ICRAF Faidherbia albida in the West African Semi-Arid Tropics InternationalCropsResearch Institutefor the Semi-Arid Tropics InternationalCentrefor Research in Agroforestrj Abstract Citation: Vandenbeldt, R.J. (ed.) 1992. Faidhierbia albida in the West African semi-arid tropics: proceedings of a workshop, 22-26 Apr 1991, Niamey, Niger. (In En. Summaries in En, Fr, Es.) Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics; and Nairobi, Kenya: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry. 212 pp. ISBN 92-9066-220-4. Order Code: CPE 076. This workshop brought together scientists and development workers, primarily those working in the West Africa region, to: review past and present research findings on Faidherbiaalbida; discuss development issues and "lessons learned" from past and present; list research priorities for the future; and promote collaboration between research and development programs. These proceedings summarize the state of knowledge on the species and provide a comprehensive list of ongoing research. Papers are divided into sessions on: botany and distribution: uses; genetics, provenance trials, and vegetative proplgation; site eff'ects, silvi.ulture, and rhizosphere; and development issues. Recommenda­ tions from Working Grcups for future research and multidisciplinary linkages are included. Rsum Faidherb'a albida dans les :ones tropicales semi-arides de I'Afrique occidentalt--comptes rendits d'un welier, 22-20 avril 1991, Niam "v,Niger. Cet atelier a regroup6 des chercheurs et des coopdrants, essentiellement ceux qui travaillent en Afrique de l'Ouest. I1a 6t destind : faire lepoint sur les rdsultats des recherches faites sur Faidherbia alhida dans lepas,:6 et ' pr6sent; dfbattre des sujets concernant ledtveloppement et des 'Ieqos tires' du passd et du pr6sent; dresser laliste des priorit6s pour l'avenir: et promouvoir lacollaboration entre les programmes de recherche et de dfveloppement. Ces comptes rendus rfsument l'6tat actuel de; connaissances sur les esp&es et fournissent une liste compl'te des activitds de recherche en cours. Les communications prdsentfes sont divisdes en sessions sur: botanic et distribution; utilisations; gfndtique, essals de provenance et multiplication v6gdtative; impact du site, rhizosph&e etsylviculture: ctproblkmes lids au ddveloppement. Les recommandations des Groupes de travail sur les recherches futures ainsi que sur les collaborations multidisciplinaires y sont dgalemenit incluses. Resumen Faidherbia albida en los tropicos send-dridos de Affrica occidental---wtas del congreso, 22-26 Abril 1991, Niamev, Niger. Este seminario reuni6 a cientflicos y trabajadores de desarrollo, especialemente a aquellos que trabajan en laregi6n de Africa occidental, para: resefiar descubrimientos cienticos pasados y presentes sobre la Faidherbiaalbida, discutir los aspectos de desarrollo y las 'lecciones aprendidas' del pasado y del presente, enumerar prioridades de investigaci6n para el fuuro y promover lacolaboraci6n entre los programas de investigaci6n y desarrollo. Estas actas resumen el nivel de conocimiento actual sobre laespecie y proporciona una lista detallada de !a inve .aci6n en marcha. Los papeles se dividen en sesiones sobre: botiinica y distribuci6n, usos, genttica, ensayos de procedencia y propagaci6n vegetative, influencias del entorno, silvicultura y rizosfcra y aspectos de desarrollo. Se incluyen recomendaciunes de grupos de trabajo para futuras investigaciones y conexiones multidisciplinarias. Cover: Faidlierbia albida growing in West Africa. [A computer-scanned negative of a photo by C. Barbier (CTFT 1988), used with permission of the Centre technique forestier tropical.] Faidherbia albida in the West African Semi-Arid Tropics Proceedings of a Workshop 22-26 Apr 1991 Niamey, Niger Edited by R.J. Vandenbeldt N ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh 502 324, India ICRAF International Centre for Research in Agroforestry P.O. Box 30677, Nairobi, Kenya 1992 Workshop Donors Forestry Support Program, Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) International Development Research Centre (IDRC) International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) Nitrogen Fixing Tree Association (NFTA) United Nations Sudano-Sahelian Office (UNSO) Workshop Host Institutions Ddpartement des recherches sur les productions foresti~res (DRPF)/Institui sAndgalais de recherches agricoles (ISRA) International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) Institut national de recherches agronomiques du Niger (INRAN) Institut de recherche en biologie et dcologie tropicale (IRBET) United States Agency for International Development (USAID) The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics is a honprofit, scientific, research and training institute receiving support from donors through the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. Donors to ICRISAT include governments and agencies ofAustralia. Belgium. Canada. China, Finland. France. Germany. India, italy. Japan. Korea, Mexico. Netherlands, Nigeria. Norway, Sweden. Switzerland. United Kingdom. United States of Ame.