![(Iowa City, Iowa), 1952-03-28](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
J,• Ich ~~Ide- On the Inside ~ The Weather rn .....y fair ancl warmer ent Cancer Commllt.. Named . Wa,. To eoDtiD.e warm­ lses .. Pqe 3 ft' tllI'O.p Sat anlay. Davenport Adds Another Trophy Hip tada" 5t; low, 2L 'Qq. 4 Kith Thllftday. U; low, Mualc o.partm.Dt Feature at owan tl. Paq. 8 EsL 1868 - AP Lecued WiI •• AP WilephOlo - n.,. Cen.. Iowa City, Iowa. Friday, March 2B. 1952 - Vol. 86, No. 126 16 More Enter SUI Elections; Truman May Get Steel Problem 3 Quit Race Union, Industry Sixteen more students ha ve en­ Hawkeye, Magazine tered races for posts in the aU­ campus elections next Wednesday Staff Applications and three students have dropped Can't Agree, ) out. Foul' students have become can­ Due by AprilS didates for married students' Students wishing to run for ed­ Talks Ha Ited representatives on the student ltor and business manager of council. Four other students have Hawkeye yearbook and SUI's WASHINGTON (JP) - IIIgh­ en tered the race for two positions new humor magazine must file ap­ level iovernment eftorts to break on the Panacea committee. Elght plications with the school of jour­ the steel Indu try's deadlock with women have filed for {our posi­ nalism by 5 p.m. April 8. lis CYO union workers ran into un­ tions on the Women's Recreational The Student Board of Publica­ explained sna,s Thursday amid association. tions wlll name the editors and sign the whole di put may be Married Students to Elect 3 buslness managers of the two pub­ turned over to PresIdent Trum n. Married students wilt elect lications April 15. At Pitt. burah. the Jones and three representatives to the stu­ The applications, which should Laughlin. Steel Corp. broke orf dent council. Candidates are Jack be written, must include a letter talks with the union Indefinitely, as the United State Sleel Corp. Wesenberg, G; Mrs. Barbara Gib­ from the registrar certifying good scholastic standing and statini and the union h d done Wedn - son, A4; David M. Stanley, L3, day. So did Younlltown hcet an,l tlnd Peter Van Metre, LS. cumulative grade point average trhough the llrst semester of Tube and Republlc Steel. Those seeking positions on the The Pr Ident r turned hi ' 1951-52. lrom 'panacea committee are Robert vacation at Key W t, Fla .. Thurs­ Seniors EUpble Docter, AS, Orange City; William day. He could Invok the emer­ Skalte, A3, Dubuque; Charles After considering the applica­ tions, the board will interview ap­ eency provisions of the T ft­ Applegate, A3, Jefferson, and Hartley net, which ('ali for an 80 - Carroll Ramseyer, A2, Des Moines. pllcants. day COOlinl-off period, if he thinks Students who will have senior All SUI students will be eligible that ·tep is ncce' Iry 10 vcrt 'l l standing in the 1952-53 year (with strike threatened for AprIl 8. to vote for two of the candidates INew White House Is Readied 78 hours or more at the opening of tor Panacea committee. Only mar­ the fall semester, or senior stand­ WI1 on DI u Ito tlon ried students can vote for their LAST MINUTE TOUCHES before return of President Truman ing during the second semestpr 10bihzation chief Chari E, Thursday evenlnc include installa.tion of this new vestibule the representatives on the student at of 1951-52) are elegible for Hawk­ Wll. on cIlled off a m tin, of his council. entrance of the WhIte House Thursday. The frame and deeoraUve eye and bUSiness manager. top Ide, to discus. the ste 1- Women', CancUdaies border are aluminum. with &'lass top and walis. No hour requirement has been wae situation, H al,o di carded Candidates for offices in the set for positions on the magazine. plans to i. u II stot mcnt . ·tllng Women's Recreational association EXPerience Neoeeaal')' forth th jjOV rum nt po ilion. are: for president, Joan Myers, Besides good scholastic standing, Arna II Silent Afte r Steel Conference In 'Iead, Willon m I eparately N2, Rochelle, Ill., and Jean Metz­ Truman Returns Home; candidates for the positions must with ROi;C1' L. Putnam, h d ot l1.er, A3, Davenport; for vice-presi­ have had experience on the publi­ IlAND IN PO KET ,price tablliler EIII Arnall tell reporters, "No conlment ..• no comment ••• no comment," Thuraday as he lea\'e a meetillf with defen e mobllIzoer Charles E. WIIaon. 