Public Document Pack MEETING: Cabinet DATE: Wednesday, 29 November 2017 TIME: 10.00 am VENUE: Reception Room, Barnsley Town Hall AGENDA 1. Declaration of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests 2. Leader - Call-in of Cabinet decisions Minutes 3. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 15th November, 2017 (Cab.29.11.2017/3) (Pages 5 - 8) Items for Noting 4. Decisions of Cabinet Spokespersons (Cab.29.11.2017/4) (Pages 9 - 10) Petitions 5. Petitions received under Standing Order 44 (Cab.29.11.2017/5) Items for Decision/Recommendation to Council Leader 6. Responsibility For Executive Functions - Revision To Cabinet Member And Officer Delegations (Cab.29.11.2017/6) (Pages 11 - 56) Core Services Spokesperson 7. Corporate Plan Performance Report - Quarter 2 Ending 30th September, 2017 (Cab.29.11.2017/7) (Pages 57 - 92) 8. Corporate Financial Performance, Quarter 2 ending 30th September, 2017 (Cab.29.11.2017/8) (Pages 93 - 140) 9. Capital Programme Performance, Quarter 2 ending 30th September, 2017 (Cab.29.11.2017/9) (Pages 141 - 176) 10. Treasury Management Activities and Investment Performance, Quarter 2 ending 30th September, 2017 (Cab.29.11.2017/10) (Pages 177 - 194) 11. 6 Month Analysis Of Selective Voluntary Early Retirement And Voluntary Severance - April 2017 To September 2017 (Cab.29.11.2017/11) (Pages 195 - 204) 12. Superfast Broadband Phase II Proposal (Cab.29.11.2017/12) (Pages 205 - 212) Place Spokesperson 13. Better Barnsley Public Realm - Developed Design (Cab.29.11.2017/13) (Pages 213 - 240) People (Achieving Potential) Spokesperson 14. Penistone Grammar School Enlargement: Outcome Of Statutory Consultation (Cab.29.11.2017/14) (Pages 241 - 256) 15. Exclusion of Public and Press It is likely that the public and press will be excluded from this meeting during consideration of the items so marked because of the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined by the specific paragraphs of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended, subject to the public interest test. Core Services Spokesperson 16. Treasury Management - Forward Borrowing Option (Cab.29.11.2017/16) (Pages 257 - 266) Reason restricted: Paragraph (3) Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) 17. Energise Barnsley - Distributed Energy Proposal (Cab.29.11.2017/17) (Pages 267 - 284) Reason restricted: Paragraph (3) Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) To: Chair and Members of Cabinet:- Councillors Houghton CBE (Chair), Andrews BEM, Bruff, Cheetham, Gardiner, Howard, Miller and Platts Cabinet Support Members: Councillors Franklin, Frost, David Griffin, Lamb, Pourali and Saunders Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chair of Audit Committee Diana Terris, Chief Executive Rachel Dickinson, Executive Director People Matt Gladstone, Executive Director Place Wendy Lowder, Executive Director Communities Julia Burrows, Director Public Health Andrew Frosdick, Executive Director Core Services Alison Brown, Service Director Human Resources and Business Support Michael Potter, Service Director Business Improvement and Communications Neil Copley, Service Director Finance Katie Rogers, Communications and Marketing Business Partner Anna Marshall, Scrutiny Officer Ian Turner, Service Director, Council Governance Chris Braithwaite, Senior Council Governance Officer Corporate Communications and Marketing Labour Group Room – 1 copy Please contact Ian Turner on 01226 773421 or email [email protected] Tuesday, 21 November 2017 This page is intentionally left blank Cab.29.11.2017/3 MEETING: Cabinet DATE: Wednesday, 15 November 2017 TIME: 10.00 am VENUE: Reception Room, Barnsley Town Hall MINUTES Present Councillors Houghton CBE (Chair), Andrews BEM, Bruff, Gardiner, Howard, Miller, Platts and Pourali Members in Attendance: Councillors Franklin, Frost, David Griffin, Lamb and Sheard 113. Declaration of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests There were no declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests. 114. Leader - Call-in of Cabinet decisions The Leader reported that no decisions from the previous meeting held on 1st November, 2017 had been called in. 115. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 1st November, 2017 (Cab.15.11.2017/3) The minutes of the meeting held on 1st November, 2017 were taken as read and signed by the Chair as a correct record. 116. Decisions of Cabinet Spokespersons (Cab.15.11.2017/4) The Record of Decisions taken by Cabinet Spokespersons under delegated powers during the weeks ending 13th October and 3rd November, 2017 were noted. 