Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 / Feb. 16 311 I have directed the Secretary of Com- statement, and then I will take your ques- merce to adjust the level at which an indi- tions. vidual license is required for computer ex- First, let me say that we all know that we're ports to Tier 3 countries. For sales to military in the midst of the longest and strongest eco- entities, the level will be raised from 6,500 nomic expansion in our history, with nearly MTOPS to 12,500 MTOPS. For sales to civil- 21 million new jobs, unemployment at 4 per- ian end users, the new level will be raised cent, and solid income growth across all in- from 12,300 MTOPS to 20,000 MTOPS. I come groups. have also directed the Secretary of Com- Americans in public service and in the pri- merce to adjust the level at which an indi- vate sector must remember that our success vidual license is required for computer ex- in promoting peace and prosperity is not the ports to Tier 2 countries from 20,000 result of complacency but of our common MTOPS to 33,000 MTOPS. Given antici- commitment to dynamic action rooted in en- pated significant increases in microprocessor during values. If we want to continue to enjoy performance in the near term, the Secre- success, we must continue our commitment taries of Commerce and Defense will review to dynamic action. these levels, as well as the level described There is important work to be done in in section 1211(a), by April 2000, to deter- America this year, and in Washington, DC, mine if further adjustments are necessary at this year. First, we must stay on the path that time. of fiscal discipline that got us to this point. The aforementioned adjustments will take If we stay on that path, we can make Amer- place immediately, with the exception of the ica, in just 13 years, debt-free for the first change to the individual licensing level for military end users in Tier 3, which will coin- time since 1835. Then we can use the bene- cide with the change for the notification pro- fits of debt reduction to preserve two of the visions of the Act, section 1211(a). Both most important guarantees we have made to changes will become effective at the end of the American people, Social Security and the 180-day notification period, unless the Medicare, something that will be a challenge Congress provides for a shorter period. as we see the number of people over 65 dou- I look forward to working cooperatively ble in the next 30 years with the retirement with the Congress on these issues. of the baby boom generation. Sincerely, Specifically, we can make a bipartisan downpayment on Social Security reform by William J. Clinton crediting the interest savings from debt re- duction to the Social Security Trust Fund to NOTE: Identical letters were sent to John W. keep it strong and sound for 50 years, beyond Warner, chairman, and Carl Levin, ranking mem- the lifespan of all but the most fortunate of ber, Senate Committee on Armed Services; Phil the baby boom generation. As a first step to- Gramm, chairman, and Paul S. Sarbanes, ranking ward a comprehensive solution, I believe we member, Senate Committee on Banking, Hous- should do something I called for in my 1999 ing, and Urban Affairs; Floyd Spence, chairman, State of the Union Address, to end the earn- and Ike Skelton, ranking member, House Com- ings limit for Social Security retirees between mittee on Armed Services; and Benjamin A. Gilman, chairman, and Sam Gejdenson, ranking the ages of 65 and 69. member, House Committee on International Re- To strengthen and modernize Medicare, lations. This letter was released by the Office of I propose to implement important reforms the Press Secretary on February 16. and to dedicate more than half the non-So- cial Security surplus to Medicare, over $400 billion, to keep it solvent for another decade, The President's News Conference past 2025, and to add a voluntary prescription February 16, 2000 drug benefit. I'm pleased Congress is begin- ning to take up this issue, and I ask them The President. Good afternoon. I would to move quickly and to resist the temptation like to cover a couple of topics in an opening to spend large portions of the surplus before 312 Feb. 16 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 we have lived up to our commitment to pre- ease the burden on the citizens who are most pare for the undeniable health and financing vulnerable. Still, there are too many families challenges that Medicare will bring. with moderate incomes who have no option We should also move to complete the un- other than heating their homes with oil, and finished business of the last Congress, pass- they need help, too. There is more to do. ing a real Patients' Bill of Rights, campaign Secretary Richardson is in New England finance reform, hate crimes legislation, an in- today holding a summit with refiners, dis- crease in the minimum wage, and especially, tributors, and major users of home heating commonsense gun safety legislation. oil to determine how Government and indus- Guns in the wrong hands continue to claim try can work together to better meet the too many young livesÐlives like those of needs of consumers in the Mid-Atlantic and Andre Wallace and Natasha Marsh, the fine New England States. Today I'm announcing young DC residents who were gunned down additional steps to help families struggling to in front of Natasha's home last week and pay their heating bills. I directed my Budget were buried just yesterday. We saw it also Office and the Department of Health and in Littleton just a few days ago, with the Human Services to release right now the re- shooting deaths of two teenage students from mainder of this year's funding for emergency Columbine High School. heating assistance, about $125 million more. Today the Secretary of Housing and Urban This money will be targeted toward the hard- Development, Andrew Cuomo, who is with est hit States, those with the highest usage us today, released the first-ever comprehen- of home heating oil. I will be meeting with sive analysis of gun-related violence in public Governors and Members of Congress in housing in America. The report shows that those States to ask them to use all their au- while crime in public housing is declining, thority to expand the pool of people who re- as it is in the rest of the country, gun-related ceive those funds, making sure that as many crime remains a serious problem there, with people who need the help can get it. residents of public housing more than twice And let me explain what I mean by that. as likely to be victims of gun violence as other Under the present law, States can pay members of our society. More than a million LIHEAP assistance, low income heating as- children and 360,000 seniors live in public sistance to people up to 150 percent of the housing in the United States. They deserve poverty line, the national poverty line, or up to be as safe as the rest of us. Ten months to 60 percent of the median income in their after the tragedy at Columbine, it is long past States. In the States that are most severely time for Congress to pass this commonsense affected, where you have a lot of people who gun safety legislation. live on middle incomes, but particularly if I would also like to address the impact of they have children, are really hurt by an in- rising oil prices on American families. In the crease of 2 or $300 a month in their home Northeast, the impact has been particularly heating billÐare eligible for this assistance harsh because, from the Mid-Atlantic States but don't presently receive it. So if we pro- to New England, many families still rely on vide more moneyÐif the States really want home heating oil, a source of heating no to see the maximum number of people longer used in the rest of the country. These helped, they have the ability to raise the in- families have been especially hard hit. That come limits of people eligible for that help is a serious concern, especially because the and to structure the help accordingly. winter months have been colder this year We will also be requesting $600 million than in the past few years. in emergency supplemental funding for the Since January we have released $175 mil- LIHEAP program to help more hard-hit lion to help lower income families pay their families through the current crisis, as well heating bills. We have also asked refiners to as to have some money for others who may keep producing at full throttle until the crisis be hard hit later in the year when the hot is past. And we directed the Coast Guard weather sets in. We will send legislation to to expedite deliveries of home heating oil to Congress in the next 10 days, and I hope affected areas. These actions have helped to there will be fast action on it. Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 / Feb. 16 313 Meanwhile, we will continue to work to- peace around the world or the fact that our ward a longer term solution. I've asked Sec- party overrode theirs and passed the family retary Richardson to conduct a 60-day study leave, and it's benefited 20 million people, on converting factories and major users from and it hasn't hurt the economy.
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