10 ateel Ihe economic stab I ilutJon a, n­ dent, Carolyn Caulk, A2, Clayton, cation and must have demonstrat­ ey; Chalrm n Nalhan P. Fein ing­ Mo., and Betsy Garrett, A2, Des ed executive ability. workers are scheduled to trike April 8 and WII on' talk with oUlcials appartlltiy I an errorl to IeUle Sfi'!l Silent on Politics the labor dispute. er of the wur stabilization board Moines. The editors of both !publica­ (WSB), and Elli AlIlail, dir clor tions has charge of editorial work For treasurer, Jo Ann Murray, WASHINGTON (.4') - President Truman, still silent on politics, of the offtce of price stabiUzalion on the publication, while advertis­ AI, Galesburg, ILl., and Marilyn returned from a three-week Florida vacation Thursday night and (OPS). ing, circulation and general busi­ Falk, AI, Washington; for secre­ settled down in the gleaming "new" White House tor the first time in The WSB 111. ( week It'com­ tary, Mary Ann Chane:z:, ,AS, Dav­ ness policies are the responsibility Seek German more than three years. $167 Million Every Day mendcd II 6ettlem nt which would of the business managers. enport, and Ruth Ashton, Al, The Trumans vacated the White , Include a thr e-lnstaUment pay Iowa City. House in November, 1948, and 1--------------------------, Peace rreaty Lovett Says Defense Spending Will Hit bo05t of 171i ('('nts an hour, plus Carl B. Zimmerman, A2, Water­ moved across the street to Blair Ohio Phantom _ Des Moines Law other bcnclits worth about 5 ('ents loo, and Richard Surface, Al, Ce­ House. In the interim, the execu­ That Figure by 1954 an hour, lor the 630,000 steel­ dar RapIds, will not be liberal tive mansion has been rebuUt and Like Japan's workers. arts candidates fOr Union board, Stymies Dog·Sales W ASHU'WTON liP! - cr tftTy of Defense Robert Lovett h remodeled at a cost of $5,671,000. told congress the United States soon will be spend In, $167 million a Union tarted Talk while Frances Swartz, A3, Iowa Smiling and tanned, Truman MOSCOW (.4') - Diplomatic Falls, has withdrawn from the Spook Dri '~er To University'Lab day for milltary security. The unJon, headed by Philip arrived at National airport aboard sources saId Thursday nilJht Rus­ And, he says, It will cost this much until the end of 1954, at lea t. Murray, accepted the proposal Student Board of Publications his plane, the Independence, at The SUI medical school would sia has told the West that Ger­ Lovett told a house appropria­ and slarted individual talks with race. , 4:56 p.m. buy stray dpgs from Des Moines many should get the same mlll­ In other aU-campus elections, tions subcommittee headed by producers on the bula of the WSB "I never fclt better In my life," Rides ,Again for laboratory work if a change tary deal as Japan got in the San plan, which Wilson described al a 10 names have been entered on he sald. In an ordinance prohibiting their Francisco peace trea ty, even Rep. Georie Mahon (D-Tex.) 6 Children, Parents the ballot for the presidential serious threat to the whole sta­ Then, spotting Mrs. Truman, he sale for that purpose were put thoueh Russia still regards thaI that this estimate was based on straw vote. bilizGtion prOaraIn. hurried to her side and gave her WELLSVILLE, O.(A>)-Enveloped through, Prof. Erwin G. Gross, pact as Illegal. the assumption there would be no They are: in an eerie *green * ligh* t, the phan­ Die in .Flemes As Felnsln er replied "Hell, no" a hug - With a repeat perform­ head ot pharmacology, !Qld Thurs­ FQreign Minister Andrei Vish­ Democrats - President Tru­ tom of the highway made another upsurge In the Korean righUng when asked Whethcr Wilson had ance at the request of photograph- day night. Insky, in a highly unusual step, man; Sen. Estes Kefauver of Ten­ appearance in Ohio early Thuts­ and no general war in the next suucsted Thursday that the WSB nessee; Gov. Adlai Stevenson (.! ers. Professor Gross said university gave his country's views Tuesday Farmhouse Burns day. officials had aSked whether stray year. back-track and recommend a Illinois; Sen. Richard Russell of SlieDt About Stevenson Four motorists said they saw a in a half-hour oral analysis of smaller wage boost. Arnall de­ dogs would be available from American, British and French re­ The secret:rry and other wit­ SOMERSET, PA. (IP) - Six Georgia, and Sen. Paul Douglas of The President had nothing to skeleton-like figure in an auto­ clintd comment on his talk with Des Moines, but that the Animal plies to Russia's proposal that the nesses strongly defcnded the "cal­ children and their parents perish­ Illinoill. say about published reports (1) mobile tha t appeared to have a Wilson. Rescue league there has appar­ Big Four sign a peace trealY wi th ed Thuraday In a farmhouse lire. Republicans - Sen. Robert Taft that he has asked Gov. Adlai green halo. But as in other cases culoted risk" budget of $52 bil­ of Ohio, Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, ently stopped a move to legallze a uniried Germany. Only one person gOt out alJve. Stevenson of Illinois to become in recent months, the spectre had lion In new funds requested for Gov.
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