117. Petitions received under Standing Order 44 (Cab.15.11.2017) It was reported that no petitions had been received under Standing Order 44. Place Spokesperson 118. Local Plan Examination - Modifications and Additional Sites Consultation (Cab.15.11.2017/6) The meeting was informed that, since the agenda for this meeting had been published, representations had been received from some promoters of sites to express their disappointment with some of the proposals within the Local Plan. RECOMMENDED TO FULL COUNCIL ON 23RD NOVEMBER, 2017:- (i) that the updates on the Local Plan Examination and consultation on modifications, as detailed in the report now submitted, be approved; 1 Page 5 (ii) that the Jobs and Business Plan and Housing Strategy are reviewed and updated to align with the Local Plan (as modified); (iii) that, subject to the outcome of the Sustainability Appraisal, the total number of jobs provided for during the Local Plan period be modified to approximately 28,840, including around 16,920 net additional jobs; (iv) that, subject to the outcome of the Sustainability Appraisal, the objectively assessed housing need figure be a maximum of 1,134 dwellings per year based on the Policy On Employment-Led CR Sens Scenario in the Barnsley Demographic Forecasts October 2017 Report by Edge Analytics; (v) that for the remainder of the examination, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Building Control, in consultation with the Cabinet Spokesperson for Place, to agree to main modifications and associated consultation, including those requested by the Inspector at stages 1 and 2 of the examination, any further main modifications arising following the stage 3 hearings and in response to the Inspector’s Interim Findings. This will include additional site allocations, changes to existing site allocations if required and any further changes to the figures in recommendations 2.2 and 2.3 if requested by the Inspector; (vi) that, subject to the Inspector agreeing, consultation on modifications to the plan, including any additional site allocations, begins in January 2018 for a period of 6 weeks; and (vii) that approval be given to extend the Programme Officer Post to the end of July 2018. 119. Barnsley Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (Cab.15.11.2017/7) RESOLVED that the Barnsley Local Flood Risk Management Strategy, as set out in the report now submitted, be approved as the framework to deliver the effective management of flood risk in Barnsley. 120. Revision to Assisted Waste and Recycling Collection Policy (Cab.15.11.2017/8) RECOMMENDED TO FULL COUNCIL ON 23RD NOVEMBER, 2017:- (i) that the proposed changes to the current Assisted Waste and Recycling Collection Policy, as detailed in the report now submitted, be approved; (ii) that the current eligibility criteria be amended so that the age of applicants is no longer considered as a determining factor, for new applicants after 1st December, 2017; (iii) that approval be given to support Option 2 to introduce a single, one-off administration fee contribution of £10 (marked as C in the table at 4.3.15 of the report now submitted), which will be applied to all new current service users receiving the service after 1st December, 2017. All new applicants will also be charged a single, one-off administration fee contribution of £10 for applications after 1st December, 2017; 2 Page 6 (iv) that a revised application process for service users be introduced to reduce the time taken to determine applications; and (v) that a pilot project be supported that determines whether waste and recycling technology is suitably developed to consider the implementation of an ‘on- demand’ assisted collection scheme. 121. Taxi Licensing Update (Cab.15.11.2017/9) RESOLVED:- (i) that the Taxi Licensing update and progress made so far, as detailed in the report submitted, be noted; and (ii) that approval be given for the Licensing Team to put a business case together to introduce taxi cameras in all licensed vehicles. People (Achieving Potential) Spokesperson 122. Barnsley Special Educational Needs And Disability School Placement Sufficiency Strategy (2017-20) (Cab.15.11.2017/10) RESOLVED that the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) School Placement Sufficiency Statement for 2017-20 be approved and adopted. People (Safeguarding) Spokesperson 123. Provision of a Multi-Systemic Therapy Team on behalf of Sheffield City Council (Cab.15.11.2017/11) RESOLVED:- (i) that approval be given for the Barnsley Youth Justice Service to participate in providing a Multi-Systemic Therapy (MST) Standard Team on behalf of Sheffield City Council, to support the Sheffield area; and (ii) that, subject to approval of the proposal, a progress report on the work of the MST Standard Team, in supporting sector led improvement elsewhere in the region and of any accruing benefits which could
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