bill that TRIBUTE TO USAF LIEUTENANT Canisius’ future would take the college and will benefit our environment while assisting COLONEL ROBERT M. WALKER surrounding community to places never imag- schools reduce their operating costs. ined. f HON. BOB BEAUPREZ Over the past 13 years, Fr. Cooke has led OF COLORADO the way in planning and implementing $115 CONGRATULATING PAULA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES million in capital projects at Canisius, con- DAWNING Wednesday, November 16, 2005 verting the college from a commuter college to an institution ranked number one residential HON. FRED UPTON Mr. BEAUPREZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today college experience among Jesuit institutions OF MICHIGAN to pay tribute to USAF Lt Colonel Robert M. and number five nationwide. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Walker, Deputy Group Commander of the Father Cooke has taken a hands-on ap- 460th Operations Group, 460th Space Wing, Wednesday, November 16, 2005 proach with each and every project which has Buckley Air Force Base. Lt Col Walker has Mr. UPTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to resulted in state-of-the-art living and recreation been assigned to Buckley AFB since February congratulate Paula Dawning who recently was spaces and cutting edge classrooms. His suc- 20, 2004, and has recently been selected to awarded the honor of State Superintendent of cess has earned him recognition by The Buf- attend the prestigious USAF Air War College. the Year for 2006 in the State of Michigan. Lt Col Walker distinguished himself in 2004 falo News as the second most influential civic Dawning has been the Superintendent of Ben- in the performance of outstanding service to leader in terms of his positive impact on the ton Harbor Areas Schools since July of 2002 the United States as Director of the Space- community. after she retired from her career as an execu- Mr. Speaker, it is with great pleasure and Based Infrared System Mission Transfer Site tive at AT&T. gratitude that I stand here today to recognize Activation Task Force. He led a Total Force The Benton Harbor school system has Father Vincent Cooke as a Friend of Architec- 25 person task force that seamlessly trans- made progress by leaps and bounds under ture. Canisius College employs the motto ferred the $16B Space-Based Infrared System her direction of during the past few years. Her ‘‘Where leaders are made’’ and Fr. Cooke to the newly activated 460th Space Wing, constant commitment to academic improve- stands as a shinning role model for his stu- Buckley AFB, Aurora CO thus realizing USAF ment and reform—including additions like the dents and an example of how true leadership Space Command’s vision for space-based new freshmen academy, improved reading can transform a college and a community. warning operations. programs, and her fiscal responsibility—have In undertaking this endeavor, Lt Col Walk- f helped bring about a new sense of hope and er’s tireless efforts and ability to work with SCHOOL BUILDING ENHANCEMENT achievement in a school system that has myriad agencies, organizations, and people al- ACT faced difficult challenges. lowed for the activation of the 460th Space The award came as a surprise to Paula, Wing in a timely and efficient manner. who was not even made aware of her nomina- Lt Col Walker distinguished service contin- HON. RUSH D. HOLT tion until she had already received the award. ued into 2005 when, as Deputy Group Com- OF NEW JERSEY In her usual humble demeanor she accepted mander of the 460th Operations Group, 460th IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the prestigius award that recognized her as an Space Wing, Buckley Air Force Base, Lt Col Wednesday, November 16, 2005 outstanding school superintendent; evidence Walker was second in command of an 850 Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to intro- that she stands out as the best among many person Total Force Group where his wisdom, duce legislation that will help schools imple- highly qualified school system administrators. I want to personally thank Paula for her experience and work ethic established a foun- ment energy saving measures to reduce their service which has improved not only the edu- dation for excellence in operations, personnel, energy costs. cation, but also the lives of the students in communications, and strategic planning. We are all too painfully aware of the rising Benton Harbor. Paula’s hard work and dedica- His accomplishments have truly had a pro- cost of energy. Americans across the Nation tion to the children of her community make her found impact not only on Buckley AFB but on are being forced to make tough decisions in a living example to all of people of South- the surrounding community as well. order to heat their homes or fill up their gas Mr. Speaker, it is a pleasure to offer my western Michigan. I congratulate her once tanks. The recent spike in energy prices will thanks to Lt Col Walker for his commitment again for her distinguished award. also be felt in our schools which already and record of achievement at Buckley Air spend $6 billion on energy costs—more than f Force Base in Aurora, Colorado. Lt Col Walker the amount they spend on textbooks and com- is a valuable asset to the United States Air IN SUPPORT OF MALCOLM MEL- puters combined. Schools across the country Force and our nation and I wish him well in VILLE ‘‘MAC’’ LAWRENCE POST are already facing tight budgets; rising energy his future endeavors. OFFICE costs will only worsen their budget situation f and could lead to the loss of important school HON. STEVE BUYER programs. HONORING REV. VINCENT M. OF INDIANA However, there are ways that schools can COOKE, S.J. UPON RECEIVING IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF offset the soaring price of energy. Through Wednesday, November 16, 2005 ARCHITECTURE FRIENDS OF AR- basic changes in the operations and mainte- CHITECTURE AWARD nance of school buildings, operating costs can Mr. BUYER. Mr. Speaker, some say the be reduced from 5-15 percent. To achieve measure of a man is the depth of the footprint HON. BRIAN HIGGINS even greater savings, schools can retrofit their he leaves behind. Malcolm Melville Lawrence, buildings with more efficient systems and ap- OF NEW YORK known as ‘‘Mac,’’ left a deep footprint on the pliances. community of Francesville as a war hero, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Although these investments produce eco- community leader, and a teacher. Wednesday, November 16, 2005 nomic benefits in the long term, start up fi- Born on a farm in Wheatfield, Indiana, Mac Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to nancing is often difficult for cash strapped attended Purdue University on scholarship pay tribute to Father Vincent M. Cooke, S.J., school systems. That is why I am introducing where he pursued a degree in Vocational Agri- President of Canisius College in Buffalo, New legislation that will provide schools with federal culture, Education, and Science. Despite being York, who is being recognized by the Amer- funding to implement these structural changes. denied acceptance into the ROTC program at ican Institute of Architecture with the Friends Specifically, my legislation will provide grants Purdue, Mac was drafted 5 months after grad- of Architecture Award. through the Environmental Protection Agency uating from college and immediately called to In 1993 Western New York was pleased to and the Department of Energy for schools that Fort Benjamin Harrison in Indianapolis to welcome Father Cooke as the new President are seeking to make energy efficient upgrades serve his country. VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:17 Nov 17, 2005 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16NO8.013 E16NOPT1 November 16, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2373 It may be insufficient to say Mac simply did The family has undergone an intense legal A TRIBUTE TO RETIRING ASSO- his duty. Landing on the beaches of Nor- pursuit but has been guided with love, pa- CIATE PARLIAMENTARIAN mandy on June 6, 1944, with so many other tience, and support from Kinship, Adoption, MUFTIAH MCCARTIN young men from the greatest generation, Mac Resource, Education (K.A.R.E.) program. The served as a Medic alongside the 1st Battalion, K.A.R.E. program works with Grandparents HON. SAM FARR 18th Regiment of the 1st Infantry Division. raising Grandchildren, and helped the Mac was awarded the Silver Star for valor, OF CALIFORNIA Hetherington family navigate a system that two Purple Hearts, and two Bronze Stars dur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing five campaigns in World War II. does not understand the strength and needs After the war, Mac and his wife Phyllis of Grand Families. Wednesday, November 16, 2005 moved to Francesville where he began teach- The Hetherington family will soon celebrate Mr.
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