www.americanradiohistory.com 5CHLo1 ENGINEERING of Milwaukee Americas Greatest Institution of Electrical Education Become an Electrical Expert in /2" Year Or Learn an Electrical Trade in Three Months Experts Train You in Our Big Laboratories Come to this great school where practical applied electricity is taught in all all types of electrical work. He leaves the School fitted for a high salaried its phases, quickly and thoroughly. Here under the guidance of our Staff position as an electrical expert. of Electrical Engineers and Practical Experts, in the most elaborately The great field of electricity offers unbounded success to the ambitious, equipped school laboratories in America, you can become an expert Elec- properly trained man. 1he electrical industry has developed so rapidly that there exists today a great shortage of properly electrically trained men. trician in % year or learn an Electrical Trade in three months. Decide to train now for a high -paid position in this great, fascinating, For over 18 years the School of Engineering of Milwaukee has been uncrowded field. Join our ambitious students-fine, strapping young fellows training men for brilliant success in all branches of electricity. This great from every State in the Union-who after a short, intensive training will school is devoted exclusively to electrical education and offers you advantages enter big jobs as electrical experts. not to be found anywhere else. A large four-story concrete building houses Our school is located in the heart of Milwaukee, a large, up-to-date city its elebtrical automotive and chemical laboratories, lecture halls and drafting with the added attraction of bathing and boating on beautiful Lake Michi- rooms. Thousands of dollars of equipment, including motors, dynamos, gan and other lakes in the surrounding country. Our students engage iii switchboards, ignition, starting and lighting systems, headlight testing football, baseball, basketball and other sports; Fraternities, School Band, etc. laboratories, Radio Broadcasting Station W.I.A.O., etc., etc., are features of You will enjoy your training at the School of Engineering of Milwaukee the School of Engineering of Milwaukee's magnificent laboratory system. and your time here will pay you golden dividends all the rest of your life Here the student is thoroughly trained in both the theory and practice of in increased earning power and bigger opportunities. What You Learn Electrotechnics The man who succeeds today must specialize. He Become an Electrotechnician-a special must center his thoughts and efforts on one calling 'Electrical type of ex- and then stick to it. That's why School of Engi- pert qualified to fit electricity to the demands of mod- neering of Milwaukee first grounds the student in the ern industry. Practical electrical training of 1 to 2 general theory and practice of electricity, then trains Engineering years which leads to positions such as superintendent him for whatever branch of the work which he de- of maintenance, director of construction, radio engi- sires to specialize. This makes him both a good with B. S. degree in three years. neer, superintendent of testing and installing. All of electrician and a specialist who can solve the great these positions pay extremely well and the work itself electrical problems and work for which the high A faculty of specialists is lead- salaries are paid. The highly specialized courses ing hundreds of young men to is intensely fascinating. offered by School of Engineering of Milwaukee give sure success. Why not you? you complete, expert knowledge in each particular branch. Full provision is made for mak- Commercial Electrical ing up deficient high school Engineering in Practical Electricity credits. Don't delay ACTION. Course requires six months for completion and ONE YEAR gives the student both principles and practice in the Earn While You Learn application of electricity. The course includes house, Unparalleled opportunities for brilliant, successful factory and theatre wiring, testing and meter work, For those students who must careers in the new field of Commercial Electrical D. C. and A. C. Armature Winding, motors, gener- continue to earn their living ex- Engineering. To meet the extraordinary ators, transformers, efficiency tests, installation and penses while taking the course, present-day demand for trained electrical care of commercial electrical equipment and ma- chinery. we secure positions near the business men, Consulting and Efficiency A three -months' course- school which affords work dur- Engineers, we offer this thorough, condensed brief but intensely practical ing their spare time. and very practical training, especially adapt- Armature and leading to well paying ed to high school graduates and Electro - positions. Instruction under technicians. Winding experts who have made thor- ough studies of most prac- Term Openings tical and expedient methods in this field. A