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This document is archival in nature and is intended Le présent document a une valeur archivistique et for those who wish to consult archival documents fait partie des documents d’archives rendus made available from the collection of Public Safety disponibles par Sécurité publique Canada à ceux Canada. qui souhaitent consulter ces documents issus de sa collection. Some of these documents are available in only one official language. Translation, to be provided Certains de ces documents ne sont disponibles by Public Safety Canada, is available upon que dans une langue officielle. Sécurité publique request. Canada fournira une traduction sur demande. DOMINION OF CANADA REPORT OF THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1938 To be purchased directly from THE KING'S PRINTER Department of Public Printing and Stationery, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada OTTAWA J. O. PATENAUDE, I.S.O. PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1038 Price, 50 cents DOMINION OF CANADA REPORT . OF THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1938 To be purchased directly from THE KING'S. PRINTER Department of Public,Printing and Stationery, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada OTTAWA J. O. PATENAUDE, I.S.O. PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 3038 To His Excellency the Right Hon,ourable Baron Tweedsmuir of Els field, P.C., C.H., Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of the Dominion. of Canada. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR EXCELLENCY: The undersigned has the honour to present to Your Excellency the Report of the Royal Canadian Mounted Palice for the year ended March 31, 1938. Respectfully submitted, ERNEST LAPOINTE, Minister of Justice and Minister in Control of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. ; 2 CONTENTS PAGE SECTION 1-GDNEIRAI, REVIEW. 1. Amendments to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act 7 2. Agreements with the Provinces 3. The Force at large 8 4. The Preventive Service 10 Legislation ' 11 Co-operation 11 Aircraft operations 12 Marine Section 12 General Economies Notes la 5. New Duties 15, 6. Economies and Unified Control 15, 7. Health 15. Recreation 16 8. Crime 16 General 16 Federal Statutes 17 Criminal Code f 17 Registration of Revolvers and Pistols 18 Provincial Statutes 18 9. Industrial and other Disturbances 19 SECTION 2-ADMINISTRATION 01" THE FORCE. 1. Strength of the Force. 21 Table showing Strength,,Rates of Pay and Distribution 22 2. Divisions and Detachments 24 3. Increases and Decreases, Removals and Deaths • 24 4. Administration and Organization at Headquarters 26, Centralizing of issue of Pay Cheques ... 26 Departynental Mail 26 5. Administration and Oganization in the Field .. 26 Clerical Section 27 6. Accommodation 27 7. Discipline 27 8. Honours and Awards 27 9. Medical Treatment 28. 10. Dental Treatment 28 11. St. John Ambulance Association 28 12. Transport 29. Aeroplanes 29 Motor 29. Pedal Bicycles 29. Marine 29. 13. Horses 14. Dogs (sleigh) 30 15. Buildings 30 New Requirements 30 Fires 30 16. Clothing and Supplies 30 17. "Living and other Allowances" 31 SECTION 3-RECRIIITING AND TRAINING. 1. Recruiting 31 2. Training 31 3. Musketry Practice 31 4. Revolver Practice 32 5. Equitation 32 6. R.C.M. Police Reserve Force 32 3 81184--q 4 PAGE SECTION 4-CremE 1. Aids in the detection and apprehension of Criininals 33' Scientific Laboratory 33 Handwriting-experts and Ballistics Cours'es '(See 'Other Scientific Training') 33 Modus Operandi 33 R.C.M. Police Gazette 34 Finger Print Sections • 34 • 2.•Statistics ' 35 3. Table of "True" Cases. ... ....... ..... .... ....... ........... • 36 4.•Graph Index ...... ... .... ........ .................. ............. 37 • 5. Acknowledgment of Assistance 39 6. Ticket-of-Lea,Ve..... , ... . .......... ... .. : • : • • • • • • ................. 39 SECTION• 5-ASSISTANCE . TO OTHER DÉÉ.A:RTMENTà OF TIIE DOMINION GOVERNMENT, PROVINCI.A.L AND MIINICIÉÀL ACTLIORITIES, OTHER POLICE FORCES, ETC. 1. Other Investigations . 40 2. 'ArtaIs Of 2, Sand 4 40 3. VarietY of Services ' . • • 41 4. Collection. of ReVénne.... .• • • • • .• • • . 41 SECTION •6--Ncirerutiren, TÉniirroiliÈS 1,HE Yiikeisr TERRITORY: . 1. Preliminary Remarks 42 2. Nortliwebt Territories. • 42 D, etacliments, New Sub-Division at Norman, Barracks and Buildings, Electric ... Light Plants, Dogs, and Dog Feed, Duties, Mining, Transportation, Civil Cases, . Patrols, Interesting old records, Visit of. His Excellency the, Gervérnor Génerarto the NorthWest Territories 42 3. Yukon Territory • 45 Tourists, Air Services, Mining, Indians, Crown Timber and Lands, Whitehorse, Crime 45 SECTION 7-:CONCLTIDING REMARKS. 1. Distinguished Visitors ' 47 2. Coronation of His Majesty King George VI 47. 