-ica, and the following international and private organizations: African Development Bank, Agricultural University of Wageningen, Asian Develop­ ment Bank. Deutsche Gesellschaft fir Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, International Development Research Centre. International Fertilizer Development Cermer. International Fund for Agricultural Development. International Fund for Agricultural Research, The European Economic Community, The Opec Fund for Interna­ ticnal Development, The Rockefeller Foundition. The World Bank. United Nations Development Programme. University of Arkansas. University uf Georgia. University of Hamburg. and University of Hohenheim. Information and conclusions in this publication do not necessarily reflect the position of the aforementioned governments, agencies, and international and private organizations. Donors to ICRAF include Australia. Belgium. Canada. Denmark. Finland. France. Germany. Japan. Netherlands, Norway. Sweden. Switzerland. United Kingdom. United States of Americ3. African Development Bank. The Ford Foundation. Interna­ tional Development Reseach Centre. International Fund for Agricultural Development. The Rockefeller Foundation, and the World Bank. The opinions in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of ICRISAT or ICRAF. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of ICRISAT or ICRAF concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area, nr of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Where trade names are used this does not constitute endorsement of or discrimination against any product by ICRISAT or by ICRAF. ISBN 92-9066-220-4 Contents Preface R.J. Vandenbeldt v Opening Paper Sociocultural and Economic Functions of Acacia albida E.G. Bonkoungou I in West Africa Session 1. Botany and Distribution Invited Paper The Botany and Distribution of Faidherbia albida P.J. Wood 9 Session Papers Germplasm Collection of Faidherbia albida in Eastern C.W. Fagg 19 and Southern Africa Pollen Studies on Faidlerbia albida in Sudan S.E. Goda 25 Session 2. Uses Invited Paper The Fodder Role of Acacia albida Del.: Extent of M.I Cissd 29 Knowledge and Prospects for Future Research and A.R. Kond Session Papers Faidlierbia albida in the Traditional Farming Systems A. Laike 39 of Central Ethiopia Nutritive Value of Leaves and Fruits of Faidierbia albida J.D. Reed, U. Rittner, 43 and their Use for Feeding Ruminants J.Tanner. and 0. Wiegand Session 3. Genetics, Provenance Trials, and Vegetative Propagation Invited Paper The Genetics of Acacia albida (syn. Faidlerbia albida) H. Joly 53 Session Papers Genetics First Observations on the Phenology of Acacia albida: M. Zeh-Nlo 63 Study of a Population in Northern Cameroon and H. Joly Morphological Variability of Pods of Four M.H. Chevalier, M. Sogna, 67 Faidherhia albida Provenar,s in Senegal A.S. Sarr, and P. Danthu Provenance Trials Variability of Faidlerbia albida in Progeny Trials A. Billand 71 in Burkina Fasi Trial of Nine Acacia albida Provenances in Dosso, Niger P. Torrekens, 1.Lemane, 77 and S. Gambo Faidlierbia albida in Northern Cameroon: Provenance J.M. Harmand 79 Trials and Crop Associations and C.F. Njiti Problems With Range-Wide Provenance Trials of R.J. Vandenbeldt 83 Faidlierbia alhida on Sandy Soils in Niger Vegetative Propagation Vegetative Propagation of Adult Faidherbia albida P. D.nthu 87 by Branch and Root Cuttings Meristem Micrografting of Adult Faidherbia albida C. Detrez, S. Ndiaye, 91 F. Kerbellec, N. Dbpuy, P. Danthu, and B. Dreyfus Propagation of Faidherbia ,1bida by Cuttings: A. Nikidma 97 Experience of the National Forest Seed Center and G.W. Tolkamp Session 4. Site Effects, Silvculture, and Symbiosis Invited Paper Site Effects of Acacia albida Del. P.N. Sail 103 Session Papers Site Effects Variations in Root Morphology of Faidherbia albida D.Y. Alexandre 107 in Relation to Soil and Agronomic Effects and S.J. Ouddraogo Fcidherbia albida Parks and their Influence on Soils D. Depommier, E. Janodet, II and Crops at Watinoma, Burkina
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