very popular course among men who desire a short period Sept. 4th of intensive training. A very complete, prac- and tical course covering three kA utomotive months' time. Teaches every Oct. 1st phase of electric starting, lighting, ignition and stor- Electricity age battery work for auto- Mail mobiles, trucks, tractors, motorcycles, aircraft, etc. Opens up the way to big pay positions in the auto- Coupon motive industry. Now SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING OF MILWAUKEE Mail the coupon today for our FREE 72 -page Illustrated catalog. Tell us SI -324, 415-417 Marshall St., Milwaukee, Wis. what course interests you most and we Please send me withut cost or obligation your will send you special information. Find big free illustrated book and details of the course out about the great opportunity in which I have indicated below. Electricity today. Learn how we can help you to a permanent and lasting success. Don't put it offl Mail the Course coupon nowt Name Address CHL of ENGINEERING City State of Milwaukee Age Education S. I.-324 415-17 Marshall Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin www.americanradiohistory.com Science and Invention for March, 1924 1073 ELECTRICITYoffers el» to $10000 JObs AfieT Only WEEKS TRAINING inYour Own Home! Remarkable "Shop Type Home Training System" is the most complete, thorough and easily mastered Method ever devised. Trains FREE!Here is an amazing booklet that is showing you for the Higher Paying positions in Elec- hundreds the way to big money in electricity. It explains the new Shop Type Method of Training tricity-and gives you an authorized diploma and tells you what you want to know about the Big opportunities in the electrical field, the open endorsed by the Lincoln Institute of Tech- ings and salaries paid. This book. will be sent you absolutely free, without obligation by simply nology. mailing the coupon below. Amazing S. & H. Shop Type Train- Actual Shop Methods in Your struments and Appliances for ex- ing Prepares You Quickly Own Home perimental and practical home shop for the Better Job But, in addition, it gives you the work. By enrolling now you will DON'T be satisfied to become an Practice that a man gets only from be entitled to this outfit-but you ordinary Electrician. Our re- doing practical work, which is some- must send coupon immediately. markable new method enables you thing the College student does not to Aim Higher, and get. The man at Free Employment Service Act Quick Get Hig:ner - it the head of big places the Big Pay QUALIFY FOR JOBS LIKE THESE Electrical Plants - Do this today. Get our big cata- jobs at the top of Conduit Man $160 in the Electric Light Service 160 the men log giving information about this the profession at Trouble Shooter 160 $10,000 jobs must amazingly rapid and easy course. your disposal. It is Installing Radio 200 the in it Power Plant Foreman 200 have both Read the letters from other stu- different from all Bieck Signal Man 240 Theory and the dents who have attained big suc- other courses. Auto Electric Work 250 Practice. S. & H. cess through S. & H. Training. This Elevator Electrician 210 Plant Building Installation 400 and Lincoln catalog will also explain the re- A Master Course Electrical Construction 300 "Tech" Training markable service rendered our stu- Power Plant Installation 400 This new system Ry. Electrician 300 gives you both. dents by the S. & H. Employment was designed by S. If you are able Bureau. This service is offered ab- V. Smith, called by to read and write solutely free. Mail Coupon now. his friends the "Electrical Wizard'" ordinary English, we can train you because of his ability to teach elec- to do house wiring, central station S. V. SMITH tricity and because of the reputation and power house operation, auto- and high positions attained by those motive and tractor electricity, elec- S. & H. ELECTRICAL WORKS whom he has taught. tric welding, armature winding, mo- Dept. C-2, 1422 W. Monroe St., Chicago, III. This Shop Type Home Training tor and generator work, etc., so that Affiliated with the Lincoln Institute of Technoiogy System-which makes you so effi- when you are in charge of a plant cient-is an exclusive you Chief Engineer Smith, copyrighted can tell every man in it what S & H Electrical Works, feature of S. & H. Training. to do and how to do it. Because Dept. C-2, 1422 W. Monroe St., Chicago. It gives you all the theoretical Mr. Smith has devised numerous Please send me catalog and full information about the remarkable S & H Course, your knowledge of electrical principles shortcuts this Extra Training takes Free Outfit, your Employment Bureau, etc. This information is free and does not obli- that is taught in Technical Universi- no longer than the ordinary courses. gate me in any way whatsoever. ties-with a diploma actually certi- fied by the Lincoln Institute of Tech- Free Outfit Name nology.
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