3. Conchision • • 48 SECTION • 8- APPENDICES. • "A". Items of interest, notes, and in many cases extracts from reports of Officers. respective Divisions, etc., which could not very well be ern- . Cominanding thé the Report itself, bid -Which aré derisidéréd to Merit bodied in 1. The. Direétor, CiireinallnireStigation. Branch-. .-AssiStant Cernmissioner.. C. H. King,. A.D.C.. 49 2. The Supply Officer-Assistant Commissioner C;D:LaNauze. 51 3. The Adjutant--Superintendent V. A. M. Kemp; 53 4. The Chief Preventive Officer-Superintendent E. W: Bavin. • 56 5. The Officer. Commanding, "A" Division, Ottawa-Assistant , Commissioner C. D. 59 6. The Officer Commanding "B" Division, Dawson, Y.T.-Superintendent T. V. Sandys-Wunsch, • 64 7. The Officer Commanding "C" Division, Montreal, P.Q.----Assistant Commissioner. F. J. Mead, 66 8. The Officer Commanding "D" Division, Winnipeg, Ma Assistant Commissioner R. L. Cadiz for Assistant COmmissioner T. Dann 73 9. The Officer Ceminanding "4". Di-vision, Vancouver, B.C.--7-.Assistant Commissioner R.L.Cadiz 81 1.0. The Officer Ccimmaiiding "F" DiVision, Regina, >Saelc,--Assistant Commissioner D. ...*. .. : . .......................... 86 :11. The Officer Commanding "G" Division, Ottawa, Ont.-Superintendent T. B. • . Caulkin for Superintendent G. F. Fletcher 97 12. The Officer Commanding "H" Division, Halifax, • N.S.-Assistant .Commissioner M. ; . .. ... ......... • 105 • :13. The .0fficer.Commanding "J" Division,. Fredericton, N.B.-Superintendent W. V: Bruce 116 14. The Officer Commanding "K" Division, Edmonton, Alta.=Acting Assistant Corn-. W. F. W. Ha,neock............. ........................ .. missioner . 126 :15. Thé Officer Cernina,nding "L" Division, Charlottetown, P.E.I.-Inspector J. Fripps. 138 5 SECTION 8—A1'PENDICES—Concluded "A" Items of interest, etc.—Concluded • 16. The Officer Commanding "N" Division, Rockcliffe, Ont.—Superintendent T. B. Caulkin. 143 17. The Officer Commanding "0" Division, Toronto, Ont.—Acting Superintendent R. E. Mercer 144 18. The Officer Commanding "Depot" Division; Regina, Sask.—Superintendent T. H Irvine 154 19. The Officer in charge, Finger Print Section, Ottawa, Ont.—Inspector W. W. Watson. 158 "B". Strength and distribution by Divisions and detachments, including members of the Marine Section. 161 1. Recapitulation by Divisions 176 2. Recapitulation by Provinces and Territories . 177 3. Distribution of the Marine Section by Divisions 178 "C". Returns of investigations, cases entered and convictions, etc., for the 12 months ended 31st March, 1938. 179 1. Recapitulation of Federal Statutes', Criminai Code and Provincial Statutes 179 2. Classified Summary of the disposition made of off ences investigated under the Federal Statutes and Criminal Code from April 1, 1937, to March 31, 1938. 180 3. Classified Summary of the dispositions made of all offences investigated under the Provincial Statutes in all provinces from April 1, 1937, to March 31, 1938. 182 4. Return of cases under the Opium and Narcotic Drug Act from April 1, 1937, to - _ March 31, 1938 186 5. Return of fines imposed in cases from April 1, 1937, to March 31, 1938. 187 "D". Copy of the agreement for the policing of the town of Melville, Sask 188 ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE HEADQUARTERS, OTTA'iVA, April 20, •19,38, • To the Right Hon. ERNEST LAPOINTE, P.C., M.P., • Minister of justice . (Minister in .Control of the R.C.M. Police), Ottawa. , - - • Sin,—I have the honour to. submit the Annual Report of • the. Royal Cana- dian Mounted Police for the year ended March 31, 1938.• I was promoted to the ,command of this force on March 6, 1938, succeed- ing the la-te Major-General Sir James H. MacBrien K.C.B., ,C.M.G., D.S.O. who had commanded it since Augnst 1, 1931, and wlio, I very much regret tci report, died on the 5th March, '1938, in Toronto, • following a most serious operation. On account of his robust health and rugged -constitution, high hopes were at first held that he would fully recover, but having entered the Toronto General Hospital about the middle of December, 1937, it was later found that a second very serious operation was essential, and this unfortunately proved too much and he •passed away, as already m.entioned, on the 5th March last. • During his service, as .COmmissioner, of six Years and eight months, he, -waà responsible for much reorganization and expansio 1 and -brought- the ferce up to its present standard of 'efficiency and strength. His passing was ,not only univers7 regretted throughout the -whole force, but having had such 'a long and ,dis aily tinguished military career, he , had', made a host of friends throughout Canada -and the Empire, and, it was not surprising to ,see such whole-hearted tribute paid to his memory from, all parts of his native land and the Empire,at large.
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